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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 12

by Mary Swift

  Dante glared at Killian. “And here is the bane of my existence, Killian Cramer. The Founders must be really desperate to take in someone like you.” He leaned in close. “What exactly do you call the color of your hair? Carrots? Pumpkin? New penny? Rusty pipes?”

  Killian’s temper surged. No one talked about his hair, especially not Dante. “Where is Nora?”

  Dante shrugged. “How should I know?” Behind him the rangers pushed their swords closer to Lucy.

  There was only one way that Nora would give up the Master Enchanter’s robe. “You killed her, didn’t you?” Killian asked.

  Dante smiled. “On the contrary. Nora and I have to come to an agreement. I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that I’ve granted her a divorce. She’s finally free from being your whore.”

  Charles and Dylan both held onto Killian’s arms. It was a good thing for he was ready to attack Dante. If he did the rangers that were holding Lucy at sword point would kill her. Even if the part about the divorce was true it didn’t explain why Nora had given up the robe and where she was. Dante put his hand in the pocket of the robe and pulled out a knife.

  “That won’t work on us.” Charles said. “The knife is a spell and now that you’re a commoner we’re immune.”

  Dante rolled his eyes. “I know that!” He grabbed Lucy and stuck the point of the knife into her neck, a fine trickle of blood slid down her skin. He caressed the side of her face. “You’re in over your head little girl. Bind her.” he told the rangers.

  The men stepped forward and used a ranger’s binding spell on Lucy’s hands. They pushed her into a corner. She could easily break through the bindings but Killian knew she would wait until the right time.

  Dante turned his attention back to the Founders. “Now that your little girl is subdued we can get down to business.”

  “Why don’t you send away your rangers and let us settle this ourselves?” Killian asked.

  Dante put the knife in his pocket. “Why would you want to do that?”

  “This is personal and you know it.” Killian said. “I still owe you for cutting off my hands.”

  “You deserved it after you impregnated my wife. It’s interesting how you and your son are both products of affairs. You couldn’t have scripted it better.”

  “Nora was your wife in name only. You never cared about her. And don’t talk about my son. You kidnapped him so that he could be a slave to Constantine.”

  Dante sighed. “Is this how it’s going to go? We’re going to list off our grievances against one another? Really Killian, that is so tiresome, especially when you’ll be dead soon.”

  The rangers were still lingering in the doorway. “Send your goons away. Unless you think you can’t kill us without them.”

  Dante’s face turned red. “Why doesn’t anyone think I can do this?” His voice echoed against the hard stone walls. He looked at the rangers. “Get out, all of you! I can handle this.”

  “But Master-” said one.

  “I said to get out!” Dante screamed.

  “Yes Master Enchanter.” They went outside. As soon they were gone the door slammed shut. Dylan locked it before Killian could.

  Dante smirked and strutted in front of him. “All right Cramer, you got your wish. Do your worst before I obliterate you and your new friends.”

  Chapter 39

  “Bastard! What at bastard!” Kip shouted. He was looking out of the front door at the remains of Wildbush. “I can’t believe Killian sent us back here.”

  “Close the door Kip.” Logan said. “It’s freezing out there.”

  Kip slammed the door shut. “That bastard Killian Cramer, dumping us here.”

  “A little while ago you wanted nothing more than to be here casting your spell.”

  Kip punched the wall. “He just wants all of the glory for himself!”

  Logan shook his head. “No he doesn’t. Look at who’s in this house, a bunch of enchanters who can’t do a damn thing to help him. We would only be in the way in Darkhill.”

  Kip glared at his father. “You just love to remind me of my weaknesses, don’t you? I’m casting my spell tonight and there’s nothing you can say about it.”

  Logan put his hands up. “I can’t talk to you. You’re just like your mother.” He started up the stairs.

  “At least she wasn’t afraid of everything!” Kip shouted after him. He watched as his father went upstairs. He looked at Rowan who was in the corner. “What do you have to say about it?” he asked sharply.


  “Good.” Kip went upstairs.

