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Destiny Series Boxed Set

Page 103

by Bronwyn Leroux

  Even though Iri had been sure she was ready to back away from him a moment before, her reluctance to leave his arms shocked her. Just as well he moved first. She turned and watched him cross the short distance to Jaden, Kayla, and their gliders. Frowning, she followed, closing her mind to thoughts that could lead nowhere good.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jaden had only seen Kayla that still once before. It was no less terrifying the second time around. When he spotted her on the ice, looking like a broken doll, his breathing had stopped. He was lightheaded by the time he reached her side. He couldn’t stop seeing all that blood on the ice. And she was so cold when he touched her. What would they have done if Atu hadn’t been there?

  He tucked Kayla tighter against his chest, holding her like she might break at any second. Despite her weakness, she clung to him, her touch telling him how much she’d missed him. He brushed his lips against her hair.

  “I know, I missed you too. You don’t know how relieved I am that you’re back.”

  Kayla squeezed his arm, agreeing. The touch was feeble, all strength gone from her hands. What did she endure? Do I want to know? I do. But for her sake, I can’t lose it when she tells me. Jaden resolved to keep it together, no matter what she said about her time away. It’s the least I can do after I didn’t rescue her.

  That thought stung. What would’ve happened if she didn’t find her way back? How is it possible she did? The questions tumbled through his mind like drinking glasses juggled by an amateur, each one threatening to shatter and pierce him with answers he wasn’t sure he could bear. It doesn’t matter what I feel, he reiterated. I have to think of Kayla. I have to give her the support she needs—and that means focusing on her needs and not mine. Why aren’t we there yet?

  Jaden glanced down. They were just entering Sven’s valley. At least another ten minutes, then. Had Kayla’s parents heard the uproar presaging their departure? If they had, had they figured out what it meant? For a moment, he felt guilty he hadn’t made the time to invite Sadie and Vicken to join them. Then Kayla shifted in his arms, and he was glad he hadn’t.

  By the time Sven’s house came into view, Kayla’s constant wriggling told him she was in pain. That the movements were feebler by the second spoke of her exhaustion. Worried, he glanced down and noticed her licking her lips. Cracked and dry, like she hadn’t had water in days.

  He cursed himself for not thinking to bring water. She had already drained the flask Atu had given her, even though she’d only been taking small sips as Atu had commanded. Without warning, Han veered violently. Jaden snatched at his neck fur to secure his grip.

  Jaden didn’t need to reprimand him. Taz was already snapping a long stream of twitters. At least they weren’t screeching anymore. Then the tone of the twitters filtered through.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s she doing there?” Han demanded.

  Jaden noticed Han was avoiding the house. Engaging his magnifying lenses, he scanned the area. His arms tightened around Kayla. She wheezed, patting his arm. Both a request to relax his grip and a demand to know what he saw.

  “It’s Tarise.”

  Kayla went still in his arms. Then her sudden frantic beating on his arm alarmed him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  Kayla’s mouth opened and closed, but the words were inaudible. Irritation sparked in her eyes as she mimed a pen and paper.

  “Fine, I’ll get Han to put us down. Then we’ll set you up in a nice warm bed, with plenty of water and that pen and paper. Try not to stress. I’ve heard it’s not good for healing.”

  But Kayla only bared her teeth and shook her head, her finger pointing as her hand bounced up and down.

  “Okay, okay, I get it. Pen and paper as soon as we land.”

  Kayla slumped in his arms, looking for all the world as though that tiny demand had taken every ounce of her remaining strength. Jaden cradled her a little closer. Oh yes, she’ll get that pen and paper alright. But if she thinks she can stay awake past writing a sentence or two, she’s in for a rude awakening.

  About to ask Han to take them down, Jaden realized Han was already banking towards Sven’s home at a shallow angle. He was more surprised when Taz and the other gliders formed a protective circle around them. Had they seen Tarise, or was it that silent communication system of theirs?

  It didn’t matter. Jaden was grateful for the protection. When Han landed, the other gliders remained overhead. Taz touched down, placing herself between them and Tarise and flaring her wings to create a barrier.

