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The Kingdom of the Damned

Page 32

by Mario Garrido Espinosa


  Laura looked at him with anger and tenderness at the same time. Then, she asked:

  “Do you not want to know why he lost his leg?”

  Sir Higinio was silent, so Laura told him roughly what happened, remembering who left the baby in the woods.

  “Believe me that since the day I did that I have not stopped regretting it.”

  Laura evaluated her father by looking him in the eye. She tried to find out if he was telling the truth. It really seemed to have changed and not just because of the legion of wrinkles that now populated his face.

  "I'm going to do what you're asking," the father said in response to Laura's gaze.

  The retired military man picked up the clubs from the ground and with the biggest decision, in spite of his limp, he went quickly to where Castagnos was and whispered something in his ear. He shook his face as if he were asking him to kill his own mother, but the retired military officer handed bronze Alexandrians to his pocket, enough to change his attitude. Then the bachelor moved to the center of the square to get on the pedestal of the statue that recalled the figure of the first mayor of La Alpurria del Campo: Sir Florentino “the Tyrant” Gil Gomez de Mendoza. It was hard for Castagnos to reach the top. He had fattened unthinkable and more than one Alpurrian reminded him, seeing him make so many efforts to climb, with these words: "Benito, you've swollen like my cat, the one I castrated three years ago." Logically, the bachelor continued making little or no grace these malignant assertions, to which, on the other hand, he was already more than accustomed.

  “Sir Higinio Lopezosa Quesada recognizes as his grandson, Irene Lopezosa’s son, that boy!” He shouted, pointing to Matthias.

  People stopped talking after hearing someone shout and, when there was sufficient silence, Benito repeated what he had just voiced. Some laughed at the charlatan, others did not know or could not remember who Irene was, and those who did have a memory to remember her, looked at the boy curiously.

  “Father, do you think we can recover all these years?” Laura asked.

  “I think so, daughter. We must try.”

  “Very good, but everything has to change. It will have to do what I say... Matthias will become a gentleman who will be respected for his worth and good work, not for fear... do you understand, father?

  “Yes daughter... It will be as you say.”

  Sir Higinio would have said yes to his own death sentence if it had come out of his daughter's mouth at that moment. Although, he was not the one from a few years ago, he was not going to let himself be dominated by Laura so easily. His first intention was to return home, to recover the normality lost and after a few weeks would see what to do.

  "I hope so," Laura said, knowing how her father was, "because if it’s not, I'll go again and this time it will be forever.”


  The storm exploded with a terrific thunder that shook the gigantic Joseph The Bull. Night Skin did not flinch. He did not seem to be aware of what was happening on the outside of those four walls that had been scrapped.

  “Oh no! Replied Joseph, trying in vain to console her. “You know that the sailor you fell in love with was English and this man was a Gurracamese. He told me!”

  The roof of the hut began to pierce through some places. A branch torn from the roots of some nearby tree entered through one of the little windows, crashing against the opposite wall. To the Bull the storm was making him very nervous and even trembling. Night Skin remained imperturbable like a dead man.

  “React at once, damn! Joseph continued, trying to wiggle her like a wink. “This poor devil never stepped on your island. As much as it seemed, you know perfectly well that it was not that James Trent. I tell you that this bastard was from Gurracam and his name was Mario.”

  Night Skin raised her head slightly and with her eyes waterlogged and the most infinite expression of sadness that a face can show she said:

  "It was my James." She lowered her voice until she could hardly hear it; “and now he is dead.”

  On the outside the drops of water fell with fury on the earth.


  In the mansion, other voices than Sir Higinio’s increasingly pitiful voice were heard again. In Laura's old room, Matthias tried to get used to the relative softness of the old mattress on the bed that had witnessed the childhood dreams of Sir Higinio’s younger daughter. As if everything invited to return to those distant moments Laura, sitting next to him, sang to Matthias the song of "The Princess Tree" as well as when she was a fifteen-year-old girl.

  Many years passed

  and the Kings fell ill.

  Many years they harbored

  and the Gods decided

  Take them to the heavens.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  There was a big problem:

  In the Kingdom there was no heir.

  It was what was anxiously waiting for

  a perverse distant descendant

  of the dynasty of the buried Kings.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  Soon it was the ruined crowned

  and obeyed their ruinous dictates.

