Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 26

by L M Lacee

  ‘Good.’ He mumbled as he finally let himself fade into darkness.

  ‘Good.’ She whispered as she crept up next to him and placed her head on his chest. Listening to his hearts beat in rhythm and marvel at her good fortune. She had a mate, her one true love. Closing her eyes, she breathed in deeply of his scent and let herself drift along with him.


  Hue and Iaan led the dignitaries to the floor where several rooms had been recently turned into one large conference room. Twenty chairs sat around a large triangle shaped table. Brenda, on the advice from Rata, had ordered the room decorated in varying shades of silver and black.

  Discreet wealth showed everywhere, from the crystal table and chairs to the wall coverings and expensive lighting. The focus of the room was once again the floor to ceiling windows overseeing the city.

  After Hue had shown the males to their chairs, he and Iaan took up positions on either side of the closed door. Seconds later a door at the end of the room opened and Rage, Rave and the twins entered. Followed shortly by Netta, Jarrod and Bendrix. The door opened again to admit Peyton, Darby, Jerthem and Hawk.

  Peyton waited for Hawk to speak, she knew Thanikis and Ian White. The others were new to her, as was the General. She heard Netta’s quick indrawn breath and wondered at it.

  Hawk said. ‘I am First Commander Roeah. We know Ambassador Jenerika of Jenersar and Ambassador White and General Gunner Cooper. We understand you are Governor Kittihue of the Coalition.’

  Governor Kittihue smiled his most charming smile and inclined his head. As he waved his hand toward the red-skinned male with long white hair and navy eyes, who had embarrassed himself with his thoughtless words to Jerthem.

  ‘Allow me to introduce Governor Wynm.’

  The male nodded his head but would not meet their eyes. Next he introduced the green male with green hair and brown eyes who stared openly at Peyton and smiled slightly.

  ‘Governor Eorn.’ Governor Kittihue told them. ‘We are from the Coalition council.’

  The first of the other two males had dark brown hair cut very short and stared at them from soft gray eyes. He bowed and introduced himself. ‘I am Feder Hiftin, science adviser to the Coalition.’

  The other male was barely in his twenties, and a typical young male of the Capital. He introduced himself as he kept casting looks at Jerthem and in a subdued, almost frightened voice said. ‘I am Juet Quewtton, secretary to Governor Kittihue.’

  The male Hawk had identified as a General was tall with short blond hair and blue eyes. He was lightly tanned and looked and spoke similar to the males in the vids Melody and Netta enjoyed. He reminded Peyton of someone, but she could not place who.

  ‘I am General Gunner Cooper.’

  Governor Kittihue gave a small bow of his head as he said. ‘I realize your time is valuable and I thank you for seeing us Star Daughter.’

  Peyton inclined her head as Hawk said. ‘Allow me to introduce the transitional government of the Maikonia Embassy.’

  He indicated Darby. ‘Specialist Roeah, next to her is Commander Howl, standing beside her is Ambassador Mentu and Kail Hananva and you have already met our Ambassador Theruu.’ He indicated the Prowlers with a wave of his hand. ‘Pride leader Rage and his second Rave.’

  He did not introduce the kits, who with Rage and Rave stood and bowed their heads. The visitors were forced to bow back. It was easy to see the two Ambassadors were annoyed. The Governors were accepting, and the young males seemed in awe of the large Prowlers. The General looked amused.

  Hawk turned to Peyton and introduced her. ‘This is the Star Daughter, please be seated.’

  Once everyone had taken their seats, Peyton spoke for the first time. ‘Let us set some ground rules, if acceptable we proceed, if not you leave and we carry on with our day.’

  She waited for them to agree, Jerthem noted her phasing and demeanor. This was the first time he and Bendrix were to witness the Star Daughter’s brand of politics in person. Both had watched vids of other conversations and had been equal parts appalled and amused, but mostly envious of her attitude which seemed to be more natural than learned.

  Governor Kittihue answered for them. ‘That seems reasonable.’

  Peyton smiled, it did not reach her eyes. ‘Number one, refer to me as Star Daughter, not Impoef or Nutoro. If you wish I will demonstrate my identity but only once.’

