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A Pumpkin Spice Killing

Page 4

by Lynn Cahoon

  Angie thought about the rat poison in the pantry. She pushed the thought away. No one would be that cruel. “Carol wouldn’t kill anyone. Would she?”

  “We just need to keep together and keep her out of the kitchen while we’re here. The social worker is working on finding out what really happened. If she’s right, whatever killed this guy was slow acting. That’s why the sheriff thinks it was his heart. The local doctor thinks he just went in his sleep.” Ian put the plates he’d dried up in the cabinet. “I don’t like gossip, but maybe she’s onto something here.”

  “I just can’t see a motive. This is her livelihood. She needs the residents to get paid for their care.” Angie washed the last pot and after rinsing it, grabbed her own towel. “What was the man’s name?”

  “Phil O’Conner. I called Uncle Allen a few minutes ago and asked him to look into the place and any unexplained deaths.” Ian stared down at the bowl he was drying when he added, “He says hi by the way.”

  “More like he said I can’t believe she fell into another mystery. What is with your girlfriend? Something like that?” Angie knew Ian was telling a white lie because he had a tell. He didn’t look at her when he lied. And he lied very badly. It just wasn’t in his nature to be untruthful. “Anyway, I’ve got another project if you want to help me tonight.”

  “Finding Randy’s son?” Ian finished drying the bowls. “Let’s grab our laptops and a notebook and go outside with some hot chocolate. I think it’s still light enough for a few hours for us to get a good start on it.”

  “He told you?” Angie ran the washcloth over the cabinets and stove. Tomorrow she was going to clean the oven as well as give the kitchen a deep clean. Even if Carol didn’t want them there, she wouldn’t be able to fault their work ethic.

  “He did. He has a bit of a crush on you. I had to tell him you were my girl to get him to stop praising your kindness.” Ian looked around the kitchen. “Everything washed and dried?”

  “As far as I can tell. Let me grab Dom’s bowl and some water and maybe he’ll stay around the patio without being on a lead.”

  “Miracles do happen.” Ian leaned over and kissed her. “Uncle Allen means well.”

  “I know. I’m probably touchy on the subject because he isn’t wrong. I tend to fall into these things, but this one was so not my fault. Hope set up the team building. All I’ve done is pay the bills.” She headed to her room to grab her notebook and her laptop. Dom followed her but then went past the room and sat in front of Randy’s doorway. Angie went to get him and stared in at the elderly man. He was asleep in his bed, his hands over the cover and a smile on his lips. Angie grabbed Dom’s collar and led him away from the room. She didn’t want to wake him up, but she couldn’t stop herself from wishing him good night. “Sweet dreams, Randy.”

  She gathered her stuff and found Ian already outside. Two cups of cocoa were sitting on the table, whipped cream on the top. “That was fast. I take it it’s instant?”

  “I’m not the chef.” Ian grinned. “The whipped cream will help it taste better.”

  “As long as I didn’t have to make it, I don’t care.” She filled Dom’s water dish and then sat next to Ian. Dom positioned himself between the door to the house and them. She called his name and pointed out toward the garden and yard area. “The threats are going to be this way, buddy.”

  Dom glanced at her, then turned away and faced the door.

  “He’s not having the best retreat. He seems reserved. I’ve never seen him so quiet.” Angie frowned as she watched her dog. “You don’t think he’s sick, do you?”

  “No, he seems fine. Maybe a little subdued, but there are other people here. Maybe he’s just overwhelmed.” Ian reached down and scratched the top of Dom’s head. “You okay, buddy?”

  The question got a short bark in response, then Dom laid his head down again.

  “Well, I guess we were told.”

  Ian looked at her, surprise in his eyes. “And what exactly do you think he told us?”

  “That he’s doing what he needs to do and to stop talking about him. It makes him crazy. He said you should know what he’s thinking by now.” Angie booted up her laptop and opened her search engine.

  “You got all that from a bark?” Ian followed suit, watching her carefully.

  Angie laughed. “You didn’t? Seriously, you need to bone up on your dog translation skills. Bone up, get it?”

  “It’s not funny if you have to explain the joke.” He leaned into his computer. “This is interesting.”

