Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 25

by L M Lacee

Peyton’s voice whispered through her mind, instantly calming her. Domard Jerthem is on his way, stay calm Erin. You have this, remember they have no right to be here without an invitation. You are in control; they are in the wrong. Do not let them unnerve you.

  She straightened her shoulders and plastered a welcoming smile on her face as the last male stepped from the vehicle. She did a quick count, sixty-five soldiers filled the foyer. Behind them, she glimpsed several males dressed in suits.

  Erin took a breath to steady her heart rate and voice, then politely said. ‘Greetings and welcome to the Star Daughter’s Embassy. My name is Erin Keith, how may I help you?’

  The soldiers parted, making way for the six males, who stepped forward. One of those males was in an Earth army uniform with medals and ribbons adorning his chest.

  An older, well-groomed male with a light green skin tone, dressed like all the Capital males in a tailored suit moved gracefully to stand in front of her. He reminded Erin of a tree from Earth with his brown suit and green hair, not as much as the manager of the Embassy but close. And while she was thinking of him, she realized manager Lind was not here. In fact, she had not seen him recently, she would have to remember to mention it to Penny or Netta.

  Another imposing male stood next to the first. He was taller and appeared similar to the males from Earth. Except they were not completely hairless as this male was, nor were they yellow.

  The first male inclined his head. ‘We are from the Coalition and have come to meet with the Star Daughter.’

  Erin heard the lift doors open and said. ‘One moment my Lord, the Star Daughter’s Ambassador is arriving.’

  ‘Thank you. Are you human?’

  ‘I am Maikonian.’

  ‘You are human.’ Another male who was obviously the Earth Ambassador confirmed with a slight sneer.

  Erin smiled. ‘I am a Maikonian Terran.’

  ‘Semantics.’ He stated decisively with the same sneer on his otherwise handsome face.

  The yellow male politely stated. ‘I do not know this world.’

  Thankfully Erin did not have to answer as the six males turned and watch Jerthem and his mate Lucerra, along with the imposing figure of Coraan approach.

  Four more lifts descended, dislodging Warriors and Prowlers. Several of each detached themselves from the others and took positions behind and to the side of her desk. Her hand was still resting on the blaster, when a large hand moved over hers and lifted the blaster away. She turned her head and looked into the eyes of her future. When he spoke his breath washed over her exposed skin, causing an avalanche of sensations which almost knock her to her knees.

  ‘You will not need this, I will make sure no harm comes to you, my heart.’ Sarn’s eyes beheld his mate for the first time, and he struggled to remain standing. Sheer willpower held him upright, he would not pass out and leave his mate unprotected.

  Erin grinned as her eyes softened, taking in the perfection of her mate and whispered back a little of the fear she felt creeping into her voice.

  ‘Do not go into the mating coma please.’

  He assured her with a small smile. ‘I will not leave you unprotected.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She breathed. ‘I thought I was made of sterner stuff.’

  ‘You are stern enough, now turn around and watch politics at work.’

  She nodded as her hand snuck into his.

  Peyton sighed. ‘Oh my, look at that. Sarn got himself a mate. Seriously, why is Melody here?’

  Darby sniffed indelicately. ‘Not for this, obviously!’

  Peyton said. ‘Jax, I think your protection of Jerthem may be a little overdone.’

  I do not, these people have forced their way into our sanctuary. My response is warranted.

  Darby asked softly. ‘Is it my imagination or does he sound really pissed off?’

  Hawk replied. ‘It is not your imagination.’


  Jerthem made his way slowly toward the six males, allowing the Warriors and Prowlers time to gain their positions. Lucerra and Coraan moved shoulder to shoulder with him. He smiled as he thought of the cursing Jax had done when he realized who had invaded the Embassy. To say he was not impressed would be an understatement. Which is why, he supposed, he had sent the Warmaster and his Lucerra with him. Regardless, never had he felt so secure when meeting an opponent.

  Peyton, watching on the screen, pointed to a male who seemed in command of the soldiers and asked the others. ‘Is that the snorting male from the port?’

  Hawk looked closer, and she heard him curse under his breath. ‘It is, it would seem he has been promoted. Reeve, I wonder what has become of your friend.’

