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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 5

by Mary Swift

“Interesting.” Constantine said passively. “I suppose it was bound to happen. The new Master Enchanter will probably want to destroy me. That would end the line of succession.” He turned to Lucy. “I’ve changed my mind. You can stay with us as long as you understand that these men will defend me if you try to kill me.”

  “I don’t want to kill you.” Lucy said. “I don’t care about the line of succession in Firesea. I just want to take my brother home.”

  “We’ll go to the remains of Wildbush. There’s a house there that we can’t destroy. It’s quite large, we can stay there until things sort themselves out in Firesea.”

  Lucy grinned. “That’s my father’s house. You wouldn’t be able to destroy it.”

  “He must be quite powerful.”

  “He is.”

  Overhead Rowan heard the sounds of men running, swords clanging against armor. Constantine looked up at the trapdoor. “Or perhaps we’ll die right now.”

  Chapter 14

  When Killian opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a broken gate hanging off of a battered wooden fence. It was a gate to an enchanter’s circle but he didn’t know what one. The last thing he remembered was someone grabbing his ponytail and hacking it off. He sat up. He was in the middle of the woods. Pine trees towered over him, cones and needles littered the ground. Inside the gate were the smoldering remains of the circle. The fire must have been recent, thin little wisps of smoke still curled into the air.

  He got to his feet. Other than his hair he seemed unharmed but looking at the landscape around him he had a feeling that he was far from Firesea. He wasn’t sure what to do. A few feet away there was a rustling sound. Killian ducked behind a tree. A twig snapped. Someone was very close by. Killian bent down and picked up a rock. He stepped from behind the tree and raised his hand. “Come out or I’ll clobber you.”

  Finnegan came stumbling through the woods, he was bleeding from the head. “It’s me.” He fell to the ground.

  Killian dropped the rock and ran to him. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. Someone cut me with a knife, I remember seeing the blade.”

  Killian put his hands on the wound. It only took a few seconds to heal.

  “Thanks.” Finnegan looked around. “Where are we?”

  “Where do you think?” A woman was standing a few feet away. She was pointing a long silver sword at them.

  Finnegan raised his hands. “Sorry to bother you. We were just passing through.”

  The woman stepped forward and stuck the sword in his face. It was hard to tell how old she was, her face was covered in soot. Her long brown hair was tangled and stuck with twigs. “Liar.”

  “We mean you no harm.” Killian told her. “We’re not sure how we got here.”

  She pointed the sword at him. “You can keep quiet. I don’t trust anyone who looks the way you do. You’re from Firesea. They say the fire hairs are the most powerful.”

  “My hair isn’t really red.”

  “It sure looks red to me. And you are from Firesea, I can tell. I saw enough of your kind during the war.”

  “What circle is this?” Killian asked.

  “I said to be quiet.”

  “Is there anyone else left?” Finnegan asked.

  “My mother and I are the only ones who survived. I’ll die before I let you either of you hurt us.”

  “We don’t want to hurt you. We have to get back to Firesea.” Finnegan said. “His son has been kidnapped.”

  Killian looked at the smoldering circle behind her. “Is your mother ill? I can heal her.”

  She stuck the tip of the sword on his chest; he could feel the point pressing into his skin. “You’re a healer?”


  She pushed the sword a little more, his skin was at the breaking point. “I don’t trust you.”

  “I told you, I mean you no harm. I have to get to Firesea. I have to find my son. I’m sorry about your circle. If your mother is sick I can help her, and in exchange you can let us go.”

  She pointed at the circle with her sword. “She’s in there, the green cottage, or what’s left of it. The dirty one, you go first. The fire hair, you can go second. I want to keep my eye on you.”

  With her sword at their backs they walked into the destroyed circle. As they passed through the gate Killian could sense the foreign energy. It felt heavy, like a thick layer of fog. There was something else too; something he wasn’t prepared for, something he hadn’t expected.

