Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 4

by L M Lacee

  ‘Mine!’ Peyton said as she appeared next to Hawk and Reeve.

  The agents all turned as one and instantly dropped to their knees and in unison greeted her.

  ‘Greetings Star Daughter.’

  ‘Please rise. You will cease this invasion of my Warship and vacate it immediately.’

  ‘But Star Daughter…’


  The official was either very brave or terrified of his employers, Hawk thought. As once more the male tried to convince the glowing figure of the Star Daughter that they must allow him to continue. ‘Star Daughter, we must obey our orders.’

  ‘I agree, and I am ordering you to leave. I allowed you access to my Warship as a courtesy. Trying to intimidate your way pass my guards to my inner cabin is an abuse of your powers. Leave now before I ask my Commanders to escort you off my ship.’

  ‘Star Daughter, I protest…’

  She held her hand up as her eyes flamed. ‘Commanders, please see these people from our vessel.’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’ With that, Hawk and the others escort the protesting inspectors from the ship.

  Peyton looked at Netta. ‘Knives… really?’

  She shrugged. ‘I am your Commander, they should count themselves lucky Zen and Lucca were not here.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘That is true.’

  Lucerra was a new guard, this was her first mission with the guards. Peyton had met her on their first night on board, Lucerra was older than Zenerra, and slightly more worn. She had a wicked sense of humor and when she laughed, she used her entire body. All the children loved her on sight, even Keylan, who was still wary of most people. This of course endeared her to Carrick.

  Peyton liked her blunt way of speaking, which was very much like Reeve’s. Her eyes constantly held amusement, which was reflected in her spiked green tipped hair. Netta said she liked her because she carried herself well, even though she was older than most of the Draygons who had tried out for the position. And she was a formidable night flier who could fight on land or air. She favored knives and in truth that sort of clinched it for Netta.

  Peyton, Darby, and Esther enjoyed her sarcasm immensely. When Peyton asked Netta why, Lucerra did not wear a uniform. She explained they had given up on asking her to wear it. She loved denim and wore it constantly. When Peyton asked her directly, Lucerra said she found the uniform uncomfortable and restrictive for fighting. Peyton told her one of her goals while at the Capital was to find a dressmaker to design clothes for the Draygons. Lucerra seemed pleased by her response, but reiterated she would more than likely still wear the denim.

  Jorge arrived a few mins later to tell them the officials looked very dejected as they left the ship but they were leaving.Hawk returned to Peyton’s cabin and with a grin, he rubbed his hands together and said. ‘Let’s get organized.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Really, do we have to? Can’t we just, you know… wander on into the city?’

  Netta asked. ‘Was that whining?’

  ‘No Miss- Know- It- All. It was not!’

  Netta rubbed her hands together much as Hawk had done. ‘This is going to be so much fun.’

  Hawk sighed. ‘What you find amusing, astounds me.’

  Netta and Peyton laughed at his woebegone expression. The Commanders of the Prowler decided to have the hull looked at and repairs undertaken while they were in dock. So they elected to remain on board with a skeleton crew. Jax assured Hawk he would maintain contact with the ship. No one trusted the Coalition not to slip devices or spies on board after they left.

  When they did finally assemble to leave, it took thirty minutes to shepherd everyone into an arrangement Hawk approved of.


  Exiting the Warship Hawk pointed out to Peyton, the council was not present. Which they should have been to welcome the Star Daughter to the Capital.

  ‘Another protocol overlooked.’

  ‘Yes.’ He looked at her and asked. ‘What do you want to do?’

  ‘What do you want to do?’

  He smiled and said. ‘Drag every councilor here by his ear and make them grovel at your feet.’

  Peyton grinned as everyone agreed with his wish. ‘I thank you for the sentiment. But let us just go to our Embassy and when they ask for an interview. I will ignore their requests, which should make them squirm.’

  ‘Why will it?’ Asked Reeve.

  ‘Because they will ask to see her to find out what she is here for. When she refuses them, they will be left blind. It should annoy them.’

  ‘Oh I see, yes that will make them angry.’

