Book Read Free

Bearing It All

Page 18

by Tl Reeve

  “Invite her.” She put the applications aside. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Let’s throw a party. All the other Greek houses are. We should, too. Who knows, maybe we’ll get pledges from it.” Hayden pulled a folded piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Bell.

  She glanced at the flyer and frowned. “I’m not sure.” She looked around. The place, though home, could use some work. Their Greek letters had fallen off the front of the house a few days before. The school maintenance department hadn’t reattached them, even though she’d written up the work order and dropped it off. The windows barely opened, plus the screens had long since vanished. Sometimes the water ran orange because of the old pipes, and the cracked and warped floors were less than desirable, but they called it home. “This place….”

  “We’ll use the yard. We can ask the guys to clean it up. We’ll do drinks and snacks. I’m sure Bodhi can deal with the music. It’ll be fun.”

  The door opened a second later, and Zoe stepped inside. “What up, bitches?” Today she wore a leather vest over a white tank top, and she’d wrapped a purple bandana around one thigh of her jeans. “Why do you guys look like you’ve lost your best friends?”

  “Hayden wants to throw a party.”

  “Way to go!” She raised her hand for a high five then glanced between them. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “The house isn’t up to par,” Bell huffed.

  She lowered her hand. “Do it outside.”

  Hayden gave her a smug grin. “See? We’re in agreement.”

  “We don’t have time to plan it.” She didn’t want to be such a fuddy-duddy, but she wouldn’t risk the reputation of her sorority by throwing some half-assed party. “If we do it, we won’t have time.”

  “Well, the flyer says Friday.”

  “Okay, so we have five days. We can put a party together in five days.” Hayden glanced at Zoe. “Right?”

  “Sure. We can. We’ll do a cosponsored party. Sigma Epsilon Xi and Xi Beta Xi.” She tapped her chin. “You should really have Dad come in here and fix the place up.”

  Bell groaned. “Damn it!” She didn’t want her father to do anything for her. She wanted to stand on her own two feet. Some people had the tendency to treat her different due to her being

  the alpha’s daughter. So many times, she wanted to call and ask for help, but she held off. “Why don’t we do this at your place, Zoe?” She winced at how whiny she sounded. Shit.

  “That’s a negative. Wait. Did you just curse?” Shock filled Zoe’s voice.

  “She’s gotten into the habit.” Hayden chuckled. “I blame all those late nights with Jackson. She came home with a hickey the other night.”

  Bell rolled her eyes, but the heat filling her cheeks gave them more ammunition. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you and Nico last night. Miss I-have-a-mate-now.”

  She shrugged. “He’s irresistible. What can I say? Plus, I waited a long time for him.”

  “You’d also get lucky if you’d give it to your mates.” Zoe grinned. “Dad and Mom are going to freak the fuck out when they see who your mates are.”

  “Shut up about...them.” She didn’t like talking about Christoph or Jackson. It made her uncomfortable. She’d never been the one to put herself out there. Being the “bitch in heat” had been inconceivable to her. Of all her siblings, she’d been the wallflower.

  “Lighten up. They’re yours. There’s nothing wrong with having sex.” Zoe glanced at Hayden. “Tell her.”

  “I don’t think she wants to hear the sex talk.”

  “No, I really don’t want to hear the sex talk. I mean it’s not know...I haven’t done it before.”

  Zoe gave her a dull stare. “Really?”

  “In a roundabout way.” She gave a nonchalant lift of her shoulder.

  “The only way sex happens is when tab A goes into slot B.”

  Bell groaned. “You are so crude.”

  “Would you prefer visual aids?” Her sister grinned. “I bet I could find some of your old Barbie and Ken dolls.”

  Nico stopped on the bottom step. “What the fuck have I walked in on?”

  “Sex 101.”

  He walked to the couch and sat beside Hayden. After placing a kiss to the mark on her neck, he picked up the flyer. “We’re doing it with Omega Pi Delta. You guys thinking of joining in?” Nico had quickly and efficiently slipped into school life after spending years apart from Hayden. He’d never struck Bell as being a fraternity guy, but with Alex Marquez, president of Omega Pi Delta, he fit right in.

  Bell nodded. “We just have to throw it all together and see what happens.”

  “Well,” he replied. “What can the guys and I do to help?”

  Zoe got this dangerous glint in her eyes. “I’m glad you asked.”

  Bell winced. Oh God. What have I gotten us into?


  What the hell am I missing here?

  Bell opened the fridge and counted the number of trays of sandwiches and cold-cut rollups. The gate on the side of the house banged shut again, as another group of partygoers arrived. Is one of these hiding? Either her count was off or the caterer screwed up. She prayed it was her count.

  “Hey.” Zoe came up beside her and peered into the open refrigerator then glanced at her. “We need food. Like, yesterday.” She glanced down at Bell’s shirt. “Where’s your name tag? If we have to wear these stupid things, so do you.”

