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Destiny Series Boxed Set

Page 93

by Bronwyn Leroux

  “Thank you for coming. You have all served the Legion faithfully since they sent here you so many centuries ago. Your long years of service are both respected and appreciated. That is why, it is with regret, that I must tell you we have a traitor in our midst.”

  Iri’s hand shot out. “That one and that one!”

  Jaden was still wrapping his mind around the fact there were two when Han surged upward. Han darted toward the first culprit, and Pallaton and Vicken’s glider somehow knew to go for the other.

  Pandemonium broke loose. The traitors took to the air. Gliders near them chittered and squeaked, chasing the fleeing renegades. The air throbbed with beating wings and harsh cries.

  Jaden’s arm went up, shielding himself from the wings threatening to slap him down. Ducking, he grabbed Iri and pulled her toward him. In one fluid motion, he pushed her down so she was on the ground, then crouched over her.

  An unearthly scream made Jaden’s head turn involuntarily. His heart leaped into his mouth. The traitor closest to them was being ripped apart by the gliders swarming him. Appalled, Jaden watched a wing turn to shreds. The traitor fell sideways, then tumbled downward. The attacking gliders streamed after him.

  A shrill whistle rent the air. All motion ceased, like someone had pushed the pause button in the middle of the action scene. What is going on?

  “Kill them, do not. Need them we do.”

  Jaden would know that convoluted way of speaking anywhere. Zareh! “What are you doing here?”

  Zareh turned blazing eyes on Jaden. “No time for your nonsense, have I. Take with me, the traitors I will. But not before you a piece of my mind, I give. Grateful, you cannot be? Always, so enraged you are. And endless questions ask, you must!”

  Jaden had never seen Zareh angry before. But instead of making him back down, it only fueled the fires simmering within. “Have you ever considered why I might be angry? Did you give me a choice in all this? Or Kayla? Or any of the others you dragged into your little war? No, you thought you knew best and just decided for us, people’s personal opinions be damned.”

  Zareh bared his teeth, each sharp little point accentuated by the sunshine. “True, that is not! Only put you on the path you were destined for, did I.”

  But Jaden wasn’t listening. He had a few things to say, and he would say them. “Why do you always have to be so cryptic? Would it kill you to give us the answers we need? Did it ever occur to you that the information you’re withholding might allow us to finish the mission sooner? Without all the cloak and dagger stuff? Or that if you’d bothered to give us enough warning before the last battle, Kayla would be safe. Bree would still be with us. And we would know what in the hell we should do! We wouldn’t be floundering around in the dark!”

  Before Jaden had time to react, Zareh bounced into the air and hovered inches from Jaden’s face, his sharp little beak snapping a hair’s breadth from Jaden’s nose. At this range, Zareh’s eyes took up his whole face. More frightening, his eyes were glowing. The fire burning in those dark, glittering coals blistered Jaden’s face, the heat crinkling the skin on his cheek.

  Jaden scrambled back, a hand gingerly touching his seared cheek. Zareh’s features were feral. Maybe confronting Zareh this way wasn’t one of my finer decisions. Where’s Kayla when I need her? She’s always my voice of reason.

  Attempting to pacify the little beast, Jaden raised both hands in a gesture of resignation. “Calm down! You’d be asking the same questions if you were in my position.”

  Zareh growled, a guttural sound that made Jaden want to take another step back. “Dare to presume, you should not. Your prime question already answered, Han has. Debate it no more, I shall.” Turning his back on Jaden, Zareh faced the assembled gliders. He flicked a hand toward the traitors subdued on the ground. “How fare they?”

  Jaden had never felt more dismissed in his entire life. It was as if Zareh had wiped him from existence. Only then did Jaden notice the two captives—make that one captive. The glider that had lost a wing had succumbed to his injuries. The other members of the Legion looked ready to butcher the sole survivor. But with another flick of his hand, Zareh took to the air, followed by a group of gliders leading the hapless prisoner. In an instant, they disappeared.