  Chapter 15

  Nora banished the Firesea council and set herself up in the council hall with Dante. She was on the Master Enchanter’s throne. Dante was sitting on the floor where he belonged. “You’re lucky I spared your life.” she told him.

  “Nora, you’re not the Master Enchanter.”

  She jumped off her throne and slapped him across the face. “Don’t question my right to rule! Your time is over. You’re nothing but a slave now.”

  “My son will rescue me. He’ll destroy you.”

  For a moment Nora thought she remembered a boy she once knew. The image was gone before it could take hold in her mind. “You don’t have a son.”

  “Of course I do. You can ask anyone in Firesea. Constantine will come for me.”

  “Constantine? What sort of a name is that?” she scoffed. “I don’t believe anything you say.”

  “Then you’ll be sorry.”

  Nora returned to her throne. She was tiring of him. “Hey!” she shouted.

  A ranger stepped into the hall. He was smoking a cigarette.

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  She pointed to Dante. “Take him away.”

  “Shall I put him in the lock up?”

  “Yes.” The ranger’s eyes were green, they reminded her of someone she once knew. She felt as though there was something she was supposed to remember. “Loyalty will be well rewarded.” she told him. “So if I were you I would do everything I could to please me.”

  “I understand.”

  The thrill of power nearly took her breath away. “What’s your name?”

  “Gareth Brady.”

  “I’m promoting you to the head protector.”

  “But I’m a ranger, and a low ranking one at that.”

  Nora glared at him. “Are you questioning my authority?”

  “No.” He took a nervous drag on his cigarette.

  “Good. You will oversee my protection. You will lead the protectors and be in charge of the rangers.”

  “All right.”

  She looked at Dante. “Take him away. I’ll deal with him later.”

  Gareth grabbed Dante’s arm and dragged him out. Nora watched them go. A plan was coming together in her mind. She had Firesea, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more. If she claimed the destroyed circles she could become the Master Enchanter of all the circles, of all the enchanters. She leaned back on her throne and smiled.

  Chapter 16

  The road to Wildbush was an overgrown trail that no one used anymore. Lucy glanced at Arden next to her. She felt ashamed that she couldn’t stop looking at his body in the scraps of suede that comprised his shorts. He caught her eye. She felt her face turning red.

  “I’m sorry for staring.”

  Arden smiled. “I’m used to it. This uniform isn’t exactly modest.”

  Lucy looked over her shoulder. Rowan, Constantine, and the three other protectors were behind them. Constantine was wincing and leaning on Paul’s shoulder. He probably wasn’t used to walking any significant distance. There was so much she wanted to say to Arden but she didn’t want to say it in front of everyone.

  “Have you been happy all of these years?” Arden asked her.

  “No, not at all. First there was the whole business with Firesea, when I was kidnapped. And then the war, then we went into hiding. I never got to- I shouldn’t be complaining. You were sold into slavery because of me.”

  “I’m not sorry. It got me out of Firesea.”

  “But you ended up com
ing back.”

  “I know, but this is different. I have a purpose now, and no one judges me for the way I look.”

  Lucy ventured a glance at his muscular chest. He grinned. She quickly looked away.

  “How much longer until we get there?” Constantine whined. “I’m exhausted.”

  “I can carry you.” Paul offered. “It’s a long way to go.”

  Constantine stopped in his tracks. “I think you’d better.”

  Declan cleared his throat. “Sir, when we have you safely in Wildbush will you wish us to return to Firesea to rescue your father?”

  “I don’t expect there’s anything we can do for him now.” Constantine said.

  Lucy thought she saw a flicker of a smile cross his face

  Paul bent over so that Constantine could climb onto his back. “Thank you Paul.” he said quietly.

  Lucy had forgotten how long it took to get to Wildbush. It was well into evening when they decided to make camp. They found shelter under a stand of aspens, their shimmering leaves made a silky hum in the air as they sat beneath. Beal caught a rabbit. He skinned it with practiced ease while Constantine lit a fire using only his hands.

