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Wet and Wild

Page 2

by Olivia T. Turner

  The thick smoke starts pouring into the hall like a dam just burst and my body starts to sweat as I feel the heat getting closer. It’s like we’re in an oven and someone jacked up the temperature.

  Cole holds me even tighter and I close my burning eyes as I bury my face into his chest. Something explodes down the hall and a ball of flames bursts through the wall. It catches on the ugly carpet and starts spreading toward us.

  “Don’t look, Addison,” he says as he carries me away from the flames.

  I can’t help but smile at the sound of my name on his lips and I wonder how he knows it.

  He kicks the door open to the stairwell and races down it, holding me close to this chest. The smoke races in after us, but I feel strangely safe and comforted in his arms.

  He knows what he’s doing and I know he won’t let anything hurt me.

  Like he said, I’m his now.

  At least that’s what it feels like.



  I race down the stairs, clutching the precious cargo to my chest. Addison’s arms are wrapped around my neck as the sweet coconut scent of her hair drives me crazy.

  One intense emotion is slamming into me after another like ocean waves battering the rocks on shore. I can barely keep myself together as I run down the stairs.

  What if someone takes her from me? What if next time there’s a fire and I’m not there?

  I can’t let my mind go down those dark paths.

  This girl is a miracle and I just have to believe that everything is going to be okay.

  I kick open the doors and burst out into the sunshine. We’re in the parking lot behind the building and there’s an ambulance parked next to a few firetrucks nearby. The lights are flashing and there are people everywhere, watching the burning building with their phones recording it all.

  I hold Addison tight as I hurry away from the building, carrying her to safety.

  A paramedic rushes over and tries to take her from me.

  “Let me check her,” the young guy says as he reaches for her. I nearly kick him down.

  “She’s mine,” I growl, yanking her away from his outstretched hands.

  His eyes widen in shock as he takes a step back, showing me his palms.

  “Just stay back,” I warn. My innocent girl is naked under this coat and I don’t want anyone looking at her but me.

  The protective beast is taking over and I already feel myself losing control.

  “What am I going to do?” she asks in the sweetest voice imaginable. Tears flood her eyes as she looks up at the burning apartment building. “All of my stuff is in there. My work uniform, my money, my shoes. I don’t even have any clothes to wear.” The reality seems to be dawning on her. “I’m naked under here.”

  It kills me to see her cry, but I know this is all for the best. She has nothing to worry about from now on. I’m taking care of her, and I’m going to make damn sure that she gets every last one of her needs fulfilled.

  Every. Last. One.

  “You won’t need any of that stuff anymore,” I tell her. Especially the clothes.

  “But I might not have a place to live.”

  She won’t have a place to live. I’ll make sure of that. I’ll make sure her apartment burns so she’ll be forced to stay with me. I’ll walk in there with a canister of gasoline if that’s what it takes.

  It’s a dick thing to do, but I know she’ll be better off with me. This place is not safe. I don’t want this innocent girl to be surrounded by drug addicts and criminals. She’s too pure for that.

  I want her in my place where I can watch her and keep her safe.

  “You’re staying with me now.” There’s no question or offer. It’s a statement. I saved her, which means she’s mine.

  I hope that she wants to come, but I’m not sure what I’m going to do if she says no. An image of her strapped to my bed flashes into my mind, but I shake it away.

  “Just let me take care of you, Addison. It’s what I was born to do.”

  She stares at me with her icy blue eyes for a long moment. It feels like she’s gripping my soul and I can’t breathe while I wait for her answer.

  “Okay,” she finally whispers. A sudden rush of relief and euphoria surges through me as I smile down at her. “I’ll stay with you.”

  She’s going to be living with me. It’s good, but it’s just the beginning. I want her bound and locked to me in more ways than just our mailing address.

  I want to breed her with my baby.

  Only when I’ve planted my seed in her young womb and she has my baby growing in that smooth belly of hers will I be able to breathe easy.


  I’ll take that beautiful pussy tonight and I’m not using any protection. There won’t be anything stopping me from getting her pregnant, and then, there won’t be anything stopping me from keeping her forever.



  Cole is still cradling me carefully in his arms as he rushes away from the blaring sirens of the fire trucks.

  “Brooks!” a deep voice shouts out. Cole stops and spins around, clutching me even tighter to his chest.

  An older fireman is glaring at him. He has Fire Chief written in block letters on the left side of his chest. “I ordered you to stay out of that building!”

  Cole just glares back at him. “You can punish me later.”

  “Oh, I will,” the Chief says with a fierce look. “Next time, do me a favor and get yourself killed when you disobey a direct order from your Chief.”

  “Yes, sir,” Cole says as he turns back around.

  “And get your damn jacket back on!”

  He runs away like he can’t get me away from the burning building fast enough. My stomach churns as I look up at him. I really don’t want him to get in trouble over me. I’m already causing him enough problems by staying in his place.

  “Are you going to be in trouble?” I ask, afraid to hear the answer.