  With that, Hawk and Reeve led them from the Warship through the early morn port traffic on wide moving walkways. Peyton admired the smooth lines and high glass ceilings of the building with their unobstructed view of space.

  ‘The panels are made from thin sheets of crystal.’ Peneria told her when she noticed where she was looking.

  ‘Amazing.’ Peyton was not the only one who was struck by the beauty of the crystal, murmurs ran around their group at what they were seeing. Peyton placed her hands on the wall and was pleased to find it was not as she feared, cold.

  ‘The crystal gathers and holds the heat from the suns, keeping the buildings cool as the day progresses. Then releasing the stored heat over the cooler nights.’ Larson told them as they moved along.

  She murmured. ‘Again I say, amazing.’

  Like Peyton, the Terrans were stunned at the different colors of the crystal. She and the other females had believed the buildings to be silver or mirrored crystal, but the walls of the port were a soft honey color.

  Hawk explained. ‘The crystal comes in many colors, some I have seen nowhere else but here.’

  ‘This is so ingenious.’ Darby said as she gazed around her.

  Peyton told them. ‘What can I say, I am stunned.’

  Hawk smiled, thankfully it seemed Peyton’s feelings of revulsion had waned. He was not sure the crystal world could have withstood the tremors the Star Daughter could cause. He looked at her now out the corner of his eye, she glowed a soft white. Her long white hair and blue designer outfit signaled wealth and someone of prestige. He sighed quietly he had voted for plain clothes and hiding her hair under a hooded cloak. Netta had argued it would make no difference what she wore, she would stand out and in this she was correct.

  The busy custom area came to a standstill as Peyton and her people emerged from the short tunnel. People stopped and stared at the large Prowlers who shadowed her group. Females from all species sized up the Warriors and the jewels on the females, while the males wondered if the Warriors were deserving of their reputation.

  Peyton’s Star Crystal sparkled with soft starlight announcing her presence. A buzz of excitement raced through the cavernous building as people realized the rumors about the Star Daughter were true and she was moving in their Universe once more.

  Watching her reaction to the people they passed, Hawk was amused to see her incline her head regally as she acknowledged each person who bowed to her. Daily she seemed to be adjusting to her position as Star Daughter.

  Karen walking beside him, every so often let her hand touch his. He took her icy fingers in his and said. ‘You are well my heart.’

  ‘I am just a little overwhelmed at the beauty. I never imagined it would be like this.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘It is beautiful, more so than many worlds I have visited. In saying that, I prefer our home.’

  Karen smiled and whispered. ‘I think I might as well. But it is exciting.’

  Jean said. ‘My stars, look up there.’

  They all stopped to look where she was pointing at the hundreds of ships passing overhead. Nina gasped. ‘Dayam that is a sight.’

  ‘I second that.’ Amelia said.

  Jean sighed. ‘This is amazing, Kolin is going be so pissed he refused to come.’

  ‘He likes home and is scared he would not return. We will take pics for him.’ Darby murmured.

  ‘Makes you w
onder what he did here, that he thought they would not let him go.’ Jean murmured.

  Darby lowered her eyes to Jeans and said. ‘I never thought of that!’

  Melody grinned at both Darby and Jean as she said. ‘Now she has, it will be like a burr under her saddle until she finds out.’

  Darby made a face at her. ‘So not funny.’

  ‘But true.’

  Grimacing, Darby shrugged. ‘Probably true.’

  ‘Never mind, you can comm him once we are at the Embassy.’ Commiserated Netta, who wanted to know as much as Darby did. It had not crossed her mind that their friend was perhaps wanted here.

  Peyton said without lowering her eyes from the spectacle above them. ‘Once you find out, make sure it is remedied. I don’t want him to be worrying over it.’

  Darby nodded. ‘Will do.’

  Helen said. ‘This is astounding, absolutely astounding.’

  ‘Wait until you see the actual city.’ Peneria told them with a small laugh.

  Ipeara agreed. ‘I know, right?’

  ‘Such a Terran saying.’ Melody said with a grin.

