Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 3

by L M Lacee

  ‘No surrender.’

  ‘Oh stars, suicide?’

  Marlo thought for a moment as he searched his memory for the translation of the Earth word. ‘Yes Brenda, they committed suicide.’

  Helen quietly asked. ‘Because they did not want to surrender or they just did not want to surrender to us?’

  Reeve nodded. ‘It may be their lives would be forfeited if their rulers discovered they surrendered. And they would think of it as an act of treason.’

  Netta said bitterly. ‘Of course they would, it was not their lives being thrown away.’

  Peyton and Melody remained silent as they watched an enormous undamaged Warship edge closer to the wormhole, while it continuously fired upon the Prowler. Then everyone went silent as they too watched the Warship make a run for the entrance of the wormhole.

  The Commanders of the Prowler had obviously anticipated just such a maneuver. The Prowler aimed and fired an orange beam, which sliced the other Warship completely in half. The ship fell apart and debris filled the screen. Then they themselves were moving toward the wormhole.

  Peyton asked Jarrod and his brothers. ‘Do you sense any survivors?’

  They shook their heads as Jarrod said. ‘No, none.’

  Sadly, she murmured. ‘I do not either.’

  Helen asked. ‘Do we even know who they were?’

  Reeve replied. ‘Coalition forces.’

  ‘That is sad.’ Darby mumbled just as the all clear sounded.

  Carrick appeared with Keylan, he passed the sobbing baby to her mother. She buried her face into Peyton’s shoulder and sobbed as though her heart was broken. He answered Peyton’s unasked question. ‘She does not like the cruiser, we will have to do something about it.’

  She nodded and softly said. ‘Yes, Urnu, for now bring them all back.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  He disappeared and Peyton returned her gaze to the window as it revealed the last sight of the carnage left behind. Silent tears slid down her face as she rocked her baby. A lonely figure, made sadder by the unnecessary deaths of so many.

  No one knew what to say as they stared at what remained of the giant Warship. Esther arrived, took in the situation and shooed everyone to their beds. Darby, Melody and Netta hugged Peyton and at Esther’s urging left.

  ‘We are safe.’ Hawk said as he entered the war room, taking Karen under his arm. He kissed Keylan’s wet face and Peyton’s forehead, telling her. ‘It was not because of you. They chose to follow the orders they received. At any time they could have asked for mercy. Peyton go to bed, it will be better in the morn.’


  Rage said. Beloved, they chose their destiny, just as we chose ours. Do not forget you cannot change what refuses to change.

  ‘I know dearle one, I know.’

  Esther took her hand and led her and Keylan from the room, followed by the silent Prowlers. Hawk sighed and murmured into Karen’s hair as he held her to his hearts. ‘A waste, an absolute waste of life.’

  ‘Yes it was, but you knew it was to happen. They fear her.’ She said as he looked down into her beautiful face.

  ‘They have a reason to my heart.’

  ‘Oh I know, they really do, more so now.’

  ‘I must go back to the bridge.’

  She smiled. ‘Of course, I will wait for you.’

  ‘I adore you Karen, never think I do not.’

  She nodded and kissed him. ‘We never forget that, Papa to be.’

  He grinned and sounded as stunned as he had when he first found out she was pregnant. ‘I am to be a father.’

  Karen laughed. ‘Did you forget?’

  ‘No.’ He looked shocked she would suggest such a thing. ‘How could I? You and our baby are the most important people in my life.’

  ‘Oh Hawk, I love you dearle, now go be the First Commander.’

  Reeve returned as Hawk left and said to Karen. ‘Come sister, allow me see you to your cabin.’

  She looped her arm through his. ‘Thank you brother, I am feeling melancholy.’

  ‘As are all the females, it is because you have witness unnecessary bloodshed and feel the loss. It is new for you.’

  ‘And for the Warriors?’

  ‘We feel it, but we have yentas and yentas of time to provide reason for those feelings.’

  ‘I see, part of me wishes for that and another part does not.’

  ‘This is why we males need you females, your hearts give us hope.’ He kissed her cheek and saw her to her cabin. Then went to hold his mate and son.


