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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 16

by Mary Swift

  “Good morning.” he said to Arden. He looked healthy and robust.

  Arden didn’t say anything. It might be a trick. Dante may have sent someone to make sure the enchanters were dying.

  “Are you all right old man?” the ranger asked.

  Arden wasn’t surprised about the old man comment. He looked twice his age, his hair was long and unkempt and he hadn’t bothered shaving in months. “I’m not well.”

  The ranger nodded. There was something familiar about his face. Arden thought he might have known him at some point in Firesea. The ranger jumped down from his horse and pointed at Arden’s arm. “I’ve seen those scars before.”

  Arden pulled at the sleeves of his shabby tunic. “I don’t think so.”

  He looked at Arden’s neck. “You’re a Firesea slave. You used to be one of the protectors for Constantine.” He snapped his fingers. “Arden! I can’t remember your last name. Do you remember me? I’m Gareth Archer.”

  Arden didn’t remember his name but his face was familiar. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Firesea rangers, no matter if they knew you or not, did not stop to chat. “You’re a long way from Firesea.”

  “I’ll say.” Gareth opened a pack on the horse and took out a box of cigarettes. “Want one?”

  “No.” Arden watched as he found some matches and lit the cigarette. He took a few puffs and leaned back on his heels. “What are you doing here?” Arden asked him.

  “Looking for Dante Gavrashelli, the bum.”

  Arden’s stomach felt heavy. “Dante?”

  “Yeah, he took off and the Master Enchanter sent out a bunch of us to look for him. Damn waste of time if you ask me, he can go anywhere.” He flicked ashes off the end of the cigarette.

  Arden’s legs were getting tired. He managed to get back to the boulder and sit down. “I can’t stand for very long.”

  Gareth tossed his cigarette away. “Sorry, I should have known. When I was sick I was the same way.”

  “You got better?”

  “I was cured.”

  “That means the Founders are alive. What about Lucy Cramer?”

  “No, no. There’s a healer. He’s just a kid but he’s got these hands and this spell. He doesn’t just heal your body but he heals your mind. He gets in there and shows you what kind of person you really are. I didn’t like what I saw, what I did for Dante. I mean I know he was the Master Enchanter, but still.”

  “You said the Master Enchanter sent you here. Who is it?”

  Gareth lit up another cigarette. “You remember Nora don’t you? She brought the healer with her, and Constantine too. Plus some other nut job. Anyway, Finnegan Murphy was trying to possess Dante and then suddenly Nora burst in and jumped into the circle with them.”

  “Then Constantine is all right? The last time I saw him he was in shackles.”

  “Yeah, he’s fine. Nora ended up with him.”

  “Nora?” Arden asked. He found the whole story confusing.

  “Yeah, anyway there is Finnegan and Dante in the possessing circle when Nora jumps right in.”

  “You shouldn’t have let Finnegan try to possess Dante.” Arden told him. Rangers and protectors were supposed to defend the Master Enchanter, no matter who it was.

  “We didn’t care. All of us were dying. What did it matter? Nora got the robe and had the kid heal us. Afterwards she gave the robe to Finnegan in exchange for not trying to possess Dante again.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  Gareth shrugged. “I guess she wants to take out her own revenge on him.”

  Arden never imagined that there was so much happening in Firesea. “Were you there when Dante destroyed Darkhill?”

  “He didn’t destroy Darkhill.”

  “I’ve been there every day for the last four and a half years. I assure you that he did, there’s nothing left.”

  “No. He just created a spell to make it disappear. It’s still there, you just can’t see it or feel it.” Gareth blew smoke into the air. “Now that’s he gone I can say it. You’re the first person I’ve told.”

  “You should have told the Master Enchanter.”

  “Maybe. I didn’t think it really mattered. No one survived there.”

  “What about Lucy Cramer?”

  “She was a real spitfire.” Gareth said.

  “Could she be alive?”

  Gareth shook his head. “No. Dante killed her.”

  Arden hated himself for getting his hopes up.

  “After Dante came out of the hall he wrote a poem and made the circle disappear.”

  “Did you go into the hall with him?”

  “I was there for a little bit, then he ordered us out and someone locked the door.”

  “Then how do you know that Lucy is dead?”

  “Dante said so. We didn’t see the Founders die, but everyone has the sickness so we know it’s true.”

  “But you didn’t actually see Lucy die?”

  Gareth tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out with his boot. “No I didn’t. Do you think she’s stuck in Darkhill? Even if she was alive when we left she would have starved to death.”

  “Are you going to bring me back to Firesea as a runaway slave?” Arden asked.

  Gareth shook his head. “No one gives a shit about slaves anymore.”

  “Good.” Arden got to his feet.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To Darkhill.”

  “You can ride my horse.”

  Arden was tired. “All right.”

  Gareth helped him onto the horse. Arden’s shoulder was throbbing and he couldn’t even hold the reins. Gareth seemed to sense his weakness. He took hold of the bridle and led the horse down the road.

  Chapter 51

  It was hard for Rowan to imagine himself as the Master Enchanter. He had no interest in power; he didn’t understand its appeal. His only desire was to heal people. The suffering he had seen in Firesea shocked him. Some of the people were bedridden and in massive pain. There was tremendous satisfaction in seeing them healed.

