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Project: Adapt - Found: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 1)

Page 17

by Jade Waltz

  “You don’t have to keep them wrapped when we’re alone if you don’t want.”

  He simply smiled.

  I sat up and reached for one of his vines, tugging it free from his torso. I cupped it between my hands, trying to gauge his reaction.

  He shivered and swallowed audibly.

  The cool vine slid in a gentle dance through my hands, its movement tickling my palms. The flowered tip pressed gentle kisses to each of my fingertips, tiny suctioning kisses. I remembered how incredible they had felt on my body last night when we’d bonded. I traced my fingers along the vine edge and felt it vibrate.

  “Is this all right?” I asked, looking up at his face.

  His eyes focused on my hands as though he were in a trance. He didn’t seem to hear me. A mischievous impulse made me pull his vine to my mouth, wondering if he tasted as good as he smelled, and whether a kiss would snap him out of his daze.

  I focused on his eyes as I traced my tongue along the petal edge of the flowered tip of his vine.

  His body jerked.

  Smiling inwardly with delight, I wondered how far I could push him. I slid the entire tip into my mouth, tongue caressing the center of the flower, and sucked lightly.

  He tasted even better than the drink he’d given me last night.

  His eyes rolled back in his head, and his knees buckled as he collapsed.

  I gasped and dove to catch him, managing to direct his fall onto the couch. His head landed on the cushion.

  “Xylo! Are you okay? Xylo?”

  For a moment, there was no reply, then he stiffened with a grunt and struggled to a kneeling position.

  My eyes filled with tears. I hadn’t meant to hurt him with my playful tease. Climbing off the couch, I knelt beside him and placed my hand on his mossy shoulder.

  “Xylo, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you!”

  He flinched as I squeezed his shoulder.

  I jerked back and stood, blindly feeling my way to the bathroom as the tears overflowed. A hiccupping sob escaped me as I tried to dash the tears away. I collapsed on the edge of the tub, trailing my fingers in the water and cried.

  How could I have been so stupid? We were only just getting to know one another... I should’ve asked first, but I hadn’t meant to hurt him... and now, he wouldn’t even talk to me... flinched away from my touch.

  I hiccupped again, then peered at the tub, noticing the soothing comfort of the water for the first time. I shucked my clothes, dropping them in a heap on the floor, and slid into the bath. It felt divine, and my sobs slowly eased as I let the water cradle me in its warmth. I curled up next to the waterfall on a ledge I found beneath the water, and leaned toward the spray, allowing the falling water to wash the remaining tears from my eyes.

  I was afraid to reach out to him—fearful I messed something up between us when he was the only person who truly cared for me. Perhaps I was taking everything too fast. I was overwhelmed by the enormity of what I might have lost, angry at myself for not thinking before I acted, not taking the time to ask him if it was okay. My breathing quickened as I struggled not to begin crying again.

  A large splash and two strong arms wrapped around me, startling me. They pulled me into a hard chest, one hand stroking my hair as the other slid around my waist.

  “Shhh, Selena! It is okay. Everything is fine,” Xylo whispered into my hair as my sobs returned anew at his tenderness.

  “What do you mean? How can it be? I hurt you!” I wailed against his chest.

  Xylo sat down on the ledge and pulled me onto his lap, nestling me into the secure seat formed by his waist petals. His vines wrapped around my legs, securing me closer to him.

  I closed my eyes, embarrassed and upset, and struggled to get my emotions under control.

  He ran his fingers through my hair. “What do you mean you hurt me?”

  “You collapsed! You wouldn’t answer me, and you flinched away from me.”

  His body shook with laughter, vibrating through me, and I stared at him in surprise and a little hurt.

  “You mistake the situation, Selena. Our vines are extremely sensitive. They do not only produce venom—they also taste by touch and can absorb any fluid. When you slid my vine inside your mouth, the warmth and taste overwhelmed my senses. I passed out from pleasure, not because you hurt me.”

