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Taken In (The Red Enchanter Book 2)

Page 22

by Mary Swift

  “What can you see Kip?” Killian asked. “Are there rangers?”

  Kip used his enchanted eyes. “Nope, nothing. There’s a few deer near the edge of the woods, but that’s it.”

  “All right.” Killian took the pen from his pocket.

  “I hope Dante is around here so that I can kill him.”

  “We’ll see.” Killian wanted to see his brother before tackling Dante, but there was no telling what would happen next.

  “I’m glad we’re all together again.” Kip said. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I missed you too.”

  “I drove Nora crazy.”

  Killian smiled. Nora had told him about her frustration with Kip. “You did your best Kip.”

  “Hey, look!” Kip pointed at the Firesea gate. Four protectors came out followed by the Master Enchanter. Finnegan looked up at the house and started running.

  Killian started down the stairs taking them two at a time. They met on the second floor. Finnegan wrapped his arms around him. “They told me you were dead.” Killian heard in his ear.

  “I was, sort of.” As Killian hugged his brother he noticed the fabric of the robe made his fingers tingle. It was responding to him at its heir.

  Finnegan pulled away. He wiped his eyes. “I thought you were dead Killian. I thought my little brother was dead.”

  “I’m not.”

  “I can see that.” He touched Killian’s hair. Everyone liked to do that for some reason. “How is this possible?

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Come into Firesea and tell me.”

  “Is it safe? You’ve recalled everyone.”

  “Things have happened.” Finnegan put a hand on Killian’s shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re here. I can’t handle this alone.”

  “You’re not alone anymore.”

  They went into Firesea. Killian was shocked at the state of the circle. It was so shabby and rundown, it looked as though half of the buildings were about to fall over. One house in particular caught his attention; there was a milky white film over it. As they passed by a man looked out and pounded on the window, his eyes were wide and hollow.

  “What is going on in there?” Killian asked Finnegan.

  “That’s what I have to tell you about. Come on.”

  The Master Enchanter’s house was mostly the way Killian remembered. They went into the dining room where Finnegan’s housekeeper served them a satisfying meal. It took several hours for everyone to take a turn telling their story. Finnegan had believed for years that both Killian and Lucy had died. “I had grown to accept it.”

  “I told you that he wasn’t dead.” Nora said.

  “I didn’t want to believe it, but there didn’t seem to be any hope.” He sighed. “I’m sorry Killian. I’m sorry for what I did to you when we were boys.”

  “You’ve apologized already, many times.”

  “I know, but when I thought you were dead I realized how much I love you, all of you. I need you. I don’t know what to do here.” Finnegan told them about the child that had recently been born. “I need you to look at her Killian.”

  “If what you’re saying is true then this child could devastate the enchanters and the mortals.” Arden said. “It wouldn’t be able to live anywhere. Is that how all children will be? I thought they would be mortals.”

  Killian suddenly understood what was happening. The Founders had been damaged; their hearts were cut in half, that had changed the fate of the enchanters yet again. “I’ll check the child in the morning.” He looked at Rowan. “Will you come with us?”

  “I want to go too.” Kip said. “I can protect you and maybe kill someone.”

  “All right Kip.” Killian said.

  “I should go too.” Lucy announced. That was followed by an exclamation from the rest of the family that they all should come.

  “No, just Rowan, Kip, and myself.” Killian said. “The rest of you need to stay and protect the house.”

  “You can bring the house into the circle.” Finnegan said.

  “No. I don’t want to live in Firesea.” Killian told him. “I’m tired, I’m going to bed now.”

  They went back to the house. “Do you really think this child is dangerous?” Nora asked once they were in their bedroom.


  He sat next to her on the bed. “How was it going back into Firesea?”

  She took his hand. “Were you worried that I was going to try and take the robe?”


  “If you weren’t with me it could have happened.” She put her head on his shoulder. “I hate being like this. I’m afraid if something happens to Finnegan that I’ll try and fight you for the robe.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “You won’t.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do. I want you to hold the pen for me. I’m not taking it into that house.”

  Nora hesitated. “I don’t think I should have it. I could use it to take over.”

  “You won’t Nora.”

  “How can you believe in me? I’ve let you down so many times.”

  He kissed the back of her hand. “You’ve never let me down, ever.”

  “What about bringing Dante into your life? What about running off to become the Master Enchanter? What about Constantine?”

  “I like him. He’s like me except with better hair.”

  Nora smiled. “You’ve developed a really strange sense of humor.”

  He grinned. “I know. I never got to be myself when I was kid, or with Talia. Then in New Wildbush we had to be so careful that we weren’t found. I was always on edge. Now I’m making up for lost time, and I’m happy.”

  She touched the ring on his finger. “Because of them?”

  “Because of them, because of you, because of our kids. When I was trapped in the council hall I vowed that if I ever woke up, recovered, whatever you want to call it, I would be myself.”

  She touched the ring again. “You’re going back to Darkhill, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, eventually. Will you come with me?” he asked.

  “Of course. I go where you go. Can we do that mind sharing thing?