  Jaden dismounted and turned to allow Kayla to slide into his arms. Catching her, Jaden carried Kayla into the house, ignoring Tarise. However, he was amused when he caught Taz studying Tarise like a mouse ripe for pouncing.

  His smile faded as Kayla’s head turned to find Tarise. Then his mouth set in a thin line when Kayla’s gaze never left Tarise’s face. Kayla’s eyes flashed for a split second. In warning?

  Making a mental note to ask her about it later, he sought a room where she could be on her own. She began beating on his arm again. “I know, you want the pen and paper, but I have to put you down somewhere first.”

  She huffed, her only sign she would tolerate the delay even though it didn’t please her. Jaden had barely settled her in the bed he found before she was gesturing for a pen and paper again. Jaden rolled his eyes.

  “Hold your horses. I’m getting there.”

  Kayla motioned a circular gesture, which Jaden took to mean, “Hurry!”

  Jaden did, and when he returned with the requested implements, she grabbed them out of his hands. “Steady on!”

  But Kayla was scribbling furiously. She held the paper up to him. On it were the words, “Don’t trust her.”

  Why would Kayla think he would ever trust Tarise again? After what Tarise had done, Jaden was beyond disgusted that she had dared show her face. Did she think they would all welcome her with open arms? Then Jaden’s breath snagged. How had Kayla known they couldn’t trust Tarise? They had kidnapped Kayla before Tarise confessed.

  Kayla was writing again. This time, Jaden read as she wrote, “I think she followed me here.”

  Jaden was confused. “I don’t understand. How could she have followed you? She doesn’t have a glider and was here when we arrived.”

  Kayla shook her head, then groaned as the movement caused pain. This time, her penmanship was a little shakier. “Followed me here from the other world.”

  Jaden’s eyes widened. “She was there with you?”

  Kayla nodded. She wrote again. “She pushed me through the portal. I think she was trying to kill me.”

  Jaden went dead still. Even though he never thought he would be capable of killing another human being, his every instinct was to kill Tarise. But he had promised himself he would be here for Kayla, that he wouldn’t allow his own emotions to hinder her healing. So he smothered the anger. Should he tell Kayla he already knew Tarise was a traitor?

  The pen tumbled from Kayla’s hand. Jaden lurched forward, catching Kayla as she fell. This was all too much for her. He eased her back onto the pillow. “Rest. We won’t trust her. Before you sleep, have a little more water.”

  Thankful he had remembered, he held the glass to her lips. He waited while she took a few sips, then tucked her in when she nodded she’d had enough. “Now sleep. Don’t worry about anything.”

  He stayed with her, watching as her facial features relaxed. She fell asleep almost instantly. He tarried, not wanting to leave her, just absorbing every line of that precious face. He was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that she was here. Back with him. Safe. He jolted when the door burst open. Sadie and Vicken stood in the doorway, their eyes wide, their faces expectant.

  Jaden stepped in front of them as they rushed into the room. “She’s okay. Please, let her rest. She just fell asleep.”

  Sadie ignored Jaden, rushing around him to touch Kayla’s face and smooth away the hair that had fallen across it. Jaden revised
his assessment. Perhaps Sadie hadn’t ignored him totally. At least she hadn’t thrown her arms around Kayla and woken her up.

  “She’s alright?” Vicken’s voice was terse as his eyes examined Kayla.

  “A little dehydrated, but otherwise fine. You can thank Atu for that.”

  “Why’s she so pale? Where did you find her? How did she get back?” The questions spilled from Sadie.

  It would be unwise to tell them what little he knew—not here. “Why don’t we talk outside? Kayla needs to sleep, and I don’t want us waking her.”

  Vicken grasped Jaden’s unsaid plea. With a curt nod, he sidestepped Jaden and took his wife’s arm. “Let Kayla rest.”

  Sadie glanced up, panic in her eyes. “But she just got back. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  Vicken guided her away from Kayla’s bed. “We’ll be right outside. If she wakes, we’ll hear her.”

  As Vicken led her from the room, Sadie still didn’t look convinced. Jaden paused long enough to pick up the notepad before following them out and closing the door behind him.

  When he turned to face Kayla’s parents, Vicken’s eyes glittered. “Start talking.”

