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Project: Adapt - Found: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 1)

Page 3

by Jade Waltz

  Silence fell between us, and I questioned what I’d done to ruin the moment. Had my injuries made me delusional? Was I fabricating voices in my head?

  Xylo leaned forward and took my hands in his own, his teal gaze intent on mine.

  “You are not delusional. Somehow you bonded yourself to me, allowing me to communicate with you, mind-to-mind,” Xylo spoke gently to me. “The bond allowed me past your natural shields. No one could get past them until now.”

  A swarm of questions overwhelmed me, and I couldn’t process how I felt about this new information. Were all my thoughts now known? Did I no longer have any privacy? What exactly had I done? Was this accidental bonding permanent? Could I remove it?

  I began to panic as I realized I’d tied myself to another being—even if it had been an accident. Especially since I’d just escaped the masters who’d controlled my whole world.

  Xylo gently shook my hands to bring me back to the present.

  “I do not know how you did it without any vines or tentacles. Perhaps when you placed your lips on mine? We do not participate in what other species call ‘kissing.’ Nevertheless, you triggered a courting bond with me, which connects our minds. I can only trace thoughts you do not protect and those you directly address to me. I will explain everything, but please do not sever the courting bond—it is a gutting experience for my species,” he begged, his voice full of emotion, “I will not fail you—nor will I harm you.”

  His words stunned me. How were we able to follow each other without a language barrier? I felt like I could trust him, but I wasn’t sure about being permanently bonded to him.

  “How can we understand each other when speaking like this?” I questioned, tilting my forehead toward his, hoping he would hear my mental thought.

  I tracked his facial expressions, trying to read whether I’d done it right. Though his face was expressive, I couldn’t tell if he’d understood me.

  Xylo took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His hands squeezed mine once more, then he reopened his eyes and met my gaze. A sigh escaped his lips, and my attention diverted to their lush fullness. When he started to mindspeak, my gaze snapped back to his.

  “Do not worry, I heard you. Connecting telepathically to one another has no limits when it comes to language. All telepathic species the Conglomerate of the Euph Galaxy—CEG—has come across can connect without any language barriers. A huge help when it comes to translating languages, especially when we encounter new species. Everyone registered with CEG also has a translator installed in the communication center of their brain that also functions as an ID and credit device.”

  “How does one get a translator installed?”

  “Senior Healer Chyox and I treated your injuries, and I used the knowledge from my research on humans to help him install a translator. We have monitored your progress, and there is no sign of any ill effect. These translators, or communicators, are programmed with Galactic Common and many other languages. They are not perfect, and sometimes, the translations will be rudimentary, but it works.”

  “Then why couldn’t I understand you before?” I asked, confused.

  “It seems yours may still be disabled. When I tried to connect earlier, I could not, nor does my communicator appear to have your language in its files. But once Senior Healer Chyox activates your translator, it should learn your language quickly and translate it to Galactic Common. Then you should have no problem communicating with anyone aboard the ship.”

  “What if I can speak Galactic Common?” I whispered in Galactic Common.

  He jerked away, his hands letting go of mine as his vines shifted, writhing around him. Eyes wide, he looked shocked.

  “You speak Galactic Common,” he replied in the same language, excited.

  “It’s not my main language. I taught myself English from the study materials my masters gave me. But I had some... help learning Galactic Common. There are still holes in my knowledge, but I can piece together enough to understand what’s said or written.” I looked away, embarrassed I didn’t know it as well as English.

  “Do you understand how amazing this is? This will allow you to help me build the English-to-Galactic Common translation! It will help you communicate with everyone until Chyox can activate your translator,” Xylo stated, his deep voice laced with excitement.

  “To prevent miscommunication, I’d rather speak like this until my translator’s activated. Since you said there are no language barriers here, I’d be more comfortable if we continued like this if that’s okay with you?”

  “As you wish.” Xylo’s mental voice sounded pleased as he beamed a smile at me.

  Steeling myself to broach the topic now uppermost on my mind, I eyed Xylo. I needed to know what this bond meant. “What did you mean when you said I triggered a courting bond with you?”

  “I am a Wudox. We—and our sister species, the Ulax—share many characteristics though we have evolved into different species. Both Wudox and Ulax females are mentally stronger than males, and there are fewer females born, so they typically bond with three to five nestmates. The stronger the female, the more males she tends to bond with—though it is at her discretion. This is only important because either Circuli female species will create a courting bond with a male she is interested in—and one she thinks would work well with her other nestmates. The bond is temporary and only becomes permanent when the female accepts the male’s bonding spore. She can sever the bond any time before that.

  He paused a moment, clearly hesitant to continue.

  “Both Ulax and Wudox males yearn for a female to accept them and their bonding spore—to prove they are accepted and worthy. Reports state a severed bond leaves the male feeling he is forever missing something—much like an amputated limb. Like having a taste of heaven and having it snatched away. He is also viewed as a failure. Rarely will another female court him, nor do they often complete that bond with a formerly-rejected male.” His mental voice held a deep softness, and his lips curled up in a sad smile. “What I am less sure about is how you, a human, triggered the court bond. I have never heard of any outside our two species doing so.”

