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Blood Lust

Page 6

by Tricia Andersen

  Ares spoke before she did, “He’s not as low level as you think, baby. I’ve known him since he was a little tyke. I watched the kid grow up. My sister and the higher level gods as you put it, probably have strict orders from Dad not to help me out. But Pan will.”

  “I wish you’d stop that.”

  “What? Reading your thoughts?”

  “Yes. Kind of an invasion of privacy, don’t you think?”

  “It amuses me. And I love that nearly constant intimate connection with you. You can read mine too.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “Just concentrate.”

  Juliet closed her eyes and forced every thought from her mind. She felt a thin strand of consciousness in her brain, one she didn’t remember being there before. She had no idea how she managed to follow it but she did.

  She laughed a little. “Sex and fighting. Nice.”

  “I’m the Greek god of war. What did you expect from me? Be happy.”

  “That the sexual fantasies are all of me? I am.” The smile faded from her lips. Suddenly, she gasped and pulled free from Ares in horror. She could see his face in the dim light. He wasn’t smiling either.

  “You aren’t just going to Pan to figure out how to change me to something else,” she accused.

  He glared at her. “No, I’m not.”

  “You want Pan to find Antonius. What you plan to do to him…” She shivered at the thought.

  “Don’t still have feelings for your old boyfriend, do you?”

  “You know I don’t. You keep rummaging around in my thoughts. But what you’re planning is barbaric even for him.”

  He stepped closer to her until he was hovering over her. “It’s not even close for what he did to you. Sometimes, it’s great to be me. I’ve created thousands of years of war. And the most heinous actions these humans have done to each other I’m going to do to him. And more.”

  A rustle of branches tore their attention from each other. Ares stepped between Juliet and the noise.

  A creature stepped out illumined in the glow of the moon. From the waist down, he was a goat. From the waist up, he had the body of a handsome, well built man in his twenties. Dark brown hair fell down in long waves past his goat horns.

  She heard Ares let out a long, slow breath before he spoke, “Pan.”

  A smile spread across Pan’s lips. “Ares, it’s good to see you, old man.”

  Ares strode across the moonlit forest floor to the young god. “Watch the old man cracks, kiddo. How’ve you been?”

  “Great.” Pan stretched to look around Ares. “Who’s the pretty lady? A little gothic for your tastes.”

  Ares glanced back at Juliet with a sinful grin. “Juliet, I’d like you to meet Pan, god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic crap he tries to pass off as music. Oh, and he’s the companion of nymphs if you get my meaning. Pan, this beauty is Juliet and she is mine.”

  Pan’s brow furrowed as he stared at Juliet. “The vampire.”

  Ares glared at him. “How do you know she’s a vampire?”

  “Your dad already sent us the memo. He said that you are looking for help to change her into anything but a vampire. Or mortal. We aren’t to get involved. None of us. If we do, we have to deal with Zeus himself.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Ares shook his head as he clenched his hands to his hips. “I didn’t figure you could change her. I need you to look for someone else.”

  “Like who?”

  “Like a vampire named Antonius. Can you ask around? See if your nymphs might know where he is?”

  “Of course. But why are you looking for him?”

  “I want him dead.”

  Pan stared at him, his eyes wide with shock.

  Ares huffed. “It’s not the first time you’ve heard me say that. It’s probably not the first time this week.”

  Pan shrugged. “Yeah. But usually it’s a warlord or a world leader or some puny fighter. But a vampire? What makes you want to kill…” Pan’s voice trailed off as he glanced at Juliet. “Oh. He bit her, didn’t he?”

  “You’re quick there, Pan. He did more than turn her. For the evil he did, I want his blood. Can you help me or not?”

  Pan bit his lower lip.

  Juliet smiled a little. It was kind of adorable. She fought it back when she heard Ares growl.

  “I could talk to Eros and have him ask around,” Pan replied.

  “Why would you ask that greasy little shit?” Ares demanded.

  “Isn’t that greasy little shit your son?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. He’s certainly his mother’s son. He’s just like her. It’d be great if he could keep it in his pants.”

