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Billionaire's Unwanted Black Twin Babies

Page 3

by Ciara Cole

  And yet, once Indiana knew about the pregnancy, she’d been eager to share it all with Max. Now, years later, she hated to think of her hopeful heart, rushing back home from India and resolved to tell Max the incredible, even earth-shattering news. She’d been so in love, she’d told herself Max would find a way for them to make it through this. Together.

  Everything changed when she walked into his bedroom in his apartment and saw that naked girl in his bed.

  Before those painful images could slash her deep, she listened as Macy went on, “I know, Indiana, but Robyn and Ryder are about to be four. They’ll soon be old enough to start asking questions. You see Max all the time on TV and how Ryder looks exactly like him.”

  Indiana couldn’t help but grimace. “Yes, I know. I guess I have to tell Max, don’t I?”

  “That’s the exact reason you moved here. And the exact reason you’ll be going to that same convention he’s attending this Friday,” Macy said with firmness.

  There was no point in arguing. Indiana had been headed in this direction for months now. Especially since last year and running into Liam, who’d been best friends with Max since their middle school days.

  “Indiana? It’s you, isn’t it?” Liam asked, who was dark-haired with striking blue eyes. He’d always seemed like a Ken doll to Indiana, so proper and well put together, and he’d always been nice to her. How crazy it was they’d met at the beach of all places.

  “Liam! I haven’t seen you in ages,” Indiana exclaimed, shocked and pleased.

  “It’s been three years, true. How are you?” Liam asked with a searching look.

  “Oh, ah… Well, I teach yoga and just finished my Masters in nutrition.”

  “That’s great. So what are you doing back here on the east side?”

  “Just visiting my mom. Are you doing good, Liam?” Indiana asked with a bright smile while looking around a little furtively and hoping her mom didn’t walk up.

  “I’d say I’m doing great. I have my own medical practice now. But I’m more curious about…” He broke off as none other than Indiana’s mother interrupted them, her hands clutching a boy and girl on either side.

  “These two have you beat when it comes to persistence,” huffed her mother. “They’re even more demanding than you were as a child. They wanted more of that caramel ice cream.”

  Indiana stared from her to the kids and knew what he was thinking–whose were they? Was Indiana a mom?

  Indiana introduced her mother to Liam and said he was her old friend from college. “I’ll take them, Mom,” Indiana said, and the chubby little hands were transferred to hold hers. “You go get whatever you need.”

  Her mother gave Liam a smile and departed, and only then did Liam ask the question hovering in the air.

  “I’m guessing they’re yours. How old are they?”

  A deep sigh escaped Indiana before she could reply. The words almost felt torn out of her as she said, “Yes, they’re mine. And they just turned three.”

  “Wait–three, you said?” Liam stopped short, and a few long moments passed while Indiana reflexively patted the curls of the boy and girl standing beside her looking curiously at the tall, broad male staring at them.

  Unable to take any more of the loaded seconds, Indiana straightened. “Well, I’ll be off. Bye, Liam.” She was already guiding the little ones away with her.

  “Indiana,” Liam said, a hand resting on her shoulder. His hand fell away as she slowly turned to face him again.

  “I know,” he told her simply with a pointed look at the curly haired twins, their bright green-gray eyes and caramel skin and unmistakably distinct features not lost on Liam, not one bit, Indiana realized.

  “They look like him,” Liam added softly and smiled at them. He then looked up at the stiff-bodied Indiana. “If you want, I won’t tell him.”

  The deep breath Indiana had been holding in left her in a whoosh. “Thank you, Liam. It wouldn’t look good if it came out just like that. I’d look like a bad person, and it wouldn’t be fair, you know?”

  He gave a nod of understanding, another smile, and then he walked off.

  Even now half a year later, Indiana remembered the dull stab of pain she’d felt seeing Liam disappear. It had brought back those happy times with Max during their college years, and it was like saying goodbye to them all over again.

