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Dangerous Liaisons

Page 9

by C. D. Samuda

  “I’ll do anything,” she blurted out without hesitation. “I’ll clean houses, wash dishes… anything.”

  “How about being my girl?”

  “What?” She was baffled by the suggestion and she forcefully yanked her hand away. “I’m not that kind of girl.”

  She rose from her chair and so did he.

  “You’re misunderstanding me, Mira…”

  “It’s Amira to you mister!” She insisted, starting to walk away.

  “Amira, will you listen?” He said, but she was almost half way across the partially empty cafeteria.

  He caught up with her, grabbing her upper arm and spinning her around. “Don’t you want to save your father’s life?”

  “Of course, but what you’re suggesting….”

  “What I’m suggesting is attending a few parties with me. Be by my side for the next six months and I will take care of your father.”

  Mira blinked as she assimilated his suggestion. “That’s it? All I have to do is pretend to be your girl and you will pay my father’s medical expenses?”

  “That’s it. As far as everyone is concerned, you will be my girl.”

  “So do I have to do anything else… I mean… do I have to, you know…?”

  “You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to.”

  “For six months?”

  “How about we not put a timeline on anything?” He retracted his earlier suggestion. “Let’s do this for the time period your father would take to get better.”

  “Why?” She asked. “Why would you do that for me?”

  His eyes locked with hers. “Because I hate to see a pretty girl cry.”

  Chapter 2

  Vasco had gone ahead to the party, leaving instructions for the driver to take her. The venue was the mansion of a well-known Russian Oligarch in Greater Boston. Mira was sick of the parties held in such opulent societies. For the past year, she’d attended more than one hundred of such functions. Even with the expertly manicured lawns and large monumental buildings in which these people lived, nothing could compare to the humble home she once shared with her father.

  Upon entering the large open area used as a ballroom, she was greeted with soft rock music and a waiter bearing champagne. She took a glass and finished its contents in one go. Before the waiter could move off, she took another. As the second glass touched her lips, someone gripped her arm.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Vasco growled in her ear. “Why are you not wearing make-up?’

  He was always able to find her in the densest of crowds. She thought that today she would have at least five minutes to compose herself before he found her. Not so today. It wasn’t yet a minute since she stepped into the great mansion.

  “I didn’t feel like plastering my face with paint today.”

  He gripped her arm and pulled her unto a terrace overlooking a vast swimming pool. She didn’t care about the onlookers and no one would dare utter a word because they knew who Vasco really was.

  “You are working my last nerve, Mira. You’re lucky that you are naturally pretty,” he said, exuding a sigh and softening his tone. He raised a hand and brushed the back of it on her cheek. “You’re lucky that sweet tawny complexion of yours is so smooth and soft. That is why you get away with so much with me.”

  “If I’m so pretty and my skin is so clear and smooth, why do you insist on me wearing makeup?”

  “Because it’s what men expect of the woman by my side.”

  She flinched at his touch, recoiling inwardly. “I don’t want to be at this party.”

  “It won’t be long. I need you to sweeten one of the attendees, find out what you can about a software he’s hiding.”


  Gripping her upper arm once more, he pulled her up to his body. “Don’t question me, Mira. Just get him drunk enough to tell you what you need to know. Just ask about the software and where he has hidden it.”

  “Okay, you’re hurting me,” she protested.

  He loosened his grip but did not let her go. Instead, he caressed the area on her arm where his fingers had bit into her bare flesh. Inside Mira was screaming, yet she planted a smile on her face. She needed to keep a level head if she was going to get out of this contract.

  Vasco guided her back into the ballroom as memories resurfaced. She had signed his contract to be his ‘arm candy’ until the recovery of her father. The doctor had told her with the surgery and proper treatment, he would be back to his old self within three months… maybe less depending on how his body responded.

  Three months was no time at all to act as someone’s girlfriend in order to save her father’s life. It was the day of the surgery when a news feature came on in the lounge of the hospital that she realized exactly who Vasco was. He was the one they referred to as ‘The Underworld Boss’. He was renowned for his strong-arming business owners into allowing him to invest in their companies, then taking over the business. He was also a known loan shark and suspected drug dealer.

  At that point, all that mattered was saving her father. It didn’t matter that she’d basically signed three months of her life over to him. The deal was sealed. He’d cover her father’s medical expenses and in exchange she would be his girl until her father recovered. That seemed simple enough.

  The day of the surgery, Vasco moved her into his mansion and gave her the guest room next to his. He insisted that all that was required of her was attending his parties and being sweet to his guests. Anything else was optional on her part.

  After returning to the hospital where she expected that her father should be out of surgery and resting in the ICU. The room her father used to be in was empty. She returned to the nurses’ station to inquire of his whereabouts. They were all busy when she arrived that it took a moment for them to notice her.

  “Can I help you Miss Barclay?” The one behind the computer asked.

  “Where is my father?”

  “His son-in-law took him to a private facility.”

  Mira was puzzled. “Son-in-law? What son-in-law?”