  He was now the boss

  man, of evil acts,

  besides vengeful and ruthless.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  It was the first thing he ordered:

  The magical princess tree cut.

  Not happy with what had done,

  He sent the tree in a thousand pieces

  and on the outskirts of the palace scatter.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  And they say that the oldest ones count

  that a laborer of this realized

  and the bits that were already withering

  took a root, the least damaged,

  and next to his house was planted

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  Laura thought that Matthias had fallen asleep and making as little noise as possible began to leave.

  "I'm not asleep," the boy protested.

  “It's late. We will bother your grandfather...”

  "Please, finish the song," he begged, while completely ignoring any reference to that strange old man he knew nothing about.

  “If you've heard it a hundred times... You already know the end.”

  “Please... If there is very little left.”

  “It's okay."

  He received all kinds of care.

  Nothing was neglected.

  The water was not spared

  and although revive he wanted

  the small root died.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  All the other peasants, knowing,

  they did what they could to see

  to the princess tree which was,

  but nothing got

  with everything they did.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  The reign had to be short

  of the wicked King evil.

  The one that the real food cooked,

  so much injustice did not hold

  and the real food poisoned.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  Nobody to the infamous King wept

  because nobody in life respected.

  When he was already buried

  in that little root

  a blue and gray flower was opened

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  The tree began to grow

  and everyone could see it.

  In a short time, it was

  how it was at the beginning

  and so, it remained

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  Sir Higinio listened furtively in the hall. He was very happy and really smiled for the first time in many years. Despite all the atrocities committed throughout his life, fate seemed to reserve all happiness for the end of his days. It was not fair, but it was.

time passed

  and the tree in two broke.

  What he kept inside

  It came out slowly.

  He had a beautiful human form.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  She was the perfect and beautiful princess

  that after his period of plant prey

  in its original form it was transformed.

  The tree closed again

  and there he saw fit to stay.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.

  Soon the princess was crowned

  and throughout the acclaimed Kingdom.

  The happy Queen will pass

  the rest of life that he had left

  in peace and unlimited joy.

  And the princess was not crying anymore.



  n times of our good King Bartholomew III, sovereign of the very noble Kingdom of Gurracam, an emissary arrived at the devout and very unique village of La Alpurria del Campo. He was accompanied by two Sheriff’s Guards, carrying royal banners and other pavilions that many doors had to open in such a long and dangerous journey. The mission of the scribe was to give news about Sir Higinio Lopezosa Quesada, former captain of the Royal Sheriffs Guards of St. Josafar, capital and first city of the Kingdom, being the sought noble gentleman and appreciated person of our beloved sovereigns; especially from His Majesty Queen Engrace, nicknamed "The One-eyed".

  For years the mystery of the report presented by the emissary to its graceful majesties has been a mystery, recently some files have been discovered in the Cathedral of Baruc and Ezequiel Royal Library, next to the central and popular street of the Arriería de St. Josafar. In the absence of better references, we have to conclude that what concerns these notes are part of the dispatch that the scribe presented at the palace and, therefore, the only thing that we have today of the legendary interview with the remembered Sir from La Alpurria .

  Here is the transcript of what was found in the library, dated one year and three months before the terrible events that occurred to the Lopezosa Quesada family, according to what was said, due to the clumsiness and bad behavior of the so-called Mario Toulon, a nefarious subject of our Kingdom, may God forgive. Of the ignoble wanderings of the aforementioned, as well as of the fate of Sir Higinio’s daughters and himself after the aforementioned event, there is plenty of news in the novel entitled "The Kingdom of the Damned", composed, it is said, by a charlatan of office minstrel whose name no longer matters.

  (First sheet, numbered "II")

  Are you married? No. I was. With my dear Scholastic Eugenia.

  What happened? Died. Actually, she was killed.

  I understand that the murder you alluded to was never proven. What can you tell us about it? That she was poisoned by a son of a bad mother who had sworn her to me when I was the Sheriffs Guards captain. He and all his ilk, damn everyone. But God lives, I did justice before I secluded myself in this town. I hope to see you in Hell, to do it again a thousand times.

  Will you marry again? No. I will never find anyone like my beloved wife. And less in this damned place full of ignorant and ugly women like pigs.

  Do you have children? Yes. Two daughters.