  Jean shrugged and said. ‘It is going to rub off, it has to really.’

  They both laughed when Melody said. ‘I know right.’

  The group made their way slowly to the exit that led to the city itself, or at least to the vehicles that would take them to the city. They came to an abrupt halt when fifty guards, fully dressed in dark green combat uniforms and armed with rifle blasters and swords, blocked their way.

  Rage and his Prowlers came to attention and stood between their party and the soldiers, making sure the kits stayed among the adults. Peyton asked Reeve as she stared at the rifles the soldiers were pointing at them. ‘Do we have those types of weapons?’

  She was sure she had never seen them before. He looked to where she indicated. ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘Just like those?’

  ‘More or less the same type.’

  ‘Are ours better?’ She asked as she stared up at him and her eyes narrowed at his slight hesitation. The last thing Reeve wanted to do was upset Peyton. He let go a silent sigh as he thought about how to explain. ‘Star Daughter, it is complicated.’

  She grinned at his diplomatic answer. ‘I see, so whose responsibility is it to arm our Warriors?’

  He stilled as he wondered again how to answer. He looked to Hawk, who said calmly. ‘I do not think we have designated a person for that, have we Marlo?’

  Marlo said in his lazy drawl, which he had slowly adopted since arriving on Prime and becoming addicted to the old western vids.

  ‘Well now, I’m thinking we have not. It is of course on the list.’

  Peyton said through tight lips that held back a laugh at his answer. ‘Okay, so let’s find someone while we are here. Make it their responsibility and arm our people with the latest blasters and personal protection. We have the funds, so no excuses. They cannot do the job we are asking of them if they are not equipped with the best weapons.’

  ‘As you wish, Star Daughter.’ Reeve responded.

  Several people moved aside as Waseo moved to stand next to Reeve and said in his casual way. ‘Commander, I have a contact here, we will have it done by this eve.’

  Reeve nodded as Peyton looked at Waseo. ‘Thank you and why did I not know you were here?’

  ‘I hid from you.’ He dead-panned his reply. Peyton threw her head back and laughed. ‘See, now that is the proper response. I have missed you Waseo.’

  ‘As I have you, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Are you piloting?’

  ‘Of course and arming now, it seems.’

  ‘Good, remind me I need to talk to you about something I think you will find amusing to do.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘I will.’

  She nodded. ‘So, let’s go see what these tajes want.’

  ‘Madam.’ Carrick said in a pained voice as the girls giggled from the midst of the pack.

  At Esther’s look, Peyton grinned and said. ‘I’ll work on it.’

  She marched with her people to the soldiers who were blocking the doorway and stopped inches from the rifles aimed at her and her people. Hawk moved aside while signaling Rage and his Prowlers to remain in position as Peyton demanded. ‘I will speak to your Commander.’

  A male moved through the lines of soldiers. He was older than the others. What race he was, Peyton could not guess, he seemed to be a bit of everything. He was tall, well-muscled, and looked as fit as some of the younger males in his company. His face was long and clean shaven with a slightly crooked nose, his hair was military short and what there was of it looked like a light brown color. His deep seated hazel eyes had the harden look of a Commander, and he had what Peyton called a lived-in face. She hoped to have the opportunity to ask him what race he was, but that would not be today.

  He inclined his head and said in a voice that was as smooth as honey. ‘I am Captain Dantara Lewen.’

  ‘Greetings Captain.’

  ‘How do I refer to you?’

  Keylan frowned at the soldiers and blew bubbles as she grumbled under her breath. It seemed she did not like the males in front of her.

  Hawk replied for Peyton, who was glowing a little more now. ‘As Star Daughter.’

  The Captain nodded, then said. ‘Greetings Star Daughter.’

  One of his guards snorted, Peyton ignored him, as did the Captain. Although she saw his hand tighten on his sword hilt. Her people did not ignore the snort, as evidenced by the rustle of movement around her.

  ‘Captain, please explain the reason for the guard.’

  ‘Star Daughter, your Warriors are requested to disarm.’

  ‘By whose authority?’