  “It’s pretty intense. Are you sure you want that much of me?”

  Nora smirked. “I want all of you.”

  “Oh really? Can I interest you in one particular part of me?”

  “Maybe.” She touched the top button of his shirt.

  He reached into his pocket. “Care for my pen Mrs. Cramer? It will make you feel real good.”

  Nora laughed out loud. She pushed him back on the bed and kissed him. “You have gotten positively weird Mr. Cramer.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled her on top of him and slipped the pen into her pocket. He knew he was taking a chance giving it to her. She could betray him without meaning to. He would have to trust that Nora could control herself.

  Chapter 69

  Finnegan had to unseal the house before they could go in. Rowan watched as the film over the walls vanished. The door opened, a haggard man stared at them. “Master Enchanter, are you here to save us?”

  “I’m here to examine the child.”

  The man’s hands were shaking. “She’s drained us. You shouldn’t have come in here Master.”

  “I have to.” Finnegan said. “This is my brother Killian.”

  The man stared at Rowan’s father. “Your hair is very red.”

  “Yes I know.”

  “You must be a true Firesea.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Killian answered. “Where’s your child?”

  “Upstairs with my wife. I’m afraid the missus isn’t doing so well. The baby, she’s taking our energy. I’m afraid for you Master. I’m afraid for all of you.”

  “Don’t worry about us.” Finnegan said.

  They went inside and followed the man upstairs. “In there.” He pointed to a closed door. “It’s not a pretty sight.”

  The child, called Leah, was in a
wooden cradle near the window. Her mother was lying in bed. It was hard to tell if she was alive or not, her body was sunken in as though someone had sucked the air out of it. Her skin was sallow and her lips parched. As they approached she opened her eyes. “You were right Master Enchanter, she’s a threat to us all. You’d better save yourself.”

  “How can something so little be so dangerous?” Kip asked. He reached out his hand.

  “Kip don’t.” Rowan tried to push his arm away but it was too late. It was natural for all humans, enchanter or mortal, to touch a baby. Kip took Leah’s tiny hand. Their skin stuck together as though two magnets were suddenly thrown at one another. Kip fell on the floor, his arms and legs began to shake.

  Killian tried to pry their hands apart but they were stuck. Kip’s tongue hung out of his mouth, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Finnegan stood aside watching it all unfold. He seemed unable or unwilling to do anything.

  Finally, somehow, Killian was able to free Kip from Leah’s grasp. She latched her tiny hand to Killian, his back arched and his mouth dropped open. “Get out of here.” he gasped. Rowan tried to pry the baby away. Killian was struggling to breathe. “Leave now!”

  “Come on.” Finnegan told him.

  “I’m not leaving my father!” Rowan shouted.

  “He knows what he’s doing. Help me with Kip.”


  “He’s a Founder Rowan, he’s not like us.”

  Rowan didn’t want to leave Killian behind. But his uncle was right, his father wasn’t like the rest of them. He took Kip’s arm. They brought him downstairs and out the front door. As they left the air inside the house became charged with energy. It reminded Rowan of the time that his father had healed Arden and Paul. They laid Kip on the ground. Finnegan began to mutter enchantments to reseal the house.

  “You can’t leave him in there!” Rowan cried.

  “He’s immune to my spells; he can come out whenever he wants.” Finnegan finished and the milky film returned.

  On the ground Kip was gasping for breath. “Is that you Rowan?” Kip asked.

  “Yes.” He took Kip’s hand. “Are you all right?”

  “I can’t see. I can’t see Rowan.” Kip’s spell was in his eyes, the child had taken it away. “I can’t see! Help me Rowan. Fix me.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”


  “All right.” Rowan put his fingers gently over Kip’s eyelids. He had healed enough people to know when it was successful. It wasn’t feeling that way. He took his hands away. “Anything?”

  “I still can’t see Rowan. Why can’t you heal me?”

  “I don’t know. It might take a few tries.”

  “Let’s get him home, you can work on him there.” Finnegan said. They helped Kip to his feet and walked him back to the house.

  “I don’t understand why it’s not working. Rowan can heal anyone.” Kip said.

  “You’ve had your energy taken.” Finnegan said.

  “I’ll try again when we get home.” Rowan said. He looked at the sealed house with his father still inside. He hoped he would be all right.

  Chapter 70

  Killian was gone for days. Lucy paced the floors and stared out of the windows. The anxious hours reminded her of the time when she was teenager and her father went across the street in Wildbush to confront Maeve.

  “Dinner’s ready.” Arden said as he stepped into the parlor.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Arden wrapped his arms around her. “Not eating isn’t going to help.”

  “I can’t think of anything else except Daddy. What if he’s really dead this time?”

  “You can’t think like that.”

  “I should go in there. I’m not scared.”

  “I know you’re not. You’re probably the least scared of all of us.”

  “That’s because I’ve seen the worst. There’s nothing that can surprise me now.” she said.

  “Your father knows what he is doing Lucy. He’s a Founder, he’s immune to most everything. That child can’t hurt him.”

