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Dangerous Temptation

Page 4

by Scarlet West

  I shook hands and greeted, but I was starting to feel jumpy. I had that prickly feeling that told me that if somebody did one awkward thing – jostled me, bumped me, got in my space – I was going to explode.

  “I need to go to the restroom,” I indicated to Brendan, who was leaning on the bar, telling the others some long, involved story I couldn’t follow.

  He nodded and I trudged off toward the restroom.

  As I did so, I heard feminine laughter and saw a woman in a white dress, leaning back, laughing. I stared toward the bar and found the source of it. A petite woman, with blonde hair done up and tumbling artfully round her face. She was pale with heightened color in her cheeks, lips parted on a laugh. With her curvy figure, soft eyes, and big smile, she was stunning.

  I thought there was something vaguely familiar about her, and I was still trying to focus on what it was, when she walked straight into me, spilling her drink all over me.

  I looked down at her and the blonde goddess met my gaze with wide green eyes.



  I stared up, not sure if amazed or horrified best described my state. My mind refused, utterly, to take it in because it was just so ridiculous.

  “Sorry.” I said.

  I was looking straight into the haunting blue eyes of Reid. And he was dripping with sticky Margarita as I had just dumped my drink all over him.

  His eyes flickered; agitation warring with something more frightening. I shrank back as he took a step forward and the fright won out.

  “Why the fuck can’t you look where you’re going?” he swore under his breath. I snapped. Suddenly, I wasn’t twenty-seven and on a girl’s night out in a white dress, anymore. I was in college, wearing a black dress and heels like Emilia Whitley, the girl Joel thought was so stylish, and he had just run out of gas and told me it was my fault, anyway.

  “You know what?” my twenty-seven-year-old self said. “Fuck you too.”

  He stared at me, his mouth slightly ajar. That had got his attention. I felt a glow of pride come back to me, seeing him dumbstruck for once.

  I stared at him, triumph flooding my veins to see him be the one on the back foot, for just once.

  Suddenly, he wasn’t just an asshole who was rude to me at work – he was a mix of every rude, inconsiderate man on the planet and my ex, all rolled onto one.

  “Yes,” I hissed, triumphant. “Doesn’t feel so good, when you’re the one taking it, does it?” I challenged. “You know what you are? You’re an arrogant asshole. I made a mistake. I said I was sorry. Get the fuck over it.”

  I turned around and walked off, heading to the bathroom.

  When I got there, I shut the door of the stall, leaned against it, and laughed until I cried hysterical tears. It had been so long since I’d lashed out at someone like that, and I had to admit to myself that it had felt damn good.

  I laughed until my muscles were sore. Then I went out of the stall and washed my face. My eyes were red-rimmed and I looked pale and tired. I shook my head.

  “It’s time you went home, Hayley Jones.”

  I turned around and walked out, going to find Ryanne.

  She was standing leaning on a pillar, watching the dancefloor. I could see her expression – she was yearning to get back out there again. When she turned around and saw me, she grinned.

  “Hey! Hayley!” she beamed. “Come on! Should we grab someone and go dancing?”

  I looked at my shoes. “I don’t think so,” I said. “I really just want to go.”

  She was instantly sober. “Sure,” she said. “What is it? What happened?”

  “I’ll tell you later, okay?” I said. “I just want to go, now. I’m exhausted.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Come on. Let’s go. I can call a taxi? Maybe it’s better if I don’t drive. I’ll tell you what. We’ll tell Mom we’re staying out, and we’ll drop you off at your place. Is that okay?”

  “Thanks,” I said thankfully. I felt a bit under the weather and I didn’t want Josh seeing me less than sober.

  I was quiet until we got to my home then, in the front garden, she turned to me.

  “Ok spill it; what happened?”

  “I saw him, okay,” I said, feeling stupid about the whole incident. “I ran into him and I spilled my drink on him. I apologized but he was just so rude. He shouted at me.”

  “Reid? What did you do?”