  Reeve moved to the door when Harm slipped into the room. ‘Do not trouble yourself, he is in medical, we have been keeping track of him. He was beaten before Matt and Po could reach him. Unfortunately, they had to terminate three males and injure two others to get to him.’

  Reeve grunted. ‘Who cares, is he well?’

  Harm gave Peyton a quick look. She just shrugged. What could she say, she was not there, and she had promised to support her people. Harm told him. ‘Dinas and Heather were with him, when I left medical.’

  Reeve nodded. ‘I will see him later. Harm my friend, thank you and your scouts.’

  Harm accepted his thanks. ‘It is what we do for family.’

  Reeve agreed with another nod of his head. ‘It is.’

  Kardan looked on and felt the affection this male had for his brother. All the males liked his brother and more than that, they admired him. He was, as Harm said, family, it was a concept he was coming to grips with.

  Peyton asked Harm. ‘Are Matt and Po alright?’

  ‘They are, Jarrod is speaking with them now.’

  ‘Is the Captain hurt badly?’

  Harm shook his head. ‘Heather said, just bruising. I have received more sparring with Sedeen and before you ask, he has no family to be concerned with.’

  She smiled as she said. ‘You know me well. Does he want to come home with us?’

  ‘He does, he has decided his time at the Capital has ended.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Reeve, is he someone we want to join us?’

  ‘Yes, he used to command all the Capitals Armee. I do not know why he has been demoted to Captain.’

  Hawk suggested. ‘Perhaps he is not as good a male as you think.’

  Reeve shook his head. ‘I do not believe that, you saw him at the port, he is good male.’

  Peyton looked from Hawk to Reeve, then said. ‘I think so too. Talk with him Reeve and see why he was demoted. If after you have spoken with him you decide he is still worthy. Then we will offer him an invitation to come home with us.’

  ‘Yes Peyton.’

  Harm told Reeve. ‘When he is well, I will take a few Warriors with him and retrieve his possessions.’

  ‘I will accompany you.’

  Harm nodded, he assumed as much. They turned back to the screen and watched as Jerthem stood in front of the six males.

  Kardan said. ‘Now we will see how our Ambassador uses words.’

  Darby frowned. ‘I thought we already had a taste of that.’

  He smiled down at her. ‘Did we?’

  Peyton went to question him, but Jerthem started speaking.


  ‘I am Jerthem Theruu, the Provisional Ambassador for the Star Daughter’s Embassy, you have trespassed on her sovereign territory. What is your business here?’

  ‘I was unaware this was an Embassy.’ Stated the yellow male.

  Jerthem spread his hands and politely replied. ‘I cannot know what you are aware of, therefore I cannot gauge what knowledge you have. As the Capital has not provided or maintained a consulate for her, as stipulated by the Star Son and then again stated in the tenets of your world. We have been forced to declare this Hutell as her Embassy.’

  Every Governor wore a guilty expression as the understanding they had been ousted for their lack of adherence
to one of the directives from the Star Son was exposed.

  The green male demanded of Jerthem. ‘Are all your people here?’

  Jerthem just stared at the male as he had no answer for the questioner, well none he was willing to part with. He decided to use a tactic from Peyton and say nothing.

  She said to Kardan. ‘I taught him that.’

  He asked. ‘Does it work?’

  ‘Yes, always.’

  Finally, when it was obvious Jerthem was not going to answer. The male broke the stalemate as Peyton crowed. ‘Told yah!’

  Kardan smiled at her proud tone. Darby muttered. ‘Hush, show off female, I cannot hear.’

  ‘Rude.’ Peyton mumbled in reply.

  The green male stated. ‘Regardless, we are here to see the Star Daughter.’

  The yellow male bowed just enough to be polite and no more as he stepped forward.

  ‘Ambassador Theruu. I am Governor Kittihue from the Coalition and as Governor Eorn stated, we have come to speak to the Star Daughter.’

  ‘For what purpose?’

  ‘The business is ours.’

  Coraan’s commanding voice reflected why he was the Warmaster, as he said. ‘If you do not explain this unannounced invasion of our Embassy, you will not move from here.’