  “My father is not invincible, even if he is one of those people.”

  “Your father wants you to accept him as a Founder.”

  Lucy crossed her arms. “I have no intention of doing that.”

  “You have to at some point. We all have to work together to bring the Founders back.”

  “What does it matter anymore?” she said angrily.

  “Then we’ll never be able to have a baby. It will be too dangerous. Is that what you want Lucy? Like it or not the Founders are just that, our Founders. Without them we wouldn’t exist and the more harm that comes to them the more twisted and painful our world becomes. Do you want your father having to deal with more of these children? Do you think that he can get to every circle?

  “And what about mortals with enchanter’s blood? What are their offspring going to be like? And what if Dante, or whoever got to the Founders does it again? What if he cuts off their heads? Maybe we’ll all stop thinking, or our kids will be born without a brain.”

  Lucy began to cry.

  “I’m sorry Lucy but you need to hear this. It’s time you stop being so selfish and start helping to figure out how we can fix this. You’re the first person to rant and rave and point fingers at all of the things that you don’t like but you don’t say one word about how to make anything better. Your father isn’t your personal property; he can go where he pleases. He doesn’t have to answer to you. It makes him happy to be part of something, and you want to ruin that for him because you’re jealous.”

  Lucy didn’t say anything.

  “I’m going to eat.” Arden left the room, closing the door loudly behind him.

  If Lucy were her mother she would have punched her husband. She had been accused of being like Talia before and she didn’t like it. How had it happened? How had she become like this? Her mother treated Killian like her slave. She expected him to answer to her long after their divorce. Now Lucy wanted to be a mother herself. She didn’t want pass on the same ugly traits.

  She thought about what she done and said over the last few weeks. Arden was right and she knew it. She hated to admit when she was wrong. She was stubborn and opinionated and she thought she knew everything. But she wasn’t doing one thing to help the situation. She sat up on her high horse and complained, pointed fingers at people like Constantine that she didn’t like. No wonder her father didn’t ask her to come with him to examine the child. Why would he?

  She looked out the window. There was nothing to see except the Firesea gate. Lucy had a choice to make, she could go on being angry and selfish or she could finally make a real effort to get them out of this mess. Instead of sitting in the parlor waiting for her father and stewing about the Founders she could do something.

  She went into the dining room. The family was there eating. Rowan was helping Kip feed himself. She sat next to Arden and cleared her throat. “We need to come up with a plan to bring the Founders back. If, I mean when Daddy gets back we need to help him return to Darkhill.”

  “Is that Lucy talking?” Kip asked.

  Arden took her hand underneath the table.

  “So, does anyone have any ideas?”

  Chapter 71

  Dante retreated into the woods as soon as the front door of Killian’s house opened. The motley assortment of enchanters and mortals that Killian called his family came lumbering out. Dante didn’t care about any of them except Constantine. He was going to take him away from these people and show him that he really did love him.

  The first two out the door were Lucy and Arden. Dante wished he had a bow and arrow; he would have gladly shot that meddling girl. She was almost as annoying as her father. He did respect Arden; he was a good ranger and protector. Unfortunately he had married Lucy and could never be trusted again.

  Dante backed into the shadows. Finnegan, Nora, and Logan were looking around the base of the house. They couldn’t find
their way out of a wet paper bag. He almost laughed as Logan poked at a bush with a stick. Rowan appeared on the doorstep holding Kip’s arm. It was Kip that Dante had been the most worried about, but it was apparent that he couldn’t see.

  “Someone is out here.” Kip said.

  “Are you sure Kip?” Logan asked.

  “Yes. I heard them walking around.” Kip insisted.

  Constantine joined the group. They looked around, arguing and pointing at meaningless things. “There’s nothing here.” Finnegan said. He went inside. The others began to follow him.

  Rowan put his arm around Constantine’s shoulders. He said something and the two of them laughed. Damn that healer. There was no way Dante was taking a chance of getting tangled up with him again.

  The two brothers stayed together as they went back inside. The last one in the door was Kip who was being helped by his father. As they climbed the front steps Kip turned his head in Dante’s direction. A second later they were all back inside.

  Dante would have to try to get them to come out again. He couldn’t risk going into the house, he was terrified of Rowan. One touch from his hands would show him things he never wanted to see. And now Constantine was apparently a beloved family member. Someone who got an arm put around them, someone to share a joke with. Dante felt his anger surge. That was his son. If anyone was going to treat Constantine like that it would be him.

  Dante walked through the woods near the house. He was busy looking at the ground to make sure he didn’t trip over tree roots, he wasn’t aware that someone was behind him until a knife poked him in the neck.

  “Going somewhere?” Kip whispered in his ear.

  Dante put his hands up and turned around. “Listen, Kip-”

  “Shut up.” Kip shoved the blade in his face, it nicked Dante’s cheek.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t play around like this now that you’re blind.”

  “I don’t need to see. I have my other senses. That’s how I knew you were skulking around out here. No one else could hear you except me.” Kip’s other hand rested on the butt of a pistol he had strapped to his hip.


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