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In Another World With My Smartphone: Volume 10

Page 1

by Patora Fuyuhara

  Chapter I: The Demon Kingdom Xenoahs

  Spring had sprung.

  The countries in this world didn’t operate by conventional seasonal laws, so nations that had all four seasons sometimes bordered nations with only one or two.

  Some people didn’t enjoy seasonal shift, but there were many who did. The people of Eashen, for example, enjoyed the changing of the seasons and all that it brought.

  It just so happened that the vast majority, about seventy percent, of Brunhild’s citizens were Eashenese. I was also particularly happy that Eashen had four seasons.

  I’d planted a row of sakura trees along the road from the castle to the town itself. They were finally in full bloom, and that meant only one thing. We had to have a grand celebration.

  Adventurers loved celebrations, of course. And so, singers, performers, and revelers had already gathered beneath the trees along the road already. They weren’t causing any problems or anything, so I saw no reason to move them aside. They were noisy, but that was about it. The townsfolk actually seemed to enjoy it, all things considered. Naturally, I’d harshly reprimand anyone that actually caused any problems for the celebrating people, though.

  Little stalls and such had sprouted up around the place as well. I was pleased, as it seemed Brunhild had its own little cherry blossom festival going on.

  The people living in my castle were among the revelers as well. Julio had planted various immature sakura trees within the castle walls, and they were blooming quite admirably. The sight of their petals fluttering into the castle moat and waterways was far too breathtaking to describe.

  I had prepared a speech to give to the alliance after our scheduled meeting. Honestly, I had wanted to invite the leaders of Felsen and Ryle to the meeting for that very reason, but they weren’t formally members, so having them celebrate alongside us would’ve been seen as a little strange.

  Our grand celebration already had delegates from Belfast, Regulus, Refreese, Lihnea, Mismede, Ramissh, Lestia, and Roadmare, after all... It was quite varied enough.

  We had a dining table in the courtyard, with a vast amount of magnificent dishes that Crea had cooked up atop it.

  As the host, I held up my cup and proposed a toast.

  “It is my greatest hope that we all continue to prosper in the future, and I also wish for us all to find happiness... Cheers!”


  The sake that everyone had was a gift from Ieyahsu. I was drinking juice, though. I was a minor, after all. There was no need to overdo it. Though apparently I was considered old enough to drink in this new world...

  A lot of our knights were taking turns to come in and enjoy some of the celebration as well. They were sitting at their own table, though. And naturally, I’d forbidden the on-duty knights from partaking in the sake.

  Several knights from each country, with the exception of the leaders’ personal guards, were eating along with us, actually. I had the ones that were drinking hand over their weapons, however. I didn’t want anything unfortunate happening.

  “If you’d told me a few years ago that we’d be doing something like this, I wouldn’t have believed a word...”

  “I completely agree. The knights of Belfast and Regulus drinking together, having fun... Mismede’s beastmen and Ramissh’s templars eating from the same plate... Far too much in the status quo has changed since Touya showed up... Rather, the status is no longer quo at all.” The emperor of Regulus and the king of Belfast talked amongst themselves. They were sitting next to their daughters, who also spoke up.

  “That’s just normal for Touya, Father. Birthright, race, and national boundaries are nothing to him.”

  “Touya is a wonderful mediator... He makes many people happy. That’s why Yumina, I, and the others are engaged to him, after all! He’s amazing.” Yumina and Lu’s comments made seemingly reluctant smiles rise to the faces of their fathers. I was a little embarrassed, so I was glad they didn’t go on any further.

  “Touya, my lad! Could you maybe get out some of those Frame Units? I wanna fight against the knight king!” Mismede’s beastking merrily spoke up. Luckily, I had installed a bunch of Frame Units into the courtyard just in case people wanted to use them out here. All Frame Units were calibrated the same, so victory entirely depended on the skill of the user. I guess weapon choice also helped, though.

  The knights began a tournament using the units, each one demonstrating their own skills. The foreign soldiers had grown fairly accustomed to piloting, surprisingly. That was only natural, though. They’d been fighting the Phrase en masse lately.