  “I gave him a piece of my mind,” I said vengefully. “He looked like he needed one,” I added. I grinned then, a savage grin. I had enjoyed that; seeing him so surprised. “Somebody with that much arrogance and attitude needs to be taken down a peg or two. So I did.”

  “Oh?” Ryanne looked interested.

  “Yeah!” I said. “He’s just such an arrogant asshole. It irritates me so much! Who does he think he is? Does he think he’s special? Just because he looks like Prince Charming on steroids doesn’t give him the right to be such an dick.” I was fuming. “It was good to see him get set straight for a change. Really good.” I added viciously.

  She was looking at me. A very funny expression crossed her dark eyes, her mouth twisting into a fine line. I frowned.

  “What?” I ended crossly. “What, Ryanne?”

  “Nothing,” she said, smiling at me. “Just…”

  “Just what?” I snapped.

  She raised one eyebrow. “I just think you might have a thing for him.”

  “A thing!” I rounded on her. “I don’t have a thing! Why would I? He’s so,” I struggled to come up with a word and finally shook my head. “Ugh, okay.” I muttered, feeling foolish. “I mean, he’s hot as fuck but...”

  She just smiled, shaking her head at me. “You see?” she said.

  “Fine,” I said, cheeks getting warmer. “So he’s hot. So what? Like that should make a difference? Not to mention…” I trailed off.

  She frowned at me. “Not to mention what?” she asked. We were talking quietly, so we didn’t disturb anybody in the darkened building. I shrugged.

  “Just that, well, he’d never look at somebody like me, would he?” I said. “I mean, he thinks I’m a mess. Just a stupid airhead who screws up his coffee and dumps her drink all over him.”

  To my astonishment a tear rolled down my cheek. I was locked in my worst state now; all the hurtful things anyone had ever said, pressing down. I held my breath, biting my lip to stop a flood of tears.

  “Hayley?” I felt her hands gripping my shoulders. I didn’t look up. She shook me. “Hayley? Look at me.”

  I looked. There was a fire in those brown depths; an urgent expression that held my gaze, making me take notice.


  “That is nonsense. When people say things like that, they’re talking about themselves, not about you. You’re a good person. Somebody who could say things like that is doing you the favor of showing you how messed up they are inside. It has nothing to do with you.”

  I held her gaze. I felt my lip tremble as I drew in a deep breath.

  “Thanks,” I said. I hiccupped, feeling better. “Thanks a lot, girlfriend.”

  “It’s nothing,” she said. “Now, go and get some sleep. See you on the weekend?”

  “I really should come get Josh,” I said, feeling guilty.

  She shook her head. “Nonsense. I texted my mom and she said he’s sound asleep already. You can get him tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  As the taxi roared off into the night, I tried to open the front door. It took a few goes, but I managed. I collapsed as soon as I reached my apartment, lying on my bed on my back. I stared at the ceiling.

  How had I gone from the spitfire that had told Reid off, to the sniveling weakling that Joel had always made me feel like in such a short period? I hated it. I had given so much of myself to that stupid vision he’d had of me and I didn’t want to do it any longer.

  I thought back to the look on Reid’s face when I’d mouthed off and found myself smiling. I needed to be that girl
more often. Maybe then, I would start getting what I wanted.



  “Just forget about her, already.”

  I fought with myself under my breath. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t get her out of my head.

  Every time I tried to think of something else, there she was in front of me, those big green eyes fiery, red lips parted as a scalding tirade washed over me from them.

  You’re just an asshole. It was an accident. Get the fuck over it.

  I smiled to myself. I probably deserved it.

  I couldn’t help it. The more I thought about the encounter, the more turned-on I got. I had always liked women who didn’t put up with my shit. Feistiness was a big turn on for me.

  I liked women who stood up to me when I deserved it. And yes, her attention – even her negative attention – had turned me on like hell.