  Rowan ran down the back hall and into the kitchen. Arden and Paul were there eating sandwiches.

  “Hi Rowan.” Arden said. “Do you want me to make you a sandwich?”

  “No.” Rowan sat at the table. “Kip and his father are fighting.”

  Paul took a swig of milk from a glass and wiped his mouth on the back of his arm. “There’s nothing you can do about that.”

  “I think we should go back to Darkhill.” Rowan said.

  “Paul and I are planning to return there.” Arden told him.

  “I want to go too.”

  Arden shook his head. “No. You have to stay here. Lucy and your father would kill me if I allowed you to come.”

  Rowan sighed. As usual he had no say in anything. “What about Kip and his father?”

  “We have no control over them. Paul and I are leaving in the morning.” Arden said.

  Paul put a hand on his arm. “I know it’s difficult but the Master Enchanter of Firesea could be dangerous, homicidally dangerous. If the Founders die we all die. You deserve a future Rowan.”

  Rowan knew his future. “I going to be a healer like my father.”

  “Your father became that way because his hands were cut off.” Arden said.

  “I know. If I can’t go to Darkhill then maybe you can help me with that before you leave.”

  Paul blinked. “Are you suggesting that we cut your hands off?”

  “Yes, and then after they grow back I want to cast a spell on them. I’m still thinking about what that could be.”

  “It’s extremely painful to regrow hands and it takes years.” Arden said.

  “Yes I know. But if I can’t go I’ll have time.”

  “We can’t cut off your hands.” Paul said.

  “I want you to. I’m giving you permission.”

  “You’re a little boy.” Arden said. “And you’re half mortal. They might not grow back the way your father’s did.”

  Rowan hadn’t thought of that. “I suppose, but I want to try anyway.”

  “You could bleed to death.” Paul said.

  Rowan was tired of adults and their constant objections to everything he said. He stood up and left the kitchen. Arden and Paul called after him but he ignored them. He went upstairs. Kip’s bedroom was at the top of the stairs. Rowan knocked softly. Kip opened the door.

  “Can I come in?” Rowan asked.

  Kip let him in. “Listen, I’m sorry I was short with you before.”

  “It’s all right.”

  “I’m still sorry. I should warn you, I’m in a lousy mood.”

  “Are you really going to cast your spell?” Rowan asked.


  “Are you still thinking of enchanting a sword?”

  “Not a sword, but this.” Kip knelt down and pulled something from underneath the bed. It was a long knife. “This was in the attic. Killian has all kinds of stuff up there.”

  Rowan admired the long blade. “What do you want it to do?”

  “I want it to kill anyone from Firesea, no matter how small the wound is. It could nick you and if you’re from Firesea you would die.”

  Rowan backed away. “I’m half Firesea, would it kill me?”

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I know, but still.”

  “Do you think I’m strong enough to cast that kind of spell?”

  Rowan didn’t thi
nk he was. “Is that what my father told you to do?”


  “I know something that you could do with that knife.” Rowan said. “Will you cut off my hands?”

  Kip’s mouth hung open. “Are you crazy?”

  “I want to become a healer and that’s the only way.”

  “Are you kidding with me Rowan?”

  “I’d do it myself, but once I take off one hand I won’t be able to do the other.”

  Kip sat on the edge of his bed. “Do you have any idea how painful it will be? I heard that Killian couldn’t walk or talk for months. Someone is going to have to feed you, bathe you, do everything for you.”

  “I know. I want to do this Kip.”

  “Rowan, you have to be a really strong enchanter to heal people. Your father is pure enchanter, that’s why he can do it. You’re half mortal. You might not have the strength.”

  Rowan stomped his foot on the floor. “Why doesn’t anyone believe I can do anything?” He pulled at his hair. “I have red hair. I’ve already defied your mother’s spell. My father said I have his instincts. I was kidnapped because the Firesea soldiers sensed me. I am an enchanter!” He felt tears in his eyes.