  “Your fiancé, Vasco Black.”

  How could she deny it when she had signed herself away? Taking a deep breath, she settled her mind with the son-in-law issue and queried her father’s location.

  “Where did he take him?”

  “I’m sorry, Miss Barclay, we have not been given that information. A private ambulance picked him up today.”

  “How could you not know?”

  “I’m sorry. We only follow orders from our administrative department. Maybe you can check there.”

  Vasco was whispering in her ear, bringing her back to the party. “Smile.”

  Pushing aside her apathy for the man whose sole purpose was to keep her as his possession, she curved her lips while gritting her teeth. They neared a group or powerful men discussing the state of the economy. They skirted that group and came to stand a few feet away.

  “You see those men?” He said. “See the one with the dark brown hair, the pretty boy?”

  Her eyes immediately settled in the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. His smile made his eyes crease at the corners and his luscious lips brought a flutter to her chest.

  “I don’t see him,” she lied.

  “Are you blind?” He snapped. “He’s around my age and the youngest in the group.”

  “Oh yes,” she said. “I was looking for someone like you described – a pretty boy. He isn’t all that.”

  “Forget his looks,” Vasco softened his tone, obviously appeased that she didn’t find the man attractive. “That’s the one who you need to sweeten. Just be nice. Then when he invites you to his hotel, go and make sure to get him tipsy enough to tell you where he stashed the software.”

  “But Vasco, everyone knows you and knows I am with you. He’ll know I am your girl.”

  “Correction, you’re my date,” he replied. “If he suspects you, just make something up to convince him otherwise.”

I should tell him I am not your girl? Won’t he know I’m lying?’

  “You’re a smart girl, you’ll think of something.”

  She wasn’t sure that would work. “What if he doesn’t like black girls?”

  “Look at you. What hot-blooded male wouldn’t like you?”

  “Vasco, what if he doesn’t invite me to his hotel?”

  “Then invite yourself,” he replied. “You’re a smart girl. Make it happen.”

  “What do I say to him now?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he notices you,” he said. “I’ll disappear for a while, but I’ll be keeping an eye on you. So don’t disappoint me.”

  “No Vasco, I won’t disappoint you.”

  “Good girl.”

  After Vasco walked away, Mira spent the next fifteen or so minutes admiring her target. She loved the softness of his eyes, the sharpness of his chin and the way he seemed to listen attentively to whomever was speaking. As though sensing her scrutiny, he raised his eyes and connected with hers.

  She felt the rest of the room fade as he seemed to now focus only on her. What was it about this stranger that made her want to go to him? The spell broke when someone beside him spoke and he turned to listen. With her tongue dry and face flushed, she turned away, seeking a waiter in order to get a drink. This time she opted for some juice instead of the champagne. Her head was light as it was and she didn’t want to get drunk and mess up Vasco’s plan.

  In order to still the rapid beating of her heart, she milled around the room for a while. Vasco was nowhere to be seen and she wondered if maybe she shouldn’t slip away. Then again, he’d be mad at her that she didn’t do as asked.

  She was not looking forward to seducing her stranger. She would rather get to know him than sweetening him for Vasco’s sake. What were the odds that the first man for which she felt this kind of attraction would be someone that Vasco wanted her to seduce? This night was not turning out to be a good one. She could only hope that the man would ignore her and let her out of this shitty situation.

  Chapter 3

  Mira had no idea what Vasco did, but true to his word, the handsome man whose dark suit fitted like he was born in it, was coming over. Never in her twenty four years had she ever felt weak in the knees, or her pussy walls ever clenched for a man. By the time he reached where she was standing her heart was beating out of control and her center throbbing with heat. The most beautiful sea foam eyes twinkled at her and that smile stole her breath.

  “Hi,” he greeted his deep, smooth tone sending shivers down her spine.


  He reached out a hand to her and waited for her to take it. She liked that he wasn’t presumptuous to touch her without her permission. As soon as her hand touched his, a bolt of electricity skittered up her arm and spread across her chest. She could feel her nipples pebble against the fabric of her dress. No, she was not wearing a bra and she was conscious that her attraction to the man was plain for all to see.

  He stepped closer. “Please to meet you, Mira.”

  “How’d you know my name?”

  “Someone mentioned it. You’re Vasco’s date - right?”

  At this point she was uncertain whether to play Vasco’s game, but she didn’t want to take the chance of disappointing him. Therefore, she replied honestly. “Yes.”

  “Are you two exclusive?” He asked, but quickly rushed to explain himself. “I’m sorry, don’t mean to pry, I just couldn’t resist coming over to let you know just how absolutely stunning you are.”

  Mira beamed and blushed, her cheeks burning at the compliment and the way he was looking at her. Then Vasco’s voice echoed in her head and she realized that this man was perhaps expecting an answer to his question. You’re a smart girl, you’ll think of something, Vasco had said.

  “No, we’re not exclusive. He’s just helping me with a situation.”