  Shaking off the thought, Indiana faced Macy who waited patiently for her final decision. “Well?” Macy pressed with a hopeful look.

  “Okay! I’ll go to the convention. At least just to see him. I don’t have to break the truth to him exactly, not yet. How do I know he’s changed, that he’s fit or truly equipped for what lies ahead?”

  “That’s not for either of us to decide,” Macy said with querulous factuality. “The more time passes, the more guilt and worry you’ll face. You can’t keep living like that.”

  “I know it’s wrong. But I’m just never quite resolute about things to do with Max,” Indiana said heavily. “Not trying hard enough to get what I wanted made me think I’d fallen short. I didn’t put in my best, and I let Max go. I let myself down.”

  Macy only shook her head with refutation and wrapped a consoling arm around Indiana’s shoulders. Indiana was grateful that Macy didn’t apply any more force over the issue. If Indiana chickened out again and missed out on meeting Max, there was no doubt that Macy would understand. But would keeping away from him once more be the just thing to do? Indiana knew she had to decide and soon.

  Chapter Three

  Max was barely listening to his manager giving him the day’s conference schedule. He was normally too busy to attend these conventions, but for some reason, he’d found it impossible to wriggle out of it this time. After all, his company was one of its biggest sponsors.

  Any of his execs could have handled the event on Max’s behalf, but Max chose last minute to make it himself. There was an expo, and Max would be showcasing cutting-edge products, fitness equipment and apparel from his new range.

  Today would feature keynote speakers who were fitness and nutrition specialists in strength training, yoga and jiu-jitsu, among others. Participants also got to meet fitness experts like Max Stafford as well as coaches and personal trainers.

  His manager kept telling Max how it would be good for his image blah, blah, blah. The last thing Max needed was any reminding about his philandering ways and what kind of impression it left on his business interests. Participating in the wellness and health convention was one sure way to get into the public’s good books, and Max was fine with playing the part and not just passing out checks.

  “Since this would be great publicity for you and the company, everyone will expect you to be on your best behavior. No hooking up during your stay,” Jasper, his very dapper manager who was almost always in British-style suits and pea coats, said. Well, he was half British with the accent and mannerisms to match since he’d been raised there until his teens.

  “Look, Jasper. I’m not sure what kind of trouble I can get into with a bunch of goody health enthusiasts. Most participants are either middle-aged or with kids tagging along.”

  “Doesn’t mean you won’t take the opportunity if it arises,” grumbled Jasper. “You aren’t known to pass up a pretty face or banging body.”

  Max groaned in mock disgust. “I beg your pardon,” he said in imitation of Jasper’s customary speech. “I don’t sleep around with random women. Come on, Jasper, no matter how beguiling they are–and believe me, they’re hot, but they are all after one thing. My money. I figured it all out soon after I hit the big league when my app came out. There’s always some desperate chick hoping to get knocked up by me. But I’m smarter than that.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you are, but then this is your home town and you went to college here. There might be a few haunts or old flames that…”

  Max totally lost concentration during Jasper’s speech. All that kept coming to mind was what Jasper said about “old flames.” In truth, there was on
e girl. She was smart, sexy–perfect. She had beautiful cocoa skin with a honey glow. An awesome body, a bright future and was freaking hot in bed.

  Even though they’d had sex only once.

  Indiana Hart. After her, no woman compared. Max always wondered what made her so special. He’d actually liked her, and had been friends with her until that one magical night they became lovers and began dating for real. But he’d ruined it all because of his pride and his inability to budge on the simplest issue.

  Max understood that Jasper just wanted to be on the safe side, since any kind of drama or romance news would blow up in the media. For some reason, anything about Max’s love life made it big in the tabloids. However, he was working on getting his own show, and as such wanted to build up as much goodwill and interest to win him that slot with the big networks. He was already on TV a whole lot anyway for his business and social concerns.