  Jaden spared Sadie a glance. “Kayla had lost a lot of blood by the time we found her.” Sadie’s eyes widened again, and Jaden put a hand in the air. “Atu took care of all that and healed her. The only thing that’s still a problem is the blood she’s lost. Her body will need time to recover. As miraculous as Atu’s healing is, it seems regenerating blood is not something his gifts cover.”

  Sadie sagged against Vicken’s chest, and his arms wrapped around her. A muscle twitched along his jawline. “What else?”

  Jaden could tell Vicken had plenty more questions, but all he wanted right now were the bare essentials. “Speaking was beyond her. She wrote this.” Jaden handed the pad to Vicken. “That’s about the sum extent of what we know so far.”

  Vicken’s eyes flicked over the words. When he spoke, his voice was soft, only adding to the menace in his words. “Who is ‘she?’”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jaden debated not telling him. Truly, he did. A man with Vicken’s past could put Tarise down without a thought. And, deep down, part of Jaden wanted him to act on that impulse. That knowledge appalled him. But Vicken wasn’t without self-control. And he was Kayla’s father. “Tarise.”

  The glint in Vicken’s eyes was terrifying. “We need to find her.”

  Vicken hadn’t yet heard Tarise was here. This time, Jaden really did pause before passing along the information. “We don’t need to. She’s here.”

  “What?” Vicken’s roar had Sadie shushing him with pointed glances toward Kayla’s room. After his own look in that direction, Vicken said, “Tarise can’t stay here. Didn’t you see what Kayla wrote?”

  “I’m hoping Sven has her in a holding cell.”

  Vicken’s face snapped from anger to satisfaction. “One of his making?” Jaden nodded. “Outstanding. Let’s go find out why Tarise has a death wish for my daughter.”

  The grim line of Vicken’s mouth had Jaden wondering if talking was all Vicken intended. “I already know why. It’s because she thinks Kayla stole me from her.”

  Vicken’s face was comical as his mouth dropped open. “A crush on you made this girl homicidal?”

  Scrubbing a hand over his face, Jaden said, “I know, it’s ridiculous, right? But you didn’t see how upset Tarise was the last time she saw Kayla and I together. If her eyes could shoot flames, she would’ve incinerated Kayla right then. Then Tarise and Kayla had it out right before Kayla disappeared.”

  “Why didn’t you mention this before?”

  Jaden blinked. “I thought you heard the conversation with Tarise after the battle. When Tarise said she had arranged for Slurpy to take Kayla away?”

  Vicken’s brow furrowed as he cast his mind back. “You mean that ruckus between you kids right before you left?”

  It was Jaden’s turn to think back. Only then did he realize Sadie and Vicken might’ve witnessed the confrontation, but they’d been walking away and were too distant to have heard anything. “I’m sorry. I just assumed you knew Tarise was the one who gave Kayla up. I should’ve checked with you sooner.”

  Vicken sighed. “It doesn’t matter now. It only matters that we got her back. We should be thankful.” Jaden nodded, but tensed when Vicken frowned again. “Now that Tarise is here with us, we should take advantage of it. Have a little chat with the traitor to find out what she knows about the usurper and his plans.”

  Chills snaked up and down Jaden’s spine at the venom in the words. Much as he wanted Tarise to suffer for what she’d done, he didn’t think he could live with Vicken’s implied threat. “As long as we’re just talking, I agree.”

  Vicken’s hard stare had Jaden swallowing. Vicken growled his own terms. “As long as she’s answering truthfully, I don’t have a problem.”

  “Fair enough.” Jaden couldn’t say anything else. Any information Tarise might pass along could be useful. And she was smart. Smart enough to figure out what a father might do to get answers. Jaden only hoped she was smart enough to listen to her brain this time.

  Vicken turned to Sadie, who had been quiet this entire time. “Honey, can you stay here with Kayla while I take care of this?”

  “As long as you get answers, I can do that.”

  Whoa! Forget Kayla’s dad. Her mom’s more lethal, Jaden thought, shocked at her tone and its unspoken command that Vicken do whatever was necessary.