  Three days following the attack and with no more delays, they arrived at the Capital. Slowly Prowler I, drifted under pulse power, taking an orbit around several moons as they waited for docking orders.

  Peyton with everyone else gathered in the Star Lounge to see the floating world come into view. There were gasps of surprise and stunned reactions to the impressive sparkling world.

  Horror filled Peyton’s voice as she stepped away from the window and her view of the crystal world. ‘It is a floating city in space. There is no world under it.’

  ‘Yes.’ Hawk agreed as he looked at her with confusion. Then he turned to look out the window at the large flat massive crystal rectangle, which held thousands of tall, wide, elliptical spheres. He like the others saw nothing to be horrified about.

  Peyton’s voice spiraled a little higher as she struggled to suppress her emotions. Having a meltdown on board the Warship was never a good idea. ‘It is floating!’

  Hawk agreed. ‘Peyton it is the Capital, it floats in space, as all planets do.’

  ‘No!’ She pointed out the window and swallowed down the revulsion she was feeling and said clearly. ‘That is not a planet.’

  He chose his words carefully as they all felt the ship shudder. Esther stopped the children from running to Peyton when they sensed her agitation.

  Hawk explained calmly. ‘Yes it is, this is the Capital, a floating crystal planet that is home to millions upon millions of people. It expands every hundred yentas, to allow growth and to fulfil the improvements needed of a growing world.’

  Peyton was shaking her head. ‘Hawk, it is just hanging there, on nothing.’

  ‘As all planets do.’

  ‘No, planets are warm. This… this abomination is cold, lifeless. What kind of being made this world?’

  ‘The last Star Son.’

  ‘Did he hate the Universe?’

  ‘No, he loved it, this was his gift to the Universe before he left.’

  ‘Where did he go? I need to discuss with him what constitutes a gift.’

  Melody told her. ‘Peyton, you are rambling.’

  ‘I know… I know.’ She closed her eyes, only to snap them open again when Hawk stated.

  ‘I have never found the Capital cold or lifeless when I have visited.’

  Darby asked Peyton. ‘Is it because it has no center?’

  Peyton looked at her, tears in her eyes as revulsion turned to sadness. ‘Right, no heartbeat. Darby I feel nothing, it is hard, cold. I cannot go on it.’

  Hawk’s voice hardened slightly. ‘Yes, you will. You are the Star Daughter and you will walk its surface as we all will.’

  ‘But Hawk, it is cold!’ She backed away from him, her face hardening into defiance as she wrapped her arms around herself and said. ‘No, I cannot. I will not!’

  Again the ship trembled. Reeve looked at her. ‘Little Peyton, if it is your impossibly small feet that you worry about being cold. Then we will get you thicker shoes or you can float above the surface. But you must go to the planet and show that our Star Daughter is alive and in the Universe.’

  She was almost beyond speech, as she battled emotions she never knew she had. But she nodded and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. He could see her strengthening her will, and it almost broke his resolve. He leaned down and said the words she had so often spoken to others.

  ‘I know you can do this. We all know you can, but until
you do, we will believe for you.’

  ‘I will try.’ She sucked back a sob as she whispered. ‘But it is still a floating world that is just hanging in space.’

  Darby tapped her cheek with one well-manicured blood red nail as she hesitantly said. ‘Well, sort of… it is hanging in space. But it has roots that are cemented into a force field which phases in and out. Kind of like Reeve’s knife.’

  Peyton looked out the window, then at Darby doubtfully. ‘Are you sure? It doesn’t seem like it.’

  ‘Yep, I read about it. I am sorry.’ She looked contrite as she said. ‘I didn’t even think to explain it to you.’

  ‘No… no, don’t worry. How would you know it would affect me like this?’ In relief, she hugged Darby. ‘Thank you, knowing that makes all the difference. So when do we dock?’ She asked Hawk, who was bewildered by her sudden reversal of attitude.

  He answered automatically. ‘We are awaiting instructions, they have to construct a new docking port for our ship.’