  Hours later, Max would wish he’d paid more attention about the details of the convention when Jasper had been setting things out. If so, Max wouldn’t have been so shocked to see none other than Indiana Hart mount the stage to address attendees.

  It was the city’s largest health and fitness event, so it explained why she’d be here out of the blue. But no…nothing could really explain how Indiana could be here, right in front of him, making her speech about life and stress management through yoga practice.

  Patience. Compassion. Embracing inner peace and love…meditation and developing a deeper appreciation for life–her words filled the room and left listeners rapt. Evidenced in her engaging delivery was her poise and passion in what she believed in and spoke of.

  In an instant, Max remembered everything. About Indiana’s love for yoga and how she’d told him it had helped enhance her self-image and confidence. The whole time they’d been together as friends and then briefly as a couple, he’d watched her during yoga exercise. Her beautifully lithe and shapely body, transitioning into numerous postures known as asanas, made him think that nothing could be more breathtaking to witness.

  Those times were guaranteed to make Max sweat just looking at Indiana working up a sweat herself. He’d admired and desired her in equal measure, and right now, the same feeling came rushing back, leaving his emotions awry.

  “Spiritually and energetically, yoga keeps our lives flowing and ensures we remain connected,” Indiana said, her eyes scanning the room as the ever-present smile teased her lips. “On a personal note, it gave me the mental and emotional healing I needed, and it heals physically too from the inside. Through the practice of yoga and meditation, we peel away the layers of tension and bond with our true nature, also known as atman. This true nature is the most powerful force in the universe…and it’s called unconditional love.”

  That moment, her eyes moved straight to Max’s. It was just like she knew he was sitting right there. Those unforgettable brown eyes held his, and he was transfixed for a second. It had him thinking the craziest things. Did she have that heart-shaped yin yang tattoo on her left or right shoulder? Was she on the market or married? Most of Max’s friends were either married or had kids or both–or were like Liam, who was engaged. Who by the way he’d stopped being best friends with over two years ago. He couldn’t remember the reason they’d drifted apart, though they kept in touch from time to time.

  Max definitely had his head in a whirl. The speeches were over, and he was still rooted to his seat like he was turned into the biblical statue of salt. Indiana, here. Fuck, where had she gone, and how could he not let her slip out of his fingers again?

  He had no idea what they’d have to talk about or do once they were face to face again. But he didn’t have time to wonder for long, because once he finally made his way out of the hall, she was there by the exit talking to a group of people. They broke off to join others heading for the exhibit area, after which would be the lunch and networking break.

  As if on cue, she spun around and stood directly opposite Max.

  Indiana was tall, about 5’9”, and she remained beautifully slender, a chocolate woman with dark brown eyes and thick dark hair in a shoulder-length wavy bob, hair all hers. Her lacy, white, long-sleeved shirt was feminine and demure, tucked into elegant black pants and finished with stylish black pumps.

  “Max,” she breathed. She looked caught off guard, and yet a part of Max felt like she didn’t seem that surprised–but then how couldn’t she be? He felt flummoxed himself.

  The last time they’d stood face to face had been in the middle of the airport.

  “It’s nice to see you, Indiana.”

  She let out a soft laugh. “I guess it’s good to see you too.”

  “How is this possible?” he wondered out loud, not hiding his confounded state.

  “It’s just like all those years ago. Our paths seem to circle all the way around back to each other. Remember?”

  “I have no problem remembering anything about us,” he said. “Indiana…”

  Before he could continue, some media people with cameras and recorders came right up to him, trying to get footage with Max for some news reports and publicity features. He could see Indiana back away from the group, though he did catch her small wave and smile. It was all Max could do to keep his cool. They’d been interrupted, but he’d see to it that they met up with each other the soonest he could fix it. Nothing would keep them separated this time, not if he could help it.


  “This still feels like a dream,” Max said.

