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Unfolding Kiara: Second Chance Best Friends to Lovers Romance (The Unfolding Duet Book 2)

Page 27

by Mahi Mistry

Kiara licked her lips and pushed her hips forward, her back arching. “Dig in.”

  Smirking, I kissed her nether lips, and she tried to not make any sounds but failed miserably as small whimpers and mewls escaped her red lips. I swirled my tongue around her slick lips before pushing in and tasting her sweet nectar on my tongue.

  I pulled away only to look up at her and asked, “Will you marry me, Kiara?”

  She gasped, her eyes widening. “What?”

  I squeezed her ass. “You know, marriage? Two people saying vows and promising to stay with each other forever until they die or . . . get divorced.” I shook my head at her confused expression, “Not the point. You want a soccer team, and according to my statistics, I am the perfect man who should marry you and fulfill your wish. All your wishes.”

  “You can’t just ask me like that, Ethan.”

  “But I did,” I leaned down and flicked her swollen clitoris with my tongue, her back arching as she moaned deeply. “What’s your answer, Bella? Because I can do this all night.” I smirked when she glared at me through her lust-filled eyes.

  “It’s a yes. I will marry you, Ethan!” she grinned, arching her hips toward me. “Now, make me come before I change my mind.”

  I grinned and before she could say anything, I ate her out, holding her dripping pussy over my mouth. My lips, teeth, and tongue nibbled over her soaking cavern and she came, groaning my name and bucking her hips over my tongue.

  Licking her clean, I straightened her dress and bent down on one knee, pulling out the ring from my suit when her eyes widened. Kissing her knuckles, I whispered, “I took a fart on the heart since we kissed, Kiara.” She chuckled, her eyes glistening with tears when I squeezed her hand. “I am made for your love, Bella. You will make such a beautiful bride, and I can’t wait to marry you.” I slid the diamond ring on her finger, her hand shaking when I kissed it.

  “Come here.” Her voice cracked as she pulled me up. I chuckled and kissed her softly, her fingers threading through my hair.

  Kiara pulled away first, and I wiped the tears from her face, her eyes glittering under the moonlight as she whispered, “I can’t believe this. This feels so unreal.”

  “I know a couple of things to make you believe that this is true. I have lost you once, and I am not making the same mistake twice.”

  She giggled, hugging me as I kissed her hair. I was about to say something when she pulled away. “Oh, I almost forgot.”

  My eyes widened when I saw that her dress had pockets. My jaw went slack when she pulled out a plain platinum band from her dress and bent down on her knee.

  “What the fuck, Kiara?”

  Kia grinned, holding my left hand, “It seems like you are not the only one full of surprises.” She looked down at my hand and I felt my heartbeat race when she said, “I mean, I would love to give you a blowjob and ask you to marry me, but you beat me to it. So, Ethan Kane, my boyfriend, my lover, my best friend, will you marry me and honor me to be your wife so we can make our soccer team?”

  I couldn’t help but grin. “Of course, Bella. Now, hurry with the ring, I want to let everyone know that you are mine and I am yours.”

  Grinning, she slid the ring over my left finger, and surprisingly it fit. She was about to stand up when someone slid the door open.

  Katherine saw us, her green eyes widening, “Are you guys . . . what the—?”

  I looked down and realized we were in such a position that to others it might seem like Kiara was blowing me off. I shook my head at Katherine and helped Kiara stand up. Before I could stop her, she rushed to her best friend and hugged her.

  “We are engaged!”

  “I am so happy—oh.”

  All three of us gasped when the water splashed on the floor, Katherine’s face turning into a wide grin. Ryan rushed out and saw that his wife’s water had broken. We all congratulated them when Katherine asked to have dessert before going to the hospital.

  We were back home after making sure Katherine and Ryan were in the hospital. They had asked all of us to leave and said they would call us if we were needed, so we complied. I was removing my suit when Kiara walked in, completely naked, her dress pooling around her ankles as she stepped toward me. My eyes widened looking at her beautiful body, her face when she kneeled across from me.

