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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

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by Phillip Seanego

  Copyright © 2012 Phillip Seanego

  First edition published by Reach Publishers 2012

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  Published by Reach Publishers, P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631

  Edited by Gail Kruger for Reach Publishers

  Cover designed by Reach Publishers


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  Everyone who wants to choose their destiny

  And live their best lives...

  To people who want to create their future and make it the way they want it to be.

  To people who choose their fate and don’t wait to see their fate happen,

  People who dream big about their lives and live life to follow their dreams and fulfil everything they have ever dreamt of.

  For choosers, who will never be beggars;

  To everyone who knows and believes that there is a way of doing things, and that everything can be done in a way that brings forth success; people who believe knowledge will help us find a way around any challenge we are faced with.

  To everyone who gets to read this, I wish you all the good that life has to offer, and for you to live your best life.

  This book has been written from my love of sharing ideas, exploring ways of doing things and, most importantly, sharing my knowledge and opinion on things. This is mostly based on my observations, written from what I see, and my judgement on things, with the intention to provoke thought and make people start thinking of ways to achieve their dreams.

  To express my fascination with the topic MONEY and its creation,

  To my mom, Christina, my dad, John, my brothers and sister and everyone who has touched my life in any way, I have nothing but love for you.

  To everyone who comes across this book and gets to read this, thank you for your time afforded to me. Thank you for the chance to share my thoughts with you and all the best in everything you do.

























  The history of money in brief, Looking back, How is money created?

  Capitalism and socialism, The difference between capitalism and socialism, The role of capitalism, Industrialisation, civilisation and specialisation

  Motivational facts about money, If money runs the world – then who controls it? Stock-market and direct investment, Personal inflation or consumer inflation, Financial growth and your quality of life, Economic growth, Business acts and market regulations, Demand versus supply, Recession and market collapse, The circulation of money, Universal rules that govern money, What exactly is the power of money?

  Beliefs about money, Our beliefs about money, Does money run the world or thoughts? Is it ask or work you shall receive? How beliefs affect our wealth, Choose your beliefs wisely, You are in control – choose to believe this

  Psychology of money, Make up your mind, Poor state of mind or wealth state of mind, Positivity wins over negativity, Believe in yourself – your ability to make it, Whatever you choose to do, know this, there will be a war that will go on within yourself, Doubt, Use your mind, Think, Focus, We are both good and bad, Life comes in opposites, Honesty will lead you to your true path of life, Your conscious viewpoint, Feeling negative, What do you think about yourself? Be careful how you talk to yourself

  Attitude for success, Do you see problems or opportunities? Work hard or work smart, Your knowledge is the power, Nothing to lose, When the chips are down, Common characteristics of successful people exist in you, Take responsibility for your future, Live adventurously – this is how you find your fortune, Do it for pride – how failure can build confidence, You can’t control other people but yourself, Just play your part, Nothing lasts forever, Nothing is perfect, Love to see great things in your life, Life is a game, Life is what you make it, Things can only be as bad as they can be potentially good, Is money everything? There are more fish in the sea, Know what you want out of life, Act consciously, Life is a miracle, Be the best version of yourself, Choose to say YOU CAN – you are capable, It is all good, Play as much as you work, Be positive, Say yes to life, People will always talk, Stop planning – live it, There are pros and cons to everything, Take it easy, Every challenge you are faced with you can overcome, Make lemonade, Do something different often; it will keep you interested in life

  Plant the seed, Investing is what we all do, Save or invest, Time is money, Levels of investment, You must invest – you must first give before you can receive, How money makes money, Sacrifices you make for success, The money game, What role does money play in you becoming successful? Work with what you have, Invest what you have today for a better tomorrow, Starting a fire

  Money is value, Money in its purest form is value, Creating value, Turning thoughts into value, Your strengths lie within your personality, You must learn that no idea is original – thoughts are expanded on, Selling value, The importance of selling your value, Never give value for free, Be financially rewarded for your value – service or product, The marketplace, Market share, Influence we have on each other, Market ownership, Build good business relationships, The value chain, True value or false value, Human values – what value do people place on things? Make your life touch other people’s lives, The exchanging of values relates us to everybody – it makes the world one