  “But why’d you flinch when I touched you?”

  His laughter ceased.

  “I was trying to muster every bit of discipline I possess to keep my vines from having their way with you. When you touched me, it nearly destroyed my concentration. I was almost unable to prevent them from seeking out and entering every one of your holes to gorge on your taste.”

  I pulled my head back in shock and wiped my eyes to better see his serious teal ones.

  “Is that the truth?”

  “Of course. I will never lie to you. You do not understand how addictive you are. Your mind puts mine at ease... but your scent drives me crazy. And your taste is something I wish I could live off—I would sample you all day if I could. Other nestqueens only produce an alluring scent and taste at the time of their heat-year. You are clearly pregnant, so your continued allure caught me off guard.”

  “So, the allure should be gone while I’m pregnant?”

  He nodded.

  “But if it’s this strong now, what will it be like when I’m no longer pregnant?”

  A wicked grin flashed briefly across his face. “I may never let you leave the nestbed—which means I may need some help to provide for all your needs.”

  I was both surprised and pleased by his daring though my face burned at his insinuation. To my surprise, Odelm slid into my mind.

  I blinked.

  Xylo’s arms tightened around me.

  “I am doing a poor job of comforting you. How about I help you wash?”

  “I’d love that.” I eyed the soap in the baskets along the bathtub’s edge. “Pick a scent you like since your sense of smell is better than mine.”

  He unwound his vines and lowered my body to the ledge next to him. I watched him reach over to pick up the basket of soaps, taking the time to smell each one. He nodded and chose a lightly floral, pink-swirled soap, then replaced the basket.

  I turned my back to him and pushed my hair behind my shoulders. Water fell onto my head, and I tilted my head up and back. Hands massaged the top of my head, stroking along my scalp, fingers kneading, rubbing the soap into my hair. I moaned at the incredible sensation.

  His hands felt amazing, and I didn’t want him to stop.

  The exquisite care and focus with which he bathed me—taking the time to lather and rinse every millimeter of skin—warmed my heart. My instincts had been right about him having a gentle soul. I would cherish moments like this—and strive never to take him for granted.

  He worked his way methodically down my neck and shoulders, and I collapsed against his chest. I took advantage of his concentration on his task to trace the elegant planes of his face. He really was beautiful, and only grew more so with each passing day.

  He glanced up and met my eyes. “Tell me if something does not feel good or you need something a different way. I am not as familiar with human musculature. I have only just begun to study your species.”

  His hands found a knot on my right shoulder and kneaded. My eyes rolled up in pleasure, and I let out a long groan.

  He paused, looking at me with concern.

  “No, don’t stop! It feels incredible.”

  Xylo’s focus was single-minded as he worked his way down my body. When he finished, I felt both clean and boneless. He lowered me carefully into the water to rinse off the soap, then carried me out of the bathtub, sitting me on the tub’s edge. My gaze was glued to his strong body, watching the play of his muscles as he pulled a pair of black towels from one of the cabinets. He placed one beside me, using the other to carefully dry me.

  When he’d finished, he scooped me into his arms again and carried me to our nestbed, la
ying me in the center. He smiled as he tucked the silver blanket around me.

  “I will be right back.”

  I eyed his muscular butt as he returned to the bathroom.

  I was ashamed of my earlier overreaction. I should’ve remained, made sure he was okay, waited for him to speak to me. The way he treated me like the most precious thing in the world made my insides flutter. I smiled in remembrance—he’d made me feel cherished and cared for.

  I pulled a lock of hair across my nose and sniffed. Wildflowers, light, slightly sweet, and floral—like the flowers in the terrarium.

  I wondered what Xylo thought I smelled and tasted like—clearly, something he enjoyed. He’d lost control of his vines multiple times because of it, but he hadn’t mentioned what I smelled or tasted like to him.

  His comment about needing help to provide for me—since he would have trouble letting me leave our nestbed when I started ovulating—surprised me. I didn’t realize he thought about sharing me already, that it didn’t faze him in the least even though we had just completed our permanent bond.

