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Destiny Series Boxed Set

Page 86

by Bronwyn Leroux

  Jaden was just beginning to wonder how many Gaptors could remain when the unthinkable happened.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  One of the missile launcher frames exploded. The thunderous reverberation echoed up and down the valley, drowning out all other sounds. Before Jaden could blink, the next frame blew up, and the next, until the entire line had been destroyed. Soon, the only thing left were lines of flame marking each launcher.

  Jaden shook his head. This couldn’t be happening! Had Sven miscalculated? Had the Gaptors deployed some weapon of their own?

  A Gaptor sliced past, aiming for Han. Han dodged, and Jaden struck out, sawing off one of the creature’s gangly wings. It dropped away, only to be replaced by another Gaptor with its weird antennae aloft.

  Movement to his right distracted Jaden. The rider on the closest glider had fallen off. Although his smart suit was compensating to correct his limbs, they weren’t responding. The Gaptor must have released its EMP! The rider would be useless for a few hours until the numbing effects wore off. Worse, if this was happening to all the riders, soon only Jaden’s team and the Legion would be defending against this attack. And those odds were definitely against them.

  Pain lanced his arm. Jaden refocused on the Gaptor attacking him. One of its wing blades had sliced into the meaty part of his forearm, just like his very first experience with a Gaptor attack. He lifted his DD and flicked his wrist. With a thunderclap, the beam struck, and the Gaptor disintegrated.

  Jaden quickly sprayed his arm with the glue Kayla had given him. It was a temporary solution, but it would stop the blood loss. Then he swung his attention toward what was fast becoming a rout by the remaining Gaptors. Time to get organized.

  “Three!” Jaden shouted over his comm to anyone who could still hear and respond.

  Several shapes drifted toward him out the haze of smoke, closely followed by Gaptors.

  Jaden didn’t wait for them to get closer. “Now!” Han curled into a spiral to take them under their approaching foes. They dropped fast and then rose even faster, coming up underneath their surprised assailants. As Han maneuvered them right under the mutants, Jaden’s arm shot up, his DD biting into the bellies of the Gaptors flying over them.

  Screeching dissonantly, the remaining Gaptors flew higher to escape the blades of Jaden’s group. They smashed right into the other half of the group waiting above. DDs sent off multiple shafts of light, and several Gaptors disintegrated, adding their black ash to the smog already thickening the skies. But the home team hadn’t escaped unscathed. Several riders tumbled toward the ground, their gliders frantically chasing after them as they plummeted toward certain death.

  There was no time to worry about the fallen. Another stream of Gaptors flowed toward them with their antennae already raised. Jaden grimaced. They had worked out that not all the gliders were impervious to their EMPs.

  Jaden and Han watched helplessly as most of the other riders slumped over their gliders, or, more alarmingly, fell into open sky.

  The spiky pink tips of a blonde head caught Jaden’s attention. Bree! Han must’ve recognized her, too, because he shot after her.

  He wasn’t the only one. Bree’s glider was hot on her rider’s heels when she faltered and dropped like a stone. At first, Jaden thought Bree’s glider was diving to get under her. Then he saw the spurt of blood as her head separated from her body. The insidious form of a Gaptor loomed right behind the gory scene. For a moment the responsible Gaptor glared at them, its ochre eyes on fire. Then it took off after Bree.

  Jaden bellowed. Han’s muscles strained as he tried to reach Bree first, but the Gaptor had the head start. It caught Bree in its hideous curved claws, viciously stabbing its stinger into her chest, hard enough to come out the other side.

  Jaden fought back the urge to vomit. He had to concentrate. The beast was almost in range. It dropped Bree like a limp rag doll when it saw Han and Jaden closing in. Too late, Jaden thought, flicking his wrist. The beam annihilated the brute.

  Bree was horribly close to the ground now. Han wasted no time. Before Jaden could blink a second time, they were under Bree, and Han was rising. Jaden pulled Bree into the safety of his arms. Blood. So much blood. Her face had already assumed a terrifyingly waxy pallor.

  “Bree, stay with me. Bree! Wake up! Can you hear me?” Jaden shouted, patting her cheek.

