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Bolax, Imp or Angel—Which?

Page 4

by Lester Chadwick



  Great preparations were made for Amy's seventh birthday. Uncle Dick, whowas an electrician, sent a number of portable electric lamps to help inthe decorations.

  Aunt Lucy proposed having tableaux and pieces for the eveningentertainment, as a welcome home to Papa Allen, who was expected soon toreturn from his Western trip.

  Amy wanted everything arranged in "sevens," as she expressed it. So sheinvited seven girls and seven boys and seven grown up people. There wereto be seven kinds of candy and cakes, etc., and Mamma and Aunt Lucyworked with all their hearts to make Amy's seventh birthday anever-to-be-forgotten pleasure.

  It was agreed that every eatable which was set on the table for thechildren, should be made at home, so Miss Sweetwood, who was an expertin candy making, came to spend a week, and devoted her time to themanufacture of all manner of dainty bonbons.

  Aunt Lucy and Hetty took charge of the cooking, and the birthday cakecame from their hands a most beautiful, as well as delicious,confection. There were seven sugar ornaments made like sconces to holdthe candles, the one in the centre resembling a white lily, was for ablessed candle; Mrs. Allen always managed to smuggle a pious thoughtinto every act connected with the children.

  Two days before the party, Papa Allen arrived, bringing a present forAmy, which was received with wildest shouts of delight from bothchildren, but was not so welcome to the grown-up members of the family,viz.--A goat.

  Hetty came to bid a "welcome home" with the rest of the family, but heldup her hands when she saw the new arrival and exclaimed. "Fo' de land'ssake! Massa Allen, you done brought a match for Bolax now, for sure."

  Early on the morning of the twenty-first, before anyone else in thehouse thought of stirring, Bo's eyes were wide open.

  A robin perched on a bough of an apple tree just outside the window, wassinging his merriest, the sun was shining straight into the room andupon Bo's crib. "Guess that sun woke me up," said he, watching withdelight the bright beams as they glanced and shimmered about the wallsand over the carpet. "When it gets to Mamma's bed it will wake her uptoo." "Oh! I'm so tired waiting." Then jumping out of his crib, he ranover to Amy's bed, and sang out. "One, two, three, four, five, six,seven. Hurrah! for your birthday, sister." Amy rubbed her eyes, andhaving made the sign of the cross, for she never forgot to give herfirst thought to God, was ready to join Bolax in hurrahing for theanticipated pleasures of the day.

  First of all, the goat was remembered, and scarcely waiting to dress,both children ran to play with the new pet.

  For a short time Bo allowed Amy to enjoy her present, but soon he beganto tease, and would not let her lead the goat where she pleased.

  "It's my own pet!" cried she, "Papa brought it to me." "Well," said Bo,"you might let me have a lend of it." "Yes, but you take such a longlend, and you are so cruel," and Amy tried to pull the goat away, but Boheld on, screaming and getting into a temper.

  Papa heard the noise and called out to know the cause of thedisturbance. "Papa," said the gentle little girl, "I am willing to letBo have Nanny for a long time, but he won't give me a chance to playwith her at all, and he's tormenting the poor thing, making Don bark ather, just to see her try to butt."

  Aunt Lucy ran out to settle the dispute. Just then the breakfast bellrang and Nanny was left in peace. After breakfast Mamma recommended thechildren not to tire themselves, as the party would begin at fouro'clock in the afternoon, and they must be ready to receive their littlefriends and help to amuse them. But nothing would induce Bo to give upplaying with the goat, at dinner time he was still taking "one more lendof her."

  Gentle Amy, who generally gave up to her little brother, could not helpfeeling sorry for the unfortunate animal, and begged to have it sent tothe stable.

  "Bo, dear," said Aunt Lucy, "do let poor Nanny rest a while, you havenot given her time to eat today." "Why Auntie she's had lots to eat. Igave her two of my handkerchiefs, and one of Amy's, and she ate them up,but she seems not to like colored handkerchiefs, for I gave her one ofHetty's, and she just took a bite, then spit it out."

  Hetty happened to come to the pump just as Bo was showing thehandkerchief, and she fairly screamed when she saw it.

