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Witch Unexpected: The Thirteenth Sign Book 1

Page 20

by Cassidy, Debbie

  “Sloane, you’re up,” Jessie says from the doors to the assembly room.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  She frowns, looking past me, searching for the hold-up, before ducking back into the room like a good soldier.

  “Look, I don’t know anything more, but once we’ve caught the traitor and the ceremony is out of the way, I’ll look into it.” I turn as a thought occurs to me. “Wait, isn’t Cora friends with the Dominus Reapers in Necro City?”

  He groans. “Unfortunately.”

  “If anyone will know about The Sons of Adam, it’s them. They’re demons, and I’m pretty sure The Sons of Adam have demonic blood.”

  I leave him and head into the assembly room. I have a traitor to flush out.

  * * *


  The morning air was colder than ever, and a crisp white frost covered everything. I sat on the porch steps outside the cabin, wrapped in a fleecy blanket courtesy of Leif. Rune lay across the step to my left, his head on my lap acting like a hot water bottle.

  The coffee Tor had brewed was fragrant and strong, and I was wide awake, stomach in knots as we waited for news. We’d been careful to take a back route to the cabin. No one had seen us.

  The main house was still empty. The alphas had taken Charlotte to the theater out of town last night as a treat. They weren’t due back till later today. My heart ached for the current anchor and how bittersweet every moment she was spending with her guys must be.

  Was this what Tor, Leif, Rune, and I would be like in several years? I shook off the thought. No. I didn’t want to become entwined with them like that. I needed to keep some distance.

  Bramble lowered herself onto the step beside me, coffee mug clutched in her hand. “Jessie just texted. It’s begun.”

  In a few minutes, we’d have our traitor. “Any word from Elijah?”

  She shook her head. “No word.”

  So much for his promise to be here for me. I gulped my coffee and swallowed my annoyance. “I just want this over with.”

  “It will be.” Bramble set her mug down. “Once we get the call, we can head over to the mansion and see who the fuck is behind the attacks.”

  A soft rustle drifted on the air, and Bramble’s head whipped around to scan the treeline.

  “What is it?”

  She stood slowly, her hand flexing at her hip. “Who’s there?”

  A slender naked figure stepped out from the trees. Her skin was pale and covered in a network of inky black veins. Her head was bowed, so her long, moss-colored hair obscured her face and fell to her waist in thick ropes. She moved jerkily toward us, bare feet leaving steaming indents in the frost.

  “Stay back.” Bramble had her daggers out now. Rune growled menacingly at the figure.

  The door behind us flew open, and Tor and Leif hurried out.

  “What the fuck?” Leif said.

  “What is it?” Tor asked Bramble.

  “I don’t know.”

  The creature raised its arms, and a crack and rumble filled the air as the ground around us exploded outward, and brown vines shot toward us.

  * * *


  The buzz of conversation dies when I step onto the podium. Every eye is on me.

  “Grimswood witches, today I have disturbing news.” Faces look up at me expectantly. “There’s a traitor in our midst.”

  Shocked gasps and the hubbub of confusion follow.

  “One of you conspired to prevent the anchor ceremony and enchanted the Mana Pack alpha, which almost resulted in Cora Dawn’s death.”

  The whole room broke into a cacophony of exclamations.

  “Quiet!” Jessie’s voice is a magically amplified boom.

  I smile thinly, cruelly, allowing my intentions to sweep across my face. “But little traitor, you fucked up. You forgot that, as The Elites, we have the power to put a trace on a spelled artifact to allow it to lead us to every person who handled it. The artifact was saturated with chaos magic, but even if the spell was put on it by a warlock, a witch passed it to Torsten. In a few minutes, Torsten will be here with the bangle, and it’ll lead us to the very person who gifted it to him.”

  Outrage and indignation color faces. Outrage against the traitor, indignation against potentially being accused. A jumble of voices fills the air. It’s the perfect cover for the guilty party to make a break for it.

