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Spun Out

Page 13

by Lorelei James

  No fucking pressure.


  Her fists were clenched by her sides. “Your move, cutie.”

  Streeter did something he’d never done: took off his cowboy hat and tossed it on the ground. He didn’t want anything getting in the way.

  Curling his fingers around her fists, he squeezed them, then moved his hands up, over her wrists and forearms, stopping to sweep his thumbs across the bend in her elbows. Then continuing upward, caressing her muscled biceps and gliding over her shoulders and neck. Stopping to cradle her beautiful—but wary—face in his hands.

  He brought his mouth down to hers with more confidence than he felt. His heart hammered and he fought the urge to lick his lips before he pressed them to hers.

  Goddamn. Her lips were soft. Sweet. Slightly parted, granting him access to a deeper kiss whenever he wanted.

  And he wanted, all right. He wanted her crazy, messy, hungry kisses.

  But he took his time, teasing his lips across hers with gentle consideration. He kissed the corners of her smile, nibbling on her lower lip and darting his tongue across that plump flesh for a tiny taste, gratified when he felt her quick intake of breath.

  Then he moved in and deepened the kiss.

  His worry about his rusty make-out skills vanished at the first touch of his tongue to hers.

  Bailey molded her body against his as he tasted her. Switching it up from a fierce mating of tongues to a flirty exchange of soft smooches. Holding her head in place, his thumbs caressing her cheekbones as he tilted his head, kissing her from every angle.

  Streeter felt her hands clutching the fabric of his shirt, using it to anchor herself, and a primitive need rolled through him. A need unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

  He slid his hands into her hair and broke the kiss, trailing his mouth down her neck until she shivered and released a husky moan. After he pressed his lips to the hollow of her throat, he feathered kisses back up her neck until he reached her ear. He whispered, “I want more of that.”

  “I do too.” She kissed his chin and released his shirt before she stepped back, forcing him to drop his hands. “But this is as far as it goes tonight.”


  Bailey shoved her hands in her back pockets. “Look, I want you to think about what it’ll mean for us to get involved. Even if it’s just sexual, it’ll require full communication on everything from when we can have smexy time, because you do have a daughter, to dealing with our individual desires and limits. I’m not trying to be clinical or cynical, but this is a much bigger step for you than it is for me. Us fucking each other stupid outside of Buckeye Joe’s would be hot as hell, but it’d probably lead to regrets. And I refuse to feel guilty about sex.”

  He raised both eyebrows. “You sayin’ I’d have regrets?”

  “I’m saying I don’t know if you would, and frankly, I don’t think you know either.” She paused and her gaze searched his face. “Am I wrong?”

  “No.” Feeling a little foolish for jumping the gun, he reached down for his hat and ran his hand through his hair before he settled it on his head. “Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow night?”

  She smiled. “I’d love that. Text me and we’ll set up a time.”

  “Great.” Streeter placed his hands on her ass, directly over hers still jammed in her back pockets, immobilizing her and tugging her closer just to see if she’d surrender control.

  She did.

  Then she tipped her head back to look at him.

  Even in the darkness he saw her eyes flare with heat.

  He lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Tilt your head to the left, hot stuff. If you’re gonna be with me, you gotta learn how to kiss me when I’m wearin’ my hat.”

  This time when he kissed her, he kept it sweet. Swallowed her groans of frustration that he didn’t turn this kiss into the frenzied mouth fuck she wanted. This had to be enough for both of them tonight.

  Streeter released her and stared into her eyes. “Need to go back in and get your stuff before I walk you to your car?”

  Bailey shook her head. “I’m good to go.” She reached out and ran the tips of her fingers across his lips. “Good night, Streeter.”

  “Night, Bailey.”

  He watched as she climbed into her SUV and drove away.

  Now he was too wired to go home. Chances were good if he returned to the Split Rock right now he wouldn’t have the willpower not to knock on her door.

  Good thing Walmart was open twenty-four hours.

  He hopped in his truck and headed for Casper.

  Chapter Eleven


  A date.

  A normal, regular date. With a normal, regular guy.

  Except he wasn’t like any other guys Bailey had ever met.

  Besides the fact he was Daddy to a five-year-old.

  Besides the fact he was a widower.

  Besides the fact he was hot as fuck.

  Besides the fact he wasn’t aware he was hot as fuck.

  Besides the fact that oblivious hot-as-fuck Daddio hadn’t been fucked for a very fucking long time.

  Hey. No pressure.

  Oh, and no pressure that he’d only had sex with one woman in his thirty-six years.

  The woman he’d been married to for a dozen years . . . before she died.

  Yeah. This was light-years away from a normal date.

  Bailey locked up Wild West Clothiers and exited out the side entrance, using the cut-across to get to the employee compound.

  She waved to Bobbie and Pete, who were making final evening rounds on the ATV.

  Before she went home to prepare for her date, she stopped at her car and grabbed the box of condoms she’d purchased after last night’s make-out session with Streeter.