  “What did you find?”

  “There’s a Jacob Owens in Boise. Not sure if he’s married or not, but it lists a phone number. He’s a carpenter.” Ian pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He grimaced and whispered, “Voice mail.”

  Angie listened to the generic message Ian left, and after he was finished she nodded to the notebook. “Write down the number and what you found. We’ll may have to wait until tomorrow for a callback since that was probably his work number.”

  “I was hopeful.” Ian picked up the pen and wrote a note.

  Angie giggled. “Seriously, you thought you’d solve this mystery with five minutes on the internet and a phone call?”

  “It could happen.” Ian went back to searching. Angie found the next possibility and they went like that for the next hour.

  They had ten names or variation of names on the list when they stopped. Angie closed her notebook and tapped the pen on the paper. “Maybe Randy and his wife lived other places when they were raising Jacob. He could have gone back to one of those areas. Randy was in the military.”

  “Military brats move around a lot.” Ian nodded. “Good point. I’ll write a note to ask Randy tomorrow.”

  “I’ll take breakfast.” Angie closed the notebook and set it on top of the closed laptop. Voices were coming up the road. Soon, out of the darkness, she could see Matt, Hope, and Bleak. Matt was carrying a fishing pole, but from what Angie could see, no fish. The girls were chatting a few steps behind. “Hey guys, want some hot chocolate?”

  “Actually, I’m going to grab a shower and head to bed. I’m beat.” Matt walked over to the shed and put the pole and fishing items inside. “No fish, but I got a few bites. Then my line kept getting snagged. Anyway, I’m going out again tomorrow night, just in case.”

  “Sounds fun.” Angie turned to the girls. “What about you two? Hot chocolate?”

  “Definitely, but we’re making brownies too so we can make our own. You guys stay out here and relax.” Hope shared a look with Bleak as they went inside, Matt following.

  “Okay, so what was that look for?” Ian reached over and took Angie’s hand in his.

  Angie shook her head. “With those two? It could have been anything. Felicia said they’ve both been really involved in the wedding prep. I’m so glad she has someone to help her because if she depended on me, they would elope.”

  “You aren’t a party planner. You never have been. That’s Felicia’s specialty.” Ian nodded to the garden. “Do you think there’s enough light to go for a short walk?”

  “It’s beautiful. Let’s go.” Angie picked up the leash and clicked it on Dom’s collar and the three of them walked around the house and out to the country road. “Without road lights it’s going to get dark quick out here.”

  “Sunset is an hour away. We’ll walk for twenty, then turn back.” Ian took Dom’s lead and put his arm around Angie. “We’ll be fine.”

  That night, Dom’s barking woke Angie up in the middle of a nightmare. She couldn’t remember what she’d been dreaming about, but the fear from the dream was still with her. She grabbed her phone and used its flashlight to find her slippers. Dom wasn’t sleeping between her and Felicia. “Dom?” She called quietly

  She shone the light on Felicia’s bed. No Dom. She started to worry. She got up and searched the room using the small
light. He wasn’t on Nancy’s bed either. Maybe he’d gone to find Ian in the middle of the night. He’d stopped barking. Or maybe she’d dreamed it.

  She stepped into the hallway and saw him. He lay in front of Randy’s room, blocking the doorway with his body. He lifted his head when he heard her approach and his tail gently thumped on the floor.

  “Hey boy, what are you doing out here? Playing guard dog?” She reached down to rub his head and he licked her hand. Angie glanced into the room. Randy appeared still to be in bed, even though all she could see in the dim light of the nightlight in his bathroom was a man-sized lump under the covers. She shivered in the chilly hallway. Something had her dog freaked out about his new friend. Tomorrow she was going to call this social worker and see what she knew. She didn’t feel right just packing up in three days and leaving Randy here. Especially if the last resident hadn’t died of natural causes.

  She went back into her room and lay there wide eyed, listening to the house sounds. Sometime during the night sleep had taken her back, and now Felicia was gently shaking her awake.

  “Time to get up. I’ve made coffee and a batch of cinnamon rolls are in the oven.” Felicia tsked as she studied Angie’s face. “You don’t look like you got any sleep last night. Maybe you should try for a few more hours.”