  Moroha was enjoying her sake, but gradually more and more requests came from people wanting to challenge her. The challengers were all from other nations. They wanted to test their mettle against the legendary swordswoman from my country. The knights from our order saw their faces and could only reply by somberly shaking their heads. It had been shattered. The foundation of their self-confidence had been... completely annihilated...

  The female knights weren’t itching to fight, though. Instead they’d gone off to visit Karen. They were probably hoping to get advice.

  Hm... Wonder what they’re... Oh. Isn’t that Knight Commander Limitt from Roadmare? She seems to be listening to Karen pretty intently... Guess even stoic girls like her are full of passion.

  Someone else was guarding Doge Audrey for the day. It seemed fair to me. She needed some time to stretch her legs now and then, or something along that line.

  Doge Audrey wasn’t drinking either, just like me. Neither was the pope. I wondered if they were abstaining for any particular reason.

  “Seeing the beautiful dance of these petals makes me wish for music... Come to think of it, Your Highness... Does Brunhild not have an orchestra?” Doge Audrey watched the cherry blossoms fall with a soft smile on her face.

  “I’m afraid not. Even if we did, I doubt they’d see much use. Celebrations like this are rather rare in these parts.” Brunhild didn’t have much in the way of nobility. Unlike Regulus or Belfast, I couldn’t think of any dukes, barons, or counts. It would probably be a good idea to introduce some kind of social order, though.

  Employing an orchestra might have been a long shot... but that didn’t mean music wasn’t on the table.

  I conjured up a [Gate] and pulled a piano into the courtyard. The sudden appearance of the huge black thing made Doge Audrey freeze up in surprise.

  “Oh! Are you going to play that?!”

  “Ooh, Touya! I love the way you play, I really do! What are you gonna play?”

  Linze and Sue rushed over as I sat down at the piano. I pressed a few keys to ensure it was still in tune. Doge Audrey seemed to recognize that the piano was an instrument, but seemed rather curious about how it worked.

  Sue quietly sat next to me, eagerly anticipating my tune. Hm... Let’s see... How about this one?

  I began to play my tune. The melody began to flow along with the gentle flutter of the cherry blossoms, and gradually everyone began to slow their actions as they turned to hear what I was playing.

  It was a famous song composed by Edward Elgar. Salut D’Amour, Love’s Greeting. The story goes that he gifted it to his fiancee.

  His fiancee was around 9 years older than him, her social status and political stance were different to his as well. Despite the objections of their families, they were still happily wed. The tune carried that kind of powerful feeling.

  He also composed the Pomp and Circumstance Marches that were partially integrated into the British patriotic song, Land of Hope and Glory. I personally liked Salut D’Amour more, though.

  My performance came to an e
nd, and I was met with applause. Sue grabbed on to my arm all of a sudden, and I caught her before she bowled us both onto the ground. Geez, did it move you that much?

  “Incredible... Your performance was wonderful, but... this instrument is magnificent. What is this, Touya?”

  “It’s called a Piano. You can press down on the different keys to make different noises, see?”

  I smiled at the pope as she questioned me, pressing down one of the keys to illustrate my point. Wait... Don’t churches have hymns and stuff? I set Sue down and turned to the pope.

  “What instruments do you use to accompany your church hymns?”

  “Ah, we use basic instruments... However, none are quite as diverse as this one.”

  “Then you can have this one as a gift. Any adept musician should be able to pick it up.”

  “Wait, really...?” I had no problem with duplicating it in the workshop. I didn’t really want to bother teaching people about how to use it, though. Even that felt a little much.

  “Ah, Grand Duke...?”

  “Hm? What’s up, Sakura?” Sakura was already standing by the piano. Kohaku was beside her.

  “I’d like to sing. Could you play that song?”

  “Oh? You mean the one I taught you earlier? I’m not really so sure if that song’s appropriate for the current season, though.”

  “I think it’s fine. Play, please.”

  Geez, when’d you get so pushy? Fine, whatever... That piece is a little tough, but I got it.

