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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 11

by L M Lacee

  ‘Yeah, all that. So are you alright?’

  ‘I am.’ He looked at her curiously. She was physically small like the Star Daughter but that was where the resemblance stopped. She reminded him of a Sene, or at least the energy that wrapped around her did. Although her energy was far more powerful than any Sene could produce. Fear entered his needar once again as his hearts sped up. These two females were beyond anything he had encountered before. How did one fight against a power like this? Together they could overthrow a world, reduce a population to ash. Suddenly he heard the Star Daughter’s voice, which shocked him from his thoughts. This is another example of her power, his shields were impregnable and yet she had bypassed them as though they were not there.

  Be at peace, Jarrmeru, we do know who and what we are. Darby does not find meeting strangers easy, and you are her second one today. I thank you for your kindness with her and regardless of what others tell you, we don’t go around overthrowing worlds.

  He was sure she said that with a pout which calmed him immediately. How could anyone be as deadly as he assume she was if she could pout so prettily? His hearts slowed from their gallop as he flicked his eyes to her and saw laughter twinkling back at him.

  He asked Darby in a tone that did not relay the turmoil of his thoughts from a min ago. ‘Is there something I can help you with Specialist?’

  ‘Yes and please call me Darby.’ She smiled as she stated. ‘Truly, it is nothing sinister.’ Which gave him pause. It seemed she may have guessed at his thoughts.

  ‘I was hoping Mystic Jarrmeru...’

  ‘Please call me Jarrmeru.’

  Darby blushed slightly as she continued. ‘I was hoping to talk with you about worlds and things in our Universe. Jarrod said you may be able to help with a project I am working on with Trina.’

  ‘I will make myself available to you.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She said to Peyton and Jarrod. ‘He is so much nicer than the reports I have read about him state. I like him.’

  Peyton suggested. ‘Ahh, Darby, maybe that was a thought you should have kept to yourself.’

  Darby frowned. ‘What part?’

  ‘About the reports.’

  ‘Oh… oh yes.’ She looked at Jarrmeru. ‘Umm… well, maybe… sorry.’

  He now saw what Peyton told him. This female was sweet and slightly naïve, she was no threat to him. ‘No… no, please do not apologize. May I see these reports?’

  Worriedly, her face creased as she frowned. ‘But they may upset you.’

  He smiled gently at the worried female. ‘I swear I will remain calm.’

  ‘But they may be true and you will be hurt that someone wrote them about you.’

  Jarrod said. ‘Darby, he needs to see what has been written about him Remember, he lived those instances, what if they are inaccurate? Would it not be better for him to correct or remove the untrue accounts of his exploits.’

  ‘Oh…oh yeah, good point. I will send them to your tablet which Cemeru has for you.’

  ‘Thank you, dearle one.’

  She blushed again and flapped her hand about. ‘Well, okay, bye for now.’

  Peyton said to both males. ‘Thank you, for you care of her.’

  Jarrod nodded. ‘She is ours to protect and love.’

  ‘I know, but explain why she keeps making it so hard to do?’

  Jarrod laughed at her put upon expression. ‘Why are you still asking that?’

  ‘I am hopeful I will get an answer.’

  Before he could reply, she said goodbye and raced after the retreating figure of her sister. Leaving behind the two males, one amused and the other a little bewildered.

  Jarrod asked his uncle. ‘Well Jarr, are you ready to see the family?’

  Jarrmeru swung his legs over the side of the bed and hung his head as he closed his eyes. ‘It has been many yentas since I have heard that name, other than in my dreams.’

  ‘You have always been Jarr to us, we have missed you greatly.’

  Jarrmeru lifted his head to smile at Jarrod when a movement from the doorway caught his eye. Rayvan and Draykin and their kits stood at the opening, a large dark brown Prowler with gray eyes stood next to them. The top of Rayvan’s head came to the middle of the Prowler’s shoulder. He said. ‘Your wall is too tight, he cannot make you hear him. Uncle Jarr, he is sad.’

  Jarrod nodded in acknowledgment. ‘Thank you Rayvan. I will fix it.’

  ‘Uncle Jarr, we see you after eve-meal for a story?’

  ‘Yes, I have not forgotten.’