  Lucy was still unsure of what to make of him. He had enslaved her brother, but there was a reluctance in him that she didn’t quite understand. As it grew darker the air became cool. She and Rowan settled underneath a tree together. She put her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “Are you all right?”

  “I wish I was home.” he whispered.

  “I know. This will all be over soon.” She felt the slave band around his neck. It wouldn’t take anything for her to remove it. She could release Rowan and the protectors, but it meant revealing her spell to Constantine. She would wait until she was back in Wildbush.

  “What’s going to happen to Mom and Dad and everyone else?” Rowan asked her.

  “Don’t worry about that right now. We’ll find our way back to each other.” Lucy said. “We always do.”

  “Is Arden your boyfriend?”

  Lucy looked over her shoulder. The men were just a few feet away. Declan had taken the first watch but that didn’t mean that Arden was asleep. “It’s complicated Rowan.”

  He sighed. “No one tells me anything.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. When we get to Wildbush I’ll tell you everything.”

  “You’ll tell me about the war and what happened to all of you?”

  “Yes, I promise.” She held him closer. “Now go to sleep, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.”

  Chapter 17

  They were probably walking into a trap but there wasn’t much Finnegan and Killian could do about it. If they resisted they were sure to have a sword run through them. Finnegan was going to have to rely on Killian to get them out of there. He had no spell of his own, he was no more useful than a mortal.

  They were forced into the burnt remains of a house, part of the thatched roof was still intact and smoldering. Lying on the dirt floor was an old woman; there was an oozing burn on her leg. Killian knelt in front of her.

  “Can you heal her?” her daughter asked. She poked him in the back with the tip of the sword.

  “I can, but I have to have your assurance that you’ll let us go.”

  “I can’t trust you.”

  He looked at Finnegan. “Then trust him.”

  “Why should I?”

  “He’s the true Master Enchanter of Firesea.”

  “Firesea.” she spat. “They are the ones that ruined our circle.”

  Killian stood up. Finnegan sensed a change in him. “I know what this place is.”

  Finnegan felt a pang of jealously. Killian was a stronger enchanter than he could ever be, and a more intuitive one. Although Finnegan could sense that not everything was what it seemed he couldn’t even begin to figure out why.

  “You need to obey.” the woman told him.

  “I’m not doing that.” Killian said.

  “Yes, you will.” she said. “They’re here for you.”

  There was the sound of rain on the roof. Finnegan looked out of the doorway. A thick black rain was falling from the sky, it pooled on the ground. Suddenly the goo congealed and rose into the air. Three cloaked figures appeared, two men and one woman. Finnegan poked Killian in the arm. “We’ve got a problem out here.”

  Killian barely had time to turn his head before the three figures opened their cloaks and an impenetrable blackness surrounded everything.

  Chapter 18

  Wildbush was nothing but a pile of debris. Even the train tracks were broken and twisted. They only thing that remained was Killian’s house. Lucy ran up the steps and pushed open the door. She smiled as she looked at the wallpaper in the front hall. It had tiny violets on a white background; her father had let her pick it out when she was eight or nine.

  She ran from room to room taking in the smell of the old wood. Remembering little things she had forgotten, touching objects and places steeped in memories. “It’s all the same.” she told Rowan.

  “You lived here?” His mouth was gaping open. “It’s huge.”

  She laughed. “There’s tons of bedrooms upstairs, go and pick one out.” She kissed him on the forehead. He ran upstairs.

  Next to her Constantine cleared his throat. “You seem to forget that these are my slaves. You can’t order them about.” He flopped into a chair and wiped his brow.

  Lucy crossed her arms over her chest. “You seem to forget that this is my house and my circle. You have no control here. You’re lucky I’m letting you stay.”

  “How dare you.” he blustered.