  Several of the six well-dressed males showed their consternation at Coraan’s answer. The Earth solider remained passive in his stance and waited.

  Finally, Ian White blurted out. ‘We are in possession of information that states the Maikonia system is harboring stolen females from Earth and are holding them against their will.’

  Governor Kittihue said. ‘We are also in possession of information that the one you call Star Daughter may not be who she says she is.’

  Thanikis snarled. ‘We have many questions for the Star Daughter to answer.’

  Jerthem nodded. ‘It appears you have many concerns that need discussing with the Star Daughter.’

  ‘We do?’ Governor Eorn told him. ‘We demand they are addressed today.’

  Jerthem raised an eyebrow at the word demand as Coraan’s wings moved enough to have the Earth soldier’s attention move to him and stay.

  Jerthem politely stated. ‘I do not believe the Star Daughter will see you today, not as you are.’

  ‘Are you threatening us?’ Barked a Coalition soldier.

  Jerthem stared at the male as he felt Coraan and Lucerra tense next to him. ‘I threaten no-one on my home world. I say your weapons and demeanor threaten me and mine. Therefore you are being denied admittance.’

  ‘We could storm the building.’ Sneered the same soldier.

  Jerthem’s smile turned cold and his face became hard, showing how pleasant he had been. ‘You could try, but your lives would be forfeited. Now if that is your wish, please go ahead. Just remember there will be no repercussions for the loss of your lives as you have invaded our world, brandishing your weapons and threatening our Embassy. If you do not believe me, ask the Governors and Ambassadors, and see if I speak an untruth.’

  He waited when the soldier said no more, he turned to Governor Kittihue. ‘You have two choices before you. One; you may consent to a search and your soldiers will disarm and hope the Star Daughter will speak to you. Two; leave and follow protocol as laid down by your own Coalition on Embassy conduct. There is nothing else for you here.’

  Before the Governor could answer, more Warriors and Draygons descended into the foyer. They looked well trained, well-armed and flowed as a unit. Instantly they moved to make an aisle for Hawk, who was flanked on both sides by the impressive brothers, Rage and Rave.

  When he reached Jerthem, he looked over the soldiers and the six males and announced. ‘I am First Commander Roeah of our Star Daughter’s Armee.’

  Thanikis snorted, Hawk stared at him until he looked away. ‘Our Star Daughter has consented to speak with you. However, as Ambassador, Jerthem said, your people will disarm or we will see you from our Embassy. Decide now!’

  A long slow growl rolled across the foyer as Rage sent a warning to the soldiers causing several to move restlessly and the Earth soldier to remove his eyes from Coraan and place them on him.

  Thanikis hurriedly said. ‘We will disarm and submit to the search, soldiers do so now.’

  Hawk nodded to Hue and Iaan. ‘After you have scanned for weapons, show the General, Ambassadors and Governors to the conference room.’ He turned away from the males, therefore missing the General’s start of surprise.

  Ian White called out. ‘Our soldiers?’

  Hawk looked over his shoulder. ‘Will remain here.’

  Another Governor asked. ‘Our safety?’

  When Hawk did not even turn to answer him, Jerthem said. ‘I understand your hesitancy, so we will not take that as an intended insult.’

  The male looked down, his ruddy skin going redder as he was taken to task for his slur against the peoples of Maikonia.

  Hue and Iaan approached the six males and waved a scanner over each of them, finding nothing. Then accompanied by Rage and several other Prowlers, they escorted the males to a lift. Knowing Jax was scanning them for trackers or listening devices, and if he found any, making them inoperable.

  Once the lift doors closed, Peyton asked Kardan. ‘Would you like to come with us?’

  He took her hand and kissed her palm, closing her fingers over it. ‘No, let us keep them guessing for a while longer. I will watch from here.’


  Hawk waited until the visitors had gone before he and Jerthem walked into a lift with Lucerra. Coraan stayed behind as he looked over to where Erin stood with Sarn. He quietly dismissed her from the desk, worried Sarn could not remain standing much longer. ‘Thank you Lady Erin, we will relieve you now.’ With a nod to Sarn he said. ‘Please Captain Sarn escort Lady Erin from the foyer.’