  ‘Oh, because it is so large. Got it.’

  ‘No, because you are the Star Daughter and you should have your own docking facilities, which they have never built for you. Just as you should have your own Embassy. All this is written within the laws of the Capital.’

  Peyton nodded as she pulled at her bottom lip, finally saying. ‘But they seem to have forgotten this.’

  ‘Yes, so it appears.’

  ‘And because of their failure we have to wait, while they hurry to make us an official docking position.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Alright. Darby, I would like those laws as soon as possible.’

  ‘Within the hour.’

  ‘Thank you. Make sure everyone gets a copy so we know where we stand. Now as we have to wait, I think I need food.’ She waved to gather the children to her as she walked from the viewing lounge. She refused to look again at the hanging crystal world but stopped at the door way and said. ‘Oh, and Reeve, we will revisit the size of my feet another time. Unlike yours, mine are a normal size.’

  ‘If one is a child.’ He returned grinning.

  Peyton laughed as she and the children all left the lounge. Every adult there looked at Darby as she shrugged. ‘She just needed it to cope.’

  Reeve said. ‘My Darby, I did not know you could tell an untruth so believable.’

  Darby smiled. ‘Reeve, sweetheart, you can make almost anything believable if you throw in some science. If it makes you feel better, she knows it is not true. She will take it as a truth and it will get her off the ship and onto the world.’

  Hawk asked. ‘So, she is alright now?’

  ‘Yes, I just added to what you both had started. She was almost there. I think Reeve had her already.’

  He smiled. ‘I am good.’ He wandered off, a smug smile on his face. Before he left the lounge, he said over his shoulder to Darby.

  ‘My heart do not try to trick me with your version of science. Remember I am an Elite, therefore I know an untruth.’ He nodded once and left.

  Darby grinned as Hawk said. ‘Sister, you have already.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Seriously, the pair of them.’ Esther said to Hawk as he placed his arm around her.

  ‘They are our burdens. Well, Peyton is mine until my brother arrives. Reeve is all Darby’s.’

  ‘Hey, I resent that.’

  ‘Really?’ Netta asked, truly puzzled by her denial.

  Darby shrugged. ‘Well, maybe not so much.’ She hooked her arm through Netta’s and Melody’s arms. ‘Sisters take me to eat. We could be here all day waiting for them to do something I or Kolin could do in half the time. Maybe we should have brought him?’

  Jax said. No need, I will hurry them along.

  Darby grinned with the others as Jean said. ‘That should be interesting.’

  Heather asked. ‘Is Jax able to come with us to the world?’

  Jean answered. ‘Yep, Harm and Kinn have installed him at the Hutell already. He should be integrated by now.’

  Confused Heather asked Jean. ‘I don’t understand. I thought he was just for us on Maikonia?’

  ‘Oh no, as long as we claim it as Maikonia’s he can integrate himself there.’

  ‘But it is a Hutell.’

  Jean laughed, then told her. ‘Peyton declared it Maikonia’s Embassy.’

  ‘She can do that?’

  They all looked at Hawk, who smiled as Karen placed her hand in his. ‘Would you like to tell her she cannot?’

  ‘Good point.’ Heather told him. ‘Jax, it will be good to have you with us.’

  Thank you. I am tapping into the city utilities and services.

  Darby said. ‘We are worried that as soon as they find out who we are and why we are here, they would cut services to the ship and the Embassy.’

  In fifteen seconds I will have complete access to all utilities. Chef Helen, you will like the restaurant and staff here, they are very well trained.

  ‘We have staff?’

  ‘You bet we do.’ Rose assured her as they entered the dining room. ‘Parta Savo along with the mission team have vetted them. As of today the Embassy is fully staffed and Jax is correct the restaurant is very good.’

  Helen grinned. ‘No cooking for me.’

  Peyton said as they joined her and the children at the table. ‘Nope, advisory only, no cooking or cleaning. Treat this as a vacation.’

  Helen said. ‘Of course I will still oversee your food and the little ones.’

  Peyton smiled at her. ‘If it will make you feel better Helen, go for it.’