  Pan pursed his lips while he shuffled his hooves uncomfortably.

  Ares balled up his fists by his sides. “What is your problem?”

  Juliet laughed. “Pot calling the kettle black maybe?”

  Ares scowled at her.

  Pan pointed at Juliet and chuckled. “That.”

  “Fuck it. I’m wasting my time.” Ares threw up his hands and stormed off through the trees.

  Juliet watched him go for a moment. She grinned at Pan then took off. Her extreme speed had her stopped in front of Ares in a second.

  “Get the fuck out of my way,” he warned.

  Juliet tugged him to her and parted his lips with hers. He sunk into it as he pulled her against him.

  She nuzzled her nose against his as they parted. “Guess I didn’t fall in love with a god with a sense of humor.”

  Ares brushed a lock of hair from her face. “For your information, it’s been in my pants for everyone but you since I met you.”

  “Good. Because you belong to me.”

  “Ditto, sweetheart.”

  The snap of a twig tore Juliet and Ares’ attention away from each other.

  Pan had followed them and was standing amongst the trees illuminated by a pure white beam of moonlight.

  She didn’t know a goat could shuffle its hooves like Pan did his.

  He fidgeted like a bashful teenage boy about to ask his crush on a date.

  “Yes?” Ares questioned.

  Juliet could see him fighting back an amused grin at the younger god.

  “I’ll ask around for you,” Pan answered. “I mean, for this Antonius guy. If you want.”

  “I would appreciate that, thank you.”

  “I didn’t mean to offend, old man.”

  “No harm, no foul. I need to get a sense of humor. It was kind of funny.”

  Juliet laid her head on his shoulder as she hugged him tight. She closed her eyes to try to sense him. His emotion came off him in soft, warm waves. Contentment. Joy. Love. In a way, it was an odd combination for the god of war. She could feel an awkwardness to it. But he wasn’t fighting it. Instead, he was enjoying the change. She sighed deeply as snuggled closer to him.

  Pan scuffed a hoof in the scattered leaves. “And I’ll ask around the gods to see if there is anyone who will help you. You know…” Pan pointed at Juliet. “To change her.”

  Ares frowned. “Pan, you don’t have to do that. I can ask around. Don’t get on my Dad’s bad side. He’s pretty fond of you.”

  Pan shrugged. “I talk more to the inner sanctum than you do since you tend to piss them all off. I know that there are a couple Zeus has angered. I hear your Mom is on the top of the list. If I understood right, some of the more prominent gods have been called in to clean up a mess he made between him and this hideous Washington DC prostitute he slept with before it becomes one of those scandals on television. Hades has even left Vegas to lend a hand. A Washington senator and a hooker. Seems cliche almost. It’s funny how quickly his liaisons are brought to light these days. Bet he regrets technology now, huh? Remember when we’d have to wait for someone like Homer to write them down?”

  Ares chuckled. “I do. Those were the good old days.”

  “They were. I’ll be in touch. I have to go. I have a wood nymph waiting for me.” He bowed low towards the cou
ple. “Miss, it was good to meet you. I will see you both soon.”

  Ares and Juliet held each other in silence as they watched the young god disappear into the woods.

  Ares stared off into the dark.

  Juliet watched him as she frowned confused. The forest around them came to life. The air filled with the sounds of creatures coming out of hiding. Some she could make out. Others didn’t sound human. “Ares?” she pried.

  He sighed. “I have to go.”

  “Go? Go where?”

  He turned back to her and gazed in her eyes. “Let’s just say I have to go to work.”

  “You have a fight.”

  “I have a war.”

  Her voice squeaked. “Oh.”

  “I’ll send you home first.”

  Juliet bit her lower lip. “Can you send me somewhere else? I’m sorry, baby. The burn is setting in. I’m trying to fight it but the pain will follow. And then I get really angry.”

  He grinned at her. “Trust me?”

  “Of course.”

  “All right. Go home. I’ll get you when I’m ready.”