  “Who the fuck cares?” One-forty-one, one-forty-two….

  “Then why the hell are we wearing them?”

  Bell turned on her sister. “I am in crisis mode. I don’t care if you wear them or stick them up your butt. I can’t make a count!”

  “Easy, killer.” Zoe held up her hands. “Your claws are out.”

  “I’m aware.” She pushed an errant lock of her hair behind her ear. She wished she’d pulled it into a ponytail, but Hayden had talked her out of it. Said it matched Bell’s outfit. She should have added a blue headband to pair with her sweater. “Can you count this for me? I’m so frazzled, I keep getting a different number every time.”

  “You’re supposed to serve it, not count it.” Zoe playfully elbowed her.

  “I don’t have time for your crap, Zoe. Just count the items in the damn tray for me. It’s short, and if my count is correct, we don’t have enough food to cover the party.”

  “It’s just food.”

  “Exactly! Without it, people won’t stay, and we need them to hang out and have fun.”

  “Shit. You’re right.” Zoe scrubbed her forehead and blew out a breath. “Take it all out. It’ll make it easier to count. Maybe it’s why you missed a few.”

  A low growl vibrated from Bell’s chest, catching her off guard.

  Zoe slid her shock-filled wide-eyed gaze to her. “Did you just growl at me?”

  “You’re making it seem like I can’t count. It’s basic fucking math!”

  “You need a beer to help you relax and chill the fuck out.” Zoe got into Bell’s face and curled her lip. “And, if you growl at me like that again, I’m calling Mom.”

  “There’s no alcohol at the party.” She ignored her sister’s comment. What are we, two?

  “No worries. I’ll get Rocky and tell him to stop to get you a bottle of tequila to calm your ass down,” she teased.

  “I am calm.”

  Zoe snorted. “Sure you are, and I’m sugar and spice and everything fucking nice.”

  “Not today. Please, I’m begging you. Can you just give me one day when you are not being…you?”

  “I’m always me. It’s what makes me so amazing. But, since you begged, I guess.” She shrugged.

  “Is Rocky aware of the fact you get off on people begging you?” She grabbed another tray out of the fridge and put it on the counter behind her.

  “Umm, yeah, but he gets off on making me beg.”

  Bell covered her face with her hands. �
�Stop. Just stop.”

  “I got your food count. You have a total of one hundred and fifty pieces of food. That’s not enough.”

  No, it wouldn’t be. Not with over a hundred people already in the backyard and more arriving by the minute. Where the heck did Zoe advertise this?

  “Thank you, Captain Obvious. It’s why I freaking asked you to count!” Bell drew her fingers through her hair. This is a disaster of epic proportions. What am I going to do?

  “Relax. I’ll text Rocky and ask him to pick up some wings and stuff to cover.” Zoe reached into the pocket of her leather pants and removed her phone. “Go do something. I got it.”

  Grabbing another batch of punch, she then walked outside into the cool night air and to the table they’d designated for drinks. Though the bowl remained half full, she wanted to make sure there’d be enough. Zoe followed her a few moments later, carrying out the food.

  “Did you want people to actually drink that?” Nico’s arms were loaded down with bags of ice for the coolers.

  “What’s wrong with it?” She raised her voice over the burgeoning crowd as she glanced

  down at the bowl. Orange and lemon rings floated around, along with strawberry slices and raspberries. If something was wrong with it, she’d rather find out now, before more people drank it or approached the table for a second glass.

  “It’s bright red and orange.” He placed two of the bags into the coolers near the table.

  She quirked a brow. “They’re our sorority colors.” Her tone held a bit of a “duh” quality to it. “It’s how we wanted it.”

  “It looks fine, Bell.” Hayden came up behind Nico. “Go put the ice in chests by the other table.”

  “Bell, you need to pull the punch. It’s got alcohol in it.” He dipped the ladle into it and poured a small amount. “Taste.”

  Taking the glass, she smelled her drink. Fruit, sugar, and juice. Determined to prove him wrong, she gulped the contents.

  Then promptly regretted it.

  She gasped and choked, the alcohol burning all the way down her esophagus and heating her already-queasy stomach. “Oh God. This is a bad idea. I told you guys. But did you listen to me? Nope.” She ran the back of her hand across her mouth, unsure if her lips were numb or wet or both. “Big fucking surprise. None of you ever listen to me!”

  Zoe joined them with the last tray. “Did she just say fuck?”

  She growled again at her sister.

  “What did I tell you?” Zoe snapped.

  Turning to a surprised Hayden, Bell pointed to her sister. “Keep her away from me. Please.”

  “Zoe.” Hayden kept her tone soft and soothing. “You’re not helping.”

  “If she’d just pull the damn stick out of her ass, she’d see the humor in this.”

  Bell lunged, hands raised, ready to claw her favorite sibling. Hayden wrapped her arms around her waist trying to settle her.

