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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 6

by L M Lacee

  ‘I do not know, Heather.’

  Keylan coughed for several seconds, Heather moved to Peyton’s side, an oxygen shield in her hand. She slipped it over the baby’s face, saying. ‘She may have inhaled some gas, probably not life threatening, but we should check her out. Good girl.’ Heather said as Keylan frowned but did not pull the shield off her face as she breathed in the clean air.

  Peyton passed her to Heather. ‘Do you have her?’

  Heather took the baby in her arms. ‘I do. Now do what you have to Peyton. She will be fine, I will check her over just to make sure. Okay.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Right. Jean can you go analyze the systems in the car and see if someone sabotaged us or it was just an accident.’

  ‘I am thinking, it would be a coincidence if it was an accident. But if there is anything to find, I will find it.’

  ‘I know you will. There is no one I trust more to discover the reason.’

  Jean grinned. ‘Aww, you love me.’

  ‘Shut it female, go find me an explanation.’

  Jean nodded. ‘I will find it alright.’

  ‘Take Warriors please.’ Peyton cautioned as Jean nodded. Lonn and Kinn followed her.

  Hawk asked. ‘Jax monitor please.’

  It is taken care of Commander.

  Six Prowlers went with Jean and the Warriors.

  Rage said as he walked over. They will guard Jean. Beloved, what are your wishes?

  ‘Is the Embassy secure?’

  Yes, each level has guards and Prowlers.

  ‘I think they call them floors and thank you.’

  Rage gave her a look. That is what I said. We do not know the desk person.

  Penny said. ‘You know Erin.’

  It is not her.

  Penny growled. ‘I gave orders.’

  She and Kerol, with Jade and Allie walked toward the desk just as a Terran female exited the lift. She stood back and watched what was happening.

  ‘We are here, Commander.’ Willian told Hawk, as he and Peneria moved to where he was standing with Hope.

  ‘You and Peneria, find out who had our vehicles before we did. We may wish to speak to them.’

  ‘As you will, Commander.’ Peneria said with a nod as she and Willian walked off.

  Peyton and the rest of her people moved to where the ornate reception desk was taking up a good portion of the foyer’s footprint. There were doors behind the enormous desk, which obviously led to offices. Netta watched as Jorge signaled Hue and Iaan to search each room.

  When they had finished, they nodded to him and joined up with Kent and Sarn.

  Peyton said. ‘Netta I want to speak to the manager in my suite please in an hour.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Commander Marlo and Commander Larson, we need a secure room or rooms for prisoners. Rose, can you help them with that please?’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  Marlo asked. ‘You expecting many?’

  ‘It is possible.’ She said without further comment. He looked at Larson, who nodded.

  She spied Waseo. ‘Captain Waseo the arms and amour please as soon as possible.’

  ‘They will be here by mid-afternoon, Madam.’

  ‘I thank you and we will need a regular supply.’

  ‘He is an excellent contact.’

  ‘First and Second Commanders will need to meet with him.’

  He bowed. ‘Of course Madam. I will see to it immediately.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Dinas asked Rose. ‘Do we have a med floor?’

  ‘We have designated floor thirty-five for you.’

  ‘Thank you Rose.’

  Heather told Peyton. ‘I am taking Keylan there now with Esther.’

  Esther told her. ‘Carrick and Dana have the children.’

  Peyton squeezed her arm gently. ‘Okay, I will be there soon.’

  Heather told her. ‘Take your time, see to our people and our security. It is fine Peyton this is what I do.’

  ‘Okay, go make my baby well.’ Peyton watched them leave with Remii and Lott by their sides. Dinas and Patty followed with several Warriors, while Keylan looked around wide-eyed.

  Peyton spied Draykin. ‘Draykin.’

  ‘Yes, Auntie Peyton.’

  ‘Thank you, my Draykin.’ She took him from Darby and cuddled him, telling him softly. ‘You did good. I am proud of you.’

  He hugged her neck before she passed him to his father. ‘Reeve he needs to know to warn people earlier please. In fact Carrick, they all need to know, it was too long.’

  ‘We will make it a lesson first thing in the morn. I will let Lady Esther know.’