  The air whooshed out of Jaden. It was worse than being sucker-punched. He sank down, defeated. Zareh had come and gone, taking the traitor with him. Jaden had no more answers now than when they’d arrived.

  As he dragged in deep, calming breaths, his brain began functioning again. Had Zareh just said Han had answered his question? If so, was Zareh invisible? It was the only way he could’ve known what Han had said. But then Jaden remembered the first time he’d met Zareh at the very beginning of their mission.

  Jaden and Kayla had just survived their first Gaptor attack. They hadn’t known their encounters with otherworldly beings weren’t yet over. Still in shock, they made their way up to Kayla’s room. And Zareh had been waiting for them.

  Considering all the interactions they’d had with Zareh since, he had provided the most information then. Jaden’s face soured. He couldn’t believe he’d thought Zareh was being stingy back then.

  Zareh had told them he was from another world. When Jaden asked how he had known what he and Kayla had been up to, Zareh said he could see them from his world. He had likened the situation to looking in a mirror: to seeing what was happening, but not being able to communicate across the barrier.

  But he’d also said the reason it took so long to reach them and render aid was because he needed time to cross between worlds. If that was true, Zareh had lied, either then or now. Either he could travel between worlds instantaneously, or there was no mirror and he could do the impossible and make himself invisible. Both meant he’d waited to help them.

  Jaden growled. When is any of this ever going to make any sense?

  Deciding he didn’t want to lose himself in the sea of endless questions, he searched for Han and found him whirling about with the other gliders over the lake.

  A hand touched his shoulder. “Was that Zareh?”

  Jaden remembered he wasn’t alone. Iri looked at him, worry written all over her face. But her question was the catalyst he needed to bring himself back.

  “You didn’t meet Zareh when he came to warn us about the battle?”

  “No, I went to the bathroom, and when I returned, he’d already left. Markov told me about his visit. So was that him?”

  “Yes. As aggravating as ever.”

  When Iri just hummed, Jaden asked, “What does ‘hmm’ mean?”

  “He was here before.”

  Jaden’s face scrunched up. Can you all please stop talking in riddles? He tried for patience, which would’ve pleased Kayla. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean he was already here when we arrived. I didn’t understand what the colors meant. They were there, but I couldn’t attach them to anything.” Iri frowned. “This is the first time that ever happened.”

  “When you say you couldn’t attach the color to anything, do you mean you could see a color but not a person?”

  Iri nodded. “He was here the whole time, watching us but somehow invisible.”

  Well, that answers my question. But he had to be sure. “Did his color or scent change to show he was lying when he said . . .” Jaden trailed off. Now that he thought about it, Zareh hadn’t actually said he wasn’t there the whole time. Jaden ran his hands through his hair and growled for the second time that day. “Never mind. It’s time to go home. Ready?”

  “Before we go, one last question.” Jaden nodded. “Is Zareh a celestial being?” She giggled when Jaden gaped. “I only ask because his colors are so vibrant. And they have an afterglow. I’ve never seen that on anyone else.”

  Jaden shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. You saw how few answers he gave. He says nothing he doesn’t mean to. Which doesn’t make our task any easier.”

  “I suppose not. Maybe we should plan what we really want to ask him.
And then next time he appears, you ask the questions, and I’ll study his reactions. We might get more answers that way.”

  Jaden grinned. “I knew I liked you.”

  Beaming, Iri said, “Then we just need to decide what we want to ask.”

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later, Jaden, Iri, Atu, and their gliders gathered on the field of Atu’s healing center. It was early afternoon, and the air was balmy. Jaden lifted his chin and let the sun play over his face, soaking in the delicious heat. The moment spoiled when he thought about Kayla’s whereabouts. Was she warm? Was she being taking care of? Or had they just left her to . . .

  “I’m ready.” Taz beamed as she joined them.

  Jaden turned questioning eyes on Atu. “What’s the prognosis, Doc?”

  “Let’s wait until after her test flight to establish that, shall we?” With a nod to Taz, Atu said, “Show us what you can do. Remember, nothing too strenuous at first!”

  Taz lifted effortlessly into the air and then made a slow arc away from them. Han was examining her every move.