  Mira hoped she didn’t go overboard. The man was making her feel all sorts of sexy. Just his presence alone was making her want to jump into a pool of ice water. Even her breath felt hot as she blew a relieved sigh. Absently, she fanned her neck, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down her spine. The way he was looking at her with the heat in his eyes, she knew he was feeling the same way. She might have been naïve enough to allow Vasco to trap her, but she was smart enough to know when a man liked her. The thought of Vasco was like cold water dousing her and it must have showed on her face.

  “Is something wrong?” He asked.

  “No, I’m sorry, I just remembered something.”

  “Are you thirsty? How about a drink?” He beckoned to a waiter who immediately came over. “Champagne?” She nodded and he took a glass from the tray and handed to her, then he asked the waiter to bring him a mineral water.

  Mira took a sip of her champagne as the waiter returned with his water. Their eyes connected and Mira was drawn into his magnetic gaze. Even with a scar over his right eye and another just below his scrumptious lower lip, Mira thought the man was perfect. What she wouldn’t give to be able to peel away the layers of his perfectly custom made suit and see what was underneath. The way his thighs bunched in his slacks, she was certain that he had a ripped body beneath.

  She gripped the flute tightly between her fingers as they itched to reach out and touch him. Never had she felt this drawn to a man before. Mira was concerned that she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the task that Vasco handed her. What if this man actually invited her back to his hotel? What then?

  “Forgive my manners,” he was saying, drawing her attention to his lips. “I’m Archer… Archer Dunbar.”

  “Amira Barclay.” She reached out her hand again, only because she yearned for just another touch from him.

  He enveloped her hand into his large warm one, opening up a force field around them. As though on cue, the music changed to a waltz and she found herself being gently pulled forward. When their eyes connected, she could tell he was seeking her permission. She smiled and beamed her approval. He took the flute form her other hand and placed it on the tray of a passing waiter.

  Slipping his hand around her waist, he pulled her close. Amira closed her eyes at the sheer pleasure that wrapped around her. The heat from his body made her feel secure. If she wasn’t in such a public space, she would have rested her head on his shoulder in complete bliss. Instead, she settled for him guiding her, his hand on the small of her back.

  “So Amira, tell me about yourself,” he said. “Other than being Vasco’s date, what do you do for fun?”

  She wanted to tell him that being Vasco’s date was no fun. She also wanted to tell him to run as far away as he could because Vasco was not a man to be messed with. It’s been only a few minutes since they met, but Mira didn’t want to seduce this man for Vasco. She wanted to keep him for herself. A shudder ran through her when he pulled her closer. She liked the strength of his arms around her while the faint scent of his aftershave tickled her nose.

  In order to distract her thoughts, she tried to concentrate on what he was saying. “There’s nothing much to tell. I’m just a simple girl who likes simple things.”

  “Be honest, are you Vasco’s girl?”

  His gaze held her captive. “Yes, but it’s not what you think.”

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?” He murmured.

  “Well… our relationship is complicated.”

  “If I asked you out, would that complicate things further?” He asked, his voice so sultry she wanted to swoon.

  “Like a date?”

  He chuckled. “Of course. Dinner and dancing or a movie. I am not much of a dancer.”

  “You’re doing fine,” she breathed. “You move so well.”

  “Nah, this is easy. I’m, talking about dancing at the club. I wouldn’t know my right foot from my left.”

  They both laughed at his attempt at joking about himself. Archer was a good conversationalist moving the conversation along. As they danced, they chatted about trivial things, things
that she never talked about with Vasco. She found herself quite relaxed with this man that when the first song ended, she was disappointed. It seemed that he was able to read her mind because as soon as the other song started playing he pulled her even closer than before and started moving to the beat.

  Of all the parties that Mira had attended with Vasco, this was the only one she completely enjoyed. Vasco never danced with her the way Archer did, neither did he look at her with such adoration in his eyes.

  They danced to the next four songs, sometimes in silence and other times speaking about music, art or whatever the song inspired them to talk about. Mira was mesmerized by not only this man’s voice, but the way his body moved against hers. Closing her eyes, she imagined another kind of dance where the rhythm of their heartbeats was the only harmony she needed.

  Feeling her heartbeat increase and her skin flush, she tried to slow her breathing. Archer must have sensed something because he was now whispering in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her eyes fluttered open. “Hmm.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, before he paused and took her hand. The next thing he was leading her towards the humongous double glass doors that led unto the terrace and lawns.

  “Where are you taking me?” She asked, her voice hoarse.

  Without answering, Archer guided her through the door, onto the terrace and into the gardens. He did not stop until they were deep inside a maze of flowering plants, neatly trimmed. When he stopped, he pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his. His actions initially surprised her and she stiffened. But as his tongue sought hers, her body yielded to the electrical charges that exploded inside her.

  With knees weak and heart drumming heavily, she clung to the lapels of his jacket. His arms tightened around her and she was about to snake her own arms around his neck when the hairs on her nape stood on end. Vasco’s face popped up before her and her eyes widened in horror. Mira pushed hard, breaking the kiss and stepping away from Archer.


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