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Hot Stuff

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by Virginia Page

  Hot Stuff

  By Virginia Page

  Copyright © 2019 Virginia Page

  All Rights Reserved

  Warning: This story contains explicit sexual content that is not intended for those under the age of 18. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious and the age of 18 and older. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 1

  I really needed to stop thinking about love and concentrate on my marriage. I’d been concerned because my husband William had become distant, isolating himself from me more than ever, which had caused me to feel even more insecure. Why the sudden change?

  “Are you planning on taking anyone along with you on your trip?” I asked.

  William cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses.

  “No, I’m going alone,” he replied.

  His words only eased my mind for a moment until the little voice in the back of my head doubted him. Something about the look on his face told me otherwise, his lying eyes revealing the sad truth. I thought for sure he’d been deceiving me, but I wasn't completely certain. Besides, who would go to Las Vegas alone?

  William waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

  “Listen to me, Molly. I need you to search online for some discount vouchers,” he said. “Then print them off and pack them in my luggage. I’ll be meeting up with a business client and want to take them out. Do you understand?”


  Ugh. I reluctantly printed off vouchers for him as he’d requested, even though I didn't want to be responsible for getting them because he was so particular about his stuff. If I packed the wrong vouchers, he’d snap at me, blaming me for everything that could go wrong on his trip. Of course, I did what I was told, but not in the way he’d asked. A rare opportunity to discover the truth had presented itself. I decided I needed to put the vouchers into his briefcase instead of his luggage, along with the letter I’d written pouring my heart and soul out to him, deciding I needed validation and answers. What choice did I have? I wasn’t brave enough to confront him in person. I figured if he read my letter on his trip, he’d have time to cool off before we discussed my feelings.

  Not in my nature to do such things, desperation had gotten the best of me. I knew William couldn't do without his briefcase because he lived and breathed his business through its contents. If he was actually doing business, he’d absolutely open his briefcase, without a doubt. On the other hand, if he was being untruthful, there might be a good chance it would remain closed. I remembered when we first started dating, he never opened his briefcase when we went on trips because we were too busy fooling around. Becoming anxious, I knew I’d learn the truth soon enough.

  Normally, William kept the lock scrambled with the built in rolling combination when his briefcase wasn't in use. It wasn't likely that I’d be able to gain access, but occasionally when he would hurry, I noticed he’d sometimes forget to lock the combination, more times than not when he had to go to the bathroom.

  Just as I’d hoped, William closed his briefcase without locking it and walked into the other room. I couldn't believe my stroke of luck. My opportunity had finally arrived. Lately, he had a lot on his mind with stress from the office, so I could understand he might have been in his head. For a moment, I wondered if he was setting me up. Did he want to see if I’d snoop in his stuff? Was he setting a trap? Was he presenting the opportunity as a test of my loyalty to him? I couldn’t be certain.

  I peeked down the hallway and saw William walk into the bathroom. He was somewhat anal retentive and always made it a habit to go to the bathroom before leaving the house because he didn't like to go in public restrooms. After the door had closed, I ducked back into the kitchen and opened the briefcase. I switched into full gear, rushing in an attempt to complete my mission. I became fidgety and my hands couldn't stop shaking. I grabbed my letter that I’d hidden earlier in a junk drawer. Not a good place to hide my letter, but I had to stash it somewhere because I was in a hurry. Then I grabbed the Las Vegas discount vouchers I’d printed off.

  I hadn't done anything crafty since I’d lived with my parents. Sneaky behavior was new territory for me as an adult, but in spite of my nervous feelings it was also invigorating, feeling the adrenaline flowing like a bursting fire hose coursing through my veins, finally feeling alive.

  I applied bright red lipstick, sealed the letter with a heart sticker, and kissed the surface with my lips to put an imprint of my affection for a cute effect, then hurried and stuffed my letter and vouchers inside his briefcase and closed it. Hyperventilating, I feared he’d catch me in the act at any moment. What would I say if he saw me? How would I explain what I was up to? Although, proud of myself, I’d thrown caution to the wind and took a chance. For once in my life I had the courage to seize the moment and do something for the good of someone other than myself. Keeping my daughter Chloe in a stable home was my first priority.

  William shouted from the other room, causing me to jump. I couldn’t understand what he’d said. When I jerked away, his briefcase got caught on my red sweater. I yanked the fabric repeatedly, trying my best to break free before William returned. After several aggressive tugs, I was finally able to release myself.

  He shouted again, “I have to get going. The taxicab is out front. We’re going to be late for our flight. I meant my flight. You know what I mean.”