  Ian White and Thanikis demanded she do so immediately. The General sat quietly, his eyes watchful and steady. Only Governor Eorn hesitantly agreed with them.

  Peyton nodded and her eyes turned black and filled with flames, and then flames enveloped her body as the temperature dropped in the room. ‘Shall we stipulate I am the Star Daughter, unless you wish to test me further and call me a Hiesie!’

  When no one spoke, the flames disappeared and her eyes filled with Stars. The room chilled further and the Star Child appeared, causing everyone to drop to their knees with their heads bowed in respect, whether or not they wanted to.

  Let us hope those who have invaded our Daughter’s domain consider this enough of a demonstration. We can of course destroy the world if they require further persuasion.

  Governor Kittihue stuttered out a protest. ‘No… no we are most satisfied Star Child.’

  General Cooper looked at Hawk and raised an eyebrow as Hawk nodded his head, acknowledging the unasked question. Yes, they were that powerful.

  The pressure eased, and the Stars disappeared, allowing the temperature to return to normal. Everyone rose and re-took their seats.

  Hawk stressed. ‘I would advise you to not do that again. The Star Child has an immense sense of time but they are short on patience.’

  ‘Oh well said.’ Peyton praised him. ‘May I borrow it?’

  Hawk nodded, not taking his eyes from the visitors as he agreed. ‘It is yours, Star Daughter.’

  The males looked mystified at the exchange between Hawk and Peyton, but not the General.

  He was amused as he read the sentiment behind the words. It was plain to see that Commander Roeah had settled the Star Daughter with that quick exchange. He knew this female, this Star Daughter, was what he had hoped for upon learning she was human. He almost laughed out loud when he thought of how Ian White talked of controlling her, of bending her to his will. This female, this Entity, would not be manipulated or pressured. He looked at her people knowing they would be only some of her trusted advisors and knew the males with him would miss that observation. These people were not employees or servants, they were family, and he knew something the Ambassadors and Governors would also miss. Her family would never allow her to be used. She was not their puppet as Thanikis had surmised. This was a partnership, they all, including the Prowlers, had the feeling of respect and love about them.

  Jarrod’s head turned slightly as he observed the General’s thoughts and stated.

  The Earth Commander is gifted.

  Peyton nodded slightly. Oh, I know.

  Hawk mind-sent. He has the gift of Varsteram.

  Jarrod sent back. Ahh! I wondered, I have not brushed up against many with that ability before.

  Hawk said thoughtfully. I met many with the same ability on Earth. It was surprising.

  I am sure it was. Do you think it is because of the isolation of their world?

  Perhaps, it would take more study to know for sure.

  Peyton cleared her throat and asked. If you are finished.

  Hawk returned. We are now Star Daughter.

  Peyton smiled as she said to the Governors. ‘So you agree that I am the Star Daughter?’

  ‘We do.’ Governor Kittihue readily answered. The displeasure on Thanikis’s face was answer enough.

  ‘Good, my second rule is, let us all remain polite and civilized, then this meeting will go much quicker.’

  ‘We agree.’ Stated Governor Eorn.

  Peyton clasped her hands together on top of the table and asked. ‘Now, why are you here?’

  ‘The A
mbassador for Earth is here to lodge a complaint.’ Replied Governor Kittihue.

  Ian white inclined his head. ‘We have several complaints. Firstly; we have been informed you are holding females against their will. Secondly; you have absconded with several important and valuable scientists and have stolen equipment and supplies from Earth. Thirdly; you have not contacted any representative from Earth here at the Capital. Fourthly; you have not registered as an Earth outpost with Earth’s government. Yet you have thousands of females in your possession.’

  Darby’s hands tightened at the terms the wretched male used. It took everything she had not to leap up and smack him like she wanted to. Only the thought of Reeve storming in and killing the male stopped her.

  Peyton’s eyebrows rose in surprise as she wondered if the Government of Earth was really that well informed. She was betting on Thanikis and his informers. She pursed her lips before asking. ‘Really, who made these allegations?’

  Ian White stiffly told her. ‘I am unable to divulge that information.’