  There is said that your daughter, Irene, has participated in orgies and other impure acts for years, that she is violent and has beaten mothers and wives of the men she goes to bed with; and other misdeeds that seem to be silent in this town out of fear. What do you have to say about all this? Why do you ask me if I have daughters when you already know? Listen to me well, do not play with me or you will regret it. As for what you say about my daughter Irene, you will have to prove it and even then may not come out alive from here as continue with your insinuations. It gives me exactly the same if you are accompanied by two soldiers or endorsed by the King. I hope you understand my words well. In any case, my daughter’s education is my thing and I assure you that soon I will do something that will turn her into a saint, but I will not tell you what.

  And can you tell us about Laura? Laura is as pure as her mother. She’s an angel. I hope the damned people of this Kingdom do not end up becoming her the same as everyone...

  (Second sheet, numbered "III")

  In your time as a Sheriff's Guard in St. Josafar, what was your greatest glory? I was the best captain of the Sheriffs of my time. The city was perfectly controlled under my command. Maintaining that order with an iron hand was my greatest glory. God knows what the city will have become without my control, without my methods...

  Apparently, many abuses were committed in you time as a soldier, is that true? I do not consent to the spread of such slander. There were no abuses, only justice, iron hand, order... No one ever questioned him and, the least, His Majesty the King.

  Certain groups of citizens complained then of being vexed by the men under your command. Are they lying? Of course. Certain groups of citizens? You mean criminals, murderers, riffraff...

  It is said that you took justice into your own hands, even with women and children. What is true? Crime has no age or gender. Making those distinctions are what lead to the ruin of weak and stupid people like you. I do not understand how His Majesty has sent a guy of his ilk to my house. What do you expect? Offender? Well, be careful...

  (Third sheet, numbered "V", burned in half)

  What do you do here in the Alpurria? I have land and rent it for farming.

  There is talk of beatings of peasants, violations of their women... and you and your men are accused of these excesses. What do you have to say? My men have the mission to watch that the people who work my lands do not steal from me. They are effective, and they have my confidence. Their methods do not concern me. Ask them, if you dare...

  The other day a crucified peasant appeared and dressed as a scarecrow in one of your fields. Has this event been investigated? I do not know what you are talking about.

  Why the Holy Inquisition does not enter this town? I ignore it. Ask the Chief Arbiter on his return to St. Josafar.

  (Fourth sheet, numbered "VIII")

  It is said that you have dealings with the pirates who anchor in Guardamar del Delta. Is it true? Of course not. Where do you get all these infundia?

  You are associated with a sorceress from a nearby town. They say she is a witch. Do you also deny it? That is also false. I've never been with a woman like that.

  However, there are witnesses who have seen you with her. I do not know who has informed you of all these hoaxes, but I will find out and settle accounts. You will see... Tell this also to the King.

  (From here on the ink of this file has suffered humidity and is unintelligible).

  (Fifth and last sheet, numbered "XI")

  What projects do you intend to undertake in the future? I will take all the lands of the region. Laura will inherit everything and become the greatest landowner of the Kingdom.

  And why not Irene, who is your eldest daughter? I already told you that for Irene I have another destination in mind...

  Will you return to St. Josafar? I won’t.

  Which is the reason? The reasons do not concern you. If His Majesty wants to know more about me, he will have to come in person. Here your questions end. Take your damn escort and leave my house. You will do well not to appear again in The Alpurria, otherwise...

  (End of the interview)

  While waiting for the present transcript to be of help in the knowledge of this authentic history, we attest to the veracity of the files presented and what is said in them, in St. Josafar, fifteen days of the month of January and seven hundred and thirty-four years, during the reign of our good King Wenceslao the Fourth, nicknamed "The Cynic".

  T H E E N D

  Author’s brief biography:

  Born in Madrid in 1972, he is a Technical Engineer in Computer Systems from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. In the labor field, he has been part of several IT projects for different companies and the Ministry of Defense. Despite his training and activity in the techn
ical field, his passion is literature, writing various stories ("Merry Christmas ... or not") and travel stories ("The journeys of the turn of the century"). In Social Networks has managed to have some echo thanks to his story "Love of computer consultant" (published in the literary magazine, Almiar on 08/18/2016) and the series "Premature Nostalgia." His most ambitious works, so far, are the adventure novel "The Kingdom of the Damned" and the computer world contemporary novel "The Synergies of Marcio ".




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