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The Motor Girls on a Tour

Page 23

by Margaret Penrose



  For a moment Cora was dumfounded. Duncan Bennet a close friend of Clip!

  The next moment the riddle was solved.

  "Why, of course you know Clip," she said. "She goes to your college."

  "Yes," and he ran his white fingers through his "fractious" hair. "Thefact is, Cora, I am quite as anxious to see Clip as to go in on thecase. Haven't seen her since school closed."

  "I'll likely have some trouble in finding her," he added presently."Never can find her when I particularly want to, but if she is inChelton I'm going to hunt her up."

  "Won't she be at the sanitarium?" asked Cora, and she wondered why herown voice sounded so strained.

  "I think not," he replied. "Clip is a poster-girl, in our parlance,and we don't let them in on real cases."

  "Poster?" asked Cora.

  "Yes; it means she has had her picture in the college paper, with'Next' under it. I don't mind saying that I cut out that particularpicture."

  "It must be lots of fun to be in such affairs," said Cora. "I haveoften thought that the simple life of society is a mere bubble comparedto what goes on where girls think."

  "Well, I am going early," he said pleasantly. "I suppose you don'tmind running away before breakfast."

  "No, indeed," she answered. "I rather fancy the idea. If I evertrusted myself to meet the girls I would surely 'default.'"

  "All right. My man is always on time. Mother will see that we are nothungry--I've got the greatest mother in the world for looking aftermeals."

  Cora laughed, and arose to go.

  "I've told you a lot," he said rather awkwardly, "but somehow I feltlike telling you."

  "You may trust me," replied Cora lightly. "I have such a lot ofsecrets, that I just know how to manage them--they are filed away, youknow, each in its place."

  "Thanks," he said. "You know, we don't, as a rule, speak about ourprofessional friends. Don't say anything to Daisy about Clip. I thinkshe would die if she knew I fancied her."

  He said this just like a girl, imitating Daisy.

  "Why, she likes Clip," declared Cora. "We all do."

  "Wait," he said, and he raised a prophetic finger, "wait until Clipsails under her own colors. Then take note of her friends. This is thethorn in her side, as it were. She speaks of it often."

  How Cora's head throbbed! Perhaps, as Duncan had said, she was overexcited. But just now there seemed so many things to think about.

  If she went to Chelton she might hear something that would give her aclue to Wren's book. Jack insinuated that he had a clue when he spoketo her over the 'phone. What if she should be able to trace both thebook and the table! And bring Wren into her own!

  As if divining a change in the girl's mind, Duncan Bennet said:

  "Now, you won't disappoint me? I am counting on your company."

  "Well, I shall have to dream over it," replied Cora. "Mother says itis always safest to let our ambitions cool overnight."

  "'Think not ambition wise, because 'tis brave?'" he quoted. But he didnot guess how well that quotation fitted Cora's case.

  It seemed scarcely any time before the girls were back from the park,just bubbling over in girlish enthusiasm about the wonderful woodlandperformance. And that Cora should have missed it! Even Gertrude, thestaid and steady, could not understand it.

  The Bennets' home was a very large country house, but with all themotor girls scattered over it the house seemed comparatively small.Chocolate and knickknacks were always served before bedtime, and Daisyhad reason to be proud of her part in the entertainment of the girls.

  "And to-morrow," said Adele, between mouthfuls of morsels, "we shallhave to decorate for the fete. I am going to do the Whirlwind all myown way, am I not, Cora?"

  "You certainly may," replied Cora vaguely. "I am the poorest hand atdecorating. I prefer driving."

  And they all wondered why she took so little interest in thepreparations for the fete.

  "I know," whispered Bess. "You are thinking of that little mahoganyman. And so am I. I can't just wait to see the table."

  Bright and early, the next morning the girls were astir. They had needto be "up with the lark," for the gathering of stuffs with which todecorate cars is quite a task, and they planned to make the fete amemorable affair, as Belle put it.

  "Wait till Cora comes down," said Tillie. "Won't she be surprised thatI have already been over the meadow, and gotten so many beautiful, tallgrasses!"

  Mrs. Bennet appeared at that moment.

  "My dears," she began, "I have a surprise for you. Cora has taken arun home--she really had to go, but she will be back by nightfall.Now, there," to Daisy, "you must not pout. Cora has been a faithfullittle captain, and, from what I understand, there have been a greatmany things to demand her attention at home. Go right on with yourplans, and make her car the very prettiest, and when she gets back shewill have some reason to be proud of her allies. I have arranged to beat home all day, and to do whatever I can to assist you, in Cora'splace."

  The girls were utterly surprised, but what could they say? Showdispleasure to so affable a hostess? Never!

  What they thought was, of course, a matter of their own personalbusiness.


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