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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

Page 23

by Tony Corden

  Thad handed Leah a restore potion, then said, “T: I hope she’s the only one.”

  “V: Not likely, the description said the dwarf had control of the Frost Lord’s brood. What did they need the blood for?”

  “Spells. I imagine that’s how they defeated the dragon, they turned his own power back upon him. The other option is they used it as payment to Kötücül for his help, probably poured it on one of his altars. If Kötücül added a curse to the Frost Lord’s power before it was used against him, that would have destroyed him.”

  “V: How long will the spell take to heal her?”

  “The book is a bit cryptic, but if I deciphered it properly, I’d think at least a couple of hours to a couple of days. Let’s go do the rest of this level, then we can decide if we head up or down.”

  “V: Are you sure? You don’t have your shrouds, your hand or your sceptre.”

  “One of my instructors always said the best recon was done without a weapon. It’ll be OK, but if one of us gets caught the other needs to get back here and keep the others hidden.”

  Val nodded and after a quick check of the tunnel, led Leah back into the central hallway. Both of the other caverns also held dragons in the same state as the first, but Leah had to step away as there was nothing she could do at the moment. The two decided to head down as there was little chance of a dragon being down the much narrower stairwell and neither of them wanted to see another in such misery just yet.

  The stairwell opened into a long passage with rooms regularly spaced on either side. Each of the rooms was locked with several traps on each one. The traps were vicious and had been created to painfully kill whoever was caught in them. It took Val ten minutes to disarm or bypass the ones on the first door. Although Leah felt she would have been safe Misting under the door, she wanted to watch Val at work, and she was aware her BSP was lower than she liked.

  Beyond the door was an intricately carved set of rooms which looked to be where someone lived. On one table was what Leah knew was a dragon egg. This had been chiselled out until the unborn dragon could be seen. The foetus had been covered in gold. Precious metals and coins were on display, and even the floor had been carved and inlaid with gold, silver and gems to depict a scene. It showed dwarves working at a great forge and making weapons of war. A quick check of the cupboards showed that, in addition to an exquisite set of armour, were robes made of silk with runes embroidered in gold covering the entire surface and it almost glowed with the mana it held.

  With the runes being a different material and slightly raised from the surface, Leah was able to sense them readily, and she knew from what she’d learned that each of these was most likely a trigger for spells. The mana needed to arm all of them would have emptied her shrouds a dozen times over. Leah was tempted for a moment to absorb some of the mana, then considered the source and decided if Kötücül had added something it wasn’t worth the risk.

  Once they were back in the hallway, and while Val reset the alarms, Leah took some blood from her stores and told Val she’d check the other rooms. In her mist form, Leah was able to get past the traps, and by the time Val was ready she’d checked each of the other rooms and saw they were much the same. At the end of the hallway was a large pentagonal shaped room and similar tunnels led out from the centre of each side. In the centre was a spiral staircase leading deeper into the mountain. Loud voices and banging could be heard echoing up the stairwell.

  Leah checked each of the rooms, and the only difference was the scenes that were carved and the types of wealth displayed. After returning to Val, they headed down the stairs. Leah stepped between shadows, and Val seemed to almost disappear, even on Leah’s skin. The next two levels were also in the shape of pentagons and were being used to practice both spellcasting and weapons. Each of those fighting was a dwarf, and about a third were female. Each of the dwarves looked dour, and each looked to be wary of the others around them.

  The floor beneath these was a catacomb which branched in every direction in a haphazard manner. All the dead looked to be dwarves, and none of the graves was new although all had been heavily decorated and inlaid with precious metals and gems. On each Leah could sense the effigy of who lay inside. Almost a third were children. The final level was a colossal forge that had been allowed to grow cold. From the edges of the forge, tunnels ran in almost every direction and from the tools hanging in racks beside each entrance it was clear that all except two led to mines. Val and Leah took one of each of the others. One led to a subterranean lake and the other to a large natural cavern which was covered in moss and fungi.