  The doors at the back of the room are locked, but the two doors on each side of the room aren’t, a deliberate oversight on our part. Jessie, Brie, and Poppy stand behind me, or at least that’s what the assembly sees. Truth is, only Jessie is with me. Brie and Poppy are hidden beside the two available exits.

  “We’ll weed out the culprit.” I raise my voice to carry over the buzz of excitement. “Just stay calm. You have nothing to worry about if you’re innocent.”

  The crowd moves to huddle into groups.

  Come on. Come on. This has to work. If the traitor is here, she’ll make a break for it, surely?

  I catch movement to the left, and then Brie appears, hand clamped around a witch’s wrist. My mouth pops open because it’s the last person I’m expecting.

  Pen glares at me, defiant eyes blazing, and then she pulls something from her pocket and throws it.

  The world is filled with blinding light.

  * * *


  Vines were everywhere, whipping and lashing at us. We’d run into the house, but they’d smashed through the glass and followed us in. The lounge was an obstacle course of barbed, barked tentacles that lashed about, eager for a bite of flesh. Bramble slashed and sliced with her daggers, staying close to me, protecting me.

  My hands fizzed and popped with power, but I’d depleted my energy reserves, and the amulet was blocking the rest. The urge to tear it from my throat was a palpable force, a hand at my nape, squeezing and willing me to just do it. To be free.

  Leif cried out as a barb caught his arm, tearing a bloody welt that bubbled with green toxins.

  “Poison!” Tor growled before shoving Leif out of the way and attacking the vine with lethal claws that had extended from his fingers.

  Leif fell back, clutching his arm, his face a grimace as the wound struggled to heal. I ducked to avoid a vine and spotted a gap to the stairs. If I could get to my room, I’d be able to grab the daggers Bramble had given me. The iron blades would hurt this fucker.

  I made a beeline for the gap in the lethal vines, eyes growing wide as one came out of nowhere, whipping toward me at chest height. Time to limbo-glide. I threw my upper body back and skidded across the hardwood floor on my knees. The vine whooshed past, inches from my face, then I was at the stairs. I took them two at a time, barreled down the hallway, and grabbed the doorframe to slow my pace and swing myself into my room.

  My holster was on the dresser. I rushed toward it, and the window exploded inwards. My scream locked in my throat as a huge vine rushed toward me. The air crackled and Jasper appeared in front of me. His arms wrapped around me, body jerking as the vine struck him. Blood sprayed.

  He was hurt. “No!”

  Jasper shoved me toward the door, turned to attack the vine, and faltered, swaying on the spot as the vine drew back, readying for another attack.

  His back was torn, green shit bubbling across the wound. He needed to heal, but there was no way he could do that and fight this thing without me.

  I rushed toward him and grabbed his hand. “Take what you need to fight it.”

  The vine came at us, and he tugged me to the floor to avoid the strike, rolling onto me, the hard length of his body pressed to mine, reminding me of every intimate encounter we’d ever had. Eyes blazing, he grabbed my jaw and pressed his mouth to mine. This wasn’t a kiss; this was a claiming. Power rushed out of me and into him. My body arched as he drew from me, my gasp spilling into his mouth. I was distantly aware of the crash of the vine as it searched for its prey. Distantly aware that we were in mortal danger, but his tongue wrestling with m
ine, and his hands flexing in my hair, made the world seem like a faraway, unwanted place.

  Cool air kissed my skin, and he was off me.

  Bright light flashed, and the scent of charred flesh filled the room.

  I pulled myself up, limbs trembling, to stare at the ashy remains of the vine.

  A scream echoed in the air outside, pain-filled and ragey.

  “Stay here.” Jasper winked out.

  I rushed to the shattered window on instinct, boots crunching on broken glass. The thing was out there, arms out, body shuddering as she controlled the vines. Yeah, she was doing this. No idea how, but my gut told me what Jasper was about to do a moment before he materialized behind the creature and snapped her neck.

  She went still, head twisted at an angle, then dropped. Her body melted and steamed as it sank into the ground.

