Dawn Arrives (The Second Dark Ages Book 4)
Page 22
By the time you’re through that, book 2 will be hitting the ‘Zon, under the title: Rogue Instigator.
Oh shit, yes… and something I didn’t mention yet:
In the epilogue you got transcripts of Giles and Arlene doing their debriefing for a mission. This is hard to read. The actual books aren’t like that though. It’s just normal prose like you’re used to reading.
[Side bar confession: Giles was modelled on a few influences, one of which being one of my old physics professors who could captivate an audience with any subject matter and is a regular showman and genius. He and I reconnected recently and he’s looking to quit academia. I’m in the process of convincing him to come over to the dark side and start writing in the Ellie’verse. It’s a long shot, but it would be super-fikkin-awesome if he did. The guy is a legend. I’ll let you know what happens….]
Ellie, Hopes ‘N Dreams
As the Michael and Bethany Anne series draw to a close, we’re being asked: what next?
Ellie Translation: where can I get my next fix?
And it’s a good question.
So let me address these as far as what I’m privy to…
The Ellie’verse
You may have read in some of the other author notes (Molly 8?) that under MA’s constant suggestion (read: badgering!) I’m creating a new universe. It’s working title is the Ellie’verse… because clearly I lack naming creativity – at least when scrambling to come up with something as Slack demands a name upfront!
Anyway, after a few false starts, a broken heart and another collaborator dicking me around for several months, it’s happening.
The Ellie’verse *will* be publishing.
I’ll give you an idea of time lines in a moment.
The reason this is even on the cards is down to MA. Not one month into my new writing career he started turning the conversations to me publishing on my own.
Over the months this turned from “have you ever thought of having your own publishing company?”
To “when you have your own publishing company…” and “here’s what you need to be doing to create a publishing company.”
And despite my protests that I didn’t have the physical or emotional energy to take on another project, - as I lay on my apartment floor with my phone plugged in to the wall because I’d been too tired to make sure it was charged for the day - he persisted.
And persisted.
Even though I said I couldn’t.
Even though I told him I only wanted to write in TKG.
Even though we had a tonne of collaborative projects already in the mix: podcasts, series, etc etc.
And yet, fast forward a matter of mere months… and I started to fold.
I think perhaps the turning point came when I realized that instead of having to sit on calls all day trying to teach people things like story, the (King’s!) English, and why social philosophy is key to having something compelling to say in science fiction.
I figured out that I could just work with people I was already hanging with, who were already badass writers and storytellers, and who actually provide me mental stimulation, rather than sucking the enthusiasm from me.
It didn’t have to be work.
It was a game changer.
It went from being a business idea that would drain my already depleted life force, to one that would be just a natural expansion of my own learning and the impact I wanted to have in the world.
All in the encapsulation of telling moving stories.
It was then that I decided that this was indeed something I wanted to do.
And, yes: that MA had in fact been right all along.
So the state of play right now is that we
We’re still a few months out at this point, but I’m so invested in this now, it’s got to happen.
One collaboration is certainly going super well. And it’s proving to be tonnes of fun. I’ll keep you updated in future author notes as it happens but we’re walking a fine line between Fringe Science and Tech-Mag, (Technology and Magic).
This is the opposite of vanilla sci fi for sure.
My own series in this universe is also well under way with book one nearly finished and beta readers already giving feedback on the concept.
We’re going to wait to have three books in a series before we put them out, because as we realized with the Giles series, we need that kind of rapid release to garner enough traction to make the series sustainable.
But it’s coming. If you wanna stay abreast of the situation there, feel free to drop your email to Oz (Molly’s AI) here: www.ellleighclarke.com
Or join the party over on the fb page: www.facebook.com/ellleighclarke
Ellie, MA and their Future: Ranger #2
I’ve just, as I’ve been writing this, realized why MA calls Tabitha “Ranger Two”.
All this time I was thinking that this was some sort of half-baked sequel he wanted me to work on.
And then (like five seconds ago as I typed the subhead here) it dawned on me that in the same way that they each have a number… Like Barnabas is #1 and Sean/Johnny is #7… Tabitha must be #2.
Face palm. Doh.
I’m so fucking slow sometimes. #FML.
Anyway… all this to say, for those who have been asking about when MA and I will be writing together again, the next series we have planned in a Ranger #2 series.
(We’re going to have to talk about how to name it… coz this Ranger shitty-sequel-two-thing clearly isn’t working in my brain. Omg do I feel like a Muppet!)
I’m sure, now I’ve verbalized this internal anxiety, we’ll be able to talk about it and come up with something awesome.
Until then, this is the working title.
It’s basically going to see Tabitha, and her wild child of a niece, Nikki, tell their stories, each separated by about 150 years but thematically entwined. It’s gonna be a challenge, I’m sure.
It’s all first person and very killy-killy with lots of swearing and action. Action of the fighting variety. And probably the other variety too… At least in off-screen suggestions, coz well, MA says that Nikki is very… erm… sexual? I think that was his word.
I get to write the wild child side. (Yup, the sweary, slutty, badass, futuristic version of Tabby-cat).
Needlesstosay I’m going to have to research this area. I may even have to play a game “what would wild child, off-the-rails Nikki do”?
And being in Austin… well, that’s the ultimate playground.
Maybe Austin will become known as my Nikki Ranger days??
Who knows.
Until then, watch this space, stay awesome, and Ad Aeternitatem.
Ellie x
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The email list is changing to something…New. I don’t have enough details but suffice to say there is so much going on in The Kurtherian Gambit Universe, it needs to go out more often than “when the next book hits.”