  I would’ve liked to include some backup instruments like brass or drums, but it was a situation I couldn’t help. The song she wanted me to play was really more of a disco tune, too.

  I invoked the Null spell [Speaker], using it to create two magical sound-projecting constructs. One big, one small. The small one was Sakura’s mic.

  Then, I fixed my position on the chair and changed my posture. The sound of my piano rang out across the room, all thanks to my speaker magic. It was a pretty swinging tune, so everyone’s bodies moved naturally to the rhythm. Even Sakura started swinging a little bit as she prepared to sing.

  Eventually, Sakura faced the small magic mic and began her part. Her voice wasn’t quiet, as it was coming right up from her depths.

  Everyone moved to the invisible pull of the music. The lyrics were in clear English, so the people of this world couldn’t possibly know the meaning. Still, good music had no borders.

  The group known as Earth, Wind and Fire had been brought to this world now, it seemed.

  Sakura’s surprisingly deep, soulful voice began to echo around the area.

  Whoa... This is great, I’m really getting into it... Heh, it’s fun.

  Everyone began to sing along with Sakura, even if they didn’t understand what was being said. They all began to rhythmically clap their hands, too. It almost felt like a live concert, with the amount of enthusiasm in the bustling area.

  The song finally came to an end, and it was met with a roar of applause. Sakura looked extremely pleased with herself.

  “That was incredible! Just who is she?”

  “She’s our household’s main singer.” I smiled at the pope, and Sakura’s face immediately fell to neutral. She bowed her head, and then hid herself behind my back. She was definitely shy in front of strangers, which was amazing given how brazenly she sang. Her bashfulness was a little endearing, though.

  “Y-Your Highness!” I raised a brow as Spica the dark elf ran toward us. She certainly stood out from the crowd due to her beauty. Even by elven standards, she was stunning. She looked far better than she did when I first met her... That wasting disease was truly awful.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “L... Lady Sakura lost her memory, did she not?”

  “Yeah, what about it?”

  The dark elf looked at Sakura, who was still cowering, and then spoke up.

  “L-Lady Farne... Is that you?”

  “Mh?” Spica was staring over at Sakura as if she’d seen a ghost. I wondered what was up.

  “Who’s this Farne person?”

  “A-Ah, of course... Sorry. Back in Xenoahs, I served as the personal guard to a beautiful girl. Her name was Lady Farnese Forneus... I... Please forgive me, it’s just... Lady Sakura’s voice sounded much like hers... Please forgive me for standing up. I was hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia, and I thought... for a moment, that Lady Farne might still be alive... Her hair is so distinctively different, her face too, but even so, I... I’m sorry.” Spica forced out a quiet, lonely chuckle. This Farne person must have meant a great deal to her. I wondered if the death of Farne and Spica leaving Xenoahs were connected in some form.

  “When I looked at these beautiful sakura... Cherry blossoms, was it? They reminded me of Lady Farne, because of her hair. It too was such a beautiful pink.” Spica’s eyes followed the wandering sakura petals. I could almost feel the pain in her heart.

  I see... So she got confused by Sakura’s voice, and the petals made her nostalgic, huh... That’s sad. Wait, hold on...

  “Uh, Spica... Pink? This Farne person had pink hair?”

  “Er, yes... Is that an issue?”

  “No, but you said that Sakura’s hair is different.”

  “Hm? Yes, for some reason I associated Lady Sakura with Lady Farne, despite the fact that Lady Sakura has such beautiful black hair.”

  What? Black...? Is that how it looks to Spica? Pink, sakura, those two colors are pretty damn distinct.

  Is there some kind of magic at play here? Something preventing certain people from seeing her real features? I don’t think Sakura’s using magic, though.

  “What the...?”

  “Is something... wrong?” Spica looked at me in confusion. I ignored that, choosing to face Sue instead.

  “Sue. What color is Sakura’s hair?”

  “Huh? Isn’t it the same color as these cherry blossoms? You gave her that name because of her hair, right?”