  Looking at me, Kiara whispered, “I want you, Ethan.”

  My cock pressed against the confines of my pants when I heard the pleading in her sultry voice as she gazed up at me, her eyes half-lidded and wild with passion. My eyes roved over her naked form. She wasn’t completely naked. She was wearing a diamond ring.

  Leaning down, I tilted her chin, “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, “Yes, Ethan.”

  I smirked, “Then who am I to deny the pleasure of my fiancée.”




  “Dadddddddddddyyyy, wake up.”

  I shook my head and grumbled, “I don’t want to, Bella.”

  “No. Bad Daddy!”

  A small smile tugged my lips hearing the scream of my little demon. She learned that from her gorgeous mama. I opened my eyes and saw one of the most beautiful grins even if it was missing one front tooth.

  “Morning, Daddy!” She jumped on my chest, her small arms wrapping around my neck.

  I sat up and cradled her small body to my chest, her pink pajamas smelling like coconut and candies. “Good morning, cupcake,” I mumbled when she kissed my cheek.

  Her wild brown hair was in a mess. Her mother or I was going to have a field day with it. Whoever caught her first.

  “Do you know what day it is, Daddy?” she asked cheekily, a small dimple poking her left cheek and her beautiful mismatched eyes blinking up at me.

  I gathered her small body in my arms and stood up. Her small giggles melted my heart when I rubbed my face in her tummy, my hair tickling her face.

  “Daddy, stop, you are being silly.” She grabbed my hair in her small palms, effectively stopping me.

  I walked into the bathroom and kept her down on the counter, applying toothpaste on her pink toothbrush. After wetting it with the water, I handed her the small toothbrush. “Come on, you need to brush your teeth.”

  She grumbled, “I don’t want to. My mouth freezes when I drink water, Daddy.”

  I grinned at her excuse. “Your mother will have our bums if you don’t brush your teeth this instant.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Start brushing, Aethra,” I said in a warning voice. She pouted but started cleaning her teeth.

  After brushing our teeth, we both walked downstairs. I smiled leaning on the door, watching my gorgeous wife make the batter of cake. Her curvy, lithe body swayed in the peach slip dress she was wearing. My other head twitched in my sweatpants when I saw the thin fabric shaping against her ass, stomach, and accentuating the hips I loved so dearly. I held back my groan when I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra, and all I wanted to do was remove that dress and slide myself home, sucking on those beautiful tits.

  The squeal of Aethra brought me back to reality when she launched herself on her mother’s legs but tripped on the rug.

  “Aethra! How many times have I told you not to run? You will hurt yourself, sweetheart,” Kiara helped her up and checked if she bruised her knee. She ignored her mother’s concern and climbed on a chair at the island.

  I took my wife in my arms and kissed her on the lips. Her round stomach made a gap between us. I felt the small kick of our child on my abs and we chuckled, kissing clumsily. My hands trailed down her waist to her stomach. I forced myself not to squeeze her ass in front of our children and ignored the fake gagging over my shoulder.

  I pulled away, pecking her once more, and licked her lips which tasted of strawberries, “Good morning, Bella.”

  Her brown eyes twinkled and averted down my neck, successfully undressing me in her mind. “Good morning, Ethan.”

  “Gross, Dad. Your kids are watchi

  Kiara chuckled, looking over my shoulder and patted my chest. I missed the warmth of her body pressing against me when she winked and got back to making the cake for the kids.

  I ruffled our son’s hair, sitting down beside him at the island. “Elijah, you won’t say that when you have a girlfriend.” I thought for a moment and added, “Or a boyfriend for that matter.”

  He scowled, hiding his flushed face in the sketchbook, “Dad, I am six and too young to talk about this with you.”

  “Daddy, can I have a boyfriend?” Aethra asked, eating the frosting sneakily and pouting when Kiara gave her a stern look.