  ‘Thank you. Now Rave and Bacon. Draykin has a sensitive nose, he will need training.’

  Rave nodded. Yes Madam, we will start tomorrow, training for both.

  ‘Darby, Reeve, you okay with that?’

  They both agreed. She sighed as she told them. ‘Ideally we would wait for home but circumstance will not allow it, we are as you have seen in the enemy’s territory. Everyone remember Commander Hawks’s orders and try not to kill one of ours. That’s it, let’s get out of the foyer.’

  There was a concentrated relaxing of the tension that had gripped them at Netta’s shout. Now they had time to look around at the foyer of their opulent Embassy.

  It was as Harm had said: beautiful, all grays and blacks with rivers of gold running through the walls. Light gray and ebony crystals in geometric patterns tiled the floor. One wall was a bank of windows, which overlooked the outside world. Another wall had lifts discreetly placed to carry passengers.

  Netta moved closer to the lifts in time to hear Penny ask the female standing against the wall. ‘Why are you not at the desk, Erin?’

  She was tall with brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, her easy going expression hid the sharp eyed look she gave Penny. In a quiet way, Netta thought she was beautiful.

  ‘Penny, I explained to the receptionist and the Manager that I was to be on the desk but she refused to believe me. The Manager told me to leave as I was not a citizen and would be of no assistance because he said. I spoke with a strange tongue, and was not beautiful enough to front his establishment. So I thought what the hayda. It was not worth shooting them over. Now you are here, maybe you can explain it to her.’

  ‘Right.’ Penny snarled, then smiled reassuringly at Erin. ‘You did nothing wrong and thank you for showing some common sense. No use causing an incident until you had back up, but next time do not allow them to intimidate you.’

  ‘Yes Penny, although that is easier said than done.’

  ‘You are right. I apologize, this was on me. I should not have allowed you to be here by yourself. Now I will speak to this female.’

  She stomped over to where the female was cowering behind her desk. Within seconds, she was shaking and tears were leaking from her eyes.

  Kerol said to Netta. ‘My Penny has a way about her, people naturally respect her and do as she asks. More so since she is to be a Mama.’ They watched the unknown female bow her head and nod a few times, then without a look at anyone hurriedly leave the foyer.

  Netta said. ‘Yep, I see that, a real way with people.’ The sarcasm bypassed Kerol as he nodded and walked to Penny.

  Netta shared a smile with the receptionist. She liked Erin she was smart and very calm. Penny had suggested her because she was an hotelier with many yentas experience. She was also deadly with a blaster which she wore strapped to her thigh. Netta casually asked. ‘So were you intimidated?’

  Erin grinned. ‘No, I just thought it was better to withdraw until you arrived. I figured Penny or you would sort it out. I made sure our people were properly looked after and everything was ready for your arrival.’

  Netta studied her expression and hazard a guess. ‘You don’t like the Manager?’

  Erin snorted in disgust. ‘No, he is an elitist taje. He does not like us at all.’ She grimaced and whispered. ‘As you can see, he is not here to greet Madam. Prot
ocol dictates as the Embassy’s custodian while she is in residence he should be here. This was a deliberate snub. She is his employer, this entire building is for her, and yet he is absent. That says something right there.’

  Netta nodded and softly told her. ‘It does, and I had noticed and don’t worry, so has Madam.’

  ‘Okay, good.’ She looked at Netta and took a chance saying. ‘Netta, I am an excellent judge of character.’

  ‘I know you are Erin. That is why you have this position as senior receptionist.’

  Erin smiled as warmth blossomed in her chest. ‘Okay, so in that case, believe me when I say he will need watching.’

  Netta took her warning seriously. She nodded and told her. ‘I will put Helen on him and give her your warning.’

  Erin grinned. ‘Good, she will terrify him.’

  ‘As she does us.’ Netta mumbled to Erin’s delight.

  While she and Erin had been talking and Penny had frightened the receptionist away. Peyton asked Harm. ‘What floor are we on?’

  He hesitated and Peyton said. ‘Never mind, do not tell me. I am sure I don’t want to know.’