  The rules for a completed map did not require the mines to be drawn in detail. Still, Val had found a parchment with the main tunnels and copied that just to make sure. Val was leading the way up the stairwell back to the dragon levels when Leah felt the dwarves, who until that moment had been discernible on her skin, fade and disappear. She reached ahead and motioned for Val to slow down. Wrapping them both in shadow, Leah whispered what was happening. Even as she did that, she reached out with her blood sense and was rewarded with the faint sense of two dwarves approaching from up the stairwell and surprisingly, two from below.

  Leah’s shrouds were still less than five percent replenished. Still, she had enough to form spider legs around her torso and then, using gravity, affixed herself to the ceiling and wrapped herself in shadow. As she did this, she felt Val fade from her senses completely. The four dwarves came to a stop several steps below where Leah was hiding. There were three male and one female. The female was wearing robes instead of the armour worn by the other three.

  The female said, “Anything?”

  One of the two males who’d come from deeper in the citadel said, “There’s nothing there.”

  “What is more likely, is that your incompetence is finally seeing the light of day. Lord Acinin said he felt intruders in his realm.”

  “He sounds more like a dragon each year. I’m surprised he hasn’t started calling us his brood.”

  “Watch your tone, Nalbant. Lord Frost has been calling those of us in the upper halls that for years. If you managed to learn something worthy of his attention, you would have been blessed to feel his ownership.”

  “N: That’s why I’ve never achieved recognition in the games, Dal Kavuk. Why would I want to be owned?”

  “K: Fool, by his reasoning, and mine. You are lower than a slave, nothing more than a tool, something that ought to take care lest he be reforged.”

  “N: Reforging is not something you have power over, Dal Kavuk. Only Lord Frost can decree that, and even he would only do that at the request of Lord Kötücül.”

  “K: Then, Nalbant, you should take care. Lord Acinin made it clear he knew, not merely guessed, when he said there were intruders. He heard their use of mana while immersed in the sacred smoke from Lord Kötücül’s altar. It is your god who says we are invaded, not just your lord and master. Go and search again or I will ask to bleed you, as I do the wyrms.”

  With no warning, Dal Kavuk turned on her heel to head back up the stairs and must have seen something of Val for she cried, “K: There, at the top of the stairs.”

  Leah dropped on the dwarf as she ran beneath her, driving a knife through the top of Dal Kavuk’s head and tripping the dwarf who’d turned as she did. Leah could still only make out their hearts and major blood vessels, but it had been enough to stop the two dwarves. Coming to her feet, Leah summoned four of Lord Kötü’s minions and turned to follow Val when four dwarves appeared in front of her. Even with her senses hampered, she managed to kill three more before being dragged to the ground and beaten senseless.

  Leah could feel the Tower forming around her and Three said, “3: Leah, I’m not bringing you back as you are still alive and still in a combat situation. I had permission to explain this so you would not experience distress. I will put you into NREM3 sleep until you become conscious.”

  The next thing Leah knew was that she was bitterly cold. Metal clamps were aro
und her chest, thighs and ankles. Another was around her left wrist, and her right arm was hanging beneath her. She struggled to make sense of the surroundings because of the bitter cold. Eventually, she felt herself to be in an enormous chamber. She was lying face down and suspended several metres over a thick sheet of ice. Beside her and completely dwarfing her was a frost dragon almost two times the size of the ones below. It was chained the same way, except the blood from its neck veins dripped onto two altars placed to catch the drops. As each hit, it sent up a puff of smoke.

  Although Leah could neither smell nor hear what was going on, she was able to get the sense of smoke in the air and felt this change every time a drop fell. Beneath her head was another altar, although this one was cold. In front of the dragon was a raised platform and on this was a macabre travesty of a throne. It was forged from what Leah could only imagine were the wing bones of the dragon beside her and included three smashed dragon eggs. Everything was covered in gold and precious stones. On the throne was who she imagined was Acinin Eli, Frost Lord. On either side of him were two dwarves wearing mage robes and two dressed in dwarven armour.