  Before Juliet could respond, she was standing in the cave next to the large, plush bed. She paced the cavern as she stared up at the ceiling above. When her lover wasn’t there it was just stone. She missed the blue sky and fluffy clouds. She huffed sadly. She missed him, his warm flesh, his sweet kiss, even his sour mood.

  She gasped as the cavern around her melted away. A split second later, she found herself in another, one that was pitch black. For being this dark, it surprised her that it was hot and arid. She blinked a few times to adjust her sight.


  Juliet looked around her puzzled. “Where? Ares? Are you there?”

  A soft glow illumined him in the dark…the sight stole her breath.

  He wasn’t dressed in a grunge rock band t-shirt and jeans like he normally wore. Instead, he was clothed in military fatigues stained with crimson. The rips in his clothes hinted at the tattoos on his biceps and chest but now he bore a few celestial images etched into his flesh. A large semi-automatic rifle was bound to his hip with a gold cord.

  She couldn’t see any source to the light. It seemed to emit from him.

  He nodded to the floor. “There.”

  She glanced down at her feet to find a body lying there covered in blood. She couldn’t make out his nationality by his ragged clothes. Whatever happened to him distorted his features.

  “Is he?” she asked.

  “Dead. Yeah. Shoot out that just happened. Do your thing.”

  The words escaped her lips before she could stop them, “Aww, you got me takeout.”

  “Juliet, seriously. I’m on the clock here.”

  She blinked at him stunned, then dropped to her knees next to the body.

  Juliet tilted the disfigured head to the side until she could make out his jugular. Then she bared her fangs and sunk them into his flesh. Ares wasn’t kidding when he said this guy just passed. His blood was still warm on her tongue.

  Once she was done, she sat back on his heels and wiped her chin with the back of her hand. She glanced up to see Ares staring off in the other direction. The god, in all of his holy splendor, looked a little green around the gills. She took a second to take him in before she spoke, “I’m done.”

  “Great.” The light in his hands extinguished leaving her in the dark.

  A second later, she was standing in his cavern again. She let out a heavy sigh as she unbuttoned her dress and let it slip down her body until it pooled at her feet on the stone floor. She didn’t know whether it was day or night anymore. Her belly was full and her eyes were sore. It was time to get some sleep. She tossed back the silk sheets of Ares’s massive bed and slipped between them. Then she laid her head on the pillow.

  “You aren’t going to bed yet, are you?”

  Juliet bolted up from the pillow and spun towards the voice.

  Ares stood beside the bed once again, dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a Pearl Jam T-shirt. In each hand, he held a champagne flute filled nearly to the brim. The cavern ceiling above was dark and filled with stars. The floor around them was scattered with rose petals so fresh their scent was thick in the air.

  He held a flute out to her. “We’ve seen each other in our real state. Maybe we should talk.”

  Juliet took the flute from him with a smirk. “Guess this means you’re done getting cozy with me?”

  Ares sat down on the mattress next to her and took a sip of champagne. “What makes you say that?”

  “You saw me feed. You looked like you were about to hurl.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I’m sorry, beautiful, but that was disgusting.” He wrapped his arm around her and hugged her against him. “No, that whole incident reminded me that I’m straying off course. I want to destroy Antonius slowly but first things first. I need to work my charm on my family and find someone to change you. And Pan’s right. The first one I’m going to is Mom. She hates me as much as Dad does but if Dad has pissed her off enough, she might just do it.”

  Juliet sipped at her bubbly liquid then spoke, “So in the cave. Was that your true form? I mean as in Greek god?”

  “Yeah, that was me.”

  “You have to get some looks if you’re parading around in the middle of a war like that.”

  “When I’m working, I’m invisible. When you watch the sun rise, do you see Apollo driving his chariot? Well, it’s a sports car now. A gold one. It’s dog ugly.”

  “Sweetheart, I haven’t seen the sun rise in centuries.”

  Ares cringed beneath her touch. “My bad.”

  “You’re forgiven. But yes, I get your point. Then why did I see you?”

  He dipped his head towards hers until he captured her lips with his. His deep, soul wrenching kiss left her lips bruised. “Because our souls are connected.”

  “Got bad news for you there. I’m a vampire. I have no soul.”