  ‘The Coalition Governors.’

  ‘I see. I am sorry Captain that will not happen. My Warriors never disarm when we are not at home.’

  Another snort was heard and ignored again, the Captain nodded. ‘I realize the request will be against your policy Star Daughter, and yet it is the law.’

  Hawk stated. ‘I have been here many times as have my Warriors and we have never been requested to give up our weapons.’

  None of the cowboy accent was in evidence now, as Marlo asked. ‘When was this law passed?’

  Captain Lewen looked pained as he said. ‘It is a recent law.’

  ‘Is this law for everyone arriving or just your Star Daughter’s Warriors?’ Netta queried with a sardonic smile as they all turned to where she was looking.

  They watched as an older male and a robust female draped in jewels, surrounded by armed guards walk pass them unmolested, and exit the port.

  Peyton looked at the Captain and said. ‘Captain Lewen have your soldiers move aside. You know who my Warriors are and what they are capable of. Make an issue of this and you and your soldiers will die or stand aside and live to fight another day.’

  He sighed and a small smile played around his mouth as he stated in a commanding voice.

  ‘Soldiers stand aside and Jolso you snort once more and I will wipe your nose with my sword.’ His eyes twinkle at her as he saluted, right arm over his chest in the Capital’s way and said respectfully. ‘Star Daughter, please enjoy the hospitality of the city.’ He looked up at Reeve and smiled. ‘Elite Roeah, it is good to see once more.’

  Reeve nodded his head. ‘Captain Lewen, it is good to see you have survived the Coalition.’

  ‘Not for long, such is life at the Capital.’

  Peyton’s eyes sharpened. ‘Captain, I am sure you are aware of where I am staying.’

  He looked suspicious as he answered. ‘It is not a secret Star Daughter.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘I should hope not.’

  Which had him sucking back a laugh. Then he heard her issue an invitation he desperately wanted to believe was genuine. ‘Please find time to visit my Embassy. Commander Roeah and I would enjoy talking with you, under better circumstances.’

  His hazel eyes sharpened. ‘Star Daughter, I w
ould be honored too.’

  ‘Oh good, if you have a family bring them to the Embassy day or night, it has a restaurant and a play area for the young.’

  Rose asked Esther quietly. ‘It does?’

  ‘It will by the time we are finished with it.’ Peyton grinned at the bemused Captain.

  Hawk closed her inside the protective wall of Warriors once more and indicated Rage to guide them from the port.

  Reeve leaned nearer the Captain and softly said. ‘Do not leave it to long, I think you have no friends here.’

  Dantara sighed as he whispered in return. ‘That is always the way when one commands the sons of Governors.’

  ‘Ahh, I see. Comm if you need me.’ Reeve gave him a nod then straightened and walked pass him.

  Keylan blew a loud raspberry and Peyton said. ‘Baby girl, that is rude.’ Then to a laughing Netta she growled. ‘Stop teaching her these things.’

  She of course promptly blew a raspberry in reply as they passed the soldiers. As they grudgingly moved to make way for her and her people. Dantara was sure he heard the Star Daughter say. ‘Rude… just rude.’

  He watched them walk through the short corridor and into the receiving area of the port. Knowing he would see them again soon, if he lived long enough to escape what was to come.


  Once through the port doors, Peyton was sure she heard Nina whine. ‘We didn’t even get in the city before they wanted to kill her.’

  Netta and Melody said in unison. ‘Why are you surprised?’

  Ipeara told them. ‘It was never this exciting, when we came with Papa.’

  Everyone laughed and then started talking amongst themselves. Kenera asked as she found herself beside Ipeara. ‘How is your father, has he overcome Willian and Peneria’s mating?’

  Peneria nodded. ‘He adores Willian.’

  ‘Of course he does, he is adorable.’ Peyton said, which made Willian smile as he said.

  ‘We play Hikaran together.’

  Darby explained for anyone who had no idea what game he was talking about. ‘It is a game like backgammon but more complicated.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Melody whispered.

  Peyton asked Willian. ‘You do, that must help take his mind off things.’


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