  Her eyes fluttered open. Her mouth worked, but Jaden couldn’t hear the words over the roar of the wind as Han hurtled away with them.

  “That’s right, doll. Keep your eyes open. Stay with me,” Jaden cooed.

  Bree’s eyes were glassy and unfocused, and she had started trembling. Jaden was no medical expert, but he was sure she was in shock. Not to mention whatever the venom in that stinger was doing to her. He remembered how that felt.

  Bree was trying to say something again. Jaden leaned down so his ear was close to her mouth. “Tell . . . tell Stovan . . . I’m . . . sor—sorry.”

  The last word took so much effort Jaden could feel the air puffing against his cheek as Bree forced it out. He lifted his head to look her. When her eyes rolled back and she went limp in his arms, he knew not even Atu could help her. “No!” Jaden’s anguished cry cut the air. He pulled Bree into his chest, the sobs wrenched loose as he held her close. “Why her?” Jaden shouted at the sky. “Why her?”

  Han had to have realized what had happened, but he kept going, making for the ground at such a steep angle that Jaden had to use all his skill and the smart suit to stay on. They thumped down hard. Jaden’s teeth banged together and took a chunk of cheek in the process. Ignoring the warm blood filling his mouth, Jaden slid off Han with Bree in his arms. He stumbled toward Atu, attending to another wounded rider.

  “Atu,” Jaden gasped.

  His tone made Atu turn toward him. Realizing who Jaden held, Atu bolted over. Jaden sank down, still holding Bree. Atu skidded up beside him. When Atu knelt, felt for a pulse, and gently closed Bree’s staring eyes, Jaden knew his worst fears had materialized. His involvement in this ridiculous quest had gotten someone he cared about killed.

  Fury such as he’d never known filled him. It wasn’t the burning rage he typically experienced; this anger was cold, calculating, and all-consuming. Without a word, he turned and strode back to Han. Jaden’s voice was emotionless. “Let’s get back to the battle. We have work to do.”

  Jaden aerial connected with Han, his limbs leaden. They weren’t the only frozen part of him. Deliberately, he blocked all thoughts of Kayla. Jaden wouldn’t allow himself to think about the fact that she hadn’t contacted them yet, that she hadn’t used her comms. He couldn’t go there. If he couldn’t even cope with what happened to Bree . . . Bree, sweet Bree! How could she be gone?

  Savagely, he slammed that door shut. He would grieve later. Now he had to make sure her sacrifice hadn’t been in vain.

  Jaden’s brain worked with an icy ferocity, scheming how they could win this battle. The numbers were against them. Realistically, any of the new riders were useless in this fight. They had no protection against the EMPs.

  That left him, Atu, Iri, Kayla, and Sven. Sven couldn’t fight because Jaden would need him to carry out the plan he had in mind—if Sven could even work that miracle. Kayla . . . no, he wasn’t going there. Whatever had happened, it was too late for Jaden to fix it. He focused on what they did have. It was down to him, Iri, Atu and the Legion, or what was left of them. First things first.

  “Any riders out there who can hear me, I want you to head to Sven. Don’t try and engage any Gaptors. You’re defenseless against their EMPs. Just get yourselves to Sven as quickly as you can. Get off your gliders and stay on the ground. There’s work you’ll need to do.” Jaden ended the transmission by giving Sven’s coordinates. Then he proceeded to the next item on his mental list. “Sven, can you hear me?”

  “Yes,” the answer came back, the single syllable tired and defeated.

  “I have a job for you, if you can pull it off. Do you have you
r tools?”

  “Of course. Just in case the launchers needed adjustments.” Sven sounded more upbeat. “What do you have in mind?”

  Jaden outlined his idea. “Think you can make that happen?”

  Sven paused. “Theoretically, yes, it’s possible. It’s an ingenious idea. I only hope I can make it work.”

  “If anyone can, it’s you. We have nothing to lose and the world to gain. You’ll have the other riders coming your way soon. Use them to help. Good luck!”

  Han glanced over his shoulder at Jaden. “We’re to engage the enemy with Iri, Atu, and the Legion until Sven can get the task done?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know how long we’ll last, but we have to give them as much time as possible. You up for the fight?”