  “Everything look okay?”

  “Tazanna looks strong,” was Han’s only comment before he took to the air.

  Aren joined him, and they raced to join Taz. Mostly, their gliders remained where their voyagers could monitor Taz’s progress, only dipping further afield now and then.

  “Have they increased their speed?” Jaden asked a moment later.

  “They have,” Atu confirmed.

  When the gliders completed their circuits, they made their way back, with Han and Aren landing ahead of Taz. The waiting group applauded as she dropped next to them, executing a perfect landing.

  “I believe I’m ready to begin our training sessions again,” Taz purred, basking in their positive affirmations.

  Jaden gave Atu a playful shove. “Really? You had to heal her this quickly so she’s back to fighting form? You know what that means for us, right?”

  Everyone laughed. Even Taz.

  “It’s nice to hear you in better spirits,” Taz said, so only Jaden could hear.

  Her tone made it clear he wasn’t the only one missing Kayla. Jaden stood on his toes so he could reach Taz’s neck. He massaged the soft fur along the ridge there. “We’ll find her.”

  Taz’s eyes were bright gazing back at him. “I know you will.”

  “How come I don’t get massages like she does?” Han complained.

  Jaden laughed and turned from Taz to bestow the same affections on Han.

  “Okay, enough with all the mushy stuff.” Han’s eyes were still a little glazed. “Now that Tazanna is healthy again, what are our plans?”

  “Use the device engineered we have to find the Gaptors, you do.”

  They all jumped. Jaden was surprised their gliders hadn’t noticed Zareh sneaking up on them. Jaden’s eyes snapped to Iri. She grimaced, understanding his disappointment. They hadn’t expected Zareh to return so soon. They had prepared no questions. Jaden groaned. Hadn’t he said once before that the only thing he could expect on this mission was the unexpected? As such, shouldn’t he have planned for Zareh’s unforseen return?

  “Would you care to tell us more, Honored One?”

  Honored One? Jaden wanted to laugh out loud. How can Taz call him that? Sobering, he remembered Taz had known Zareh—or at least known about him—far longer than Jaden had. Should I be more deferential? Does this little imp have the power to set my path? That thought made him laugh out loud, although it was a bitter sound.

  When everyone turned and stared, Jaden waved a hand. “Sorry, carry on.”

  How can I think he can’t direct my path when that’s exactly what he did setting me on this mission? The thought made Jaden sick. He felt Iri watching him and spared her a quick but ineffectual smile. She frowned but said nothing. Jaden’s skin suddenly tingled in warning.

  Whirling, he caught Zareh giving him a death stare. The weight of it hit Jaden front and center. It was a fierce reminder that Zareh might be small, but his power was not. Jaden could all but feel himself shrinking under that gaze.

  Satisfied he had made his point, Zareh averted his gaze and answered Taz. “The traitor, captured by you, useful proved. Give us the last key, he did. Functional our machine, it rendered.”

  Taz frowned. “Machine, Honored One?”

  Jaden didn’t understand what Zareh was talking about either.

  Zareh gave an impatient wave of his short arms. “Tell you about the unique frequency the Gaptors bodies emit, I did. Remember that, you do?” Taz nodded, and he continued. “Working on a device, that frequency to pinpoint, we have been. But to test it, a live Gaptor we needed. Served that purpose, the traitor did.”

  Jaden understood. “Your machine finds the Gaptor nests!”

  “It does. Waiting for you at your home, the device is. Use it to eradicate the nests here, you must.

  Yeah, yeah, but what about the most important thing? Jaden couldn’t help himself. “Did you ask that traitor where Kayla is?”

  Zareh pinned him with another stare. “Patience, young one. Eager to recover Kayla, I know you are. Do that we shall, enough time being given.”

  A speeding train rushed through Jaden’s head. He wanted it to slow down, but it careened onward. Not bothering to order his thoughts, he spat them out as quickly as he could. “You do know that if we don’t find Kayla, we can’t complete this mission?” When Zareh only continued staring, Jaden tossed his hands up. “It’s not only me that needs her. Can’t you see that?”