  The house was suddenly silent and dead.

  “Cora!” Bramble ran into the room, followed closely by the shifters. “Sloane just called. It’s Pen, the traitor is Pen, and she got away.”

  Jasper appeared beside me, his hand slipping around my waist. “Then let’s go catch her.”

  * * *


  I slam the door of the car and head toward Fashion with Passion. Pen’s flat is above the store, and the tracker spell we cast on the item she dropped tells us she’s here. An obsidian crystal. A final spell from The Order. No doubt her escape plan, should shit go south. She must have been carrying it for a while for the trace to be so strong.

  “How do you want to do this?” Brie asks.

  “Quickly and painfully,” Jessie says.

  “I can’t believe it.” Poppy shakes her head as we head toward the store. “Fucking straight-laced Pen.”

  The door is open. She’s here alright.

  We head quickly and silently through the store, past the racks of clothes, to the door at the back that leads to the stairs up to her apartment.

  It’s open.

  We head up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and slow as Pen’s voice drifts down to us.

  “No. But you said... No, you said you’d get me out. No, that isn’t what we agreed and—Yes. Okay. I understand.”

  Her apartment door is visible and ajar.

  I approach it slowly. Who knows what other Order spells she has on her person? I press my back to the wall and jerk my head at Brie. She flanks the door. The air fizzes with our collective power, ready to throw up a shield if need be.

  Jessie steps forward, her mouth twisted in disgust, hands up and ready to anchor the shield, and kicks open the door.

  It slams against the inside wall as we pour in. I’m expecting a flash of light, a wave of power, something saturated with chaos to knock us back and allow her to escape, but nothing happens.

  The room is empty.

  The roar of an engine filters in through the open window.

  Poppy runs toward it. “Fuck. We forgot the fire escape. She’s getting away.” She climbs out the window, metal rattling as her boots hit the metal access outside.

  I head for the door.

  Pen’s not getting away. Not on my watch.

  * * *


  Tor’s bellow of rage melted as Jasper ripped me away from the cabin. We materialized on the highstreet. Up ahead to the right was the takeout place we’d stopped at the night before and to the left was the row of pretty shops.

  I looked at his profile.“What are we doing here?”

  “Pen’s here,” he said. “She has a store and lives in the flat above.”

  Yes, I vaguely remembered her mentioning a store. “How do you know?”

  His form flickered and then reformed. Shit, he was almost out of juice.

  “I make it my business to know things.” He looked to the left, and I followed his gaze.

  Fashion with Passion.

  Oh fuck. I’d been wondering how the traitor knew we were back, and it made sense now. Pen must have seen us stop off at the takeout place last night. She must have alerted The Order we were back. It was the only explanation.

  The roar of an engine drew my gaze to a beige Mini a few meters ahead of us. I locked gazes with the driver, and my heart leaped into my throat.


  Her eyes widened, then her mouth flattened in determination, her eyes narrowing to angry slits.

  The car shot forward, headed right for us.

  She meant to run us over!

  Jasper shoved me out of the way, his hand coming up as the vehicle bore down on him.


  I launched myself at him, arms wrapping around his waist, full weight behind the tackle.

  He didn’t budge, but the engine stalled and died.

  He looked down at me, confusion coloring his features. My arms were still around him, heart thundering in my chest.

  Yeah, I’d tried to save him.

  My cheeks heated as his eyes narrowed speculatively, then I was clutching air.

  Jasper was gone.


  Three figures ran toward the car.

  Sloane, Poppy, and Brie.

  Sloane yanked open the driver's side door and reached for Pen, who screamed and scrambled to get away, but The Elite grabbed hold of her sweater and hauled her out.

  Several passersby had stopped to watch the spectacle. Cell phones were being drawn from bags like weapons.

  Jessie strode out from the store, hands raised as she drew a runic pattern in the air. One by one, the people turned away and went about their business. It had to be some kind of lookaway spell.