  Even Elijah narrowed his mismatched eyes at her and we both said in unison, “No, you can’t.”

  I added, “You know you can’t date boys until you are thirty. You promised Daddy, princess.”

  She grumbled something about not waiting to get to thirty and rambled to her mother about how I was being unfair. I couldn’t care less if she liked it or not, I had made her promise me that as soon as she learned to speak ‘yes’. I was not letting some immature boy hurt my little angel’s heart.

  I looked down at what my son was sketching. “What is it?” I asked, “May I see it?”

  Biting his bottom lip, he slid his sketchbook toward me, his mismatched eyes flickering between my face and his drawing.

  They both had heterochromia in opposite eyes. One brown and the other green and blue. I remembered we both had cried tears of happiness seeing their eyes for the first time. It was a long day with twenty-seven hours of labor, but it was all worth it when we held the crying twins in our arms for the first time.

  “Mom was telling me a story about a boy who saved a girl from drowning. How is it?”

  I smiled looking at the mini drawing of a big stick figure helping a tiny stick figure from drowning in water full of goldfish with sharp teeth. “It is creative, Elijah, but I am sure goldfishes don’t have sharp teeth,” I pointed out, giving it back to him.

  His cheeks turned red, and he continued coloring the sky a dark grey color. “In my head they do.”

  “Why are you embarrassing my son on his birthday?”

  I turned around, guilty as charged, a grin splitting my face. Her hair was in a braid, a few wisps of them framing her face when she narrowed her light brown eyes at me. Standing up, I walked toward her, easily towering over her and held her hand, admiring the ring on her finger. I kissed her cheek and admired the body which was growing another human inside her.

  “Come on. Dad and Mom are doing the gross stuff. Again.” Elijah pulled down Aethra from the counter who was busy eating the batter of the cake, remnants of it caking her small face. “I will show you new flowers in the backyard.”

  “I heard that!” I said as they held their hands, rushing outside and giggling.

  “Don’t go on the road and keep the door open!” Kiara shouted worriedly, looking over her shoulder.

  I frowned, “Let them close it. They are six years old now, Kiara. Elijah takes care of her better than us.”

  “Yes, I know, E, but he has been acting weird ever since he came in our room to sleep with us—”

  “When I was inside you?”

  I remembered that night vividly. All we wanted was a quickie, so we had cared little about removing our night-time clothes. When I was about to pull out after a mind-blowing orgasm, Elijah had walked inside the room, complaining about the volume of our TV, which was playing Tom and Jerry. With a much awkward position, I had quickly pulled out when Kiara distracted Elijah with the cartoon.

  “Yes, Ethan. I think he is too mature for his age.”

  I smirked, trailing my hands down her soft arms, “Remind you of anyone?”

  She chuckled, threading her fingers in my hair, and I almost purred. “Yes, babe, I remember. Everyone keeps pointing out that Elijah is following in your footsteps while—”

  “Aethra is stubborn like you.”

  “I am not stubborn.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “No, I am not!”

  I raised my eyebrow and hid my smile when she scoffed, “Whatever. You are distracting me, I have so much to do.” Uh oh, there she goes. She turned into full-on mama mode and walked out of my arms, “I have to bake the cake, the frosting, snacks for children, ohmygod.”

  I laughed and wrapped my arms around her stomach. “Shhh,” I whispered in her ear, kissing her neck, “My mothers, Anya, Katherine, and everyone are on their way and they will be more than happy to help you. Don’t stress yourself too much right now.”

  I stroked my hand on her stomach as our child kicked and we both grinned, feeling it. She hugged me, “I am sorry, Ethan. It’s just that it’s their sixth birthday and I want it to be perfect.”

  I held her jaw and tipped her face toward me, crashing my lips over hers and kissed her soundly. She moaned when I gently kept her on the island, my hand sliding over her bare legs until they reached between her thighs. Her eyes widened and grabbed my shoulders when my fingers rubbed against her underwear. I let out a small groan when I felt her wetness.