  Kip looked at blade of the knife. “It’s really sharp, it could take them off.” He sighed. “My father is right about me. I’m a weak enchanter. I’m not sure I could enchant this knife, but I could take care of you.”

  “Does that mean you’ll cut off my hands?”

  “It’s going to be agony.”

  “I know.” Rowan said. “You won’t tell your father about this, will you?”

  “Not until it’s done.”

  Rowan was scared out of his mind, but he knew it was what he wanted. He looked at his hands and smiled, tomorrow they would be gone.

  Chapter 40

  Lucy let the invisible bindings on her hands slip away. Dante was in front of her rattling on about the injustices he had suffered from Killian. She wasn’t sure if she could destroy the robe, there was so much energy pulsing from it. Her best hope was to weaken it.

  She grabbed hold of the thin silk. Dante spun around. The robe was more powerful than she realized, she could feel it resisting destruction. She tried tearing the fabric. The harder she pulled the more it fought her. Dante tried to pry it out of her hands. Meanwhile Killian punched him in the face.

  “You bastard!” Dante shouted. He wrestled the robe free of Lucy’s grip and lunged at Killian. He hit him on the jaw. Killian staggered backwards and fell against the wall. The Founders stood by motionless as though they had never seen a physical fight before.

  Killian rubbed his jaw and glared at Dante. “I don’t need spells. I can finish you off here and now.” He ran forward and shoved him. Lucy wasn’t sure she should interfere. She doubted that either man had much experience in hand to hand fighting, but she knew her father could take a beating.

  Dante fell to the floor. Killian leapt on top of him. They wrestled on the ground, throwing punches at one another. Finally Killian grabbed hold of Dante’s hair and pulled him into a headlock. Dante tried to poke at Killian’s face. “Lucy, get the robe.” Killian ordered.

  She pulled at the buttons. They wouldn’t budge. “I can’t do it.” She looked at the Founders. They stared back at her. Some help they were.

  Dante’s dark eyes glittered. “You’re no match for me little girl. But I like you anyway, you remind me of your mother. She was a beautiful woman, despite her obvious flaws. The biggest one was falling in love with the redhead.”

  Killian took Dante out of the headlock and punched him on the side of his face. Lucy could see that Dante was slipping into unconsciousness. Killian got to his knees and slugged him three more times. A trickle of blood ran out of Dante’s mouth. His eyes rolled back and he passed out. Killian stood up and nudged him with his foot. “It’s about time he shut up.”

  Lucy doubted he would be out for very long. She looked at the Founders. “Do you have a knife or a pair of scissors?”

  They blinked in unison.

  “A little help would be appreciated.” she said crossly. “We are defending you.”

  “Why don’t you just kill him?” Dylan asked.

  “The robe will protect him.” Killian said.

  “Smash his head in with a rock.” Bryn suggested.

  Killian looked at Dante sprawled on the floor. “I don’t want to kill him. I’ve already taken one life.”

  “That was an accident Daddy.” Lucy hadn’t thought of Maeve’s death in years. She was surprised that Killian still did.

  “Then we’ll have to take the robe any way we can.” Charles said.

  Lucy looked at Dylan. “Can you use the pen to make something to cut the robe with?”

  Outside there was a sudden rise of voices. The rangers were trying to figure out how to open the door.

  Dylan took out the pen and rolled up his sleeve. Killian stepped forward and exposed his arm. “It will work better on me. Write that Lucy is holding a pair of scissors in her hand that can cut through the Firesea Master Enchanter’s robe.”

  Lucy watched as Dylan used the pen. She still couldn’t believe that her father had given it up for her. She felt guilty about how angry she had been with him over his devotion to the Founders. She realized all he had done for her and Rowan. It overwhelmed her. She hoped she would be as good a parent as he had been. She couldn’t wait to have a baby. It was an odd time to think of such things. Her maternal thoughts were broken by the appearance of a pair of giant silver scissors in her right hand.

  Dante moaned. They didn’t have much longer. Killian knelt next to him. “Go ahead and do it. I’ll knock him out again if I have to.”