  Sloane had Pen. She had her with her arm twisted behind her back. Pen screamed and wriggled, desperate to be free, then, as if realizing there was no point, she went limp, all life bleeding from her expression.

  Sloane looked over at me and locked gazes with me, expression grim.

  It was over.

  I just wished it felt better.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I shove Tor away from the door. “You can’t do this. Stop and think, dammit.”

  Tor grits his teeth, a red ring appearing around his gunmetal gray irises. “I have a right to retribution.” His jaw ticks. “We have a right.”

  Fuck, he’s evoking the ancient clause embedded in the contract we have with the witches.

  “Grimswood witches aren’t permitted to spell the wolves in our packs,” Tor reminds me, his tone tight. “Not without permission. If they do, the wronged wolf can mete out a punishment.” He locks gazes with me. “I’m owed,” he growls. “The witch spelled me. She broke the terms of the covenant. Her heart is mine.”

  Ah fuck. I look to Sten and Arne, who’ve been silent and watchful all this time. They returned a little while ago and I dragged Tor over hoping that being out of the trashed cabin will cool him down. Charlotte’s tucked up in bed, no clue what’s happened. The front of the cabin looks untouched. It’s the back that’s trashed.

  I shoot them a pleading look. Come on, help me out here.

  Sten steps forward with a sigh. “This is different, Tor. The witch is a traitor to the coven, a murderer of witches, and therefore the witches have first claim on her life. I’m certain whatever punishment they mete out will be just.”

  Tor’s lip curls. “Not enough.”

  He strides toward me, toward the door. Oh fuck. I’m big, and I can hold my own against Tor in a friendly scrap, but not like this. Not when he’s pissed like this.

  I stand my ground, blocking his path. “Calm the fuck down, Tor.”

  The rumble in his chest morphs into a snarl. “She orchestrated attacks on our home, on our territory.”

  Rage stirs inside me. Rage at the audacity of the invasion. It’s the beast waking up and latching onto his comrade’s rage. A growl reverberates in my throat, and Tor’s eyes glow with a silver sheen, egging me on.

  Shit. I squeeze my eyes shut, taking back control.

  “Enough!” Sten’s hand lands on Tor’s shoulder. �
�Control yourself.”

  Tor gnashes his teeth. “I am in control. If I wasn’t, you’d be flat on the fucking floor.”

  A growl erupts from Sten’s throat. “Don’t forget who you’re speaking to. I’m still your alpha till the ceremony, nephew. Don’t challenge me.”

  Tor blinks slowly, chest heaving with the effort of controlling his rage. “Get your hand off me.”

  “You’re not invited past the woodland,” Arne says calmly, trying to reason with him. “You’ll be breaking terms.”

  “What’s going on?” Charlotte enters the lounge, wrapped in a dressing gown. “Torsten?” Her hand goes to her mouth in shock. “You’re here. How are you… You came back.” Her eyes fill with tears.

  The fight seems to bleed out of Torsten. “Charlotte…”

  The rumble in his chest dies as he bridges the distance between them and reverently folds her into a hug. They remain like that for long seconds. Charlotte is the first to break away.

  “What is this? Why were you fighting?” She looks from Tor to Sten.

  “They found the traitor,” Sten says.

  Charlotte sucks in a breath. “Oh my.”

  “She spelled Tor, forcing him to stay away,” Arne adds.

  Charlotte’s expression hardens. “In that case, Grimswood justice will be dire.” She reaches up to stroke Tor’s cheek. “I won’t have my son taint his hands with her dirty blood.”

  Tor closes his eyes and exhales. “You’re right.”

  I sag against the doorframe and exhale in relief. Thank fuck that’s over. But the Grimswood witches better make sure the sentence they hand down involves pain. Or I’m not sure anyone will prevent Tor from exacting his own vengeance.

  * * *


  Sloane and Brie flanked Pen, sat in a chair in the center of the room. Poppy and Jessie were stationed, one by the window, the other beside Anna, who looked like she was about to topple over. The only thing holding her up was Jessie's hand bracing her elbow.


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