Books by Michael Anderle
For a complete list of Kurtherian Gambit Universe
books please click this link.
Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:
First Arc
Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)
Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)
Second Arc
We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)
Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)
Don’t Cross This Line (14)
Third Arc (2017)
Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)
Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)
Life Goes On (21)
The Second Dark Ages
The Dark Messiah (01)
The Darkest Night (02)
Darkest Before The Dawn (03)
*with Ell Leigh Clarke*
Dawn Arrives(04)
*with Ell Leigh Clarke*
The Boris Chronicles
* With Paul C. Middleton *
Evacuation (01)
Retaliation (02)
Revelations (03)
Redemption (04)
Reclaiming Honor
Justice Is Calling (01)
Claimed By Honor (02)
Judgement Has Fallen (03)
Angel of Reckoning (04)
Born Into Flames (05)
Defending The Lost (06)
Saved By Valor (07)
Return of Victory (08)
The Etheric Academy
* With TS PAUL *
ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)
Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles
Nomad Found (01)
Nomad Redeemed (02)
Nomad Unleashed (03)
Nomad Supreme (04)
Nomad’s Fury (05)
Nomad’s Justice (06)
Nomad Avenged (07)
Nomad Mortis (08)
Nomad’s Force (09)
Nomad’s Galaxy (10)
Trials and Tribulations
* With Natalie Grey *
Risk Be Damned (01)
Damned to Hell (02)
The Age of Magic
The Rise of Magic
* With CM Raymond / LE Barbant *
Restriction (01)
Reawakening (02)
Rebellion (03)
Revolution (04)
Unlawful Passage (05)
Darkness Rises (06)
The Gods Beneath (07)
Reborn (08)
The Hidden Magic Chronicles
* With Justin Sloan *
Shades of Light (01)
Shades of Dark (02)
Shades of Glory (03)
Shades of Justice (04)
Storms of Magic
*With PT Hylton*
Storm Raiders (01)
Storm Callers (02)
Storm Breakers (03)
Storm Warrior (04)
Tales of the Feisty Druid
*With Candy Crum*
The Arcadian Druid (01)
The Undying Illusionist (02)
The Frozen Wasteland (03)
The Deceiver (04)
The Lost (05)
The Damned (06)
Path of Heroes
*With Brandon Barr*
Rogue Mage (01)
A New Dawn
*With Amy Hopkins*
Dawn of Destiny (01)
Dawn of Darkness (02)
Dawn of Deliverance (03)
Dawn of Days (04)
The Age of Expansion
The Ascension Myth
* With Ell Leigh Clarke *
Awakened (01)
Activated (02)
Called (03)
Sanctioned (04)
Rebirth (05)
Retribution (06)
Cloaked (07)
Bourne (08)
Confessions of a Space Anthropologist
* With Ell Leigh Clarke *
Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)
The Uprise Saga
* With Amy DuBoff *
Covert Talents (01)
Endless Advance (02)
Veiled Designs (03)
Dark Rivals (04)
Bad Company
* With Craig Martelle*
The Bad Company (01)
Blockade (02)
The Ghost Squadron
* With Sarah Noffke and J.N. Chaney*
Formation (01)
Exploration (02)
Evolution (03)
Degeneration (04)
Valerie’s Elites
* With Justin Sloan and PT Hylton *
Valerie’s Elites (01)
Death Defied (02)
Prime Enforcer (03)
Shadow Vanguard
* With Tom Dublin*
Gravity Storm (01)
Etheric Adventures: Anne and Jinx
*With S.R. Russell*
Etheric Recruit
Etheric Researcher
Other Books
Gateway to the Universe
*With Craig Martelle & Justin Sloan*
The Revelations of Oriceran
The Leira Chronicles
*With Martha Carr*
Waking Magic (1)
Release of Magic (2)
Protection of Magic (3)
Rule of Magic (4)
Dealing in Magic (5)
Theft of Magic (6)
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 01 (7.5)
You Don’t Touch John’s Cousin
Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 02 (9.5)
Bitch’s Night Out
Bellatrix: Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 03 (13.25)
With Natalie Grey
Challenges: Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 04
With Natalie Grey
Available at Audible.com and iTunes
Holo Transmission from OZ
Greetings of the day upon you.
Oz here.
Molly has asked me to be the liaison between her operation and your rather primitive earth communication methods.
I believe you call it email?
I am here to act as your interface. To help bridge the gap between the dopamine induced hits as you watch Molly through her trials and tribulations as she takes on all manner of shenanigans.
If you’d like to receive such status updates, please go ahead and leave your holo/ email address here:
As you might have gathered, this transmission will not just be coming through space between our two galaxies, but is also traveling back through time.
I will attempt to send you updates in chronological order but do be advised that occasionally gravitational optics will interfere (no pun intended!) with the sequencing of these packets.
An understanding of all things timey-whimey will be useful in such instances.
Additionally, if you have any feedback for Molly - or her team - do feel free to pass that on through me. All you need to do is hit reply to any of my messages.
I process every communication personally.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
(on behalf of Molly, aka the lady- boss)
Sanguine Squadron 2.0
Sark System,
Loop Galaxy
Ell Leigh Clarke Social Links
Books by Ell Leigh Clarke
The Ascension Myth
* With Michael Anderle *
Awakened (01)
Activated (02)
Called (03)
Sanctioned (04)
Rebirth (05)
Retribution (06)
Cloaked (07)
Bourne (08)
Confessions of a Space Anthropologist
* With Michael Anderle *
Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)
The Second Dark Ages
*with Michael Anderle*
Darkest Before The Dawn (03)
Dawn Arrives (04)
Table of Contents
LMBPN Publishing
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve