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Wild Ride (South Florida Riders Book 1)

Page 12

by Breezie Bennett

  I brace for the expected wash of envy and resentment at their lovey-dovey shit, but once again, nothing but happiness. Maybe I’m not as bitter and jaded as I thought.

  Eric places a beer in Leo’s hand and pats his shoulder. “I suppose you’re pretty tired of football. We won’t drag you outside onto the beach for our dumb little game.”

  Leo lifts the beer bottle to his lips and flashes me an easy smile. “That’s their way of asking me to come play, isn’t it?”

  Drew runs his hand through his shaggy hair. “You may be in the NFL, but beach football is in a league of its own.”

  Leo chuckles. “Frankie already went over some of the rules with me. Even though they made absolutely no sense.” He shoots me a look.

  I shrug. “We had tequila. I got confused.”

  Leo nods at me. “Last time I checked, tequila shots are not actually a valid excuse for cheating.”

  I giggle and feel my face blush at his attention and slight flirting. Drew and Eric rush out to the deck, inviting Leo to follow. Luke stands still and furrows his brow.

  “We’ll be right out, guys,” he shouts out to my other two brothers, who are actually trying to teach a professional football player how to play football. Yikes. “Frankie, what the hell is going on?” Luke takes my hand and pulls me around the corner into the hallway, out of earshot of everyone else.

  “Luke, what are you talking about?” I snap my wrist out of his grasp and rest my hand on my hip.

  Luke narrows his eyes at me. “Don’t play dumb. You are absolutely crazy about Mr. Superstar Athlete. It’s insanely obvious.”

  I purse my lips. “I am not! Also, there’s actually a lot more to Leo than meets the eye.” I peer around the corner and watch him, laughing with Drew and showing Eric how to position his hand on the ball for a perfect spiral.

  “You’re falling for him. I watched you go down this road, Frankie. This exact road. Only he’s the actual NFL version of your ex. He’s your ex with an ego on steroids.”

  “Luke, this is not your concern. I’m not falling for him. I have my walls up very high. You know I could never trust a guy like that. Now stop worrying, please?”

  Luke sighs slowly. “All right. You really need to just find a nice guy. What is it with you and total assholes?”

  I laugh and lightly nudge his arm. “Leo’s not like that. And hey, it’s a weakness. What can I say?”

  We head out to the deck to join the guys. I catch Leo’s eye as soon as I step out. He’s laughing heartily at something Drew said.

  “Hey, you,” he says with a genuine smile. “Come play.”

  I sip my beer and lean against the railing of the deck. “You’re going easy on my poor brothers, I hope?”

  Eric frowns at me and chuckles. “Hey, he may be an NFL superstar, but he doesn’t have the secret weapon of Monroe family telepathy.”

  I notice a hint of jealousy flicker in Leo’s expression. “I certainly do not.” He tosses the ball across the deck to Drew and looks over at me, seemingly unable to wipe the smile off his face.

  “I’m gonna see if Mom needs any help in the kitchen.” I lightly touch Leo’s arm before turning and walking back into the house.

  “Hey, sweetie.” My mom grins at me as I enter the kitchen.

  I plop down on a barstool and pick up a piece of cheese from her appetizer plate. “Hey, Momma”

  She places her palms flat on the kitchen counter and lowers her voice, which I suspect is solely for dramatic effect since we’re the only two people in the room. “He is…something.”

  I nibble my cheese bite and stifle a laugh.

  “I mean…” Mom fans herself theatrically. “I knew he was good-looking, but whoa.”

  “Yeah, he’s pretty hot. Can’t deny that.” I shrug.

  My mom sits on the barstool next to me and grabs a cheese bite of her own. “What’s he like? I mean, you’re living with him for the whole pretend engagement thing, so I’m sure you’ve really gotten to know each other well.”

  “He’s…” I peer through the living room and out to the back deck, where Leo is clinking beer bottles with Eric and Luke and holding up the football to throw a long pass to Drew out on the beach. Even skeptical Luke seems to be warming up to him. It makes sense. Who would fit in with the world’s most obsessive football family better than a professional football player?

  I turn back to my mom, making no effort to hide the glowy adoration that is undoubtedly all over my face. “He’s really amazing.”

  We hear the boys erupt in excitement over something that happened in their game and look out to see Leo and Drew high-fiving and laughing, pumping their fists in the air.

  “He’s an only child,” I tell my mom, still admiring the beautiful, sexy, happy man who seems to already be a part of my family. “He puts a lot of pressure on himself.” I nod out to the scene in the backyard. “I think this is really great for him. He’s so happy.”

  Noticing my mom’s silence, but still feeling her gaze on me, I turn sharply. “What?”

  “Oh, Frankie.” She places a gentle hand on my arm, exuding love, concern, and sympathy all in one touch in the way that only mothers can. “You have feelings for him, don’t you?”

  I drop my head into my hands and groan. “First Luke and now you, too? Give me some credit. Why do you guys assume I’m so weak I’m just automatically gonna fall head over heels for a guy because I’m pretending to be with him?”

  My mom raises her eyebrows and angles her head toward the back deck. “Falling for him wouldn’t make you weak. It would make you human.”

  I take a slow, deep breath and steady my gaze on the comforting and understanding expression of the woman I’ve always trusted more than anyone else. “Okay, I might have a crush. Just a tiny one.”

  Even though I hadn’t even admitted it to myself, the words felt easy and right slipping out of my mouth. I place my hand on top of my mom’s. “But please don’t worry about me. When the season ends, it’ll be over, and all of this will be history. Luke already gave me the whole ‘I need to find a nice, safe guy’ spiel, so you don’t have to say all that.”

  “Honey.” A slow smile spreads across her lips. “You’re missing something. Luke is trying to protect you. He’s your oldest brother.”

  “I know, I just—”

  Mom squeezes my arm and cuts off my instant protest. “I didn’t say you shouldn’t go for it.” She glances out at Leo on the deck. “Sometimes, if it’s not a risk, it’s not worth it.”

  Her words send a tingle of hope and excitement zipping down my spine, which is almost instantly met with the fearful reminder of what heartbreak feels like. I wrinkle my nose. “He might be too much of a risk.”

  Mom purses her lips and shakes her head slowly. “I’m gonna get dinner ready. Now go out there and be with the man who’s looked at you in here about twelve times in the last minute.”

  I scoot off of the barstool and walk out to the back deck.

  “There you are!” Leo’s eyes light up, and he gestures at the beer in my hand. “Chug that and get on my team.”

  Drew chuckles and points a finger at me. “Have you seen this one chug a beer? It’s pretty messed up.”

  “I have, actually.” He wraps an arm around my shoulders. “She’s a woman of many talents.”

  Luke glares at me and narrows his eyes. I can’t help but giggle.

  Leo hands me the football and jogs out onto the beach. “All right, kid. Let’s see what you got.”

  The next few hours consist of football, beer, food, and more football. My dad spends almost the entirety of dinner battering Leo with questions about the draft, his agency, what the off-season is like, and whether Tom Brady is as much of an asshole as we suspect he is.

  Leo is so animated and fun the whole evening, I can’t take my gaze off him or wipe the smile off my face. I can sense Luke eyeing me with suspicion the entire time, but I don’t care. Watching him with my family seems to fill my heart with joy, and for on
ce, I don’t fight that feeling.

  As we finish up dinner, I remind Leo that we have a long drive back to Fort Lauderdale, and poor Tebow is waiting for me.

  “Thank you, guys, again for such a great night.” Leo hugs my mom tightly as we stand in the entryway.

  “Hun, it’s the least we could do after you got us those amazing seats today.” She smiles brightly at him.

  “Not to mention making that game-winning touchdown,” my dad chimes in.

  Leo laughs. “That was just for you guys. You’re welcome for that.” He throws me a wink, and I fight the urge to yank him into the guest room and pull his pants off.

  We say goodbye to all my brothers and Olivia and walk down the driveway in the dark. Leo’s fingertips brush mine with every step. The electricity of him next to me has me weak in the knees as I glance up at his flawless profile. We slide into his car, and he turns to me. His brown eyes are so soft and deep, his lips slightly parted.