  Whatever he did he wasn’t bringing back the enchanters. They would die eventually, but his healing guaranteed that they would live for hundreds of years to come. Dante would still win, but it would be a long time coming. It was the best any of them could hope for.

  Finnegan found a mortal car in the storage barns in Firesea. He created an enchanted key that would not only start the car, but provide an endless supply of fuel. Nora got behind the wheel and away they went.

  Rowan had never ridden in a car before. He felt queasy as his mother drove through the countryside. He didn’t know if she was a good driver or not, but he suspected she was pretty rusty. The car sometimes veered towards the ditch, other times it came to an abrupt stop as Nora was suddenly faced with intersecting roads.

  The next circle was Maplebush. It was little more than a few shacks in the middle of burnt rubble. It was a mixed town where mortal and enchanters lived together. There were only ten people left, four enchanters and six mortals. They were even sicker than the ones in Firesea. The bodies of the dead enchanters had been thrown into a lake. The bloated corpses bobbed up and down in the water. The air smelled putrid.

  When Rowan healed the remaining residents they all had the same reaction. He was showing them their past deeds and making them face them. As he healed the last mortal woman she shook her head. “You’ll never survive. You’re too powerful.”

  “I’ll kill anyone who gets in his way.” Kip boasted.

  That night they were invited to stay in the circle. Rowan noticed halfway through the evening Kip went off with the one young woman in the village. Constantine sat next to him as they ate dinner in the one structure in Maplebush large enough to accommodate everyone. As Kip left Constantine nudged Rowan with his elbow. “He gets around, doesn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he always has.”

  “I’m terrible with women.”

  Rowan lowered his voice. “Have you ever been wit
h one? Do you know what I mean?”

  Constantine looked around. The residents of Maplebush were either eating or talking about their healing. Nora was across the room watching them. “I’ve never had a chance. I wouldn’t even know what to say to one.”


  Constantine put a hand on his arm. “Let’s go outside.” He stood up and walked outside. Rowan followed him.

  “Don’t go too far boys.” Nora called after them. “Kip isn’t here.”

  The night air was cool. Above them the moon was a crescent. “I didn’t want to talk about it in there.” Constantine told him.

  “Oh.” Rowan suddenly felt embarrassed. “I don’t know why I asked you that. It’s just that Kip has this way about him.”

  “I was always shuffled around growing up. I never had any opportunities to talk to women. I don’t even know any. I don’t suppose I ever will.”

  “I know I won’t.”

  “You’re only eighteen Rowan. I’m twenty six. I’m pathetic, I always have been.”

  “Mom says she wouldn’t have survived without you.”

  “She would have. I know you don’t like the fact that I’m your brother. I wouldn’t either; I’m not like your other siblings. Kip and Lucy are smart and strong.”

  “Kip isn’t my brother, we’re not actually related. And Lucy, she’s probably dead.”

  “So you’re stuck with me. I’m sorry.”

  “Mom said you wanted to have a brother.”

  Constantine nodded. “Yeah I did. I thought it would be nice to have someone to talk to, someone to look out for.” He looked at the ground. “I know, I’m really stupid.”

  “Yes you are.” a voice said.

  Constantine’s eyes became wide with terror. “It’s Dante.”

  “That’s right.” Dante suddenly stepped out of the shadows. “It’s so nice to hear brothers telling each other their secrets.”

  Rowan felt his legs turn to jelly. They should have stayed inside. He opened his mouth to call for help when Dante suddenly took out a knife and sliced Constantine’s neck open. “You’re better off without him Rowan.”

  “No!” Rowan put his hands on Constantine’s neck. Blood spurted on his fingers and wrists. It ran out of the corner of Constantine’s mouth.

  It was exactly what Dante wanted Rowan to do. Smoke rose around them as Dante took Rowan and Constantine away.

  Chapter 52

  Rowan managed to heal Constantine’s throat while Dante brought them somewhere. When the smoke cleared they were in a cramped little house with peeling wallpaper and a damp smell in the air. Constantine gasped. “I hate you.” he told his father.

  Dante looked amused. “I’m not particularly fond of you either Constantine, but I wouldn’t go as far as to use the word hate.”

  Constantine put his fingers to his neck. “You just slit my throat.”

  Dante looked at Rowan. “He healed you didn’t he? Just as I knew he would. He’s just like his father; he wants to help everyone. It’s disgusting.”

  Rowan didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure what to do next. Outside the house he heard a horn blowing.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Constantine lunged forward and put his fingers around Dante’s neck. His father staggered backwards and fell against the wall.

  “No!” Rowan cried. “Let go of him. I want to know about Darkhill.”

  Constantine released his grip and stepped away. “He’s not worth it anyway.”

  Dante clung to the wall for support.

  Rowan looked at Constantine. “Sit down.”

  Constantine flopped into a chair.

  “You took us for a reason Dante.” Rowan said. “I’d like to know what it is.”

  Dante shook his head. “Just like your father. Why do you think I took you?”

  “So I can’t heal people.”