  “I don’t care if he gives me a warning or a suspension,” he says in a hard tone. “I would have walked through the burning flames to get to you, so what’s a little warning compared to that?”

  I turn my head and take one last look at the building before he turns the corner. There are flames on almost every floor now as thick clouds of dark smoke billow up, soiling the beautiful summer sky. An army of firemen is shooting powerful streams of water into the windows, trying to contain the unruly flames.

  I finally got settled in a home after three hard years of hell and now it’s all burning to the ground. All of my stuff—gone.

  It’s not like I had much, but I worked hard for everything I did have, and now once again, I have nothing.

  Three years ago, I ran away when I was only fifteen years old. My mother was a drug addict—meth was her drug of choice—and she didn’t exactly give me a great childhood. It was tolerable until her boyfriend Victor decided he was going to move in with us.

  A week after he moved in, I gave my mother an ultimatum, and long story short, I moved out.

  It hurt that she didn’t choose me, but that’s life I guess. Another hard lesson that my mother taught me: no one is going to take care of you in this world. No one.

  Victor did one nice thing for me before I left and that was to buy me a train ticket out of there. He didn’t want me around any longer so he was happy to pay for me to split.

  I hopped on the first train out of that hellhole of a town and ended up here with no money, no friends, and no job prospects. I didn’t even have a computer to print out a resume so I wrote them all by hand on the back of flyers I took off of phone poles.

  I got a job in a diner washing dishes and worked my way up to being a waitress.

  I’ve always been poor, so it was nothing for me to eat the scraps from the plates and stuff half-eaten sandwiches and cold fries into my bag for later.

  In the past few months, I’ve finally been able to pay my rent and have enough money left over to fill m
y fridge and buy some new clothes for once.

  I was even thinking about trying to start to date. I’ve never had a boyfriend—I’ve just been too busy trying to survive to have time for that.

  I’m still a virgin and Cole is the first man to ever see me naked. An excited thrill rushes through my body as I think back to how heated his eyes looked when they were on my body. He watched me touch myself. He almost watched me cum. Just the thought of that is getting me going again.

  I look up at his sexy face and swallow hard. His big muscular arms are wrapped around my naked body right now, and I can feel his round bicep pressed against the back of my thighs. It’s making my pussy burn.

  His big jacket is swallowing me up, engulfing me in his smoky scent that I can’t get enough of.

  I know so little about him, but I feel like I know him completely.

  Maybe that’s what happens when someone saves your life. Or maybe that’s what happens when someone sees you naked for the first time. I don’t know… maybe the smoke has gone to my head.

  He waves over a taxi and opens the back door as he reluctantly puts me down.

  “Are you coming with me?” I ask as I look into his eyes. They’re full of pain like it’s physically hurting him to leave me.

  “I can’t,” he says, glancing back at the burning building. “I have to help out here, but I’ll be coming for you soon.”

  I tug at the thick jacket as my eyes roam over his hard chest. I wish I could be cradled up against it again. It was the most comforting place I’ve ever known, and all I want to do is be held there by him again.

  “Your jacket…”

  “Keep it.”

  “But your Chief said—”

  “You think I’m going to let you drive through the city with no clothes on?” he says in a low firm voice. “You think I’m going to let people put their eyes on what’s mine? Never.”

  I try to fight back a smile as I clutch the jacket to my body. My nipples harden as they rub against the rough material on the inside.

  “Hop inside, little one,” he says as places his hand on my back. I do as he says and watch as he closes the door then rushes around to speak with the driver.

  Cole grabs a pen and a paper from the guy and scratches his address onto it. “Bring her here,” he says in a voice that cuts like glass. “Straight here. No stops.”

  He grabs the guy’s ID card that’s swinging on a rope from the rearview mirror and stares at it. “Josiah Perez,” he says in a tight voice. “If anything happens to her, I’ll come for you. And trust me, you do not want that to happen.”

  I grin as I hold the collar of his jacket up and smell him. He already seems obsessed with me. I should be worried, but I like it. It’s getting me turned on.

  Cole stuffs some money into the driver’s hand and gives him one last warning look before coming back to see me. He reaches in through the open window and cups my cheek. “You have nothing to worry about anymore, little one.”

  His face is full of adoration, his eyes overflowing with love. No one has ever looked at me like this before and it makes my heart swell so much that tears come to my eyes. He wipes away my tear with his thumb and gives me a warm smile as he slides a thick keycard into my hand.

  I can’t remember the last time someone looked out for me or touched me with affection in the way he’s doing now.

  It feels so good to have someone care.

  “I’m in the penthouse,” he says as he wraps my fingers around the card. “The doorman will let you in if he sees you with my jacket on and this is the key for the private elevator.”

  “Come home quick, okay?” I ask, feeling desperate to be close to him again. I don’t want to know how lonely it’s going to feel once this cab pulls away.

  “I will,” he says with a nod. “Right after I put out this fire, I’ll come home and put out yours.”