  “I love your family, Frankie.” A smile plays at the corners of his mouth as he looks down, then back up at me. “I didn’t have a family like that growing up. It’s really amazing.”

  With no hesitation, I kiss him. I’m not sure why, but nothing has ever felt so right. It’s like a magnetic force pulling us together. He kisses me back even harder, cupping my face with his palm and drawing me closer to him. I feel my body melting into a puddle of attraction.

  He reluctantly separates his mouth from mine by less than an inch. “What was that for?” he teases through a breathless laugh.

  I pull away, sitting back and fastening my seat belt. “That touchdown earlier.” I smile and look out the window at the warm, damp, Florida night.

  Leo’s attention stays fixed on me. “You were the first person I wanted to see after that game. You were in my head the whole time.”

  I fight the desperate urge to smile like a little kid and jump into his arms. “Hope that wasn’t too much of a distraction.” I pick at a thread on my jeans.

  “Actually, the opposite. I really do think you might be my good-luck charm.” Leo puts the car in reverse and backs out.

  I admire his tanned forearm, dusted with brown hair. I eye his fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, long and masculine. I remember how they felt when he touched me.

  I lean my head back and hear my mom’s voice in my head.

  If it’s not a risk, it’s not worth it.


  I press my foot on the gas pedal, flying down the highway back to Fort Lauderdale. The windows are cracked open, the summer air making the inside of the car almost as steamy as that kiss. The pull between Frankie and me is too much to handle right now.

  With one hand on the wheel, I slide my other onto her leg and trace the inside seam of her jeans. She brushes her hand over mine and laces our fingers together, sliding mine closer and closer to…her.

  “Are we almost back?” I ask. I’m trying not to sound angry or frustrated, but Christ, this is a long drive, and every inch of my body is burning with how badly I want her. After that kiss, I’m thinking she wants me, too.

  “Like, ten more minutes,” she says with a sly smile and eyes that confirm…yeah, she definitely wants me, too.

  Frankie reaches her hand into my lap and lightly touches my dick over my pants. A tiny gasp escapes my mouth, and even more blood rushes to my already rock-hard cock.

  “Frankie, do you wanna—”

  “Yes. Drive faster.”

  She doesn’t have to fucking tell me twice. I push the gas pedal down even farther as she unbuttons my pants and slides her hand up under my shirt, tracing the lines between my abs.

  Every muscle in my body is twisted and tight as I whip the Mercedes into the garage and throw it into park.

  Frankie yanks off her seat belt and climbs onto my lap, straddling my throbbing erection.

  “Holy shit,” she moans through sexy, parted lips.

  I grab her hair and tug the back of it gently, gliding my other hand under her shirt and onto her gorgeous breast.

  Frankie draws in a shaky breath and leans her head back, rocking her hips against my dick.

  She pulls her head up and presses her lips to mine. My heart races, and the absolute desperate need to fuck her consumes every ounce of me. I slide my tongue into her mouth and shift her hips harder against me, making her lean back too far onto the steering wheel, blaring the horn.

  “Oh shit.” Frankie jumps and laughs at the echo through the massive garage.

  I smile as she throws her head back again, and I kiss the sweet skin of her neck. She moans softly and tugs at my shirt. I reach back and pull it off in one swift movement. Heat pulses through me and against her as I slip her tank top over her head and toss it onto the passenger’s seat. I unclip her bra, and she shimmies out of it with a giggle.

  I stare at her enchanting green eyes for an extra beat, savoring the sight of her laughing, the shiny glow of arousal radiating from her.

  The electric tension between our bodies magnifies as we make out more, and she presses her naked tits against me. The inside of this car is hotter than fucking hell, and we’re both getting shiny with sweat, which only seems to turn her on more.

  “Leo,” Frankie moans breathlessly through a deep kiss. “I’ve wanted you to fuck me since you scored that touchdown today.” She bites my bottom lip and digs her hips deeper against my unbearable hard-on.

  I kiss down her neck and graze her nipple with my lips. “Oh, only since then? Not like every second for the past month and a half?” I look up at her and wink.