  “I can free your slaves anytime I want to.” Lucy felt confident now that she was home, he could know her spell. “You should pick out your bedroom before you end up sleeping on the floor.”

  He looked at his protectors in desperation. Beal came forward. “I’ll help you.” He got Constantine to his feet. “You’ve had a very tiring journey.”

  Constantine mumbled something and leaned on Beal. Together they lumbered up the stairs. Paul and Declan followed them while Arden stayed behind. “You shouldn’t talk to him like that Lucy.”

  “Why not? He’s nothing to me.” she snapped. “And he’s enslaving you.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Why do you pamper him? He’s a grown man but he acts like a child.”

  Arden went into the front parlor. Lucy followed him. Her father’s jacket was still hanging on the back of a chair where he had left it the day she was kidnapped by her Uncle Finnegan.

  “I think I should free you.” Lucy told him.

  Arden sat down and stretched his legs out in front of him. He played with the ties on his shorts. She tried not to let it distract her. “You don’t understand about Constantine. He needs us.”

  “You are his slaves Arden.”

  “He saved us. When I was first enslaved I worked on a pig farm. It was dirty work; I slept in the barn with the animals. The village was burned and taken by Firesea and I was back there. All of the captured slaves were auctioned off. Me and a handful of others, including Paul, were leftovers, no one wanted us. They would take the unwanted out on a ship. I don’t know what happened at sea, but the boat always came back empty.

  “Constantine stepped in and took all of us. He kept Paul and myself for his protectors and found places for the rest. The same thing happened with Beal. Declan was sentenced to death for denouncing Dante, but Constantine intervened and saved his life.”

  Lucy sat next to him. “Why? Why would he do that? He doesn’t seem very compassionate to me.”

  “He’s been forced into a life that he doesn’t want.”

  “That still doesn’t make it right for him to enslave you.” She touched the gold band around his neck. “If you’re that loyal he should be able to keep you without this.”

  He took her hand. “Just let it be. Free Rowan if you like, but don’t do anything else.”

  “All right.” She hesitated. “I
have to tell you something.”


  Lucy suddenly felt shy. What if he had found someone else? She wasn’t the teenage girl he had last known.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I’ve missed you so much. There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought of you.” The words began to choke her. “I’ve been so lonely Arden.” Tears flooded her eyes.

  She felt him put his arm around her. “Lucy, I’ve always regretted that I never told you this before, I love you. I’ve loved you since that first day I found you outside of Firesea. You were tied up in the back of your uncle’s automobile.”

  Lucy found herself laughing. At the time it was the most terrifying moment in her life. Now it was just the first in a long list. “I remember.” She touched the sandy stubble on his face, the touch of gray at his temples. “I love you too.”

  “There’s never been anyone else for me.” He kissed her. They had kissed once before, but this was different. Back then they had been two kids, now they were two world weary adults who needed each other. She put her hands on his chest and back, feeling the fine ridges of his scars. She thought, somewhat guiltily, that she was glad he wore so little clothing.

  “Lucy, do you think-” Rowan was standing in the doorway. His face was red. “I’m sorry.” He started to leave.

  “No, wait Rowan.” Lucy called after him. Rowan returned and stared at the floor.

  Arden stood up. “I should check on Constantine.”

  “Don’t let him take the purple bedroom.” Lucy said. “That’s mine.”

  Arden left the room.

  Rowan shuffled his feet nervously. “I’m sorry Lucy.” His face was bright red.

  “It’s all right.” She realized he probably wanted to forget the whole thing. “Did you pick out your bedroom?”

  “Yes. I think it was Dad’s.”

  “Does it have blue striped wallpaper?”


  “That’s it.”

  “Constantine says he’s hungry.”

  Lucy took Rowan into the kitchen. She opened a large cupboard against the wall, cool air came rushing at them. Inside the shelves were stocked with food. “Daddy enchanted it. It stays cold and it never gets empty.”


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