  "For de land's sake! you Bolax. Look what you been a doin'. Here's mybest Bandanna half chewed up by dat goat." "Well, Hetty, you told megoats like to eat clothes, and I thought your bandanna would taste goodto Nanny, because it is so pretty, but she didn't like it."

  "Oh, you just shut up, you bad boy: you is made up of mischief; you'bones is full of it. Clar to goodness, I never was so put upon, no time,no whars."

  Bo was very much surprised at Hetty's outburst of anger and looked quitefrightened, he offered to give her all the pennies in his bank to buy anew bandanna, but she would not be pacified, and still continued toscold.

  "Hetty, dear," said the little culprit, "please don't speak so hard, ithurts my heart." But angry Hetty continued with: "You certainly is oneof dem. Massa Bo, you'se done so much mischief dis here day, and it'sMiss Amy's birthday too; if I was you I'd go to de Oritey and pray degood Lord to hold you in, if He kin, just for de rest of dis day. I'seafraid you g'wine to spile all de fun dis arternoon by some of your fooltricks."

  Bo seeing Hetty was determined to remain angry, ran off to escapefurther scolding. When he was gone Aunt Lucy told Hetty she must blameherself for the loss of her handkerchief, as she had told the childabout the calves and goats feeding on such things. "You see, Hetty, asyet Bo does not know what an untruth means, and cannot distinguishbetween joke and earnest, he firmly believes all that grown up peopletell him, and I have no doubt, thought that he was giving a daintymorsel to the goat, when he offered her your best bandanna."

  "Oh you! Miss Lucy, you always takes up for dat boy."

  "Yes, and there's some one else, 'takes up' for him, sometimes, and hername is Hetty."

  At three o'clock Mamma and Aunt Lucy dressed the children. Amy was asusual in blue and white, for she had been consecrated to the BlessedVirgin, from the time she was a baby. Her dress for the occasion wasvery beautiful, trimmed with soft laces, a present from her Godmother,and she looked like a little princess, with her long golden curls anddark eyes.

  Bo wore his black velvet kilt, with a large lace collar, and the sweetlittle face, peeping out from beneath his crown of curls, might havebeen taken for something angelic, if one did not get a glimpse of hismischievous gray eye.

  Promptly at four, the children trooped in; Amy did the honors in a mostcharming manner, and Bo amused the boys by showing them his numerouspets. Games of all kinds were played, and judging from the laughter andnoise, Amy's guests were having what is called "a good time."

  Never was there a more glorious twenty-first of June; the sky was soblue and bright, not the least bit of a cloud was to be seen, the airwas balmy and entirely free from dampness, so the table for the childrenwas set under the trees on the lawn. A snowy white cloth was spread andplaces arranged for fourteen. Before each cover was a pretty boxcontaining candied fruit, to each box was attached a card with thesewords in gilt letters: From Amy to her friends; this was to be carriedhome as a souvenir. In the centre of the table the birthday cake stoodon a bank of red and white roses. These bouquets of flowers were placedbetween pyramids of ice cream and mounds of toothsome dainties.Delicious white and red and pink raspberries were served on platesresembling green leaves.

  As the clock struck six, the children were called to take their placesat the table, but just as they were seated, who should walk up thegarden path, but Father Leonard, the dearest friend of the family. Mr.and Mrs. Allen hastened to greet him: "Well, well," said he, "what isall this?" Amy ran to welcome her favorite and told him it was herbirthday party. "Now my little daughter," said the good father. "I feelvery much slighted at not receiving an invitation." "Oh!" replied thelittle lady, "please do not be offended, but come sit at the head of thetable and ask blessing on my feast." This the good father did mostjoyfully, and when the youn
gsters were seated, every one showed hisappreciation of the good things by the dispatch with which the platterswere cleared. Aunt Lucy's famous drop cakes disappeared in such numbers,that some of the Mammas began to fear they would have to nurse cases ofindigestion.

  At length the time came to cut the birthday cake. The seven candles uponit had remained lighted during the repast and Mr. Allen put them outbefore dividing it; he was just going to extinguish the last one, whenMaster Bo jumped on the table, regardless of all propriety, and criedout, "Oh, Papa, let me blow out the middle candle, that is a blessed oneand I want to breathe the holy smoke."