  Draykin smiled at Jarrod and then Jarrmeru saying. ‘He has a good name and a good color for sneaking.’ He gave Runner a pat and ran away with Rayvan and the kits.

  ‘I do not understand.’ Jarrmeru said as the huge Prowler walked in and sat at the end of the bed.

  Jarrod said. ‘Open your shield, Jarr. I swear you are safe here.’

  His eyes on the massive Prowler, he murmured. ‘They call you Uncle Jarr.’

  Jarrod smiled. ‘I noticed.’

  ‘Jarrod, why should I open my shield?’

  ‘Look at the information I gave you and see what it says about bondmates.’

  Midnight walked in and sat with Runner and together they waited while Jarrmeru did as Jarrod advised and saw what he was talking of. He loosened the stranglehold on his shields and instantly heard a deep male voice say.

  My name is Runner, I am for you. He almost wept for the love and devotion that poured into his mind and heart, filling holes he never thought could be filled.

  I am Jarrmeru Hananva, I am for you.

  Runner laid his head on Jarrmeru’s knees. Do not be shocked, my bondmate. We are not alone now, and for that I am grateful.

  Jarrmeru rubbed Runner’s head and looked at his smiling nephew. ‘As am I, let us go and greet our family. I find I am lonely for the warmth of our loved ones.’


  Just mins before second-meal, Peyton paced the length of the foyer and had been doing so for the past ten mins.

  Zenerra and Lucerra were with Coraan on another training flight around the Capital to become accustomed to flying through a congested skyline as well as between tall buildings. For now Peyton was on her own. Even the kits had gone to their second-meal with Lott and Salmah.

  Erin watching her finally said. ‘Madam Peyton, she will be alright, the Warriors and Prowlers will ensure she comes to no harm.’

  Peyton frowned and came to a stop. ‘How do you know who I am waiting for?’

  Erin grinned. ‘Her sister and brother were here earlier.’

  Peyton snorted inelegantly and spread her hands as she explained to Erin. ‘See, everyone knows Miko does not go off world and Miko does not visit Hutells where she could get herself hurt.’

  ‘Yes well, I doubt that will happen.’

  Erin assured her as she tried to hide her grin, if Peyton had seen the small Miko surrounded and dwarfed by Warriors. Someone would have to see her to hurt her, but she did not share her thoughts or laughter with the worried Star Daughter. They both looked toward the lift as it descended, Peyton hoped it was not Melody or heaven help her Esther coming to see what she was doing.

  ‘Nina!’ She cried cheerfully as Nina minus Petal, who had stayed at home with Fern and Gum came toward her.

  ‘Peyton, are you being a pain in the ass?’

  Bewildered, Peyton looked around her. ‘I don’t think so, why do you ask?’

  ‘Miko is all grown up. She made her own decision to leave with Hawk and Netta and sort out the Menturian’s accounts.’

  ‘I know.’

  Nina asked with raised eyebrows. ‘Are you annoyed that she left without your permission?’

  ‘No, she is an adult.’ Peyton winced when she heard herself say that.

  ‘So now you are going to invalidate her independence and confidence by waiting here and pouncing on her when she arrives back, all for what reason?’

  Peyton frowned as she threw her
hands up. ‘There was not going to be any pouncing, and it is Miko. What part of that do you not understand?’

  Frowning right back, Nina asked. ‘What part of subverting someone’s self-esteem do you not get?’ Taking a closer look at Peyton, she saw what she had missed when she had first exited the lift. The way she was holding herself, the tension and worry pouring from her in waves.

  Like everyone else, Nina was sometimes forgetful of the young female who hid behind the power that smacked people in the face whenever they were confronted by her.

  ‘Ahh! I see!’

  ‘What… what do you see, interfering, making sense female?’ Peyton demanded to know.

  Nina grinned as she took her hand pulling her toward the lift as she gently said. ‘You think Miko will get a taste of independence and stay at the Capital and leave home.’

  Peyton refused to look at her as she mumbled. ‘Maybe!’

  Nina stopped moving and turned to look into concerned green eyes and spoke as only an older sister with experience can. ‘Peyton St Hill, that is not fair; if she does, she does. You cannot keep her at home by eroding her self-confidence. You know that is just wrong.’