  She laughs and tries to brush off my sarcasm with sassiness, but her breath shudders as I slide my tongue down the space between her boobs and massage them with both hands.

  The car horn honks again.

  Frankie pops her head up and sets her forehead against mine, desperately clinging to my biceps and almost gasping with every breath. “Let’s go inside.”

  I nod, and we don’t hesitate for a second as she grasps the car door handle, and we tumble out of the car. I slam the door shut behind us, and we race into the house.

  Frankie grabs my shoulders, and I admire her messy hair and glistening eyes, a wildly sexy sense of recklessness and freedom overtaking her. Our lips stay locked as we get into the kitchen, and she reaches into my pants, sending fireworks off in my crotch.

  “Fuck,” I whisper.

  We’re not getting into my bed nearly fast enough for my taste, so I scoop up her half-naked self and carry her to the bedroom.

  I lay her down gently and climb on top of her, blood pooling in my balls as I bite my lip to keep at least a shred of self-control.

  Frankie eagerly pulls at the waistband of my khakis and slides them down my legs. I kick them onto the ground and shove my hands through her hair.

  She wraps her legs around me and pushes her hips into mine as I grind against her.

  “Off. Now,” I grunt as I unbutton her jeans and yank them off.

  “Please don’t laugh.” She looks up at me with a sense of anxiety in her eyes.

  “Laugh at what?” I ask, unable to think about literally anything but getting inside her. And then I look down at her panties. Black cotton with tiny little football helmets and Pittsburgh Steelers logos scattered all over them.

  She smiles up at me. “My mom gets me a pair for Christmas every year. And, well, I wasn’t exactly planning on doing…this.”

  I stare at her nervous smile, her perfectly toned stomach and then the hilarious underwear, and I can’t help but burst into a laugh.

  She giggles as I rest my forehead on her. “I hope that didn’t totally kill the mood, because I really liked where this was going, Leo.”

  My dick is still harder than concrete, my head swirling with the need to get laid mixed with awe at how endlessly adorable she is. “I can’t explain it…” I kiss her lightly. “But that somehow just made me want to rail you even more.”

  “Oh, thank God.”

  I rip off the Steele
rs panties, exposing the most gloriously sexy center of her. She draws in a shaky gasp as I run my index finger over her seam and touch her clit.

  “Look at you, so wet,” I slur, panting with need and amazed at how she gets sexier every second.

  She writhes underneath me on the bed. “I’ve been wet since the game today. I’ve just been waiting for you.”

  The fact that me playing football turns her on so much sends even more overbearing testosterone coursing through my veins. “I want you so bad,” I moan.

  She pulls off my boxers, freeing my titanium boner and making us both completely naked.

  “Are you kidding me?” she whines with a smile, staring at my cock. “I mean, I knew you’d be big, but, Jesus, really?”

  I lean down and bite her lip as she reaches under me and strokes the length of my erection. Waves of heat and desperation roll over me at her touch. She slides her palm up and down and arches her back against me.

  I grab her ass with both hands and savor the perfection of her every inch, need surging from my dick as she touches it.

  She slides her hand across my chest and caresses my muscles, all of them tight with tension. “Condom?”

  “Yeah.” I reach into my nightstand and dig around, ignoring a passing thought about how I haven’t fucked anyone since I met Frankie and how it hasn’t even really bothered me at all.

  I sit up and rip open the wrapper. Chills race over me as she brushes her fingertips all across my body. I roll on the condom and get back on top of her.

  She digs her nails into my back and spreads her legs as I slide into her.

  My body aches with pleasure and desperation for more.

  Frankie draws in a sharp gasp as I enter her, letting out a tiny scream when I push myself all the way in. It takes everything in me not to fuck the living shit out of her, but all things considered, that would last, like, only a minute, and I definitely don’t want that.

  “Holy shit, Leo.” She arches her back deeper and grinds her hips around my cock, matching my movements exactly, digging our bodies as deeply together as they can possibly go.

  I lift her leg and press it toward her head, surprised at how effortlessly she bends so far for me. “You’re flexible, kid.” I press deeper into her, feeling her sweet pussy tighten around me.


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