  “Go,” Hayden demanded. “Let her calm down before everyone sees her lose her cool.”

  “Sheathe your claws. People are going to notice.”

  Bell complied, and the red haze covering her vision cleared.

  “You know, if you gave your lioness what she wanted, you’d be whole helluva lot less confrontational,” Hayden quipped.


  “Don’t play dumb. It’s not becoming.” Hayden reached up to push Bell’s wayward hair behind her ear. “You need to mate with Christoph and Jackson. The need you’re experiencing, the bitchiness? It’ll only get worse.”

  “How’d you do it, Hayden?” She hated the tiny wobble in her voice.

  “I left him, determined to make a new life for myself. Don’t be fooled, though. It killed me every single day,” Hayden admitted, love clear in her voice. Bell had been ecstatic her cousin got her happy ever after. “Can we talk about this, later? Bodhi is done setting up the music. The food is out. So are the drinks. You need to relax. Otherwise, instead of drawing in pledges, you’re going to scare them away.”

  “Did we get a good turnout?” She would do whatever it took to get those pledges. She couldn’t lose the house.

  “Yes. Raquel is here.” Hayden scanned the raucous crowd in the yard. “She’s over by the fire pit.” She pointed to a spot near a group of giggly girls drinking the punch. “Short girl, all in black, long black hair with multicolored streaks running through it. I think she might have more tats than Zoe. She’ll be a good fit here. I’ve already talked to her. She’s interested. Go talk to her.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Hayden smiled.

  Strolling to the fire pit where Raquel lingered, she glanced around. People mingled, their conversations filled the shabby area, while others relaxed, drinking and eating. For the first time since this idea had been brought up, she could take a deep breath and unclench a little.

  “Raquel?” She tapped the girl on the shoulder.

  She faced Bell, her cornflower-blue eyes, rimmed heavily with black eyeliner, meeting Bell’s gaze. Raquel had style, even if it wasn’t something Bell could pull off, on a good day.

  If goth and punk rock had a love child, it would be the girl in front of her. Random-sized paw-print tattoos dotted above her right brow to her hairline and down her temple. On anyone else, it would’ve looked horrible. But it worked perfectly with Raquel’s dark locks and pretty blue eyes.

  “That’s me. You must be Bell.” Raquel’s husky tone held a slight accent. One she couldn’t quite place.

  “Thank you for coming. Hayden told me you guys spoke, but I wanted to introduce myself

  and thank you for taking a chance on us.”

  She froze. They’d agreed to Top 40 hits, stuff with a beat so their guests could dance. Instead, a popular children’s song about a purple dinosaur began a nauseous loop of sickly sweet baby music.

  “That’s an interesting selection of music to play at a sorority party.” Raquel took a sip of her drink. “Or I’ve had way more of this punch than I should have. Props to its maker. Stuff is wicked.”

  “I’m sorry. Would you excuse me?” Without waiting for an answer, she ran to where Bodhi stood furiously pressing keys on his laptop.

  “Bodhi?” The earlier panic returned, and her hands trembled. “What is this?”

  “I’m not sure.” He glanced up at her. “My laptop has locked up on me.”

  “Locked up? What do you mean?”

  “I can’t turn the damn music off unless I unplug the entire system.”

  “Do it! Anything is better than this!”

  The music changed, and “The Wheels on the Bus” began to play.

  “I’ll take care of it, Bell. Calm down.” He pulled the plug, cutting off the preschool music.

  “I seriously wish everyone would stop telling me to calm down. It just pisses me off even more,” she hissed at her cousin.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  “It’s a party. We need music!”

  “I’ll go get your iPod stereo. It has a docking station. I can hotwire it into the speakers. We’ll be golden.” He closed his laptop and took off for the house.

  “What else can possibly go wrong?”

  “Hey, blondie.” Jackson came up beside her with Christoph hot on his heels. “Your white knights are here.”

  Fucking perfect timing. If everyone wasn’t watching her, she’d run screaming and crying from the yard. Instead she stood tall—or tried to with her petite five-foot-four frame—and lifted her head proudly, walking toward her mates who hadn’t mated her yet.

  About the Authors

  TL Reeve

  TL Reeve, a bestselling, multi-published author was born out of a love of family and a bond that became unbreakable. Living in Alabama, TL misses Los Angeles, and will one-day return to the beaches of Southern California to ride the waves at Huntington Beach. When not writing something hot and sexy, TL can be found curled up with a good book, or working on homework with a cute little pixie.

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  Michele Ryan

  Michele Ryan is an author with Decadent and After Glows Publishing. She embraced her creative passion and co-authored several books with fellow author TL Reeve. Michele has also published two solo novellas. Michele is a lifelong resident of the state of New Jersey, along with her husband and three children, whom she refers to as her hobbits. When Michele is not plotting or writing, she can be found either volunteering at her children’s school or reading.

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