  Zareh chittered. “Important, Kayla is. Find her, we shall. But more important, it is now those nests to destroy. Possible Kayla thre may be, it is. On her whereabouts, no word have I, so no certainty there be that in our world she is. Just as easily here, she could be.”

  “And it’s equally possible the usurper is here in our world!” Jaden spat. Zareh bared his teeth, and it reminded Jaden why he should be careful of upsetting him. “Can you be a little more proactive in trying to find her? Please?”

  Zareh sighed theatrically and rolled his eyes. “Do that, I will. Possible it is that help with such a task, you can.”

  Jaden perked up. “How?”

  “When these nests you find, search for a communication system, you should.”

  “Communication system?” Jaden repeated. He felt like an idiot.

  “That which makes the clicking sound you and Kayla heard.”

  “Oh, right.”

  “If such a system you find while destroying the nests you are, secure it you must.”

  “Why? Don’t you already have a way to intercept their communications? Isn’t that how you knew they were gathering to attack us?”

  “A process have we, but perfect, it is not. Considerable delay in the data being interpreted, there is. If an actual communication system of theirs we had, almost instantaneously on the communications we could act.”

  Something crystallized for Jaden. This was why Zareh hadn’t warned them about that terrible impending battle earlier. This had caused the delay between the communication and Zareh coming to alert them. “That’s why your warning was so close to the attack?”

  Jaden almost didn’t believe his eyes when Zareh nodded. An actual answer!

  “Why the device we need, this is. Destroy it, do not. Steal it, you should. And no trace leave that took it you did.”

  “Sure, piece of cake,” Jaden muttered, wondering how they would accomplish that. “Anything else?” He wanted to add, “Your high and mightiness,” but an image of those sharp little teeth flashed across his mind and stilled his tongue.

  “Suffice, that will. More details to Tazanna, provide I will.” A flighty series of clicks and twitters between Zareh and Taz followed.

  Jaden frowned. Did Zareh think there was another traitor? What other “details” was he giving Taz? Why wouldn’t Zareh share it with them too? Rage surged through him once more, flushing his face. He clenched and unclenched his fists as he waited out the twittering.

sp; When it ceased, he opened his mouth, but between one blink and the next, Zareh vanished. Cursing under his breath and ready to smash his fist into something, Jaden stomped away. Atu and Iri trailed after him.

  “Why are you so angry?”

  Iri’s question only intensified the need to hit something. But Kayla wouldn’t have approved. Jaden breathed and counted to ten before replying. “Why does Zareh never give us the information? Right there, instead of telling us, he passed the information along to Taz. Why?”

  Iri shrugged. “Perhaps it was easier to explain to Taz since neither of them are from this world. Maybe their communication system is faster than ours. Maybe their history means he can share a lot of information without having to explain things.”

  Jaden’s mouth opened and closed. Huh, I didn’t think of that. “Be that as it may, do you think he’s trying to hide something from us?”

  It was Iri’s turn to pause. “It’s possible. But I sensed nothing deceitful in him right then.”

  “Being who he is, do you think he can hide those things from you?”

  “I guess. But if that’s true, why didn’t he hide himself at the lake when we were trying to find the traitor?”

  Another good question. The world was conspiring against him today. Time to give this up. “How about we get out of here?”

  If the sudden change in topic threw Iri or Atu, neither showed it. Instead, they traipsed after Jaden back the way they’d come. They found their gliders waiting where they’d left them.

  “Time to head home?” Han asked.

  “Yes, please.” The gliders took to the air. While they waited for their gliders to swing back around, Jaden noticed Atu combing through his ever-present pouch. “Something wrong?”

  “No, I was just checking my supplies.”

  “All good?”

  “No, I need to hunt down some herbs to replenish a few items. Aren and I will be home later.”

  “Stay safe,” Jaden said as Iri leaped for Han and he followed.

  The trip home was uneventful. Han dropped Jaden and Iri, then wasted no time on goodbyes as he streaked away with Taz. Han’s joy at being reunited with a healthy Taz was palpable.


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