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Do What Thou Wilt

Page 63

by Lawrence Sutin

Ra-Hoor-Khuit (god)

  Rabelais François

  Raffalovich, George

  Ragged Ragtime Girls, The

  Raine, Katherine

  Rais, Gilles de

  raja yoga

  Ramanathan, P.

  Regardie, Israel

  religion. See also specific religions

  Remembering Aleister Crowley (Grant)

  “Resurgam et Libertas” (Crowley)

  Reuss, Theodore

  Revelation, Book of

  “Revival of Magick, The” (Crowley)

  Reymond, Charles

  Richardson, Alice

  Richardson, Maurice

  Richter, Hanni

  Ringler, Anny

  Rites of Eleusis, The (Crowley)

  Rites of Isis (Mathers)

  Ritual Magic (Butler)

  Rodin, Auguste

  Rodin in Rime (Crowley)

  Roman Catholicism. See also Christianity

  Rosa Mundi and Other Love Songs (Crowley)

  “Rosa Mundi” (Crowley)

  Rose Inferni (Crowley)

  Rosenkreutz, Christian

  Rosenroth, Knorr von

  Rosicrucians; alchymical marriage; central mythos of; Fama Fraternitatis and; in Paris

  Rowell, Galen

  R.R. et A.C. See Ordo Roseae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis

  Ruling Passions (Driberg)

  Russell, Cecil Frederick

  sadism; defense of; in poetry; social rank and


  “Sage, The” (Crowley)

  Satanic Bible, The (LaVey)


  Scarlet Woman; absence of; Bertha Busch as; as biblical figure; Dorothy Olsen as; Jeanne Robert Foster as; Kasimira Bass as; Leah Hirsig as; Maria Teresa de Miramar as; Mary Desti as; as medium for Crowley’s revelations; as Muse; Pearl Brooksmith as; requirements of; Roddie Minor as; Rose Kelly as; theriomorphic (animal) names and

  Scented Garden of Abdullah, The (Crowley)

  Schneider, Max


  “Science and Buddhism” (Crowley)

  science fiction

  Scientific Illuminism

  “Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government, The” (Crowley)

  Scottish Rite Masonry

  Scrutinies of Simon Iff, The (Crowley)

  Seabrook, William

  Seckler, Phyllis

  “Second Coming, The” (Yeats)

  Secret Chiefs, of Golden Dawn

  Secret Doctrine, The (Blavatsky)

  Secret Life of a Satanist, The (Barton)

  Sedgwick, Betty May. See also Loveday, Betty May

  Sefer HaAin (The Book of Nothing) (Crowley)

  semen; consumption of; retention of; Victorian view of

  sense perceptions

  Septem Sermones ad Mortuos (Jung)

  777 (Crowley)

  sexual magic; Cefalù retreat and; esoteric and exoteric; Gnosticism and; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and; prudishness and; Tantrism and; Tarot and

  sexuality: death and; Eleusinian Mysteries and; as essential life energy; Pan (god) and; power of; spirituality and; transcendental powers of; Victorian views of

  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles)

  Shah, Idries

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe; atheism and; as champion of individual freedom; Crowley’s name and; on love


  Shumway, Ninette; at Cefalù; in North Africa

  Sieveking, Lance

  Silver Star. See Argenteum Astrum

  Simon Magus

  Simpson, Elaine; reunion with Crowley; in Shanghai

  sin; Christian dualism and; Gnostics’ view of; masturbation as; restriction and

  Skinner, Stephen

  Smith, Timothy d’Arch

  Smith, Wilfred T.

  Smithers, Leonard

  Snake, the

  Snepp, Vera

  Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden (Crowley)

  Social Darwinism

  Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.)


  Solar, Alexander Xul

  “Soldier and the Hunchback, The” (Crowley)

  Songs for Italy (Crowley)

  Songs of the Spirit (Crowley)

  Soror Virakam. See Desti, Mary

  Soul of Osiris, The (Crowley)

  Spare, Austin Osman

  Spender, Stephen

  Sprengel, Anna

  Stalin, Joseph

  Star in the West, The (Fuller)

  Starr, Meredith

  “Statement Re Tranker” (Crowley)

  Stephensen, P. R.

  Stevenson, Robert Louis

  Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde, The (Stevenson)

  Stratagem and Other Stories, The (Crowley)

  Strong, Susan

  Sturges, Preston

  Sturges, Solomon

  subconscious mind



  Sullivan, John W.