  I stared at the empty spots along the raised edge of the nestbed and wondered if he was hoping I would start filling them. Personally, I wasn’t sure if I wanted that many nestmates... husbands... mates... whatever I was going to call them. At least not until things settled down, and we had a chance to get to know one another. I needed to get through this pregnancy and the whole Aldawi situation before I even thought about starting to fill my nestbed.

  But Xylo... I thought of his strong hands kneading my body, the glide of the soap against my skin... My body clenched in arousal, and I could feel myself growing damp.

  The lights flicked off and the tinted curtain lowered to cover the glass wall.

  I blushed at the direction of my thoughts—and at the thought Xylo may have caught them.


  I looked toward the sound of his voice and saw him standing at the top of the nestbed stairs. My eyes greedily traced the patterns glowing along his body, noticing even my bite mark on his neck glowed white.

  I swallowed.

  “Selena?” he whispered once again.

  “Mmm?” I mumbled, distracted.

  “Do not be alarmed, but your spots are glowing.”

  I jerked, snapping out of the erotic daze. Pushing the blanket aside, I gasped.

  All my spots glowed brilliant white.

  I ran one hand along my other arm, experimentally. Nothing felt different, and the glow did not dim.

  “What does this mean?”

  “At a guess? I would say in mating with me, in taking my essence into your body, you have adopted my bioluminescence, but I do not know for certain. Nor do I know if you only absorb one trait from each partner or multiples. Or whether you gain a new trait each time you mate with someone, only with someone new, or perhaps, with each new species you mate with. There are so many questions, and we have few answers thus far, but I do not believe there is any danger. I think this is a gift, an amazing and unique ability. However, it is something we should study to learn more, so we can determine the impact on both you and your offspring.”

  I could hear the awe and excitement in his voice as he explained. He was right, and I trusted him. He would never do anything without my permission, nor would he allow my children to become experiments. I needed to put the past behind me and allow him to figure this out if not for my own, then for my children’s sakes.

  I smiled.

  “I agree, Xylo. We need to know, and I trust you to have my best interests at heart.” Glancing down at my hands in my lap, I whispered, “Even though it would be embarrassing to report to you every time I was intimate with another.”

  The nestbed’s center cushion shifted as Xylo lay down next to me. He cupped my chin in his hand and turned my face to his, locking his glowing eyes on mine.

  “My only goal is to keep you healthy, safe, and happy. Sharing a nestqueen is a part of my culture. I am happy you accept the concept of having multiple nestmates, but that you do not wish to dictate to any of us. That you will allow us to retain our jobs, our own lives as well as share them with you. I find great comfort in knowing when I am not around, you would have another to love and care for you. Right now, it is just the two of us, and we have not been together long. There is time to do this on your terms. When you are ready.

  “I have noticed how drawn Odelm is to you and how good you are for him. You are healing him. He has been the most social I have seen him in the five years we have been on this mission. I read your thoughts about Odelm earlier—how wanting him embarrassed you. Do not be embarrassed. He is a good friend and would make a good nestbrother. He has already been protective of you and clearly cares about your wellbeing. We would work well together as a family.

  “This is your choice, your decision alone, and I would never want to rush you, but I felt it was important for you to know it is okay to want to be with others. I do not feel threatened. I would not think less of you. And there is no need to be embarrassed.” He let go of my chin as he chuckled. “Besides, I would know whenever you are with another anyhow.”

  My jaw dropped open in shock. “How?”

  He lifted a loose strand of my silver hair and tucked it behind my ear.

  “Because you cannot block me. We are permanently bonded, so I can read your memories and thoughts if I want.”

  As I opened my mouth to speak, he placed a finger over my lips.