  When he walked back into the kitchen, he reached for his briefcase and started to open it but didn’t. I cringed at the thought of him discovering my letter before he left. If he opened up the briefcase and saw my letter, he might not have read it at all. He probably would have immediately thrown it into the trash because it didn't belong there. It would have pissed him off that I’d tampered with his most prized possession, his workspace. He had zero tolerance for that type of behavior, and I didn't want to be reprimanded for insubordination.

  William scrambled the combination lock on his briefcase. After he finished, I saw the lock was set to the digits 411. I always noticed the smallest details, which always frustrated him. When I looked up, William gave me a strange look, which startled me. Had he noticed me looking at the combination lock?

  "why are you wearing lipstick?" he asked.

  Oh no. I’d forgotten to remove it. What was I thinking? Putting on lipstick hadn’t been the smartest move, but I believed my sweet
gesture would be cute and romantic, so I didn’t have any regrets. I knew I needed to change the subject fast, so I decided to appeal to his obsessive sensibilities.

  "Shouldn't you hurry," I said. "After all, the meter is probably already running in the cab. It adds up you know."

  I couldn't resist mentioning the potential loss of money to William because I knew how frugal he could be. It would definitely motivate him.

  "Yes," he replied. "You're absolutely right. Thanks."

  Just as I thought, he never asked me again about my lipstick. I could see the wheels in his head turning. He had one purpose: get into the cab as soon as possible to save money. Sometimes I felt like I was too smart for my own good.

  I leaned over and kissed William on the cheek, and he just about had a conniption fit, grabbing napkins, cleaning my lipstick off of his face, which was somewhat suspicious.

  “Cut it out,” he said. “I have to go.”

  While he was busy fussing, I noticed a red thread of fabric hanging from the edge of his briefcase, which was from my sweater. I discreetly reached over and tried to break it free but couldn’t because it was caught on there too tight. It must have gotten trapped when I’d closed it.

  Before I could get a chance to remove the string, William grabbed his briefcase, hurried out of the house, and got into the cab.

  As the taxi drove away, I looked out the window and swore I saw a young female with long blonde hair in the backseat, sitting next to William. Was it possible that another passenger had been in the cab before it had arrived? Maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me, or maybe that motherfucker was cheating.

  Chapter 2

  Chloe, adorable in every way, my gift, my love, my everything, filling my life with joy. The sweetest, little, five-year-old girl in the world was my sole reason to live. Her smile brightened my every day, revealing the cutest dimples ever. Her soft locks, which she got from her biological father, flowed like silk. She’d been a constant reminder of my love for him.

  Lately I hadn’t been the best mother, but things were going to be different because I was going to improve our lives. I had mustered up enough enthusiasm to get out of my chair, deciding I was going to start exercising. It was time that I took action and lost some weight, not only for the sake of vanity but also in an attempt to improve how I felt. Although, I needed to fight my past procrastination habits and just do it, which was easier said than done. I had the resources, so I knew there was nothing stopping me from getting started, only myself. I had a collection of at least a few dozen different workout videos that William had purchased for me throughout the years. It was time to dust one of them off and actually exercise. I was ready for change.

  Before I went to workout, I checked on Chloe to make sure she was okay. Peeking into the living room, I noticed the floor looked like a pinata had exploded on it. She really had made quite a mess, empty drink boxes and goody packages scattered everywhere. Most of the snacks had been taken without my permission.

  Chloe stood in the middle of the mess, swinging her arms around in front of the television screen, maneuvering her game controller with one hand, holding her pink pajama pants up with the other hand, having a great time playing some silly video game. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth, darting from side to side, revealing she was in deep concentration. Her pigtails swayed to and fro as her game play had become more exciting. I didn't want to disturb her, but I needed to tell her I was going to be in the workout room. The thought of her coming to look for me and not being able to find me would have been horrible. I knew she’d never come looking for me in there.

  When I called Chloe, she didn't respond. She just continued smiling, playing and having fun. I needed to get her attention, so I reached down and tickled her. She laughed out loud, falling to the ground.

  "Oh, no!" Chloe shouted. "The tickle monster got me."

  She giggled, kicking her legs, swinging her arms, trying to stop me, all the time laughing her butt off.

  "Mommy, you're so silly.”

  Chloe wiggled her fingers under my armpit, but she hadn’t quite gained the skill of tickling someone effectively yet, so I pretended to laugh, pulling away. The more I tried to get away from her, the louder she laughed. After our tickle fight, we both had to catch our breath.

  "You'll have to stop playing games soon,” I said, “so we can go grocery shopping.”

  "Oh, Mommy, please let me play longer?"

  She blinked her baby blue eyes at me, which worked every time.

  "Okay,” I said. “You can play until I'm finished exercising."

  "Thanks, Mommy."

  "You're welcome, baby."