  ‘I should be allowed to question my accusers.’

  ‘Because it is not done.’ Ian White stated, annoyance at being questioned leaking into his voice.

  Peyton raised her eyebrows, her only sign she heard the tone of annoyance. ‘Alright, let us go through your complaints. The answer to each one of them, is no.’

  Ian White stared at her and said. ‘I know who you are, Star Daughter, we have met once before.’

  ‘We did.’ She agreed. ‘I am at a lost to know what that has to do with today. Oh, I know you had an informant then to.’

  ‘My source is impeccable, you were responsible then as you are now. Deny it if you can?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Why deny something that is true. I am responsible for my Universe.’

  Before he could speak again. Darby asked. ‘Is it because you do not know who gave you the information. Or is it just what Ambassador Thanikis reported to your government, so they would order you to the Capital.’

  His face turned red and his lips tightened as his eyes shot hatred toward her. ‘I know who you are Professor Kline, there is a warrant for your return to Earth. Where you will stand trial on charges of espionage and treason.’ He sneered as he looked her over. ‘I should imagine you would not like what happens to those found guilty.’

  Gunner looked at Ian White and wondered what the Government had seen in this man to allow him to speak for them. The man was an idiot, proven by what he had just said.

  The sneer disappeared from Ian White’s face when Hawk’s hand moved to his sword, and they heard a roar of outrage sound from outside the room. Netta looked with disdain at the male as she cautioned. ‘Careful Ambassador, Specialist Roeah has a mate. You should remember whose house you are in.’

  He swallowed the retort hovering on his lips when his eyes snapped to Peyton’s and saw his death in her flamed filled eyes.

  ‘So cool, I have never been a criminal before.’ Darby exclaimed, breaking the tension that had invaded the room with Reeve’s roar of anger.

  Ian White mumbled weakly. ‘I still cannot say.’

  The General’s eyes roved over the people facing them with sharp interest. He studied Hawk and then Netta. He knew who both the Commanders were and their reputations and wondered briefly where Melody James was. He would have liked to have thanked her for all the help she left for him and his soldiers.

  Netta got the impression as she observed the General that he did not like who he was with. She had to wonder why Gunner Cooper was there. Melody was going to be disappointed she had numbered him among her few friends left on Earth.


  Ian White seemed to regroup as he took a breath and said with a semblance of diplomacy

  ‘Star Daughter, I am formally asking you, are there females from Earth being held against their will on your planet.’

  Peyton’s face became serious as she replied. ‘I formally state there are not.’

  ‘I see. We will make arrangements to visit and question the females for ourselves.’

  Thanikis and the other Governors all smirked. Gunner did not, he just silently sighed in disgust.

  Peyton nodded. ‘I suppose you must do as you see fit.’

  Gunner glanced at Peyton when she willing agreed. He suspected it would not be as easy for the Ambassador as he seemed to think it was. Peyton held her finger up as she said. ‘Although, there is one minor problem with your plan.’

  Gunner almost smiled as he thought, here it came, the stinger in the tail.

  Ian White raised his eyebrows as he asked with a tone that boarded on patronizing. ‘And what would that be?’

  ‘I was just wondering how you were going to do that? Do you have the coordinates to our system?’

  Governor Kittihue opened and closed his mouth several times as they all looked at each other. Gunner looked down, hiding the laughter in his eyes. Finally, the Governor regained control of himself and pompously stated.

  ‘We expect you to provide them.’

  Feigning shock, Peyton said. ‘What in this Universe would cause you to think I would do so?’

  Governor Wynm uttered in his musical voice. ‘To prove you are not holding the females against their will.’

  ‘I have already said I am not. What would going to my home world prove? If your need is to see and question females, then Specialist Roeah and Commander Howl are here and will answer your questions.’

  Governor Eorn barely suppressed his contempt when he asked. ‘With respect Star Daughter, how do we know they are not under your control or the control of your Master?’

  Peyton calmly said. ‘Now if you had read your histories, as I am sure you would have done before coming to a meeting with me. You would know who the Star Daughter is. For those of you who are not from this Universe or have forgotten, allow me to explain. I am the Star Child’s Arm of Justice, do not question my moral compass again.’