  ‘You host the Star Child and burst into flame at a moment’s notice, yet thinking about being high up in a glass… sorry crystal tower of beauty, terrifies you.’ Brenda stated and did not try to hide her amusement.

  Peyton winced. ‘I would not say terrify as much as just cautious.’

  ‘Seriously.’ Darby said and Peyton was sure she heard the word baby muttered.

  They all watched Melody as Coraan exited from a lift. He had spent the night at the Embassy with his Warriors to get the lay of the land, or so he told Peyton. She did not know what that meant, but assumed it was a Draygon fighting term.

  Coraan walked directly to Melody and within a heartbeat she was enfolded in his arms as his wings surrounded them both. Peyton blushed and fanned her face as Lucerra and Zenerra grinned at the innocent female’s reaction, remembering once more how young she was.

  Peyton chose to ignore the couple as Harm herded them into the lifts. The large enclosed discreetly lighted crystal box rose swiftly.

  Harm told her when he noticed her looking around. ‘This lift is to your floor only.’


  Her attention was arrested as the doors opened to expose a hallway. She could see through two opened doors to what appeared an enormous suite. ‘Oh, that makes sense now.’

  Harm grinned. ‘I thought it would.’


  Peyton and the others preceded Harm into the suite as he explained. ‘This entire floor is for your use. There are ten separate suites, each one has a small sitting area which can be changed to an office. But the main lounge and dining room are here, there is also a fully equipped chef’s kitchen.’ He said to Peyton. ‘I assumed you would enjoy the suite through there.’ He pointed to a large black crystal door.

  Peyton looking around nodded. ‘Thank you, Harm.’

  Smiling, he said. ‘Kitchen staff can be provided.’

  ‘No.’ Helen told him. ‘We will manage that ourselves or eat at the restaurant.’

  He grinned. ‘That is what I thought. Rose’s Unta Teelu filled the kitchen storage units if there is anything you are missing please contact her and she will arrange delivery.’

  Helen nodded as Peyton murmured again. ‘Thank you, Harm.’

  Everyone looked around at the dining/lounge with its opulent couches and chairs and occasional tables scattered around. Everything was decorated in warm earth tones of green and soft blues. But their eyes kept going back to the floor to ceiling wall of glass that looked out over the city.

  Peyton finally gave into temptation and joined the others who stood transfixed looking at vehicles of all types zipping pass the window. As they moved through lanes of traffic and huge crystal buildings, twinkling in the sunlight.

  Netta sighed as she said. ‘It must be amazing at night.’

  Peyton asked, unable to look away from the view. ‘Got to be. So does everyone know where they are staying?’

  ‘Yes.’ Harm answered, his eyes were also drawn beyond the window.

  Melody asked with her head tipped to the side as she watched a long black vehicle pass slowly in front of them. ‘Can they see in?’

  Coraan answered. ‘No, it is like a one-way mirror.’

  Melody, knowing her mate well, asked him. ‘Did you try it out, to make sure?’

  Everyone laughed at his boyish expression when he nodded. ‘We did. It was amazing flying between buildings.’

  Zenerra smiled. ‘We had the most fun.’

  Lucerra smiled. ‘Night flying here has many challengers which is exhilarating.’

  Melody grinned as she said. ‘As long as you all enjoyed yourselves.’

  ‘We did.’ Coraan assured her.

  Peyton could not make her eyes move off the view as she said. ‘Okay, well if you are sure Coraan, because someone may get a nasty shock if Darby goes all wild and prances around here stark naked.’

  ‘Really!’ Said an awed Darby as she stared out at the moving traffic, but there was no heat in it.

  Reeve demanded of Darby. ‘Has this naked dancing been known to happen?’

  Before she could dissuade him, it had not. Melody grinned, and said. ‘Occasionally.’

  Remembering the naked dashes from the kitchen in the middle of the night when they lived in Peyton’s home. Darby liked to sleep naked and sometimes forgot about clothes when she needed to go to the kitchen.

  Reeve harrumphed but said no more when he caught Darby’s laughing eyes. He was getting better at recognizing the teasing that went on in his family.

  Helen said. ‘Oh my stars, look at that, it is pink… a big pink limousine. It looks like floating cotton candy.’

