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The Blood Witch Chronicles

Page 27

by L. A. Stinnett

  Turning her head, she saw R.K. 's head resting in Vahlyn’s lap. He wiped away the blood and sweat from R.K. 's face. Runt laid protectively next to him.

  “Thank the gods it worked and thank you for healing me. I was almost lost to the darkness again.” U'ka lifted her hand to lay it on top of Nallah’s.

  “Is my precious boy okay?” said her mother from the entrance.

  “He'll be fine. Daemon free now. I'm okay too. Thanks for asking.”

  “Bring him to me please,” said her mother.

  She looked at Nallah for confirmation it was okay to move him.

  Vahlyn picked R.K. up and carried him inside. Runt got up and went to U'ka, nudging her with his nose before giving her several big sloppy licks on the side of her face. She reached up and rubbed his cheek. “Thank you too, Runt.”

  Nallah placed a blanket under U'ka's head then helped Teek set up camp. A warm glow came from the annex entrance, she heard them talking and laughing as they caught up on their lives since the war ended. She wished she could join them. She hadn't seen her mother since she was a little girl; there were many questions she wanted to ask her. Exhaustion finally overtook her and she slipped into a dreamless sleep.

  * * * * * *

  The scent of roasting meat woke her and made her stomach rumble. Nallah helped U'ka sit up and handed her a plate of food.

  “Where did the meat come from?” said U'ka as she shoved the juicy meat into her mouth.

  “Runt caught a deer not too far from here,” said Nallah sitting next to the fire with her food. “I haven’t had deer meat in ages.”

  “You can thank the Green Folk for saving the wild animals.”

  “Seems we have much to thank the Green Folk for.”

  “Yes,” said U'ka nodding towards Teek.

  Runt lay on the ground nearby gnawing on a large leg bone. She reached out to give him a few pats on his rump, glad he’d stuck with her for so long.

  “Do you want Teek to take you back to Lonely Hilltop tonight?”

  “No. My instincts are telling me I need to stay with you.”

  “Are you sure? Teek can come get you at any time.”

  “Yes. This is where I’m needed right now.”

  U'ka was secretly relieved. She had a feeling R.K. 's journey ended here and she desperately wanted a friend at her side.

  “I’m grateful you’re staying, but I do need to warn you I don't know what's going to happen next, but it's most likely going to be very dangerous.”

  “If I can help you fulfill your mission to seal the Gateway for good it'll be worth it. The people of Eleanthra need this so they can finally heal and move forward without fear the Daemons will return.

  Besides, it’s the only way I'm going to get my caravan back,” Nallah said with a playful wink.

  U'ka smiled back, then threw the last bits of meat into her mouth. “I'm grateful for your help and happy you’re still willing to stick by me.”

  Nallah leaned forward and gave her a hug. “You should get some rest. I assume you want to get on the road early in the morning.”

  “Yes,” said U'ka laying down near the fire. She felt better now, having eaten, but still exhausted from the day's events; sleep quickly took her.


  Journey’s End

  Sitting in the early morning light with the ancient scroll laid out before her, U’ka put dozens of new spells together, the possibilities were endless. It was an amazing and terrifying tool for creating spells. She now understood why it’d been hidden away. In the wrong hands it could be devastating. There was too much room for the power to be abused.

  Nallah busied herself with the morning meal. After they ate, she would show her the Unbinding charm and the spell to seal the Gateway Between Worlds for good. U’ka had felt her powerful healing magic upon the land. If she failed, Nalllah was the only other person with the ability to invoke these spells.

  R.K. came out and sat down next to her. She knew he was nervous and wanted to say something, but still hesitated.

  “You're staying here, aren't you?”

  He looked down at the ground and nodded.

  “It's okay,” she said, reaching out to take his hand. “Our journey together is over. I got you here, as I promised. This is where you are meant to be.”

  “Thanks for understanding. I've thought of mother many times over the years. Now that I've got her back, I don't want to leave her.”

  “It's good you two have mended your relationship. I wish I could say the same.”

  “Maybe after you finish your mission.”

  “We'll just have to wait and see,” U’ka replied.

  “I also wanted to let you know I'm happy

  I have a sister.”