  The weight of everything hit me in that moment.

  I’d successfully escaped, and I seemed to have been found by a species that revered their females. Much to my surprise, I felt safe. Though I had only my limited interaction with Xylo to go on, I felt the knot of worry in my chest unraveling.

  When I’d first seen Xylo, I’d been deeply attracted to him, and he’d treated me well thus far. I could see the benefits of being bonded to a male whose species allowed their females to dictate the relationships. I wasn’t interested in being controlled or having my life determined for me any longer.

  A flash of guilt ran through me.

  Even though I’d done it accidentally, it was my fault Xylo and I were now court-bonded. If we didn’t end up getting along, I could sever it before his bonding spores made it permanent, but it sounded like that would hurt him. Just the thought caused another surge of guilt though I couldn’t deny that it was tinged with relief I had the option. What would be the point of being bonded with someone I couldn’t get along with—or worse, one that wanted to control me?

  Xylo seemed like a kind person, but before I trusted appearances, I needed answers. And I needed a bit more space.

  I slid off the far side of the bed.

  As I did, I noticed I was no longer naked. I looked down and eyed the dark blue nightgown. Whoever had dressed me clearly thought about my modesty—a consideration I’d never been given on the Yaarkin ship. It was a kind gesture, and it made my heart flutter. I examined the gown as I rubbed the soft fabric between my fingers.

  “Who took care of me? This is beautiful. I’ve never owned any clothing.” My mental voice filled with awe.

  “After we rescued you, I got permission to gather extra sheets and drapes from the storage bay to create a few simple gowns. We do not use clothing, though most of the other species in CEG do, so we didn’
t have anything else aboard that might work. I am sorry the gown is so rudimentary.”

  I grimaced at that confession and looked up at him. “No, please don’t apologize. I don’t want to be a bother or cause you any trouble. The nightgown is lovely. It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you.”

  Xylo scanned my body once before returning his gaze to mine. “It was no problem. Part of my job is to study and understand other species. I had read that humans cannot regulate their body temperature and need clothing. I wanted to make you comfortable. The gown is but a simple design. Once the ship docks at CEG HQ—a space station—I can acquire anything you need.”

  I turned away, unable to credit how thoughtful he was about my needs—there had to be a catch. He said his job was to study alien species. Perhaps he intended to use our court bond to examine me? I shuddered at the thought of being the subject of further experiments. Would I never be free to live my life? Or was I destined to remain someone’s test subject? I just wanted to find a place to call home.

  Build a life of my own.

  Be my own person.

  Maybe even figure out what it was like to love and to be loved in return.

  The sound of movement pulled me from my thoughts.

  “What is the matter? I thought my studies were—”

  “What’s your plan? Are you going to keep me locked up to test and study? Hand me over to some lab? Return me to my old masters? Tell me the truth now because I’d rather be air-locked than become a test subject again—or worse, a sex slave...” The words spilled in a torrent from my lips, and I clenched my fists.

  “Selena... calm yourself. I want only your return to health. I have failed in taking care of you. Please lie back down. I will answer all your questions,” he coaxed as he stood directly behind me, waiting.

  I rolled my eyes, not believing he didn’t know all about me.

  He was part of the team that had treated me. He’d all but said they’d studied my anatomy when they installed the communicator. They could’ve completed all sorts of experiments while I was unconscious, and I wouldn’t have a clue. Or worse, they could have installed something else in me without my consent...

  This had to be some sort of trap. He was being too kind, too understanding. He had to have some sort of hidden agenda. Was being bonded with me a lie, designed to placate me?

  I backed away.

  Was it compulsion? A result of our accidental courting bond? Or was it some unknown ability his species had?

  “Selena... I don’t know how else to explain it to you. My sworn duty as the Master Scholar on this ship is to aid any species we come across in our travels. I would fail in my sworn duty if I didn’t care for you properly.”

  That was reasonable. He sounded reasonable...

  My health was important because it was part of his job. And if he wasn’t lying about the court bond, shouldn’t that keep him from harming me? I mean... so far, the only thing he had insisted on was learning how best to help me. To understand what was necessary for my health, to meet my needs...

  “You should not be out of bed yet with your injuries, and you must be hungry,” he prodded gently. “If you return to bed and eat some of the food I brought you, I promise to answer your questions. I need to check the progress of your healing.”

  I turned too quickly to face him and grimaced at the wave of pain and fatigue that nearly caused my knees to buckle. I wasn’t at full strength. I knew this. Perhaps I should listen to him, allow him to take care of me. I felt a flutter in my chest at the thought of him taking care of me.

  My stomach growled, and I clapped my hands over it in embarrassment. My body needed food and rest, and I needed to listen to it—and him.

  “Are you all right? Let me assist you.” Xylo’s mental voice was full of panic.

  “Please,” I replied and held out a hand, then continued in a distressed voice, “I’ll eat. But I still need answers.”