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, more than aware of the pressing urgency in my jeans. I looked around the bar. The place was less crowded now, but I still felt quite out-of-place. And the last thing I wanted was anybody noticing the uncomfortable bulge in my pants.

  “Reid?” Brendan looked up at me questioningly.

  “What?” I had calmed down and was just feeling tired.

  “Everything okay?”

  I took my opportunity. The others were all looking at me, and I could finally take leave. “I’m fine,” I said. I pointed at my shirt-front, which was still a soaking, sticky stain. “I just feel a bit uncomfortable. I think I’ll go home and get this off of me.”

  Brendan shrugged. “Okay,” he said. “Need a ride home?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll get a taxi,” I said.

  I said goodnight to the guys and headed out.

  While the taxi-driver navigated his way through the traffic, I leaned back and shut my eyes. My head felt a little tender – it had been a while since I drank and I wasn’t used to it anymore – but more than anything, I couldn’t wipe the thought of Hayley out of my mind. I relived the encounter again.

  She looked up at me, green eyes big and startled.

  That was when I snapped. Seeing her afraid of me had made me feel ashamed. And shame had been the last thing to drive me over the edge.

  “Why can’t you look where you’re fucking going?” I swore. She blinked, unimpressed. I saw her lips drop into an exciting “o” shape, and then her eyes flared green fire.

  I felt my lips lift in a grin, eyes closed, remembering. She had glared up at me, her cheeks red, her eyes dancing. I felt my loins tighten as I thought about how stunning she looked just then.

  When I got to my apartment, I shut the door loudly, then, peeling off my shirt, rolling sore shoulders, I headed directly to the bathroom. I washed the sticky mess off my chest in the sink, looking down at my wet skin.

  In my mind, I was standing in front of her suddenly, my skin damp, not with water, but with sweat. She was naked, too, and I could see perspiration glinting on the hollow of her throat, and those pale breasts were tipped with rosy nipples, tightening in the cool air.

  “Come on, Reid,” I groaned.

  It was getting almost painful. How was I supposed to sleep like this? I felt too full of energy, too tense. And I badly needed to sleep.

  I took off my jeans and changed into my workout gear. I needed to burn off some energy.

  The clock said it was only ten P.M., I still had some time. I tied my sneakers and headed to the basement where the small gym was. There was a stationary bike, a weight bench, some free weights, and a punching bag. It had helped me when I first came back to be able to work out my frustrations that way.

  I taped up my hands with the roll I’d brought down with me and stepped up to the heavy bag. I slammed a fist into it, wincing as my knuckles stung. I worked up a good fury as I did so, trying to exert all my spare energy on the thing. I could feel a sweat breaking out across the muscles of my back as I jabbed and punched at it, extending my whole arm, feeling my triceps start to burn.

  I don’t know how long I kept it up, but, when I finally stopped, sweating rivers and weary, I felt tired and distracted. I thought I might, at least, have forgotten about the blonde-haired beauty.

  I went upstairs and peeled off my workout gear and stepped into the shower.

  As the hot steam floated up, scented with mint-smelling shower-foam, I found my mind wandering again. I felt my own touch on my chest and imagined, suddenly, that it was her hand there, stroking me. My already hard cock strained.

  Fuck. How did I get her out of my head?

  I couldn’t. I kept on imagining her in the shower, wondering what she looked like naked. I imagined her sweet curves glistening with damp, her skin warm and flushed. I imagined touching her, feeling how slippery her skin was, sliding in my grasp.

  I groaned. This wasn’t helping. I was hard as steel and knew there was only one way to remedy the situation. I gritted my teeth and took my traitorous cock in my hand.

  My mind flooded with images of her. I imagined it was her hand stroking me, imagined that I was taking myself and moving into her, imagining how hot and tight she would be as I pushed up into her.

  In my mind, her eyes closed, gasping, as I entered her. The thought made me groan. I held myself and moved my hand a little faster, gritting my teeth as I felt my need building. She was crying out, her body underneath mine, my chest pressed against those soft, lovely curves.