  U'ka smiled. “I always felt so alone and removed from everyone else at the Citadel. I never had a sense of family and now I do. It’s nice knowing you'll be waiting for me.”

  “Yes, we will,” R.K. said with a big smile.

  “Tell mother I'm going to fix everything and rebuild the Citadel.”

  “I will. Hey, how come you have magic powers and I don’t?”

  “You had a different father. Mother liked the company of many men.” U’ka knew where she got the tendency from.

  “Umm . . . one last thing,” said R.K. nervously.


  “She sent me to retrieve the scroll. It's too valuable to be away from the annex.”

  U’ka was disappointed but understood it needed to be protected. “Just give me a moment.” She turned toward the campfire. “Nallah, please come here.”

  Nallah scooped the food into two bowls and came over to where they were sitting.

  “What is it?”

  “I need to show you two spell symbols,” U'ka said, placing her finger on the scroll. “This is the

  Unbinding spell to release my Daemon. You'll need to invoke it when the time is right.”

  “Are you sure I can do this? I never trained as a Blood Witch.”

  “I've felt your healing magic. You've got more than enough power to invoke the spell. Put your finger on the symbol and concentrate on memorizing it.”

  Nallah did as she was told, feeling the symbol impress itself into her mind. “Okay. I've got it.”

  “This next one is even more important. It's the one to seal the Gateway for good. If anything happens to me, you've got to be the one to do it.”

  Nallah bit her lip before hesitantly, putting her finger on the symbol until it appeared solid in her mind. “What will I need to do?”

  “This is high magic and will require blood to invoke it. Slice your hand, let the blood flow and place your hand on the Gateway, then form the symbol in your mind and push your magic into the Gateway to seal it for good.”

  “Okay. I really hope I don't have to do this. I've never used my healing magic in this way,” said Nallah.

  “Let's hope.”

  R.K. rolled up the scroll then reached out to hug U'ka. “Good luck and don't die. I really want to see you again and believe it or not, I think mom wants to see you again too.”

  “I'll try my best.”

  “Why don’t we do the Unbinding here?” said Nallah.

  “It’s not time yet. I’ve got to see this through to the end with my Daemon. He’s the last one left in this reality. I don’t want to risk sending him back too soon. The Queen may be able to open the door to our world. I can’t risk it.”

  U’ka wanted to wait to expel Bahlmet until she got to the area where he first took her over. She didn’t know what kind of power it took to seal the Gateway but was prepared to sacrifice both their lives to do it.

  After their morning meal, she went to give Bud and Daisy a hug.

  “Our journey is almost over. I thank you both for the tremendous help you have provided me. When this is all over, I promise to send you wherever you wish to live. I owe you so much and I can never repay your loyalty.”

  They both nudged her with their heads and let out soft
snorts, ready to follow her till the end.

  Vahlyn and Runt emerged from the annex. They said their goodbyes and were ready to continue with the final leg of their journey to the Citadel remains.

  On the road, they passed through many burned-out towns and villages. The earth still carried the deep scar from the Daemon war machines which crushed everything in their path. Terrible memories flooded back to her of her days of leading the Daemon army on their march of destruction. Thousands died at her command. Hundreds of men, women and children died directly by her hand. Her sword, Blood Drinker, had reveled in the bloodshed on the battlefield. Runt whined as he trotted beside Bud, picking up on her mood.

  U’ka looked down, seeing the concern in his bi-colored eyes. “It’s okay, Runt, just ghosts from the past.”

  Runt snorted and ran ahead to where Teek led their group. Nallah held the reins of the caravan and Vahlyn sat next to her sharpening one of his many knives. They passed through green patches of land where the earth was healing itself from the war and saw more and more large animals wandering through lush fields and woodland areas. Nature always seemed to find a way to endure despite the damage inflicted on them by humans. It did her heart good to see the land recovering and gave her hope the people of Eleanthra had a real chance at a future, to rebuild and flourish again. She just needed to do her part to right all the terrible wrongs she committed and make sure the Daemons would never be able to invade the land again.

  Weeks passed on their journey. As they crested a small hill, she saw the peaks of the Blue Mountains where the remains of the Citadel lay. It would be only a few hours before they reached the capital city of Saern which used to sit at the foot of the Blue Mountain.