  Lucy tried in vain to use the scissors. They were made for a left handed person, she was right handed. She looked at Dylan. “You made them wrong.”

  Dante’s eyes flickered open. “Little Lucy is at it again. Trying to get my clothes off Miss Cramer? If you want me why don’t you just ask? I’m sure I’d please you more than that ranger with the scars.”

  Killian grabbed the scissors. Her father was left handed. She realized that Dylan had made them for him not her. The blades cut through the robe easily. Dante swatted at Killian’s hands to no effect. Killian roughly pulled him to his feet; the robe fell to the floor. Lucy picked it up and rolled it into a ball. She could the feel the energy inside it pulsing in her hands.

  Killian pinned Dante’s arms behind his back. “How do you feel now Gavrashelli?”

  Dante didn’t say a word. Smoke began to fill the hall. Lucy knew what was happening. A second later he was gone. Lucy dropped the robe on the floor. “I don’t understand. Why didn’t he do that before we took the robe?”

  “He changed his plans.” Killian said. “He’ll be back.”

  “And why didn’t he come in that way in the first place?”

  “Because he needed to lead the rangers in here to kill us.” Bryn said.

  Lucy leaned against the wall and sighed. “Then what was the point of this? He’s going to win no matter what we do. If he’s willing to give up the robe then he must be pretty sure of himself.”

  Killian suddenly slumped to the floor. An arrow was sticking out of his back. Lucy screamed. All three of the Founders crashed to the ground with the same injury.

  “I am very sure of myself.” Dante was standing at the end of the hall with a bow in his hand. “Now I have to decide if I’ll kill you or not.”

  Lucy felt herself starting to shake. Her father was dead, they were all dead. It could not be over that fast.

  “I see you are having a little difficulty my dear.” Dante said. “I believe the mortals call it denial.”

  She didn’t know what to say. There was no point in begging for her life, he was going to kill her anyway. She tried to think of her own spell. Would it have any effect on the arrows? Probably not. Even if the arrows were from Firesea their damage was out of her control. She had no healing powers.

  The Founders had liv
ed for hundreds of years. How could a few arrows put an end to them? Then again no one had ever wanted to kill them before. Dante was their first enemy.

  He tossed the bow aside and strolled towards her. “No, I don’t think I’ll kill you yet.” He touched a strand of her dark hair. “I can’t believe how beautiful you’ve turned out. I’m newly single you know.”

  Lucy could feel a numbness coming over her. She forced her mind to function. “Where is Nora?”

  “She’s found herself another man. This new one is as pathetic as the redhead. Never mind then. Life must go on, for some of us anyway.” He leaned in to kiss her. She pushed him away and grabbed the discarded scissors from the floor.

  “If they can die so easily then so can you.” She swung the scissors and hit him in the face.

  “You little bitch!” He backed up and stumbled over Bryn’s body.

  Lucy ran after him. She raised the scissors and hit him on the side of the head. Dante fell to the floor. She held the scissors up high and aimed the blades at the middle of his chest. No one could blame her for what she was about to do. As the scissors came down on Dante he snatched the robe and dissolved into a cloud of smoke. Lucy was suddenly left alone in the Darkhill council hall with four dead Founders.

  Chapter 41

  It had been well over four years since Darkhill disappeared off the face of the earth. Word quickly spread through the circles that Dante had killed the Founders and destroyed the circle. There was no doubt he was the most powerful enchanter the world had ever known.

  Rowan didn’t want to believe any of it. He didn’t want his father to be dead. He didn’t want anyone to die. That’s why he had become a healer like Killian. It had taken two years before his hands had grown back completely and his ability to walk and talk were restored. He was thankful to Kip and his father Logan for taking care of him; he could not have survived without them.

  The three of them celebrated Rowan’s eighteenth birthday with a cake that Logan had baked. The next morning Rowan and Kip started off on foot towards Firesea. Rowan was going to cast his spell. Although Rowan wasn’t born in a circle he was a Firesea enchanter because that was where his only enchanter parent was from.


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