  As Xylo crossed to me, I noticed the height difference. He was considerably taller—my head would barely reach his chin. Up close, I could see more detail in the patterns along his body. They were a magnificent sight. The light reflecting off his scales made it look like stars flickered among the galaxies and nebulas—almost like there was a picture of space tattooed there. The deep green moss along his shoulders appeared soft to touch, and I wondered at its functionality.

  Xylo reached me and scooped me into his arms. His vines wrapped around my torso and legs, cradling me against his chest. I took a deep breath; he had a sweet herbal scent laced with a medicinal tang. It was calming. I rested my head on his chest, unable to resist rubbing my cheek against the baby-soft fuzz covering it. I closed my eyes as a sense of comfort and safety washed over me. His body felt cool to the touch but wasn’t uncomfortable—like splashing water on my face after a hard test session.

  Xylo carried me to the bed. I opened my eyes when I felt the vines unwrap and watched in fascination as they pulled down the white blanket, allowing him to place me back in bed. Xylo gave me a wry smile as his vines pulled the blanket over my lap, then used his hands to help me to a comfortable sitting position.


  I nodded.

  “Now, let us get some food in you.”

  I returned his smile and felt a blush heating my cheeks. “Sounds like a plan.” I couldn’t believe someone so gorgeous was being so kind and caring of me.

  Xylo walked around the bed and grabbed the tray on the table, placing it on my lap. He showed me the different finger foods he’d gathered—dried meat, dried fruit, and nuts—and I watched as he crossed to the drink dispenser and explained the various hot and cold beverages available. I settled on a sampler of Xylo’s favorite hot teas and chilled juices.

  I enjoyed listening to his deep voice and appreciated the time he took explaining things to me—especially when he picked up the scanner from the table and checked my readings. The soothing stroke of his voice in my mind calmed my nerves.

  He described the bracelets' purpose on my wrists—monitoring my health, sending live reports to both his and the Senior Healer’s tablets and embedded tracking to assist them in finding me if something were to happen to me on the ship. I had a feeling the main reason was for security—as if I was going to cause any problems aboard the ship.

  His explanations were reasonable, and he took care to ease each of my worries. It gave me hope I’d be allowed some freedom aboard the ship once I recovered.

  “Selena. I need to explain the courting bond to you, so you understand. I think it will set your mind at ease. Do you think you are well enough to try a few things?” Xylo asked gently.

  “It depends what you want me to do.”

  “I want you to relax and close your eyes.” He paused as I closed them. “Good. Now... try to envision your surroundings. What do you see?”

  What I discovered awed me.

  A faint golden thread connected me to Xylo. It was definitely new—I hadn’t seen it before. The warm feeling I’d felt earlier—when we kissed—that must have been the court bond thread connecting us...

  When my dreamscape male had trained me in the use of mental shields, he’d explained mine were naturally powerful, and if we strengthened them, we could ensure most mental attacks would fail against me. We hadn’t discussed nor practiced, much beyond my shields, however. I found it both fascinating and scary to learn other psi abilities existed. I would clearly need to spend time learning more if I was to protect myself.

  “Umm... I see a golden bubble surrounding me... with a faint golden thread that goes to a teal bubble... Is that you?”

  “Yes! Good, Selena. That golden bubble is your mental shield. The teal bubble is mine. That golden thread? That is our new connection. That is what all Circuli nestqueens have with their nestmates.” Xylo’s mental tone sounded pleased.

  “Can anyone do this?”

  “Though only a few species in CEG have the ability to form bonds—like the Circuli—there are many
with some form of telepathic ability. The technique is fairly simple, sending a mental ‘knock’ down the thread to the individual we want to mindspeak, brushing their mental shields. It is considered polite to await permission before speaking, especially since stronger telepaths do not require it. They could barge in whenever they wished. Your shields are extremely strong—much stronger than almost anyone aboard Destiny—so the only way someone can mindspeak with you would be for you to lower your shields and grant access. Or for them to brutally force themselves in.”

  “Was that the reason I woke with a headache?” I asked, opening my eyes.

  He grimaced. “Most likely. We did not know humans had any mental abilities, so no one realized they might be trying to force a connection. It is part of why you surprised everyone—there isn’t a species registered with CEG with shields as strong as yours. This makes it impossible for anyone to mindspeak you unless you were to lower your shields.”

  “Other than you?”

  His gaze dropped to the ground and the corner of his mouth lifted. “Yes. Because of our bond. But I should tell you... you have been thinking out loud as you have been attempting to mindspeak me. That is the only reason I have been able to hear your thoughts. The correct way to mindspeak is to consciously touch—or brush—the connecting thread in your mind. You only need to lightly caress it to communicate with me. Anything harder than that... Ah, let us just say that you may drop them to their knees.” He winced at that thought.

  I bit my bottom lip and gently tugged on the golden thread, testing our new connection. “So, if I ever wanted your undivided attention, all I have to do is...”

  I envisioned myself grabbing it in a tight hold, then yanked.

  Xylo gasped and fell to the floor. He was silent a moment as he breathed hard, then got back to his feet.

  “Yes... like that. Not that I would recommend you do that again, please.”


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