  Vicken dropped a kiss on Sadie’s head and then glanced at Jaden. “Well, what are we waiting for? Lead on!”

  Jaden was a little cowed by the intimidating pair. And I’m dating their daughter? Noticing they were both looking at him like he would provide a meal, Jaden said, “Just to be clear, I don’t know where Sven’s keeping Tarise.”

  “Then let’s find Sven,” Vicken declared.

  Leaving Kayla in Sadie’s care, Jaden led the way to the front of the house, the last place he had seen Tarise. But only Taz and Han remained, their worry clear. Jaden went to Taz, feeling bad she couldn’t reach the part of the house where Kayla rested. He rubbed her neck. “Kayla will be fine. She’s sleeping now. You get some rest too. She’ll want to see you when she wakes up.”

  Taz rubbed her delicate nose against Jaden’s hand, the most astonishing thing she had ever done. Startled, Jaden looked to Han for an explanation. Han’s smile told him this was a privilege Jaden should enjoy. So Jaden allowed her to express her thanks, then stepped back when she lifted her head.

  “Vicken and I were looking for Tarise. Any idea where she might be?”

  Han bobbed his head toward Sven’s workshop. “They marched her in there, and we haven’t seen them since.”

  “Thanks. You and Taz get that rest now. I have a feeling things are about to get exciting.” When Han raised an eyebrow, Jaden nodded confirmation. “Yes, one of those feelings.”

  As he and Vicken strode toward Sven’s workshop, Vicken asked, “Am I wrong, or do these feelings play a role in this quest you’re on?”

  Jaden sighed. “Yes, they have relevance. I’ve had them all my life, but it’s only in the last few months that I’ve realized how important they are. That I’ve started paying attention to them. No doubt I’m more attuned to them now than before. And before you ask, I haven’t gotten to the point yet where I can differentiate what the feeling means. Who knows? That could happen before all this is over.” Jaden smiled bitterly.

  Vicken said nothing until they reached the door to Sven’s workshop. “I would view those feelings as a gift if I were you.” With that, he pushed through the half-open door and went inside.

  Jaden wasn’t sure why it surprised him to find the workshop empty except for Sven. “Where’s Tarise?”

  Sven grinned. “In her nice, comfortable, little room that you told me to prepare for her.”

  Was Sven teasing him? “You mean you made a cage for her?”

s grin turned to a scowl. “Why do you have to call it that?”

  Understanding Sven’s reluctance to refer to anything as a prison, Jaden said, “Sorry. I trust you made her ‘room’ a space where she could relax without going places we don’t want her to go?”

  The scowl didn’t leave Sven’s face. “That’s hardly better.”

  Jaden remained silent, and Sven gave in. “Yes, her accommodations are secure.”

  “May we speak with her?”

  Sven threw a hand up in the air, a few garbled words expressing his annoyance. “Must everyone know all my secrets?” Still muttering, he stood and led the way to the back of the workshop. He touched a tool hanging on one of the numerous hooks.

  The door opened so silently Jaden didn’t hear it. If Vicken hadn’t been standing in its way, neither of them would’ve noticed. As it was, Vicken scrabbled out of the way, making Jaden turn. Sven’s secret entrances never disappointed. On the other side of the door, lasers crisscrossed the area, glowing red. Flipping the tool around, Sven disabled them.

  When Jaden made to enter, Sven said, “Not so fast.”

  Jaden leaned against the nearby counter. “Is this going to take as long as disabling all the devices guarding the tunnel to your valley?”

  “You would have me make it easy for her?” Sven continued adjusting various tools. Catching Jaden watching him, he said, “And don’t think you can memorize the pattern and sneak in here without me.”

  Jaden laughed at Vicken’s incredulous face. “This is totally normal.” Addressing Sven, he said, “A rolling combination?”

  Sven beamed, his usual jovial nature returning. “I thought a few extra precautions wouldn’t go amiss.”

  Jaden smirked. “You let us know when we can go in then.”

  Seconds later, Sven waved a hand. “Go ahead. I’ll lock you in there. Buzz me when you’re ready to get back out again.” Noticing Jaden’s open mouth, he interjected before Jaden spoke. “There’s an intercom in there.”


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