  It was the first city to be destroyed when she opened the Gateway and the Daemon army flooded through. U’ka was now full circle in her fall from grace. She felt a tremendous amount of guilt at the thought of entering the city again. The time was now at hand to face her past and try to redeem herself for all the horrible things she had done.

  The weather began to warm in this area of Eleanthra. Everyone shed their heavy furs and enjoyed the pleasant sunny climate. U’ka savored this calm, but couldn’t shake the feeling something was going to go wrong at the Gateway and mentally prepared herself to make the ultimate sacrifice if need be, to save the friends which were now so precious to her.

  Her relationship with Vahlyn improved during their journey. He no longer treated her with disdain, but they still didn’t have the closeness they once had. He did not entirely trust her and she couldn’t really blame him, but still, U'ka couldn’t help yearning for the days when they were close. She didn’t know if they’d ever have that kind of relationship again, but wasn’t ready to give up hope just yet.

  They continued to the ruined gates leading up to the Citadel. Horrible memories of her march through the city at the head of the Daemon army flooded her mind. The Citadel was once the center of culture and knowledge for all of Eleanthra; now it lay reduced rubble. She fought back the tears as the guilt washed over her; all of this destruction caused by her arrogance in thinking she could control a Blood Daemon. Bahlment took her power and twisted it, turning it against the land. Now was the time to right the terrible wrongs she inflicted on the land and people of Eleanthra.

  “By the gods!” Exclaimed Vahlyn “I haven’t been back here since the war began. This city was the heart and soul of Eleanthra. I can’t believe it’s gone.” He looked back at U’ka with a cold stare.

  She turned her head, unable to look him in the eye. “I know what I did here. You don’t have to remind me. Let’s just get to the Gateway, alright?”

  Overhead the Red Raven circled, cawing its frantic warning. She already knew the danger she faced and quickened their pace, not wanting to spend any more time in Saern than she needed to. Daisy and Bud were left at the bottom of the rubble of the Citadel. U’ka knew they were just as uneasy at being in the city as she was. Death surrounded them.

  The group climbed over the broken stone blocks and wooden beams of the Citadel ruins, making their way to the untouched Gateway Between Worlds. U’ka was now back to the place where it all began. Deep regret laid in the pit of her stomach like a hard stone. The Red Raven spiraled down to land on the remains of a stone wall, looking at her with deep black eyes that pleaded with her to turn back. But she couldn’t stop now; she needed to see this through to the end. Spreading its wings, it cawed a final warning for her to turn away from the danger ahead. She could not hesitate now that she was finally at the end, she had to see it through, no matter what happened.

  Having done its duty, the raven spread its wings and flew up towards the sun where it disappeared from view. Her next step made her whole body shudder as she passed through an invisible veil. A familiar energy made her grow cold deep down in her soul. There was power here she hadn’t felt since being in the presence of Queen Baht’ma.

  U’ka realized too late they walked into a trap, she should have known better than to assume it’d be an easy thing to seal the Gateway. The Daemon Queen was a master at playing the long game and anticipated U’ka underestimating the power she still held here. Her patience steady and strong, she knew one day U’ka would return to the Gateway.

  Shivering at the coldness growing inside her now that she stood again before the Gateway, U’ka realized it was not quite as closed as she thought. The cold triggered fear in her; she fought to stand her ground. Before she could yell out a warning to the others, the Daemon Queen’s overwhelming power slammed into her. She desperately tried to push it away, but it shattered something deep inside her soul. U’ka doubled over, falling to the ground in agony. Her vision went black. A prisoner once more, pinned down by the Daemon Queen’s power. Bahlmet was freed from his cell and in control again. U’ka pulled on her power, attempting to fight back. He threw her in the cell, slamming the door shut, completely cutting her magic off and blinding her to what he was doing. He pulled on her magic, but she didn’t know what was happening. Then she felt it, the gathering of power he’d used to open the Gateway allowing the Daemons to flood through and start the Blood War. She cried out in horror but could do nothing to stop it. She pleaded with him not to do this, beating on her cell wall, but her cries went unheeded.