  They all oohed and ahhed over the pink vehicle as it powered pass the window. Especially when Peyton said. ‘Yum, cotton candy, do you think we can get that here?’

  Melody shrugged. ‘Who knows, it is the Capital. When we go shopping, we should go to the high snooty places and ask.’

  ‘That sounds like fun.’ Trina said as she entered and stood by Peyton looking outside.

  Reeve asked. ‘Is cotton candee something I can eat?’

  Darby said. ‘Yes, but only a little, it is fattening.’

  ‘I am an Elite, I do not fatten.’

  Trina told him. ‘Cotton candy will make you fat.’

  Patty snorted as she entered, catching the last of the conversation. ‘No, he is right, the Warriors cannot get fat.’

  Every female turned to her as Melody whimpered. ‘Say again?’

  Patty nodded. ‘We ran tests, they cannot get fat, they will add and decrease muscle mass, but fat… not possible.’

  ‘Can we have that?’ Peyton asked forlornly. She was once again carrying a few extra pounds.


  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because it is DNA.’

  Peyton mumbled grumpily. ‘Well, that just sucks the big one.’

  ‘Reeve, stop smirking.’ Darby scolded him, she too had added some weight and did not appreciate his smugness.

  Peyton chose to ignore him, instead focusing on the window again. ‘I am not cleaning that window when the little ones see it.’

  They all laughed, imagining faces and hands pressed against the glass. Harm assured them. ‘It automatically cleans.’

  ‘Of course it does.’ Brenda said with a lift of her eyebrows.

  Helen’s only comment was. ‘Thank the stars.’

  Peyton forced her attention away from the scene outside and said. ‘I need to visit Rita.’

  Harm said. ‘I will take you.’

  Kate and Carrick walked in, and Carrick was frowning. Peyton took one look at his face and asked. ‘Is Keylan alright?’

  ‘The young will stay with the nannies and Keylan is well, but healer Heather has decided to keep her for a little while. I think that she is being spoiled.’

  Peyton hid her smile at
his tone, realizing this was what had caused him to frown. ‘I am sure she is, but this once will not harm her. We are in an unfamiliar environment. Sometimes babies need a little extra coddling, just until they settle down. The others need to explore. Are you up for that?’

  Kate nodded. ‘We are as excited as they are.’

  ‘Thank you both.’

  Penny reminded her. ‘Do not forget the Manager will be here in forty-five mins and someone from the Menturians, will be here after second-meal.’

  ‘I won’t forget or Netta won’t.’ She grinned at Penny, who sighed in return.

  ‘Okay Netta, let’s go. Harm lead the way please.’

  He nodded as Zenerra and Lucerra fell into line behind Peyton and Netta, while the others returned to staring out the window.

  They entered the waiting lift, and when the doors closed it moved sideways and then dropped quickly to the thirtieth-fifth floor. It was only a matter of seconds and the doors were opening again. As they stepped out, Peyton gasped while her stomach settled. ‘Well, that was weird.’

  Harm’s eyebrows rose as he said. ‘It was in the briefing I sent you.’

  ‘Really, I don’t recall.’

  Netta asked. ‘Did you even look at it?’

  ‘It is possible, you know I had a lot to read before we left.’

  ‘Really, a lot you say.’


  ‘So no time for a quick visit to see your coffee plants.’

  Peyton growled. ‘I do not understand your words female.’

  Harm interrupted the beginnings of the argument, just as Netta opened her mouth to retaliate. ‘We are here.’

  The door slid open, and they entered a small foyer. Harm opened another door into a room where they found Rata sitting on a couch opposite her sister.

  Rita was resting on a daybed and was a sickly lemon color. Peyton nodded to Rata and hurried to where Rita reclined. ‘I am well Madam, I would have come to you.’

  ‘Oh, I know, but Harm escorted me with Netta and my new guards, Zenerra and Lucerra of the Draygons. We call them Zen and Lucca.’

  ‘Warriors welcome.’ Rita smiled, they both returned the gesture as she said. ‘Netta, it is delightful to see you again.’

  ‘And you, Lady Rita.’

  Peyton sat on the side of the day bed. ‘You are tired?’


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