  “I beg to differ. It may be decayed but it’s there. Maybe Antonius didn’t get the job done like he thought.”

  Juliet shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

  “Am I? I feel it, Juliet. You may not believe me but I do.” Ares kissed her hard and deep then stood. He set his glass of champagne on the bedside table then strode across the rock floor.

  Out of thin air, an enormous wardrobe appeared. It was twice the length of the bed and at least two feet taller than Ares. By the way it stuck out from the wall, he could step inside and walk around. The designs etched into the silver flecked white marble were inlaid with gold. There was no way possible any mortal could own something like this. It had to hold the clothes of a god.

  “Wine me, kiss me and leave me wanting you?” she teased.

  Ares chuckled. “Believe me. There’s nothing I want more than to crawl beneath those sheets with you and make you scream my name for hours. I need to do this.” He opened the doors and disappeared, closing them behind him.

  Juliet frowned as she stared at the sculpted gold cherubs and deer that were carved into the stone of the wardrobe. Was that it? Did he just go without even a goodbye?

  The doors flew wide without assistance as Ares stepped out again. His jeans and T-shirt were gone. Instead, he was wearing a pair of black slacks, a black suit coat, white linen shirt and a blood red tie. The wardrobe closed behind him obediently then disappeared. He grinned at Juliet. “How do I look?”

  Juliet knew her jaw dropped to her lap as she gaped at him. She didn’t care. All the quick change did was make her want him more. There was just more wrapping on the gift to rip off now. And when the time came for her to do so, she was going to make sure he was screaming her name instead. “You look amazing. Why the change in duds?”

  Ares strode towards the stone staircase. A cabinet appeared just like the wardrobe, this time with blood red carvings etched into onyx. It opened as he neared. He reached in and pulled free a long white box wrapped with a scarlet ribbon. “Mom hates it when I show up looking li
ke a slob. Her words exactly. She says it desecrates her home and my father’s image.”

  “Wow. The gods are that particular about Olympus?”

  “They are. But that’s not where my parents are living.”

  “Where else could the king and queen of the Greek gods live?”

  Ares laughed. It sounded like thunder as it echoed off the walls of the cavern. “Where all men of power live. Washington D.C. My dad has a second career as a United States Senator. Ever heard of Senator Alastair Lynch? That’s my dad. It’s Zeus.”

  Juliet shook her head in disbelief. “You’re telling me that Lynch is Zeus? The senator who’s been behind all those technology bills being pushed through Congress? The one who’s in the tabloids every other week having another affair but nothing ever comes of it?”

  “Think about it. Doesn’t that last description of Lynch sound just like my dad?”

  She bit her lower lip anxiously. “Noted. So your mom is Elizabeth Lynch? She’s so freaking beautiful. She’s the senator’s wife that’s always rubbing elbows with the First Lady. She’s influenced a few of her husband’s colleagues to pass some pretty substantial health care bills, especially for women. And doesn’t she have pet peacocks?”

  “You sound like Hera’s fangirl.”

  “Angel of Death, remember? I spend a lot of time in hospitals. I hate seeing the suffering. So anyone who would want to lessen that is a goddess in my book.”

  “Wouldn’t that cut off your food source?”

  Juliet shrugged without a word.

  Ares sighed and continued. “Before you put Mom too high on a pedestal, she’s a certifiable bitch. She is insanely jealous and she doesn’t get people fired. She gets them killed. Dad has to clean up just as many of her messes as she does his. I’m pretty sure my parents hate each other but they need each other. They can’t control themselves, so they need the other to make the problem disappear.”

  “Like your dad’s indiscretions.”

  “Like she just sent a handful of gods to take care of the last one. She sent Hades.”

  “You mean this girl is dead? Does she ever call you? You are her son.”

  “Hades has a lot of hookers in the underworld thanks to Mom’s jealousy and Dad’s lack of ability to keep his cock out of mortal women. And Mom stopped calling me when I got there before everyone else. The rest of the gods found me in bed with the victim in question in the middle of some pretty deviant things. It was a little hard to kill her when I was balls deep inside her.”


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