  Her belly did a little flip, remembering how quickly Streeter had gotten his kissing skills back up to speed. She hadn’t ever been kissed with such thoughtful deliberation. With such barely controlled greed. Add in his admission that he wanted to learn how to please her and she’d just about jumped him in the parking lot.

  She’d gotten lost in those kinds of thoughts as she backtracked to her place. But before she reached it, she heard a rhythmic thumping coming from Ted and Zack’s trailer. Specifically from the bedroom at the back of the trailer, which was situated right across from her bedroom. She glanced up and saw their bedroom windows were open.

  Weird. They kept their place buttoned up, preferring to keep their window air conditioner running night and day.

  And when she heard a very masculine groan, followed by, “Fuck me harder, Ted. I need to come now. My break’s nearly over,” Bailey understood why they kept the windows shut.

  She also understood why the two young men were content in each other’s company.

  Good for them that they’d found love or hot fucking or whatever. But since they’d kept their relationship secret, she oughta give them a sign that keeping their windows closed would maintain that privacy.

  Even though she wasn’t ready to see him yet, she marched over to Streeter’s trailer and banged loudly on the door.

  Sure enough, all audible activity in the Ted and Zack secret sex show stopped immediately.

  Bailey knocked again. Louder. She added on, “Streeter, I know you’re in there,” for good measure.

  Locks tumbled and the door opened to reveal a shirtless Streeter, brandishing a washcloth in his left hand. “Bailey? I thought we agreed on seven o’clock.”

  Good lord, would you look at those damn abs?

  The only way they could’ve been more appealing was if he’d just stepped out of the shower and tiny drops of water rolled between those firm pillows of glistening flesh. And then more drops followed the happy trail of dark blond hair into the white towel wrapped around his hips. A towel that w
as dangerously close to dropping to the floor. Or combusting, given the deep cut of muscle that disappeared into his jeans—his body was hot enough that it could happen.


  “Oh. Yeah. Right. Six-pack. Seven o’clock, whatever.”

  Warm fingers curled around the bottom of her jaw and tilted her chin up.

  Damn. The view of his rugged face was just as droolworthy as his belly.

  Amusement danced in his sexy green eyes. “You do realize you said ‘six-pack’ and not ‘six o’clock’?”

  “I did?”

  “And hot stuff, this is the first time you’ve looked me in the eyes since I opened the door.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t go around half-dressed, flashing those abs at people. They’re distracting.”

  Streeter raised an eyebrow. “You knocked on my door.”

  “So I did. Should I be sorry?”

  “No. I’m happy to see you, even if you’re seein’ more of me than I intended.” He stepped back. “Come in and I’ll finish getting dressed.”

  “You don’t need to do that on my account” slipped out.

  He chuckled.

  As soon as she stepped inside and he shut the door, she went toe-to-toe with him. “I feel we need to be totally, one hundred percent, brutally honest with each other.”

  Some of the amusement in his eyes dimmed. “What’s on your mind?”

  “You. And me. Naked.”

  He waited.

  “We’ve gotten to know each other over the past couple of weeks to realize we like each other. Last night we acted on our mutual attraction with that superhot make-out session. I don’t want to waste the limited amount of time we’ve got alone together suffering through a dinner we probably won’t taste, in a public place where neither of us wants to be, when we’re both wondering if we’ll end up in bed after the dessert course, when it’s obvious that’s where this is headed. So let’s cut out the boring middle and get right to the explosive ending.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “Completely and utterly serious.”

  His face showed his suspicion. “This ain’t some kind of test?”

  “A test? Like to see if I eat dessert first?”


  Oh, and lookit whose eyes zeroed in on her groin with her eat-dessert-first comment.

  They both seemed to realize that the train had already veered off the track.

  She managed a quick “Explain the test thing.”

  “Like you have a dating rule where I have to prove I’m a gentleman and tell you I don’t want to fuck you stupid on the first date, so you think my intentions are honorable or some shit, and that’s when you tell me I passed the test. Because I’ll admit right now, I’m about to fail that motherfucker with flying colors.”

  Bailey’s brain got stuck on fuck you stupid. Could she be so lucky that he had all that going on and he was a dirty talker in bed?

  “Are you even listenin’ to me?”

  Her gaze winged back to his. “Uh. No. Everything you said after fuck you stupid became white noise.”

  “So your ‘eat dessert first’ philosophy truly sums this up.”

  “Yes. I’m a sure thing.” Dammit. “I meant dessert is a sure thing if it’s the first course. Or the only course.”

  Streeter stepped back and dropped the washcloth at her feet.

  “Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “That I’m throwin’ in the towel? Yep. You wanna do this now, I wanna do this now, so baby, we’re doin’ this now.”

  Then they came at each other so fast it was a wonder they didn’t knock their damn teeth out.

  Between voracious kisses, Streeter muttered, “Off. Get your clothes off. I need to touch you.”

  Their fingers got tangled as they both tried to undo her buttons.

  Streeter trapped her face in his hands. “You strip and I’ll do this.”