  Han sent him a grim smile. “What do you think?”

  “Yes. Time for a little revenge.” He surveyed the Gaptors that still filled the skies around them. None were close, so taking them out one at a time wasn’t feasible. The more individual battles they fought, the more likely they would be injured or killed. Jaden had to find a way to get the Gaptors to clump together again.

  “Iri? Atu?” Jaden called.

  “Here,” Iri said over her comm.

  “Yeah.” Atu sounded distracted.

  “Han and I need you guys. We have to keep this horde occupied while Sven cooks up something for them. Can you join us?”

  “Tinks and I are on our way,” Iri confirmed.

  “Be there as soon as I can,” Atu answered. “I sent some of the Legion to get my parents. I’m just waiting for them to get here so that they can take over from me.”

  “Good man,” Jaden said as Tinks and Iri pulled in next to them.

  “How do you want to do this?” Iri asked.

  “Do you know if Pallaton’s still—”

  Jaden broke off as the stately glider popped up in front of him. “Don’t look so surprised,” Pallaton said. “Han sent for me.”

  Jaden stared at Han. “You can do that?”

  “Only over short distances,” Han admitted.

  Pallaton got to the point. “What do you need from us?”

  “An organized attack is the only way we’re going to thin those ranks. We start by luring the Gaptors to a place which gives us the tactical advantage,” Jaden said.

  “Where would that be?” Pallaton asked.

  “I’m thinking a few valleys over from Sven. There’s a thin valley with steep sides that I think will work in our favor. We have to use what we have, and the gliders’ agility will serve us well if we can take advantage of it.”

  “Lead the way.” Pallaton emitted a long, low whistle, his call to his Legion.

  Minutes later, they were on their way to the valley. If Jaden hadn’t spent so many years hiking the mountains with his friends, he might not have known about this place. It was perfect. Admittedly, it was more a canyon than a valley. Thin and narrow, it had tall, unyielding cliffs on either side with plenty of rocky outcroppings.

  Jaden glanced behind them. So far, so good. Since all the gliders pulled out of the area at the same time, they had successfully garnered the Gaptors’s attention. By the time they neared the canyon, Atu had joined them, and most, if not all, the Gaptors had taken the bait.

  When Han saw the valley, he sent Jaden one of his toothy grins. “We’re going to do what we did when we faced that first Gaptor in the desert?”

  Jaden grinned. “Yeah.” He addressed Iri and Atu over the comms. “We need to wait here for the Gaptors to catch up.”

  “What?” Iri yelled. “Why?”

  “They need to literally be on our heels for this to work. Pallaton, while we wait, would you like to take your Legion into the canyon and set up some ambushes?”

  Pallaton already understood what Jaden intended because he nodded his massive head. “Yes, this is a solid plan. More effective than fighting our foes out in the open. We will go ahead and set some traps.”

  The Legion disappeared into the recesses of the canyon. Jaden watched them go before turning to see how close the Gaptors were. It would be a couple of minutes yet.

  He waited, anxious, hoping the Gaptors wouldn’t recognize the trap. But their bloodlust was heightened, and it seemed all they could see were the voyagers floating in front of them, inviting defeat. They increased their speed accordingly. All the better for this plan to work, Jaden thought as the Gaptors came within range.

  “Follow our lead,” he called to Iri and Atu.

  With that, Han darted into the canyon, aligning his flight beside the steep walls. Jaden had forgotten how close Han had to take them. And he had done this without a smart suit before? His grin widened. They’d just be more effective this time.

  The first rocky protrusion blocked their way, and Han nimbly darted around it. Jaden heard nothing as Iri and Atu cleared the obstacle. Then the air itself vibrated as the first Gaptor collided with the rock face. Or maybe more than one, from the way the canyon echoed.

  The second outcropping loomed into view, and Han zoomed around it. Jaden chanced a backward glance as Iri and Atu skirted it with ease. Then he saw the cartwheeling wings of a Gaptor trying to avoid its fate. The Gaptor veered sideways into two others who thought they had been smart enough to go wide, and all three fell to the canyon floor, shrieking. Gliders peeled from the shadows below to attack the falling Gaptors.