  “Wha—?! N-No! I-Is it... p-possible that...? Your Highness! D-Did Lady Sakura have a medallion or anything with her?!” Sue’s response seemed to have sparked something in Spica.

  She had something like a medallion when I saved her, right...?

  “...This?” Sakura took out her tiny silver medallion from her chest. It was around ten centimeters in diameter.

  “I... C-Could you... Could you please remove it...?” Spica called out to Sakura, her tone desperate. Sakura did as she was told, though she looked confused. She slowly removed the medallion from her person.

  “A-Ah...” Spica began to cry, and the tears didn’t stop coming. She knelt in front of Sakura and reached out to take the girl’s hand. Then, she lovingly pressed the girl’s medallion against her own forehead.

  “L-Lady Farne... It was you... I-I knew it, I... I-It’s you... Lady Farnese Forneus... Y-You survived... You really survived...”

  “F-Far... Ne?” Sakura looked tremendously confused as Spica continued to weep.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  “So you’re saying that Sakura and Farnese Forneus are one and the same?”

  “Yes, I am. This girl is Lady Farne. I’ve watched over her since she was young, and there’s no mistaking it at all.” I sat with Spica in the castle hallway. She seemed pretty convinced. Even though she had no idea until now, she was absolutely certain that Sakura was Farnese.

  “It’s the result of this medallion, the Protean Eye. Its power can distort the perception of certain items, to specific species. From the looks of things, it was made so demonkin wouldn’t know who she was. It’s likely that any other demonkin like myself would see her hair as black.” She looked down at the medallion that Sakura was wearing.

  Made enough sense to me. It was all because of the medallion she was wearing, which was actually an ancient artifact the entire time... To humans she looked normal, but to demonkin her appearance was altered.

  “Sakura... Does the name mean anything to you? Farnese?” Sakura, who was seated by me, shook her head firmly.
/>   “Not at all. I can’t remember a bit of my old life, not even Spica. My apologies.”

  “This can’t be... Gah, this is troublesome... Though, I suppose I should count my blessings. You’re actually alive, after all.” Spica looked sad. That was only natural, mind you.

  That reminded me of something, though... Spica said she used to guard Farnese, right? So that must mean...

  “Hold on a sec. Spica, the Frennel family acts as guards for the Xenoahs’ overlord and his family, right? Wouldn’t that make Sakura a princess?”

  Spica averted her gaze, but she looked frustrated. I wondered if it was a mistake to ask. Something like that was probably meant to be a secret.

  After a short while, she let out a deep sigh and spoke up.

  “...That is correct, yes. Sadly, I am no longer a citizen of Xenoahs, so I suppose I can talk about this... Especially given the situation. Lady Farne is indeed the illegitimate child of Overlord Zelgadi von Xenoahs.” Sakura simply looked over at me and tilted her head in quiet confusion. It made me wonder if she couldn’t understand her current situation.

  “Illegitimate? You mean she was born out of wedlock or something? Is she meant to be a secret?” I didn’t have any idea of the social ramifications. Would a person even hide away a child they’ve had from their family? I figured Overlord Zelgadi’s wife was probably terrifying.

  “Only a few people know of Lady Farne. She didn’t possess the overlord’s prongs, the proof of being the overlord’s child. That was why she was... Taken care of.”

  “The overlord’s prongs?”

  “Those who are born from the overlord’s lineage have horns sprouting from their foreheads. Gender is irrelevant. Lady Farne lacked them, however. Her magical power was more than enough to prove her legitimacy as his child, but she was still spurned. Lady Farne’s official existence has been wiped away from the records. As far as Xenoahs is concerned, she never existed in the first place.”

  Wait, what?! Why are horns that important? That’s your kid, man! You can’t just do that to your own kid! I frowned, and Spica continued. She probably knew exactly what I was thinking.

  “The overlord did this as a mercy. He believed that Lady Farne and her mother, Lady Fiana, would be safer. There are many in the overlord’s court that see the lack of horns as an affront to our nation. The overlord likely thought that Lady Farne would be happier living a normal human-like life, instead of being a political bargaining chip.”


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