  Peyton lowered her head and scuffed her shoe against the tile, the action amusing both Nina and Erin. ‘I know, it is just I really like her. Even when she growls at me.’

  ‘I know you do hon, but she is who she is now. Because you, her family and friends gave her the courage to leave Maikonia and do her job for you and the Menturians. That is something to be proud of, isn’t it?’

  ‘Yes.’ Peyton sighed. ‘I didn’t realize I would take that away from her.’

  ‘I know you didn’t, it is hard being the older sister and knowing when to let go and when to hold tight.’

  ‘It really is.’ Peyton lifted her head and smiled. ‘Thanks.’

  Nina grinned. ‘Come on, let’s go get coffee and try the samples of food that are on offer for second-meal. I heard the children are going to the restaurant.’


  Esther stepped from the lift, which neither of them had heard descend. ‘There you are, I was coming to find you for second-meal. We are trying samples of Capital food. Rita and the others are in the restaurant with Rata.’ She looked between Nina and Peyton and her voice sharpened a little as she asked. ‘Peyton why are you in the foyer?’

  Peyton took hold of her arm. ‘Nina and I were passing through. Now I need coffee and food lets go. See you later Erin.’

  Nina gave her a wave as they entered the lift.

  Erin with Penny who had slipped from the office listened as they heard Esther say. ‘You weren’t worrying the tiles about our Miko, were you?’

  Peyton’s response made them laugh. ‘Me, why would I do that? You get these ideas from Darby, don’t you?’

  The lift doors closed on whatever Esther replied. Penny said. ‘Good, they got her to leave.’

  She grinned with Erin who asked. ‘Now you aren’t worrying the tiles, are you Penny?’

  Penny tossed her hair and snorted. ‘No, why would I?’

  They laughed together, then Penny asked to distract herself from worrying about Miko. ‘When are you off?’

  ‘Two hours, when Meg arrives to change shifts. My stars, she was eating up the air with her worry. I wonder why Nina arrived and then Esther.’

  Penny grinned. ‘She does that and I have no idea.’

  Yeah, why don’t I believe that? Erin thought, but all she said as she leaned her elbow on the desk was. ‘Do you like working for her?’

  ‘You have no idea, it is exciting and amusing every day.’

  ‘Dangerous though?’

  ‘Sometimes, although isn’t everything we do dangerous. Take for example, the position of Receptionist. Isn’t that why you wear a blaster strapped to your thigh and have one under the desk?’

  ‘Good point. Do you think I could do this permanently?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Get a job with you?’

  ‘You know, it is not always like this. Not many can cope with the day-to-day work, sometimes it is quite tame.’

  ‘I would love it, plus I would hopefully get to go off world.’

  Penny nodded. ‘Well yeah, I can have you work on my team, but I sort of had you down for helping to establish the Embassies. We need a qualified team to head that up and truthfully Netta and I could not think of anyone better suited to the post.’

  ‘Oh, I did not know that.’ Erin smiled with pleasure as she asked. ‘You have a team?’

  Penny’s smile became a little cooler around the edges. ‘Why yes, that is why you are here.’

  Erin took a mental step back at her tone. ‘Okay, can I ask you something?’


  ‘So being as it is dangerous to work for Madam Peyton, how come you do?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Don’t get me wrong, it is just you don’t look like you could hurt anyone, let alone kill someone?’

  Penny stared out the windows and thought back on the lives she had taken to protect Jean and Trina and others like them and felt her heart ache. Then she was surrounded by Peyton’s special scent as her arms encircled her, softly she said. ‘Come on Penny, it is time for second-meal.’ She looked at Erin and asked. ‘When are you off, you have been here a while now?’

  Slightly confused, Erin answered. ‘Two hours, Madam. Umm… where did you come from?’

  ‘The lift, where else?’

  Erin ducked her head as she said. ‘Of course.’

  ‘Penny, sweetie come on.’

  She cleared her throat. ‘Yes… yes, I am coming, see you later Erin.’ She gave her a small smile as Peyton pulled her toward the lift.

  ‘Will do.’ Erin replied confused, she knew she had not heard the lift nor had she seen Peyton arriving, she was just all of a sudden there.