  Angie kicked the covers off. “No rest for the wicked. I’m grabbing a shower. Can you cut up some fruit to go with the cinnamon rolls? I’ll make eggs for everyone as soon as I get dressed.”

  “Ian and Estebe ran into town.” Felicia dropped her voice. “The social worker wanted to talk to them. Ian caught us up this morning. It’s kind of chilling to be in a house where a murder might have taken place.”

  Angie took her friend by her shoulders. “It’s worse when the murderer might be in the house with us. Just keep this to yourself, but make sure everyone stays in pairs. Buddy system and no one leaves the property without telling someone. Make sure the rest of the team knows as well.”

  “Hope’s going to be devastated if this trip turns into a murder mystery too. She’s still giving Matt grief about the fiasco at the penitentiary.” Felicia took several deep breaths. “Okay, I’m okay. Everything’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”

  “New mantra?” Angie watched as Felicia visibly calmed down.

  “New yoga teacher. She says situations are as much about how you approach them as the actual event. So now I’m going to assume the best out of everything and everyone. Then bad things won’t happen.” Felicia shrugged. “Or at least that’s the hope.”

  “Stranger things have happened.” Angie picked up her bathroom kit and clean clothes for the day. “I’ll be quick.”

  “Just be careful.” Felicia smoothed the comforter on her bed. “Nancy’s in the kitchen drinking coffee. I’ll go talk to her first.”

  “Don’t worry anyone. Just let them know to be cautious.” Angie didn’t want her team freaking out. She ran into Dom in the hallway. He was standing by the doorway now, but when he saw Angie, he sat at attention. “Hey big guy. Can you wait a minute and I’ll take you out after my shower?”

  The squirm at the word out told Angie the answer was probably no. Matt came out of the other bedroom.

  “Hey Angie. Does Dom need a walk?” He reached down and rubbed Dom’s head.

  “Would you please?” Angie held up her full hands. “I’ve got to get a shower still.”

  “No problem.” Matt slapped his leg. “Come on big guy, let’s go outside.”

  Dom followed Matt, but before he left the hallway, he turned back and looked at Randy’s room. Message received. You’re still worried about him. Angie glanced inside and Randy was sitting in his chair, reading.

  She hurried to the bathroom, hoping that nothing would happen during her quick shower. If it did, her dog might not forgive her.

  It took ten minutes but by the time Angie had finished getting ready, she walked by Randy’s room and Ian was sitting with the man. Coffee cups were on the table. She caught his gaze and he waved at her. Hurrying, she dropped her stuff off on her bed and then went into the kitchen.

  Everyone else in the house seemed to be there, except Carol, Kendrick, and Nancy. She stepped next to Felicia as she finished cutting up strawberries. “Is Nancy with Kendrick?”

  “She just took him some coffee. They’re talking about her kids. He has grandkids that age.” Felicia smiled and then turned away from the others. “Carol’s in the living room talking to the doctor.”

  “Why’s a doctor here?” Angie tried to glance into the room, but she couldn’t see anything.

  “She said it’s his monthly visit. I think she’s trying to get him to say we’re too much distraction for Randy and Kendrick.” Felicia glanced around the room where Hope and Bleak sat talking with Estebe. “She really doesn’t like us here.”

  “Well, I think she and the doctor need some coffee and cinnamon rolls.” Angie dished up two of the rolls that Felicia had cooling on the stove. Then she poured three cups of coffee, and added a cream and sugar set and spoons. Picking up the tray, she nodded to Felicia. “Wish me luck.”

  She didn’t pause at the doorway, just came right in the room and set the tray down on the table. Then she held her hand out to the doctor. “Good morning. I’m Angie Turner, owner of the County Seat over in River Vista. My kitchen crew is here working with Carol to get the home set up for new residents this fall.”

  “Nice to meet you. Carol was just telling me about you and your crew. I’m Ollie Norton. I’m the resident doctor for the area. I have an office over on the south side of Nampa.” He took a whiff of the cinnamon rolls. “Carol, you must be in heaven having your own personal chef for a few days.”

  Carol mumbled something, but Angie didn’t think it was agreement.