  Leah checked her levels and then checked the time with Three. She discovered she’d been out for just over an hour and she had two and a half hours before she needed to log out. Her shrouds were at eight percent and just starting to become visible.

  Lord Acinin must have seen her movements for he rose slowly from his throne and walked to one side of the raised platform until he was staring into the top of her head. He said, “Empress, I give you leave to look at me.”

  Leah’s left hand was numb from the chains, but she still managed to type the reply in her mind, asking Three to amplify it. “No thanks, while I appreciate the offer, I’m nauseous enough as it is.”

  A blast of solid air slammed into Leah’s stomach, making her bounce up and down on the chains and causing sharp pains in her left shoulder and hips as they had to take the strain.

  ACININ ELI, FROST LORD (Level 912) 831744HP (45600EP)

  “3: A with a touch of cold (❄) is Acinin Eli.”

  “A❄: It has been a long time since someone had the nerve to make light of my largess. I may yet ask Lord Kötücül if I might have you reforged. Now, look at me.”

  Leah took a few breaths, then calmed herself. “So, Lord Kötücül’s the power in this place. What does that make you?”

  A blast of ice fell across Leah’s back, turning her skin under the dragon-scale armour solid and covering the surface in an inch of ice. She gritted her teeth because even at fifty percent, the pain was excruciating. Leah willed the light shield to cover her skin and layered the shadow above it. She transformed some of the light mana into life mana and let it wash over her then cast Darkness Dragonscales. She then tried to Mist.

  “A❄: Yes, I’d forgotten you have not yet been bled by Lord Kötücül, that your power might be siphoned from within. These bindings are enchanted to prevent all magic except that focussed upon yourself. Once he has prepared you, he will add his own bands which will leach your power and force it into your blood. After Lord Kötücül has his share, we will use your power to grow even stronger.”

  “Acinin, you do realise you are sick in your mind, don’t you? Or has Kötücül blinded you for so long you cannot see that what you are doing lacks all honour and decency?”

  There was another blow to her stomach, but the added armour lessened its impact. “A❄: You will call me Lord Acinin, and what do you know of honour or decency? What strange words are these to come from the mouth of a dragon. Yes, I lump you in with this still-breathing carcass beside you. I see the scales on your back and have even heard of you before this. You are an abomination–elf, human, dragon, vampire, godling. You are the one named Acı Düşman, the Enemy of Dwarves, and Yalanlar Kraliçesi, the Queen of Lies.”

  “Such names have been shown to be untrue, and this was done in the presence of the gods. As for being an abomination, do you not see the way you treat this dragon makes you the abomination?”

  “A❄: Regardless, you have come to steal my hoard, my brood, my title. Do you deny this?”

  “I do. I will not steal it, but I will take it by force instead of by treachery.”

  “A❄: Did you not kill my servant Dal Kavuk and three more of my brood?”

  “I did, as they were hunting me. Is it not strange to you that you, a dwarf, would consider them your brood, your hoard, your possessions? I suggest you are the one who has become Acı Düşman.”

  Just then, a message board appeared near Leah’s left hand. The board moved back and forth as Leah’s hand could hardly move.

  Player Atherleah, your group has completed the modified Level 4 Dungeon - Map the Citadel. You have chosen to attempt the Level 6 Unique Event (Celestial) - Become the Frost Queen. To achieve this, you must first complete the modified Level 5 Dungeon - Defeat the Warren of the Dwarf Mages. Beginning at the lowest level, you must work your way through to the highest in preparation for a battle against Acinin Eli, the current Lord Frost. Success is reaching the highest level in the Citadel with at least three members of the group remaining alive or free to continue to the next dungeon.