  ‘Shopping and sightseeing.’ Brenda said. ‘What better way to spend a vacation.’

  Netta said. ‘Goes without saying I know, but just remember the rules.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Helen, please make sure our support staff are all rostered, so they can have time off as well.’

  ‘Peyton dearle it is all taken care of. We brought a few extra so everyone could have time off.’

  ‘Well, of course you did.’

  ‘Was there tone?’ Helen asked Brenda, who nodded as she said. ‘I heard tone, Esther?’

  ‘Oh definitely.’

  Peyton whined. ‘Seriously!’

  Everyone hooted with laughter at the disgruntled look on her face. She snarked. ‘So funny, I forgot to laugh.’

  Which set the tone for the meal, everyone was excited to be going to the planet so they could explore. Sadly, it was so late by the time they were able to dock, which took the Prowler over three hours to accomplish. The decision was made to leave the children to sleep and wait until early the next morn. As there were no custom checks for the Star Daughter’s people to go through. Hawk and Reeve sent most of the Warriors and Prowlers under cover of darkness to the Embassy. Hawk wanted the officials to be unable to do a visual count of the Prowlers and Warriors. He reasoned it would be hard for the Coalition to keep track of Warriors they did not know were on world.


  When dawn arrived, so did a plethora of custom officials. Hawk, watching them board his Warship, told Peyton who stood with Jorge.

  ‘This is against every protocol written down by the Star Son.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Wasn’t it number three on the list of the world’s rules?’

  He quoted. ‘The Star Childs arm of Justice is beyond reproach, which includes her personnel and possessions.’

  Jorge murmured. ‘It appears the Governors of the Capital want the Star Daughter to believe she is of no consequence.’

  She made no reply to his observation, thinking they also wanted to intimidate not only her, but her people. She sipped her coffee and waited until something needed her attention. Until then she was happy to allow her people to do what they did best. Annoy and make the Inspector’s lives more difficult.

  In this she was right, the inspectors were greeted with a crew of unhelpful Warriors and found they were the ones suffering the indignity of being intimidated. If it was
not Rage or Rave growling every time one of the Officials looked their way. It was the other Prowlers or Warriors managing to be everywhere the inspectors were and refusing to move. When they wanted to search a cabin they discovered that the cabin was suddenly occupied and when they wished to search the utility rooms or engine compartments. Darby and the Commanders of the Warbird barred their entrance with Darby quoting.

  ‘You cannot enter because of intellectual property rights.’

  The Inspectors had no idea what that meant, but did not want to look ignorant. So other than noting the instance in their tablets, they said nothing more and moved on. The Commanders high-fived each other and Darby, then followed behind the frustrated Inspectors blocking their way to other areas of the ship.

  Reeve, Marlo and Larson closely followed another group of Inspectors, making sure nothing was opened or touched without permission. They literally breathed down the necks of the Officials as they tried to do the work the Coalition council required them to do.

  Thirty mins later an urgent summons was sent to Hawk and Reeve to attend Peyton’s cabin. By the time they stepped off the lift, it was to see Hue and Iaan running along the passageway.

  Hawk cursed. ‘Furin hayda, Netta!’

  Reeve grinned. ‘I wager she has pulled her knives.’

  ‘If so brother, you get to clean up the blood.’

  That took the smirk off Reeve’s face, as Hawk knew it would. They hurried to the cabin only to find Netta had indeed pulled her knives but as yet had not used them.

  Netta was furious she and Sarn had rushed to Peyton’s cabin when Kent had comm’d her, to say the Inspectors were trying to enter the cabin. When she arrived it was to find fourteen males lining the passageway and the Senior Inspector squaring off with Kent.

  Hawk and Reeve hung back as the Senior Inspector had his hands outstretched and seemed to be pleading with Netta. ‘Commander, we must do a thorough search and to do so, we need to enter this cabin. This is standard operating procedure, as custom agents it is required.’

  ‘And I say no one, absolutely no one, enters the Star Daughter’s private quarters.’

  ‘By whose authority do you prevent us entering?’


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