  Angie turned her smile on Doctor Ollie. “Do you want a cinnamon roll? Tomorrow we’re doing pumpkin donuts. Kind of a tribute to the season.”

  “I’d love one. And you brought out coffee. How nice.” He beamed at her, then his grin dropped as he saw Carol’s glare.

  “I brought a cup for me as well.” Angie set the rolls and coffees in front of Ollie and Carol and then the cream and sugar. She set the tray on the floor near her and sat in the wing chair next to the coffee.

  “This is a private conversation,” Carol said.

  Angie nodded. “I know all about patient-doctor privilege, and I’ll let you get back to that, but first I have some questions for the doctor.”

  “I’ll try to answer, but Carol’s right, my hands are tied on my patients.” He dug his fork into the roll and took a bite. Angie could almost hear the groan he didn’t let out. Felicia’s cinnamon rolls were legendary.

  “Okay, I was going to ask you about Randy. He seems a little depressed. I’d like to continue to visit after this week and I was wondering what you thought about me coming by with some baked goods. I noticed he doesn’t have a lot of dietary limits.” Angie sipped her coffee and watched Carol react to the news.

  “I think that would be fabulous. Especially if you could get him to eat more. He’s lost so much weight in the last few months. It’s troubling.” Ollie wiped his mouth with a napkin.

  “You can’t tell her that,” Carol shrieked.

  He stared at her. “Calm down, Carol. I can make statements that generalize my client’s state. I didn’t tell her how much weight he’s lost or the percentages. I believe I’m the doctor here, correct?”

  “Yes, Ollie.” Carol went white. She picked up her coffee but ignored the cinnamon roll.

  “That would be great. I’ll put a visit on next month’s schedule.” Angie smiled at Carol. “This will be so fun. You won’t know when I’m going to pop in.”

  Carol’s face went even whiter, which had been Angie’s intent.

  Ian ran into the room. “You’re the doctor?”

  Doctor Ollie rose to his feet. �
�Yes, I am. What’s wrong?”

  Ian met Angie’s gaze. “Something’s wrong with Kendrick. Hurry.”

  Chapter 5

  “Do you think one of us should go to the hospital to check on Kendrick?” Felicia and Angie were sitting in the kitchen at the center. Breakfast had been cooked and eaten. Dishes were washed and put away. The rest of the crew was in the garden or had started painting the outside of the house.

  Angie shook her head. “No. It would look weird. Maybe we can take him flowers tomorrow. We have stuff to do here and only two more days to get it done.”

  “I can’t believe how fast he got sick. Nancy said he was talking about his family and all of a sudden, it was like he’d had a seizure. I’m glad I wasn’t in the room with him. I would have freaked out. Nancy was calm and collected. She stabilized Kendrick, called for Ian, and kept her cool during the whole thing.” Felicia leaned back in her chair. “Okay, Angie, what’s going on? You’re too quiet and not feeding into or feeling my whole conspiracy theory.”

  “You haven’t laid out a theory yet.” Angie stood and got the pot to refill Felicia’s coffee. “But I have to admit, he seemed fine yesterday. Can I tell you something else weird?”

  “Of course.” Felicia pulled in closer. “What do you know?”

  “I don’t know anything. I found Dom out in the hallway last night after everyone went to bed. You’re going to think this is strange, but Dom appeared to be guarding Randy’s room. And this morning, Randy’s not sick like he says he’s been, but Kendrick is. What if someone was going to give something to Randy, but Dom wouldn’t let them?”

  “That’s probably pushing the limit for believability.” Felicia looked around the kitchen. “Hey, where is Dom? Did someone take him out?”

  Angie stood and motioned Felicia to follow. When they reached Randy’s room, they saw Dom lying by the man’s chair. Randy’s hand was on Dom’s fur and he seemed to be reading aloud to the dog.

  Felicia started to say something, but Angie shook her head and pointed back to the kitchen. When they sat back down, she picked up her coffee cup. “The only times I’ve seen Dom act like that is when Ian’s told him I was in danger and he had to watch out for me. I swear, Dom knows something bad has been happening to Randy and doesn’t want it to happen again.”


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