  Beside him, Indiana sat on the bar stool inside the exclusive lounge in the hotel. There were a few other patrons who didn’t pay them any undue attention. It was the perfect place for some privacy and was situated on the ground floor. The convention had ended, and Max had sought her out immediately, offering for them to talk.

  She’d agreed and followed him here, and they’d ordered drinks. So far they hadn’t shared much conversation, with Indiana leaving Max to do most of the talking. That way, she could observe him better. She did feel surprised that he seemed so glad to see her again.

  In fact, he’d been nothing but lovely to her. It didn’t help that he was gorgeous as ever, with those soft gray eyes with green flecks. She never forgot those eyes. Those were the same eyes her twin babies had. His wavy, light brown hair and amazing body–even noticeable in his suit–and that swoon-worthy chiseled jawline were just as eye-catching. She could tell he was keen to catch up and see how she’d been doing all these years, but Indiana refrained from being too chatty and risk letting something slip.

  “I almost can’t believe it either,” she replied. “It’s been so long.”

  “Well, whose fault is that?” he teased, taking a drink from his tumbler.

  “Oh, come on, Max. Don’t be like that. We’re here now, and it’s not like we can change the past.”

  “Fine, but we absolutely have to catch up, don’t you agree?” Max said more than asked, cocking an eyebrow at her. The simple act had her stomach flipping burgers on a white hot grill even as he drawled, “Which leads up to my next question. Is there any husband or boyfriend that would possibly want to beat me up?”

  “Very funny,” Indiana murmured. “But no to either a boyfriend or husband. Besides, I would never be involved with someone who beat people up. For one, I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn’t relish you being in hospital either.”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend. And I’m not married, engaged nor do I have any baby mamas.”

  Indiana hid a wince at the last part. Oh, if only he knew about the “baby mama” part… But then, wasn’t that the whole essence of why she was even here?

  “I see you’ve lost none of your confidence around women.”

  “Let’s just say I always save it for beautiful, confident women who take pride in their sexual expression.”

  “In other words, women who are easy,” huffed Indiana.

  “You were never easy,” Max said. “I can attest to that as we both know. But I do find you just as desirable, Indiana. Thi
s moment, it’s all I can do to hold back. We can waste time with conversation and even get drunk, but I want you sober for what I propose.”

  “And what could that be, Max?”

  “If I have to spell it out, then we really have let too much time pass between us,” he murmured. “I want you, Indiana. Do you want me, because if you don’t, then case closed. Say you want me.”

  For what seemed like forever, Indiana was inside her head, wondering why her normal, lady-like self didn’t feel affronted. She saw him smile at her reaction, while she gawked at him. Did he really say that? Like all the years had peeled away and nothing wrong had happened? How dare he? That was cocky to the extreme. And it kind of turned her on.

  Simply by looking at her a certain way, he could still make her shiver. Even his voice retained that smoky sensuality, so smooth and deep. Much as she knew she should keep him at arm’s length, part of her missed the wicked things he’d done to her three years ago. But was that wise?

  With all her common sense, Indiana knew she shouldn’t be unsure of how to act at any given instance. But in this moment, one thing was clear…

  “Max, I want you.”

  He smiled at her, and she rose in unison with him. He helped her into her coat and settled their tabs. They walked outside to the sleek black sports car Max drove. He opened her door, and Indiana stopped short on her heels. She almost unbalanced them both when she swiveled around to face him.

  “I changed my mind. I can’t, I’m sorry.”

  Her mind had been a whole blank since Max had told her he found her as desirable as ever.

  “Shouldn’t we debate on it a little first?” he teased.

  “About what, continuing through with sleeping with you? Hardly necessary. You haven’t changed one bit,” she said with an angry shake of her head.

  Max shut the car door with a sigh. “I’m not sure where this is coming from. You make it sound like sex was all I cared about. If so, I wouldn’t have waited a year before we ended up in bed together.”


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