  ‘Star Daughter, it is not your ethics, I question.’

  ‘So whose ethics are you questioning Governor Eorn?’

  He spread his hands and said with a smirk. ‘You have in your company Masters, Star Daughter.’

  ‘I find that insulting on many levels. What say you, Lord Bendrix?’

  ‘There is no doubt, the Governor’s statement was insulting.’

  Peyton looked at the Governor and asked mildly. ‘Now you have had time to reflect Governor Eorn, do you find your statement insulting?’

  ‘I do not.’

  ‘So you stand by your suggestion that a Kail is unethical?’ Before he could speak she said. ‘Shame on you for doubting his integrity. For those of you who do not understand who and what a Kail is, allow me to explain. A Kail is a person so ethical, he is chosen by the Star Daughter and ordained by the Star Child to be an ethical guide for the Universe. Unlike the Masters, I know the Coalition has working for them who are anything but ethical.’

  The same Governor paled at her words, proving he knew he had stepped over the line. He flicked his eyes toward Jarrod, who stared back at him impassively.

  Gunner asked. ‘Star Daughter, if I may.’

  ‘Oh, of course General.’

  He smiled at the sweet tone she adopted and like everyone else shifted in his seat at the clap of thunder, which shook the room. Her people looked at her and she shrugged.

  ‘Star Daughter, was that you?’ Governor Kittihue shakily asked.

  ‘No, of course not, it was my mate. Now General, you were saying.’

  Ignoring the startled males around him, he inclined his head and spoke to Netta and Darby. ‘Ladies, are you here with the Star Daughter because you choose to be and do you know of any females who are trapped on your world?’

  Netta replied. ‘Our home world is Maikonia Prime, and I live there because I wish to. I do not know of anyone who is there against her will.’

  Darby said as she pointed to Netta. ‘What she said.’

  Gunner smiled at the answers. He had not expected
anything less. ‘Thank you.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Next reason you are here?’

  Ian White quickly stated. ‘The equipment and supplies that were taken when you left Earth?’

  ‘Not even going to respond to that. It’s just ridiculous, next.’

  Outraged Ian White stated. ‘We, Star Daughter are not finished exploring that complaint.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘I am, next.’

  Incensed Governor Kittihue said sharply. ‘Star Daughter, this is not how a meeting is conducted.’

  ‘I think you are mistaking me for someone who cares how you conduct your inquisition.’

  The General’s eyes held amusement and Netta was positive she saw his lips twitch.

  Thanikis’s smirk fell from his face as he demanded. ‘I wish to speak about the subjugation and theft of Jenersar Warriors and ships?’

  Peyton’s eyes sharpened as she agreed enthusiastically. ‘Oh good, thank you for reminding me. I know you Thanikis and your brother the Emperor placed Warriors in stasis tubes and have hidden them throughout the Universe. Now you may be wondering how I know this, it is simply really. I found out from your sister and brother. Now we have discovered some of our Warriors but we are still missing. How many Darby?’

  From memory, she said. ‘Fifteen thousand and eight.’

  ‘Eight, really?’

  ‘Yes, eight.’

  ‘Doesn’t that seem weird to you?’

  Darby nodded. ‘It does.’

  Peyton looked at Thanikis, her tone hard as she said. ‘I want the location of the remaining Warriors.’

  Thanikis’s mind stalled as something she said ran through his thoughts and he huskily asked. ‘You have met my brother and sister?’

  ‘Yes we did.’

  ‘Where are they?’ He demanded, ignoring the little voice in his mind that said proceed with caution.

  Peyton parroted. ‘Where are they?’

  ‘That is what I am asking?’ He snarled exasperated at her repeating his question.

  Peyton looked at him, blinked twice and then asked. ‘Good stars, you lost my Warriors and are now asking me where they are. I would have thought you would be more interested in the members of your family.’ She shook her head and looked at the other males, avoiding the general’s eyes. ‘Well each to their own, I suppose. Now try real hard to remember Ambassador Jenerika where did you hide my Warriors?’


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