  His attention jerked back to where they were going as Han skirted yet another hurdle. This time, Jaden heard no collisions. Well, he knew this approach wouldn’t work for very long, but he’d hoped they’d take a few more Gaptors down first. As though Han anticipated this, he suddenly swung to the opposite side of the canyon. The lead Gaptors increased their speed to catch Han out in the open, but by the time they caught up, Han was already tucking them into a crevice. The deafening sounds of more than one collision rang up and down the narrow valley.

  Jaden rubbed Han’s neck fur. “You’re a smart one.”

  “Seems I’m not the only one with ideas.” Han nodded at Aren and Tinks, now striking out on their own. While Tinks and Iri dropped down near the canyon floor, Aren and Atu took the high road, lifting to the top of the canyon and allowing the Gaptors chasing them to catch up.

  “I hope some of the Legion are up there,” Jaden breathed, watching Aren and Atu shoot over the lip of the canyon into open air.

  The Gaptors never stood a chance. As soon as they cleared the edge, waiting gliders picked them off. In seconds, no Gaptors remained. Aren and Atu dived back into the canyon.

  Han maintained their flight along the canyon walls. Jaden glanced down, checking on Tinks and Iri. What were the girls planning?

  Han suddenly slowed, startling Jaden. “What are you doing?”

  “Setting Tinks and Iri up for their run.” Han grinned.

  Jaden glanced behind him, first at the Gaptors closing in, and then at Tinks and Iri rising up under them. “Oh, now I get it.”

  Han turned them to face their attackers, and Jaden flexed the wrist holding his DD. The first sizzling shaft separated from the blade and hit the lead Gaptor square in the face, incinerating him. Before the others could react, Jaden sent a second ray, obliterating another foe. The remaining Gaptors flapped their scraggly wings wildly, trying to flee. Loathe to go up because of the gliders there, the Gaptors opted for going down, straight into Iri’s waiting blade. Iri and Tinks twisted and turned, rolling through the falling Gaptors, dealing death.

  Han swept them toward the Gaptors, now rising reactively, and they began their own attack. They laid waste to the monsters. When they reached the end of the group pursuing them, they burst into empty air.

  Taking a moment to assess their injuries, Jaden was grateful that they were mostly superficial. After sealing a cut on Han’s forehead to stop blood from running into his eyes, Jaden treated a cut on his own shoulder, deeper than the rest.

  Jaden surveyed their progress. Aren and Atu were still leading fresh Gaptors, who hadn’t seen their comrades’ fates, up to t
heir doom. Either that or they’re really gullible. Iri and Tinks had switched to hugging the canyon walls again, speeding toward an outcropping noticeably larger than the rest. When they cleared it, a swarm of gliders suddenly appeared from behind the obstruction and assailed the Gaptors who had flown right into their waiting teeth and claws.

  Jaden grinned. “As long as we can keep them in this canyon, divided by the natural terrain and apart from each other, we’re likely to keep them occupied for a while yet.”

  Han nodded. “The plan to bring them here was masterful. We have them at a disadvantage.”

  “Let’s keep it that way,” Jaden grunted as he and Han threw themselves back into the fray.

  Every run they made though the canyon decimated another group. Iri and Atu varied the ploys they used to lure unsuspecting Gaptors into waiting bands of gliders. Somehow they knew where Pallaton had sequestered his troops for maximum effect.

  Pallaton was doing his part too. Every so often, a group of gliders swarmed Gaptors that had strayed. The result was a brutal clash of ancient enemies. So far, the gliders were triumphant due to their superior numbers. But the Legion had casualties of their own. They wouldn’t be able to keep this up indefinitely.

  Han and Jaden varied their own approaches just as the others were. They were holding their own until their next run through the canyon, when disaster struck.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  A slashing beak caught Han’s side, making him grunt. From the way they suddenly tilted, Jaden knew this injury was serious. Han struggled to level them, but his movements were slow and lethargic. Time splintered into infinite fragments, each one an eternity, as they drifted into the oncoming Gaptor. Jaden was powerless to stop the whirring blades at the ends of its wings from slashing into his leg, forging four diagonal lines of pain across almost the entire length.


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