  ‘Jax, what happened?’

  You touched on some issues Penny does not like to dwell on. Madam will not allow her to be hurt.

  ‘Oh, I did not realize!’

  Of course you did not. Madam knows this. Do not worry Erin, she likes you.

  ‘I did not know she knew who I was.’

  Yet! She asked after you.

  Erin smiled. ‘Yeah, she did.’

  Peyton held Penny’s hand, keeping them connected. Penny shook off what had upset her and said. ‘Thanks Peyton, that was unexpected.’

  She grinned, more relaxed now as the haunted look began to fade from her eyes. They stepped from the lift and Peyton asked her.

  ‘It will happen when you bottle your feelings up, have you talked to Jarrod about this?’

  ‘I did not think there was a, this!’

  ‘Penny, you are carrying a Warrior baby, we don’t know how that will affect you emotionally or mentally. Please talk to Jarrod or Malchol or even Telfor.’

  ‘I am unsure,’ a deep male voice asked, ‘whether third best is an insult or not!’

  Both females turned at the sound of his voice. Peyton grinned and said. ‘Aww Telfor, you know I think you are wonderful. And you are never third best. I have just got used to thinking of you as the Prowler Mystic.’

  He nodded and raised a brown eyebrow. ‘You know I am just as good with people.’

  Peyton said cheekily. ‘If you say so.’

  Telfor grinned as he asked. ‘Penny, why don’t you come and talk to me. Allie is upset, she has sensed that you are worried and…’

  Peyton fist pumped. ‘Knew it, knew you were worried too. See, I know all.’

  ‘Female, leave my sight.’ Telfor growled as he leaned over and kissed her forehead. ‘I will make sure she is well. Go and have time with your children. I have heard you have been very busy since we arrived.’

  ‘All true, I assure you, and thanks.’ She hugged him then Penny and told her. ‘See you later.’

  ‘Okay.’ Penny looked bemused as Peyton left. ‘How did she know?’

  ‘Now that.’ Telfor said as he placed Penny’s hand
in the crook of his arm. ‘Is a question for another day, let us go to the viewing level. Ahh... here is Allie.’

  My Penny, you are sad.

  ‘I am, Mystic Telfor is helping me.’

  I can help you.

  ‘You do Allie, you ease my mind.’

  Kay. She wiggled with pleasure, Allie and Jade had been allowed to come as Heather thought Penny being separated from them while pregnant may not be good for the baby.

  Telfor gently told Allie. ‘Unfortunately we do not need your bondmates mind eased right now.’ He looked from the kit and saw Lott coming along the hallway. ‘There you are Lott, please take young Allie with you, she will need a nap shortly.’

  Lott looked at Telfor and Penny and nodded. Of course, come little Allie, we will find the others for their nap.

  But Grammie Lott, I hafta stay with my Penny.

  Jade arrived and said sternly. Not now Allie, we must let our Penny get her brain fixed.

  Is it broke?

  Yep, it happens sometimes, the Rave said so.

  A wide-eyed Allie whispered in awe. The Rave said so?

  He did, and he said it is not their fault, the bipeds are just not like us.

  That is enough of that young ones. With a nod to Penny and Telfor, Lott led the kits to the lift.

  Penny said with a smile. ‘Well Telfor let us go fix my brain.’

  He laughed. ‘No wonder my Nina likes you.’

  ‘We both have to deal with Peyton.’

  ‘Do not forget Darby and there is Melody.’

  Grinning, she agreed ‘And let us not forget Netta.’

  ‘How could we!’


  Peyton returned to the restaurant, which she had abruptly left when she felt Penny’s sudden distress.

  Darby asked. ‘Alright?’

  ‘Yes, Penny just needed to talk to Telfor.’

  ‘Oh, about time.’

  ‘Pastime I think.’ Esther agreed as she handed out cups.

  Peyton nodded her agreement as she smiled at the young ones sitting around the table. ‘So little ones, what are we having?’

  ‘Cake and cookies.’ Rayvan and Draykin said in unison.

  Enara clapped her hands and stated. ‘Pietens.’

  Both Enuru and Hope smiled at each other as they called out. ‘Lerturans’


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