  “Don’t apologize, Bella, I can punish you later for this,” I whispered, teasing her entrance with the fabric. When her rounded belly pressed against mine, the baby kicked his or her leg and I chuckled, looking down between us, “See? The baby loves that idea.”

  Kiara gazed up at me, her chocolate brown eyes twinkling with mischief and lust, “So does her mama.” She pulled me close, swiftly removing my t-shirt, “Please, Ethan. I need your cock inside me right now.”

  Hearing those sultry soft words from my wife and mother of our two children (third on the way) I wanted to be on my knees and worship every inch of her strong body. But I controlled myself.

  “Greedy, are we?” I teased playfully, tugging the hem of her dress upwards and moving the underwear to the side to watch my fingers rub against her slick lips, eliciting a soft moan from her.

  This was one of the best things I loved about pregnant Kiara. She would jump me or want me during any time of the day. Even though I had fucked her until she was exhausted, I would rub her back, and a minute later, she would beg me to fuck her on her knees.

  Kiara purred, bucking her hips, “Yes, Ethan. Please, I need you.”

  I groaned, “We can’t have sex when our kids are awake.”

  Her face fell, and missing the dimple on her cheek, I leaned closer and kissed her cheek, jaw, and neck. I licked the flush creeping up her neck. Her exotic scent of coconut and black vanilla wafted up my nose, making me sigh at the thought of not being one with her. Controlling my desire, I fixed her underwear and lightly kissed her stomach, covering her body with the dress.

  “Don’t worry, Bella. We will have this entire house to ourselves tonight. And I want to take my time worshiping my wife’s body.”

  She hummed, “Okay, Ethan. I will wait for you tonight.”

  “You better.”

  “I love you.”

  Nuzzling my face in her neck, I kissed her soft skin, “I love you more, my sweet Bella.”

  Click HERE to read the Extended Epilogue of Unfolding Kiara


  I wish I could give gulab jamuns to each and every reader who supported an indie author like me and gave a chance to Ethan and Kiara’s story. It means the world to me you spent a day or two reading this book.

  To my family, thank you for believing in me and telling strangers to buy my book.

  To my cats, thank you for teaching me patience and cuddling in my lap at three in the morning while I wrote this duet.

  To my editor, Jeanie, thank you for your constructive feedback and being one of the best editors any author can ask for.

  To all my wonderful friends, beta readers, proofreaders, bloggers and book lovers who helped me perfect this series with your love and support. I couldn’t have done this without you. Especially precious and bestie.

  To all the wonderful Patreons who constantly support me with your sweet messages and upliftin
g comments: Skylar M., Tisha L., Madi L., Tracey B., Tina W., Sara L., Celia M., Natashia M., Katie M., Andrea A., Wendy C., Anita A., Kim L., Erin R., Christine N., Grace, Katie U., Jessica C., Leslie D., Hope M., Michelle M., Priscilla S., Jenny T., Mariah B., Alicia D., Nabihah A., Anna, Mya C., Lana K., Angela E., and Amanda V.

  Thank you to everyone who accepted the ARC edition of this book and helped me share this book baby to the world.

  If you enjoyed reading this book, please don’t forget to leave a review. I would really appreciate it.

  About the Author

  Mahi Mistry has been writing since she was in middle-school. Soon, she fell in love with writing passionate steamy romances. Her stories have elements of humour, suspense and character development. Mahi’s main purpose in her life is to make one person happy every day, even if that is a stranger reading her book and rooting for the main couple or her cats by giving them extra treats.

  She enjoys simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, cuddling with her cats, reading and writing drool worthy characters while sipping on hot chocolate from the wine glass to validate herself that she is actually an adult. She is an avid reader of fantasy, romance and thriller books and thinks writing about yourself in third person is atrocious. She firmly believes that cats rule the world.

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