  I thought about playing games with Chloe. An urge to procrastinate was toying with my emotions. I'll just go workout after playing games with my baby girl. Yeah, like that was going to happen. I had to become stronger and more disciplined in order to fight such distractions. Although, I did need to start spending more quality time with her.

  I realized I needed to quit stalling, otherwise I was never going to exercise. I went directly to the workout room, which William had created for me. I’d put on some extra body weight during my pregnancy. After getting home from the hospital, I’d noticed William had filled the guest room with workout equipment. He bought all of the latest exercise machines, encouraging me to lose some weight at every waking moment. It was somewhat insulting to me because I’d never shown any interest in working out, so why would he go through so much trouble. Was it because I was getting fat? It was only baby weight. It would come off eventually.

  It seemed like he only wanted me because of my good looks, and after years had gone by, my beauty was beginning to fade. He wanted to fix me, treating me like his pet project.

  Immediately, major resistance to even start exercising loomed over me. My mind kept thinking of other things I needed to get done, anything and everything. I thought of doing chores, such as laundry, if you could imagine. I tried to justify why it would be better to clean the kitchen, along with a list of many other things that needed done, an overwhelming feeling of my attention span being challenged. It had been years since I did any exercises at all, so I didn’t even know if I was capable of doing any. I got down on one knee and kicked my other leg back. A jolt of pain coursed through my lower-back, a twinge of nerves down my spine, causing me to stop. After a few minutes of rest, I decided I wasn't going to give up, realizing it would be best to continue on.

  As I started to kick my leg back again, the sound of giggles came from the doorway. Chloe enjoyed sneaking around and peeking in on me from time to time, especially when I’d been doing something physical like dish washing, laundry, and vacuuming.

  I could see her out of the corner of my eye, trying to impersonate the exercises I was doing, rolling her eyes, scrunching her upper lip to touch the bottom of her nose, occasionally falling over, rolling around, giggling uncontrollably. Something about mimicking me filled her with joy. She loved mocking me, apparently thinking it was hysterical. I pretended I didn't know she was there, and she continued laughing her butt off, making goofy faces, kicking her legs in rhythm with me.

  When Chloe least expected it, I turned around to tickle her mercilessly.

  “Oh, no,” Chloe shouted, “not again.”

  She giggled like crazy, kicking her legs, grinning, showing her beautiful smile.

  "I saw you imitating me," I said, "you silly girl."

  "You're a silly girl too, Mommy," Chloe said. "You looked funny. Why were you kicking your hind leg up like a doggy going potty?"

  I couldn't help but blush. After all, I’d seen my reflection in the mirror, and I did look ridiculous.

  I kissed Chloe all over her face, her smiling and giggling.

  "My turn, Mommy."

  Chloe grabbed my cheeks, planting baby kisses all over my face, exaggerating little smooching noises.

  "I love you with all of my heart, Mommy."

  I looked into Chloe's eyes, immediately melting.

/>   "I love you too, baby."

  "Daddy’s wrong,” Chloe said. “You’re good for something, Mommy. You're the best Mommy in the whole wide world."

  I smiled inside for a moment, but my eyes welled up, because as much as I wanted to believe her, it wasn't true.

  Chloe stretched out her arms as far as she could, exaggerating her movement.

  “I love you this much, Mommy, and that’s a lot.”

  I became so choked up. I almost couldn't breathe, trying to fight back tears.

  "Why are you crying, Mommy?" Chloe asked. "Are you sad?"

  "No baby,these are tears of joy."

  "What are tears of joy, Mommy?"

  "Tears because I love you, baby," I said. "You’re my everything."

  I realized how lucky we were to be together in such a wonderful house. I couldn't help but think about what would happen to us if William and I were to break up. I didn't have any money. I didn't have any family I could count on. I didn't have any friends in the area. We would be destitute.

  I needed to find a place for Chloe to stay before William returned from his trip. She didn't need to hear the drama that was bound to explode the moment he set foot through the door, so I needed to find somewhere for her to go while we discussed our future.

  I went through my drawer and found my address book, sorting through my contacts. I called every babysitter I knew of, but all of them were away for spring break or already busy babysitting other children. As a last resort, I thought about contacting our old babysitter Hannah. She was definitely not my first choice, because she wasn't responsible enough for me, but I was desperate, and after all, I only needed her to watch Chloe for a few hours. Of course, thinking back, I had fired her as our babysitter because she didn't watch Chloe close enough for my liking. I just hoped there wasn't any bad feelings between us. Reluctantly, I dialed the phone, contacting Hannah's mother to see if Hannah was available to babysit. Her mother told me Hannah had went out of town with her boyfriend, and she wasn’t sure when Hannah would be back. I wondered what kind of mother would allow their eighteen-year-old daughter to go out of town with her boyfriend. Her parenting skills might explain why Hannah wasn't so attentive when watching children.


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