  “Hey, Cole!” Ward yells. He’s on the pipe and it’s shooting a thick stream of water into the building. “Where’s that hottie you saved? Do you think she wants to slide down my fire pole?”

  My body tenses with rage as I charge over. I grab his collar and yank him forward. “What the fuck did you say?”

  His eyes widen in shock as he looks at my face. It’s just Ward being an asshole so I let him go.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” I snarl as I rip the pipe from his hands.

  He doesn’t hesitate, he just takes off.

  The water is surging through the hose and my arms flex as I control it. It wants to rip away from my grasp, it wants to spray out of control, but I keep it steady and pointing forward.

  This building is not the only thing burning and searing. My insides feel like they’re on fire too.

  Every second spent here and not sliding balls deep into Addison’s sweet little pussy is torture. The need to see her—to be with her—is tearing me apart from the inside out. I feel like my soul is on fire without her here.

  I take a deep breath to calm my smoldering nerves and I curse myself for not leaving with her. My whole life I wanted to be a fireman, but I would give it all up to see my little one a little sooner.

  I try to push away the mounting need to see her and focus on the surging hose instead. I work it, holding the long hard hose as it shoots its load onto the flames. It’s hard work and helps to get some of my pent up aggression and energy out.

  My mind quickly drifts back to Addison and now I’m worrying if she’s getting home okay.

  You’re overreacting, I tell myself. She’s going to be fine.

  I can’t stop thinking about how silky sweet her pussy felt and the need to be in front of it again is putting me on edge. The taste of it on my fingers was pure heaven so I can’t imagine what licking it up will be like. Pure bliss is my guess.

  My cock is as hard as the hose, but it’s straining even harder. It’s aching for relief.

  This girl has gotten me so full of cum, I can feel it seeping out and leaking down my thigh.

  A little while later, the flames are finally out and the Chief makes us wait before we can go into the burnt wreckage.

  Fuck that.

  I’m so desperate for another whiff of that cunt that I sneak in through a side door. The place is smoky and burnt to shit, but I rush through anyway as cold water drips down on my head from the ceiling. The charred floorboards crack and break as I race to the stairs, but nothing is stopping me from this. A switch has been flipped inside me and I’m unable to turn back.

  I run up the stairs, leaping over the parts that are burnt through and come out on the third floor. The building is creaking and groaning as water pours down like rain all around me.

  The Chief would kill me if he knew I was in here, but right now I’m willing to die for a whiff of that sweet nectar.

  I head straight for apartment 307 and smile when I see inside it. Her place is fucked. I shouldn’t be happy, but I am. It means she’ll be forced to stay with me for a long time.

  The couch with the homemade pillows is all burnt up and water is dripping from the ceiling onto her old ten dollar TV.

  I creep into her room and see the bed covered in water. The fire didn’t make its way into her room, but our hoses sure as hell did. Everything is soaked.

  I ball up the lucky sheets that had Addison’s naked body writhing on them a little while ago and try to smell them. The water and smoke have ruined the scent. My body tenses as an angry snarl rolls out of my chest.

  The closet is open and her dirty laundry basket catches my eye. Miraculously, it hasn’t been touched by the water so I rush over and rip through it until I come across a pair of her dirty panties.

  I bring them to my nose as I unbuckle my pants with my other hand. I inhale deep and moan hard as I take in the sweet scent of her juicy cunt. The scent is like pouring gasoline on the flames of my desire, and soon it’s all burning out of control.

  My dick is rock hard in my hand and I stroke it up and down as I breathe i
n again and again.

  Sticky beads of cum ooze out of the tip of my cock and I run my hand over it all, making a fucking mess.

  Picturing these panties wrapped around my girl’s ass and pressed up against her pussy is so fucking hot that it almost makes me cum on the spot.

  I press them against my cock as I stroke my shaft harder and harder, wanting to soil them like I’m going to soil her.

  I throw my head back and grunt as thick streams of cum pulse out of my dick, covering her panties in a hot mess.

  I’m breathing heavy as I lean against her wall, trying to regain my composure. I hardly ever jerk off and when I do, I never cum that fast.

  This girl has already gotten a hold on me. She’s got her hooks in whether she wants it or not.

  All I know is one thing.

  I can’t wait to go home and fuck her.



  I’m speechless as I look around Cole’s penthouse suite.

  It’s spectacular and I can’t help but wonder how much money a fireman makes. I thought they made decent money, but nothing like this.

  His TV wouldn’t even fit in my small little apartment, let alone the twenty-seat dining room set, the grand piano, and all the rest of the expensive-looking furniture.

  The outer walls are all made of windows and they show off the breathtaking view of the entire city. It’s late afternoon and I can see everything. I can even see the mountains in the distance and they’re in the next state!

  I’m intensely curious about this man and now that I’m in his place I want to know everything about him.

  I’m barefoot on the spotless hardwood floors as I walk around, holding his jacket close to my body. I like wearing it because it feels like my savior is still nearby, protecting me like a guardian angel.


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