  Sullivan, Sylvia

  Summers, Montague

  Suster, Gerald

  Svareff, Count Vladimir (Crowley pseudonym)

  swastika, symbolism of

  Swinburne, Algernon

  Sword of Song: The Book of the Beast, The (Crowley)

  Symonds, John

  Symonds, Vernon and Johnny

  Tale of Archais, The (Crowley)

  Tanguay, Eva

  Tankerville, Earl of

  Tannhäuser (Crowley)

  Tantrism; “left-hand path” and; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and; retention of semen and

  Tao Te Ching


  Tarot; kabbalism and; Thoth deck (Crowley deck)

  Temple of Solomon the King, The (Fuller); Crowley’s role in; on Holy Guardian Angel; installments in The Equinox

  Thelema; Adolf Hitler and; Crowley as prophet of; divine triumvirate of; Esopus Island activities and; funding for; gender and; homosexuality and; Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.) and; outward influence of; politics and; right to kill and; Roman gods and; testing of; Wiccan Creed and; will and. See also Ordo Templis Orientis (O.T.O.)

  Theosophical Society




  Things Near and Far (Machen)

  Thirty Aethyrs

  Thomas, Dylan

  Thompson, James

  Thomson, Dr. William Brown

  Thornton, Edward

  Thynne, Major Robert

  Tiger-Woman (Loveday)

  time, reversal of

  Tonbridge School

  Townshend, Captain M. E.

  Tranker, Heinrich

  Tree of Life, The (Regardie)

  Trismegistus, Hermes

  Triumph of Pan, The (Neuberg)

  Tucker, John

  Ubermensch concept

  Ulysses (Joyce)

  Under the Volcano (Lowry)

  Upham, Alice

  Valiente, Doreen

  venereal disease

  Victorian society

  Viereck, George Sylvester; attempted Hitler contact and; The International and


  “Violinist, The” (Crowley)

  Vision, A (Yeats)

  Vision and the Voice, The (Crowley)

  Waddell, Kenneth

  Waddell, Leila; first meeting with Crowley; stage career of

  Wagner, Richard

  Waite, A. E.

  Wakefield, H. R.

  Ward, Kenneth

  Webb, James

  Westcott, William Wynn

  “What Is Qabalah?” (Crowley)

  Wheatley, Dennis

  Whineray, E. P.

  Whirlpool, The (Archer)

  White, Johnny

  white magic

  White Stains (Crowley); Crowley’s sens of sin and; libel suit and; precautions in publication of

  Whitmore, Tom

  “Whole D
uty of Woman, The” (Crowley)

  Why Jesus Wept (Crowley)

  Wicca movement

  Wilde, Oscar

  Wilkinson, Louis; death of Crowley and; at end of Crowley’s life

  Wilkinson, Oliver

  will, power of

  Wilson, Colin

  Wilson, Robert Anton

  Wilson, Snoo

  Winged Beetle, The (Crowley)

  Winged Bull, The (Fortune)

  Witchcraft Act (British)

  Witchcraft Today (journal)

  Wizard Amalantrah

  Wolfe, Jane; death of Crowley and

  women: Crowley’s theriomorphic (animal) names for; Crowley’s views on; as members of the Golden Dawn

  Woodford, Reverend A. F. A.

  World War One

  World War Two

  World’s Tragedy, The (Crowley)

  Worm, The

  Writings of Truth, The (Crowley)

  “X-Rays on Ex-Probationers” (Crowley)

  Yarker, John

  Yeats, John Butler

  Yeats, William Butler; Crowley and; Golden Dawn and; “Second Coming, The”

  yoga; Christianity and; hashish and; loss of appeal of; meditation and; moral content of

  Yorke, Gerald; on attempted Hitler contact; on Crowley’s finances; on Crowley’s hedonism; on Crowley’s sexual appetites; as disciple of Crowley’s; end of disciple relationship with Crowley; as executor of Crowley estate; misgivings about Crowley; posthumous assessment of Crowley; as trustee for Crowley

  Younghusband, Sir Francis

  Zeugnis der Suchenden, Ein (A Testament of Seekers)

  Znuz is Znees (Russell)

  Zohar (Book of Splendor)



  Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick

  A Postcard Memoir


  Jack and Rochelle: A Holocaust Story of Love and Resistance

  The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick

  DO WHAT THOU WILT. Copyright © 2000 by Lawrence Sutin. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

  eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to

  eISBN 9781466875265

  First eBook edition: May 2014




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