  I imagined burying my face in her scented skin, feeling her perky breasts, squeezing her waist, my cock between her thighs as I moved into her over and over again.

  I cried out in relief as I came harder than I could remember in recent memory. I leaned on the wall, breathing heavily.

  After my mind returned to myself, I washed myself, towel-dried, and climbed wearily into bed.

  I was exhausted and drained from the lack of sleep and the intense orgasm I’d had as I’d thought about my sassy blonde waitress. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

  It was only when I woke the next morning that I realized that I hadn’t slept that well in months. I had fallen straight to sleep, with no visions of dead men and slept the night through, with no nightmares.

  All thanks to a tiny green-eyed beauty who’d told me to get the fuck over myself.



  “Mom?” Joshua asked as we sat in the car next morning. “Did you have fun?”

  “That’s the third time you asked me that, Joshua,” I said firmly. “And yes, I did. I hope you did, too.”

  “Yes!” he yelled, all excitement. “I did! Granny Wyatt told me ghost stories!”

  “Ghost stories?” I raised a brow.

  “Yes!” he said. “All about a haunted wardrobe, and a knight. A knight’s a special sort of soldier, from back-in-the-day,” he informed me wisely. “They wore armor like big tin cans and hit people hard with swords. They were also very polite and kind.”

  “I see,” I said, frowning through the windscreen. I tried not to smile. I squinted my eyes, having some trouble focusing. My head still felt delicate. I had put careful make-up on, covering up the dark rings around my eyes. I hoped they didn’t show. It had been a long time since I’d cried myself to sleep.

  “Mom?” he asked. “Are there real-life knights? And can I be one, when I grow up?”

  “I don’t think there are anymore, son,” I said. In my mind, I added, there aren’t enough polite and kind men in the world.

  “Aw. That’s sad,” he said.

  I grinned, trying to comfort him. “Well, you could be a policeman. Or a fireman. They’re also brave and help people in need.”

  “I don’t want to be a fireman,” he said sulkily. “Wallace Johnson’s dad’s a fireman. He hasn’t saved anybody yet.”

  “Only because there haven’t been any fires,” I pointed out, biting back a chuckle.

  “True,” he agreed.

  We stopped the car and walked up the steps to the restaurant. It was tradition – every Saturday morning, we came t
o Forrester’s Tea Garden and had breakfast. It was my morning off, and it was a special event for my son and me. We walked to our habitual table.

  “Waffles!” Josh cheered, as we sat down. I laughed.

  “Yes, okay. We’ll have waffles.” I felt a bit queasy, but I thought eating something might help. I ordered a coffee for me and cocoa for Joshua and waited for our orders.

  “I want one with syrup this time,” he was saying, reading through the menu. I nodded absently, looking across the room, thinking of the night before.

  I wonder if I could have done anything differently?

  I felt surprisingly sorry for having lost my shit on Reid. Of all the men I’d seen, he was one of the few I’d been attracted to.

  He does have a stunning bodybuilder bod, I thought, biting my lip at the memory, which aroused me. And that amazing jawline and those sexy eyes. But still, that gave him no right to be such an asshole. I thought about the stunned look on his face when I’d told him to get the fuck over it and I felt myself blush, imagining him close to me. I wondered how it would feel to press my body against his, to feel what somebody so densely musclebound actually felt like. To smell that spicy scented skin up close and rub my body against his.

  “Ready to order?”

  “Sorry, yes.” I felt myself flush with embarrassment, seeing the waiter – Mr. Forrester, himself – standing at our table. Joshua was grinning up at me as though this was the funniest thing he’d ever seen. I swallowed hard. “For me, a plain waffle, with vanilla ice cream. And, for you?” I asked Joshua, who had just started enjoying asking for things himself.

  “I want a waffle with vanilla ice cream, and golden syrup, and …” he rattled off his order and I found myself drifting in thought.

  I was just imagining what it might be like to feel my naked body against one so hard and muscly, when a movement caught my eye.


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