  “Who cares if you heal a bunch of washed up enchanters? The Founders are dead, there aren’t any more enchanters being born.”

  “Then why did you take me? Because I’m the heir to Firesea?”

  Dante snorted. “Firesea, what a joke. I hate that place.”

  “I don’t want the robe. I don’t care about it. I’ll give it to Constantine.”

  “He’s useless.”

  “No, he’s not.” Rowan was surprised to hear the words come out of his mouth. “But if I do keep the robe I can change things in Firesea. I can make it a better place.”

  Dante curled his lip. “What is it with you Cramers? You always have to make peace. Your grandfather wrote treaties, you heal. We already know the things your father did, including getting my wife pregnant.”

  Rowan was young but he hadn’t been sheltered from the realities of life. There was something in Dante’s expression that he understood. “You want my mother to come and find me, don’t you?”

  “Your mother? I hate her.”

  “You’re lonely.”

  Dante shoved him. “What is this? How dare you try and tell me how I feel.”

  Rowan knew he had hit a nerve. “You don’t hate my mother, you hate the fact that she doesn’t love you. She loves my father.”

  “Your father is dead.”

  “Why did you put a spell on her in the first place?”

  Dante rolled his eyes. “Everyone knows that. I needed protection from Firesea.”

  “But the energy affects her.”

  “So what?”

  “So maybe you wanted to rule Firesea together.”

  “Is that what you saw when you were messing around with my brain?” Dante reached into his pocket and took out a small knife. He lunged forward and cut Constantine’s neck again. Rowan was forced to tend to him. As he expected Dante moved them again. This time to a cramped cellar with a dirt floor. As soon as he brought them there Dante vanished.

  Rowan finished the healing. “Are you all right?”

  “I’ve had my throat slit twice in an hour. How do you think I am?” Constantine asked. “You should have let me kill him.”

  “I have to find out about my father.”

  Constantine rubbed his neck. “We don’t need Dante for that.”

  There was a grimy door nearby. Rowan tried to open it but it was locked as he expected it would be. “I’m sorry about this Constantine.”

  “I should be used to it by now.” Constantine said bitterly. “He’s always trying to get rid of me, but he’s never tried to kill me before.”

  “He’s not trying to kill you. He knows I’ll heal you and that’s when he can control me.”

  “Then next time don’t bother.”

  Rowan shook his head. “I can’t do that. You’re my brother.”

  “You don’t want me to be.”

  Rowan regretted his initial reaction to the news. “If I have to be stuck in this place I don’t want to be alone. And besides, I’m starting to like you.”

  Constantine looked at him desperately. “Really?”

  “Yes, even if you did enslave me once.”

  “That wasn’t my idea.”

  “I know. I’m just kidding. Probably not the best time to make jokes, huh?”

  “It’s all right.” He sighed. “Now what do we do?”

  “I’m thinking about that.”

  “Do you really think it’s our mother that he wants?”


  “Then why didn’t he take her when we were in Maplebush?”

  “Because she wasn’t stupid enough to go outside by herself like we did.” Rowan said.

  Constantine frowned. “If he cares about her and I’m their son, then wouldn’t I matter to him?”

  Rowan couldn’t imagine what it was like to have a parent that treated him that way. Whether his father was alive or not he had no doubt that Killian loved him. “I don’t think he’s in love with Mom, I think he’s lonely. I think he’s angry that she found someone else. I think he wants to be with someone and he doesn’t know anyone else.”

  Constantine’s expression changed.
“He’s like me, like us.”

  “Sort of. He’s been so bent on destruction all of these years that he has no one else. He knows Mom, she loved him once, maybe she could do it again. He’s getting older and he doesn’t want to be alone.”

  “He’s not better than me. All of these years I thought he was better than me.”

  Rowan looked him in the eye. “He’s not better than you. He never has been. How could you think that?”

  “It’s what he told me.”

  “He’s a liar and right bastard.”

  Constantine grinned and then started laughing. “A right bastard?”

  “Yes.” Rowan said. “And I know I’m one so you don’t need to point that out.”

  “I never even thought of it that way. You’re really smart Rowan.”

  “No, I’m not. I just like to figure things out, especially people. When I was younger no one would tell me anything so I had to put things together on my own. I guess I still do.”

  “So have you figured out what we’re going to do next?”

  “Can you set fire to that door?” Rowan pointed to it.

  “Piece of cake.”

  “That will get Dante’s attention.”

  “Dante can’t be controlled.”

  “Yes he can.” Rowan said. “He’s just like anyone else, he’s nothing special. You all treat him that way, that’s how he gets away with everything.”

  Flames began to flicker from the palms of Constantine’s hands. It took a few minutes for the door to catch, there were several layers of old paint on it. Eventually smoke began to curl at the bottom and edges. They stood back and watched as the fire took.

  Suddenly there was a noise on the other side of the door. It swung open, still on fire. Dante looked furious. He glared at Constantine. “You finally decided to use your brain I see?” He pulled out his knife.

  Rowan stepped in front of his brother. “Don’t hurt him again.”

  Dante smirked. “You’re going to play the noble hero?”


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