  Your group is ready to log out. You are free to log out, and the conversation with Lord Acinin will continue when you return with the group.

  Avinin Eli had been staring at Leah as she read. He said, “A❄: I will leave you to your silence. Be prepared for Lord Kötücül for he will come to prepare your body for an eternity of pain.”

  Leah said nothing, and as Acinin walked away, she logged out.


  December 27, 2073


  After a break, where she had a late supper and did some research on the Assassin’s Guild, Leah headed for the portal to Pneumatica. Leah was hoping thatthis time she would only need three virtual hours, as she needed some more rest before she was due to meet Dr Ellis.

  When she arrived in her suite at the Herrington, she donned some street clothes she’d bought so she could blend in. Over some black canvas and leather trousers, she had a multi-textured rust coloured high low skirt. She added a white linen pirate blouse and a leather and metal corset. As with the clothes the day before, these were lined with armour. She added a leather and metal bowler and some dark circular glasses before her more violent accessories, the knives and firearms. In a leather and bronze shoulder bag, she added a range of accessories to change her appearance.

  Howard was waiting as she stepped from her room and said, “H: Good morning, Commodore. I do trust your journeys in the Aether worlds were of profit.”

  “Thank you, Howard. As in this world, it seems I am always running from one opportunity to another.”

  “H: Indeed. After you retired last evening, you received two messages. One was from Mr Bartle and the other from the palace. I was led to believe it is from the hand of Her Majesty.”

  “Then I suppose it is incumbent to make every effort to peruse the content of these missives without delay. Perhaps you might see if Ellen would be free to bring me some tea?”

  Howard bowed slightly then turned to find Ellen. Leah opened both notes which had been prepared in braille. Billy had heard of the attack on the Emerson Manor and suggested Leah be careful in approaching the Assassin’s Guild. He added that if she, as he expected, ignored his advice, then it would be advisable to ask questions rather than accuse as he was not convinced the Assassin Guild was involved. The queen’s message was an invitation to the palace, and the time given was just over an hour-and-a-half away.

  Leah sat and had her tea while she thought through her options. Finally, she called for Howard and said, “Howard, I desire to leave the Herrington without being unduly observed. Perhaps you might suggest an alternate exit?”

  “H: Indeed, Commodore. There are two options. The first is the entrance used by those of us who serve here at the Herrington. I do understand that there are times where those who would use this have still found themselves under u
nwanted scrutiny. The second is an avenue which I am somewhat embarrassed to mention to someone of your fidelity and honour, for it perhaps might also be held against the Herrington itself.”

  “Speak on, Howard. Be assured I shall not hold the information against the Herrington or you.”

  Howard looked down and blushed then said, “H: Some of our guests do wish to entertain guests whose occupation is frowned upon in polite society. Though many frown on such liaisons, we feel obliged at times to satisfy our clients’ desires. Should someone see you using this exit, they might have some reason to cast aspersions upon your honour.”

  “I do understand your veiled references and will not be concerned should people think of me poorly for using such an exit. Will my current attire be suitable for such an exit?”

  “H: It is suitable, as those who use this exit have recourse to all varieties of dress.”

  “Then, if it will not make you think poorly of me, I would appreciate the opportunity to leave via your second suggestion.”

  Ten minutes later, Howard let Leah out via a hidden door onto a rather dingy back alley. After an explanation on how to re-enter the Herrington, Leah made her way to the street. Once on Blackwraith Street, Leah turned toward the station then turned down Bloodmist Lane. She’d found several references in the various Pneumatica forums and knew that many began their quest in the darker part of town. On the fifth laneway she crossed, a Nightshade Alley, she glanced down the lane and moved on. Ten minutes later, after having checked all exits and entry points using her ability to sense things for several hundred paces, Leah turned in and made her way to what looked like a dilapidated taproom by the name of the Death’s Rattle. There was a ‘CLOSED’ sign in the window.


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