  She smiled as Sarn saluted Coraan and placed his hand on her back to guide her from behind the desk. A soldier from Earth moved forward, and as tall as he was, Sarn stood at least a half a foot taller.

  He snarled at Sarn in English. ‘Take your filthy hands off her, you fucker.’

  Sarn stiffened as Erin turned her head and stared at the male, her voice dripped contempt as she said in Coalition, refusing to speak English. A touch of rebellion as adrenaline and anger heated her blood. ‘You dare? I do not know you.’

  ‘Look woman, we are here to take you home, to rescue you from these savages. You belong to Earth.’

  Erin laughed. ‘Really rescue, where were you when I was being sold like a scallut to the highest bidder by your government?’

  ‘Woman, we know they have brainwashed you into thinking that was what was happening, but it wasn’t true. Our government would not do that. Just come to me, we can help you. We will take you home.’

  Erin laughed bitterly. ‘See, you know nothing. It happened. I was the one being sold, so do not stand there and tell me I am brainwashed. Maybe you should look closer to home for that.’ She looked him up and down, and sniffed her disdain as she scornfully told him. ‘Do not presume to tell me what your government will or will not do. I and many others like me witnessed their decisions. What you should be doing is taking note of what I am saying before it is too late and they start selling males. As for rescuing me, I have already been rescued and thankfully my mate will take me back to our home on Maikonia and keep me safe from the likes of you.’

  Several of the Earth soldiers seemed to be embarrassed and alarmed by her words. Not the one who spoke to her. He was outraged, and it showed as he ranted. ‘Traitor… You are a fucking traitor to our race’

  ‘Oh please, traitor, I was sold, you fool!’

  ‘Yeah, sure. That is exactly what a traitor would say.’

  ‘How does my saying I was sold, make me a traitor?’

  Smirking, he hissed. ‘I am not the one spreading my legs for the likes of him.’

  Erin grinned up at Sarn, who stared death at the male. ‘Jealous much, do you think?’

��s eyes laughed at her question, the only sign he heard and understood her reference.

  Infuriated the male spat at her, quickly Sarn turned her body into his. Suddenly two Warriors took the male to the floor and then the fighting started. Within a blink of an eye, soldiers and Warriors became embroiled in battle. It was as if that one action released all the restraints on their anger.

  The Prowlers paced around, hoping for a snap at a leg or arm or just waiting for an opportunity to take a soldier down.

  Erin said to Sarn. ‘Oh stars.’

  He watched the fighting along with Coraan, who appraised the Warriors as soldier’s fell beneath the onslaught of their fists. As expected, the soldiers were no match for his Warriors.

  Reeve arrived and asked. ‘Who is winning?’

  Coraan laughed. ‘Who do you think?’

  ‘Huh, no use wagering then.’

  ‘No, my friend, it is not.’

  Without looking away from the fighting, Coraan ordered. ‘Sarn, take your mate from here. She does not need to see what becomes of useless males, who think disrespecting one of our mates is a good life choice.’

  Sarn nodded. ‘Warmaster, Commander, I will leave it to you to inform me how this turns out.’

  ‘That we will, go now.’ Coraan ordered.

  Sarn led her to the lift once they were inside he sagged against the wall. Erin cried out. ‘Jax medical please.’

  Healer Dinas will meet you there.

  Erin’s shoulder held Sarn upright as she placed her face against his chest and quietly begged. ‘Sarn, please be alright.’

  His only reply was a grunt. Then the doors were opening and Dinas and Kent stepped in, removing Sarn’s weight from her.

  Dinas told her as they carried him to the medical room. ‘He is well Erin he stayed conscious because there was a threat to you. Now it is gone, the coma is hitting hard.’

  Kent told Sarn. ‘Let go my friend, we will protect your heart with our lives until you return.’

  Sarn nodded to Kent and hissed between clenched teeth as he struggled to stay conscious.

  ‘Erin stay safe.’

  She smiled as they placed him on the bed and touched his cheek. ‘I will stay with you my love, where else would I go?’


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