  U’ka felt another power flare nearby. Nallah’s warm healing magic flowed through her. A warmth she welcomed, pushing away the coldness she was trapped in. She felt the Unbinding symbol being invoked. Bahlmet screamed inside her mind as their two souls were ripped apart. Tendrils of his power reached out for her soul, but she pushed them away, pulling on Nallah’s energy, using it to expel Bahlmet from her body finally. A tremendous weight lifted away; U'ka had finally regained her body all to herself again. It was a strange sensation not to feel his presence anymore. There almost seemed to be a void in her soul now. Opening her eyes, she saw Bahlmet’s spirit floating above her, growling and trying to claw his way back to her body.

  Nallah screamed, pointing towards the Gateway. U’ka turned her head to see the Daemon Queen standing there. She let out a deep-throated maniacal laugh. Countless nightmares of the Queen’s torment came flooding back to her. She never wanted to be in her presence again, yet here she was in the flesh, ready to feed on her misery and pain.

  Teek roared back in response. U’ka struggled to get to her feet, careful to avoid Bahlmet’s spirit form. More dark power slammed into her, stripping away her magical disguise. Once again, she was Battibahla, Hand of Blood and Destruction, but she felt weak and sluggish, unable to pull on her magic. The separation damaged her. She couldn’t fight back against the Daemon Queen or to stop what was to happen next.

  She watched helplessly as a metal control collar flew out of the Gateway towards Teek. He threw his arms out in defense, but the collar wrapped tightly around his wrists, trying to bind him once again to the Queen’s will.

  He roared in defiance, refusing to be a slave again. Vahlyn ran to Teek to try to help him pull the collar off his wrists, but the metal t
ightened, fusing itself into his bark. He drew his sword to chop at Teek’s arm to free him, but his blade could not penetrate his Iron Oak bark. Teek growled, fighting to free himself. In desperation, he ripped his arms away at the elbow with a loud cracking sound, releasing him from the control collar which fell to the ground with his severed limbs.

  U’ka tried to push herself to her feet but felt the Queen’s power slamming into her again, knocking her back to the ground. The void inside her filled by the Daemon Queen’s soul forcing her way in. U’ka writhed on the ground, screaming in agony, unable to stop her. The entirety of her being crushed and beaten. She lay on the bottom of her cell in a stupor. How could this be happening? Her soul was just freed and now here she was again, a tool for the Daemon Queen’s desires. U’ka cried out in despair.

  Projected on the ceiling, she saw Queen Baht’ma raise her hand, calling Runt to her through the Master mark. Through the mark, she knew he did not want to obey the Queen. Runt did not want to kill people he knew were good, but he had no choice but to obey her command, drawn to her by the Master’s mark he placed on her. At her side, his eyes flashed red and he grew to twice his normal size. He let out a deep, throaty growl, ready to attack and kill at her direction.

  “Go! Stop the hound!” Yelled Nallah. “I’ll heal Teek.”

  Vahlyn stared at the huge Shadow Hound. He’d seen them tear apart soldiers on the battlefield. His heart beat faster at the thought of going up against one. Gathering his courage, he pulled out his greatsword, letting out a battle cry as he charged the Shadow Hound. Runt snarled, running forward with fangs bared, ready to rip him apart. He sidestepped the beast, his sword slicing open the side of the hound’s face. Runt shook his head; dark blood sprayed everywhere. He snarled his rage and jumped to attack Vahlyn, grabbing the sword in his mouth. With all his might, Vahlyn pulled the blade free, slicing open the inside of the hound's mouth. Runt’s lower jaw hung loose, unable to close now fully. He backed up a few steps, reluctant to continue the fight, but the Queen ordered him forward; he had no choice but to obey her command. He leaped into the air, snarling. Runt intended to tear into the man's neck and end the battle. Vahlyn slid onto his back; sword pointed up at the large figure of the Shadow Hound bearing down on him. Runt could not stop his momentum, yelping as the sword pierced his flesh. His huge bulk slid down blade till he settled on top of Vahlyn, a great gasp of air escaping before he fell still. U’ka screamed inside her cell, unable to accept being responsible for another death. Runt did not deserve this. She did not want to see any more of her loved ones die.


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