  There was a hearty laugh at this and Father Leonard enjoyed the jokemore than any one. When he could manage to speak after the hilarity hadsubsided he asked: "Bo, why did you want to breathe the holy smoke?""Because," answered the boy, "Hetty says the mischief spirit is in me,and I wanted to smoke it out." Again there was an outburst of laughter,although only the older folks understood the wit of Bo's remark.

  After supper the children prepared for the entertainment. Those who wereto speak or sing went with Aunty Lucy and Miss May to have some lastfinishing touches put to their toilet, and make sure they rememberedtheir pieces.

  The end of the piazza had been arranged as a stage. Three large Japanesescreens formed a back ground and an arch of white climbing roses andhoney suckles served instead of a drop curtain. Groups of electric lampshad been placed so as to have the light fall directly on the littleactors. Chairs and benches for the audience were arranged on the lawnjust opposite the arch. At half past eight o'clock, it was sufficientlydark to bring out the illumination on the piazza, so the show began.

  The first scene represented Amy seated on a chair, which was draped withgilt paper, festooned with flowers and resembled a veritable goldenthrone. From behind the scene came seven children carrying flowers andsinging:

  We come, we come from hill and dell To welcome her we love so well. We come on wings of silver light, For 'tis our Amy's festal night. We bring her from our fairy bowers Tiny buds and opening flowers, In mystic language they all shall tell We love our darling Amy well.

  Then one of the little girls placed a crown of Lilies of the Valley onthe little queen's head, and the other children laid their flowers ather feet.

  This was a total surprise to Amy, for the children had been told not tolet her know they were learning the song; her sweet face was a studywhile she received the homage of her little friends, but she was equalto the occasion, and rising from her seat made a profound bow and said,"Thank you! Oh! I thank you so much." After this came a violin solo byAdolph Lane, which was extremely well rendered. Edith Scot and herbrother danced the "Sailors' Hornpipe" dressed in fancy costume.

  Bolax and his chum, Robbie Thornton, spoke Whitcomb Riley's "When theWorld Busts Through." Suggested by an earthquake.

  Where's a boy a-goin'; An' what's he goin' to do, And how's he goin' to do it When the world busts through? Ma says "she can't tell What we're comin' to!" An' Pop says, "He's jest skeered Clean-plum through."

  Second Boy.

  Suppose we'd be a playin' Out in the street, An' the ground 'nd split up 'Bout forty feet! Ma says, "She jest knows We 'ud tumble in;" An' Pop's says, "Bet you, Den you wouldn't grin."

  First Boy.

  S'pose we'd jest be pretendin' Like we had a show, Down in the stable Where we mustn't go-- Ma says, "the earthquake Might make it fall;" An' Pop says, "more'n like Swaller barn an' all."

  Landy! ef we wuz Runin' away from school, Down in the shady woods Where it's all so cool! Ma says "a big tree Might squash our head;" An' Pop says, "chop 'em out Both killed-dead."

  Both Boys.

  But where is a boy a-goin', An' what's he goin' to do, An' how's he going' to do it, Er the world bust through.

  The little fellows recited this with scared faces and such comicalgravity as to keep every one laughing. Amy came next with "Songs ofSeven," by Jean Ingelow.

  There's no dew left on the daisies and clover, There's no rain left in Heaven, I've said my Seven times over and over, Seven times one are seven.

  I am old, so old, I can write a letter, My birthday lessons are done; The lambs play always, they know no better; They are only one times one.

  Oh, moon! in the night I've seen you sailing And shining so round and low, You were bright; ah, bright! but your light is Failing, you are nothing now but a bow.

  You moon, have you done something wrong in Heaven That God has hidden your face? I hope if you have, you will soon be forgiven, And shine again in your place.

  Oh, velvet bee, you're a dusty fellow; You've powdered your wings with gold; Oh, brave Marsh--marigold rich and yellow Give me your money to hold.

  And show me your nest with the young ones in it; I will not steal them away! I am old, you may trust me, Linnet, Linnet, I am seven years old today.

  This was beautifully rendered and such a very appropriate selection fora seventh birthday. The entertainment ended, every one prepared to gohome, one and all expressing their delight and declaring it was the mostenjoyable birthday party they had ever witnessed.


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