  And he kissed her with such raw hunger that she nearly tore her blouse off, screw the buttons. Then she reached behind her and unhooked her bra, baring herself to him.

  Immediately he slid his hands down her neck and over her chest to palm her tits.

  She was mesmerized by how thoroughly his rough-skinned hands searched for her trigger points—not the obvious ones. First kneading and stroking her whole breasts, then working her nipples, pulling and pinching, until he’d learned which ones made her arch into his touch, which ones caused her to gasp. And as he figured out that after a hard pinch to her nipples, she craved a lighter caress to soothe the sting, he kept up the ebb and flow of their kiss.

  Until the moment he ripped his mouth free and bent her backward over his arm to feast on her tits.


  He said, “Mmm?” as he tongued her nipple.

  “You’re breaking my back, dude.”

  That brought him upright. “Sorry.”

  “Take me to bed. Unless we’re doing this right here on the living room floor?”

  “No, bossy. I do have some class.”

  “Me too.” Bailey snatched the box of condoms out of her purse.

  “An entire box?”

  “That oughta get us through tonight.” She sashayed down the hallway, heading straight to his bedroom at the back of the trailer.

  When Streeter paused in the doorway, he said, “Bailey? What’re you doin’?”

  “Checking to make sure the windows are closed.”


  You don’t wanna know. “Maybe I’m a screamer.”

  “If you’re tryin’ to get me more riled up, it’s workin’.” Streeter pointed to her pants. “Off.”

  She shimmied her capris down to her ankles, trying to be sexy as she did it. The way his eyes flared with heat indicated she’d achieved sexy with the removal of her panties. Go her!

  “Now you.”

  He undid the top button on the waistband of his jeans and eased the zipper down. His “date” jeans were baggier than the Wranglers he wore every day on the job, so she caught a quick glimpse of his boxers after he shed them. Then he stood naked before her and she couldn’t look anywhere except at his dick.

  His truly magnificent dick in all its long, thick, circumcised glory.

  Had she mentioned long?

  Had she mentioned thick?

  “You’re starin’ at it.”


  “So, you’re givin’ me a complex.”

  Bailey managed to tear her gaze away from the one-eyed monster and look into his eyes. “Here’s a hint, cowboy. You know you’ve got a big dick. Let me admire it.” She paused. “Please tell me you’ve got lube.”

  “Yes, I’ve got lube.”

  “You sound testy.”

  “I am. This ain’t goin’ the way I thought it would.”

  She sauntered forward. “You’re naked. I’m naked. We’re in your bedroom. We’ve got a box of condoms, lube and the whole night ahead of us. How is this not going in the right direction?”

  He jammed a hand into his hair. “I’m nervous. I thought we’d be kissin’ and then the next image in my head is of us rollin’ around nekkid in bed.”

  “You skipped a few crucial steps in that fantasy. The reality is I’ve gotta be prepared to take that bad boy or it’s gonna hurt.” She smoothed her palms over his pecs. “You grab the lube. I’ll open a condom and we’ll meet on the bed. Deal?”


  She turned away, but he pulled her back against his body with one hand on her belly and one arm braced across her chest.


  Please don’t change your mind.

  Then she felt his lips gliding back and forth across her hair. “Be patient with me.”

  His rapid exhales tickled her ear, causing her skin to tin
gle from that spot straight to her core. “Do you want to stop?” she said a little breathlessly.

  “Fuck no.”

  “Then grab the lube and we’ll get to the rolling-around-naked part.”

  Thankfully he couldn’t see how much her hands shook as she opened the box of condoms. She was nervous too.

  When she faced the bed, she noticed Streeter’s eyes on her butt. “You’re staring at it.”


  “So, it’s giving me a complex.”

  “Here’s a hint, hot stuff. You know you’ve got a damn fine ass. Let me admire it.” He smirked. “That lube is gonna come in handy, ain’t it.”

  “Omigod, no, you are not fucking me in the ass at least until our third date.”

  “Damn, dating rules do exist.” He cocked his head. “I wanna take a bite outta that cute butt of yours, though.”

  “And then what would you do?”

  “Bite the other side.”

  Bailey walked across the mattress on her knees. “And then?”

  “Then I’d rub my face all over it, so we’re cheek to cheek in a whole new way.”

  “Cheeky man.” She ran her fingertips down his jawline from one side to the other. “You shaved for our date. I like that.”

  “I’d like you to put the condom on me. Now.”

  Any momentum they’d lost blasted through them as she rolled the condom on.

  And on.

  His hand covered hers as he slammed his mouth down on hers.

  God. She loved his mix of raw sexuality and innocence. She let go of his dick and grabbed onto his shoulders, pressing their bodies together.

  The heat between them increased with every kiss. Every touch.

  Streeter had a hold of her hair, limiting her movement, which was . . . wow. Way sexier than she’d imagined it’d be. When he broke their kiss to whisper, “Spread your legs for me,” her heart raced faster, her blood seemed to run hotter and her need ran deeper.

  His growl of satisfaction rumbled in her ear when he touched her pussy and found her wet. Really wet.


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