  “Do not panic. I would never violate your privacy, Selena. Not without permission. Only ever in the direst emergency. Most of what I would pick up would be surface thoughts or thoughts you broadcast loudly. I cannot block those. So, of course, I would know when you are intimate with someone. I would feel the extreme emotions during coupling, but I do not feel every emotion all the time. Ulax males, however, do. They sense all your emotions constantly, including whenever you feel aroused. They cannot block those, but they can only ever read very loudly broadcast thoughts.”

  “I really should have asked questions before we went this far, shouldn’t I?” I murmured wryly, eyeing the glowing bite mark on Xylo’s neck. “Did it hurt?”

  He shook his head. “It brings me great pleasure to feel pleasure from you. In fact, I need it. It is an instinctive need to want to please you.”

  “But what if I want to make you feel good?”

  I slid closer to him and traced the glowing nebula on his chest. The velvety-soft skin stretched taut over hard muscle, delicious beneath my fingertips. My hands roamed to the “V” patterns along his face, carefully tracing them.

  He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

  My hands continued their journey down his neck and back across the center of his chest. The velvety skin faded into the overlapping cool scales. Though he wasn’t a member of the Warrior Class, his body was sleek and muscular, and his temperature was lower than mine, so he felt cool to the touch. It was a soothing cool and fit his sleek form.

  When I’d fallen asleep curled up on him last night, cocooned in the blanket, his temperature had balanced mine and prevented me from overheating. It was an unexpected but delightful discovery.

  “You know what your patterns remind me of?” I asked, tracing a glowing green and blue swirl above his left waist petal.

  “No. What?”

  Pinching the edge of the left waist petal with my hands, I was surprised by its rigidity. I pushed lightly, testing its flexibility and was surprised when it sprang back immediately.

  “They remind me of space. Your body is a canvas of nebulas and galaxies. Seeing them glow in the dark makes it that much more spectacular to look at.”

  “I can feel you tell the truth, but no one has ever said such things to me. Quite the opposite.”

  I pulled my hands away.

  “Well, they don’t matter. You’re mine now, and I think you’re gorgeous. Now turn over.”

  He opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment before flipping onto his stomach. His vines lay
loosely along his body, their tips trembling. I rolled on top of him, sliding a leg across his hips, settling on his waist petal. Sitting up, I traced his spine from the neck down to the apex of my legs with one finger.

  He shivered. His petal-wings fluttered in response.

  I traced a hand along the base of each vine, feeling the difference between the texture of his scales and the smoothness of his vines. Sliding farther up his back to his shoulder blades, I traced the edge of his petal-wings, then massaged the muscles where they attached to his back.

  He moaned.

  “What are your petal-wings for?”

  It took him a moment to respond.

  “Primarily for attracting a nestqueen, but they are also used to collect dew in the mornings or rainwater when required for drinking. Walking in any sort of wind can be hard, so we have to use our vines to secure them to our backs.”

  Smiling, I leaned forward and ran my hands down his spine. I lowered my lips, dropping a gentle kiss on the back of his neck.

  He gasped.


  Pressing my breasts against his back, I whispered in his left ear. “Yes?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Exploring what is mine,” I purred, gliding my hands through his grassy hair.

  I sat back up, pulling one of his vines up with me. I slid my hands along its length and brought the tip to my lips. I blew across the flower, and he jerked beneath me. Smiling, I placed my lips over its petaled tip and sucked, running my tongue underneath.


  “You aren’t the only one who tastes good,” I teased, the corners of my lips curling up as they wrapped around his vine.

  A moan escaped him as I sucked and lapped the tip. He shuddered as my tongue delved between the petals.

  His responses stoked my own arousal. I felt my core growing wetter and wriggled my hips, rubbing against his back in an attempt to create more friction.

  He noticed my arousal and the vine in my mouth surged deeper, nearly making me choke. The other five slid around my hips and thighs, pulling my legs wider, flowered tips running across my nether lips. Moisture pooled between my legs, and my juices began coating my thighs. His vines grew frenzied as they lapped at my essence. My body trembled violently as hard shivers of desire raced up my spine.


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