  Failure and success, Failure versus success, What causes inequality and lack? Success, Debt, The effect of our choices on our future, Our choices control our destiny, How giving away your value for free or for a little causes poverty and lack, Does it take some luck to succeed? Success breeds success, Unproductive people, Job security, Failure to achieve your dreams ends in unhappiness, What is at stake? Fail – get up and try again, Move on from failure, Go on and make mistakes and learn from them, Have a base to take a leap from and fall back on if you fail to fly

  Self-worth goes a long way, Your level of self-worth – what you think you can do, What’s your value? What’s your worth? Be good at being yourself – love what you do, Love yourself to be yourself, You are becoming the best version of yourself, Unlock your potential, You must first accept and value who you are to become successful

  Fear hinders success, Fear, Fear of rejection, Fear of taking risks, Approach your fears

  Ideas for financial success, Basic human needs – how to create business ideas based on them, What does it take to succeed? Factors t
hat affect your money and growth rate, Factors to consider before taking the journey towards your dream life, Multiple income sources, Timeline and action plan, Plan your life, Poor family planning, Having a career, Focus on growth, It is never what you do but how it is done – how you can share it with other people, It’s not about what you do, Out with the old, Renew or innovate – riding the wave, Infinite money creation ideas, There’s always room for growth, The ladder of success, Commitment to your career, Stand your ground, Consistency and building a brand for yourself, Being employed versus being self-employed, Advantages of self-employment, The best way to use formal employment, Start small, Learn from life, What do you have control over? Follow your curiosity, Live life in this moment, Embrace life, Finish everything you start

  Taking action, There are consequences for what we do or don’t do, Through your actions you ask for everything in your life, Act from love and never from fear, Take inspired actions, Have motive, On taking actions and winning over lazy habits, Being an active person, Do things you want to do – don’t force yourself into anything, Nothing will ever replace WORK when it comes to creating VALUE and WEALTH, Who or what commands your actions? Be courageous and bold – take actions, You can only do this much in a day, Reward yourself, Work with a goal in mind, Intention and motive, Have a purpose, Setting realistic goals, On setting goals, Realistic expectations, Don’t change your goals – change your strategy, Powerful motives that drive us to actions, What keeps you going? Habits, Every business is ideas for sale

  Emotions for success, Emotions and how they affect your success, Passion and desire, Find your passion, Emotions for success, How badly do you want something? How you take risks shows how badly you desire something, Most of your life is spent at work, Ego, When the excitement dies down, Impatience, Understand your emotions

  Wealth, Wealth path, Quality of life, Wealth is ownership, Wealth creation, Accumulation of wealth, Look within yourself, All you want is within yourself, We live to increase – we live to grow, Increase your value, True wealth is not average, Having balance, Urbanisation and modernisation, take initiatives

  Decision time, When do I start? Be decisive, What controls your choice of action? Career choice, Be alert about your decisions, Be aware of your choice of actions, Take informed decisions

  Wealth is independence, Take leadership and responsibility for your life, Finding your place in the world, Independence


  I don’t even know where to start when it comes to explaining my fascination with the topic, MONEY. I believe everyone must be fascinated by the power it commands. Why do some people have more than they will ever need while others lack the most basic things? Why do some people prosper and grow while others achieve almost nothing throughout their lives?

  Given the fact that we all have the same hours within a day, why do some people achieve more success than others? Why are some people doing better than others? Which powers control our destiny, and what controls if we will ever see our dreams come true or not? Is it luck, does it just happen, is our destiny already decided somewhere in the universe or do we have any control over it?

  We look at the history of money. It is very important for people to know and understand the origins of money, why it was made and what was used before money, as knowing that will give them a better understanding of it and how to create it. Many people don’t know what money really is – this is evident in how they treat it and this is the main cause of lack; the answer is in its history.

  The problem is that people have lost track of exactly what is going on, and exactly what money does represent. If you don’t know what money is how will you be able to CREATE it? It is when you understand the origins of money, and what it represents, that you are able to make it. In this book we look for answers about money in its history, as most of the answers about money, lack and wealth, and their definitions, are found in its history. This book explains its history; money in its simplest form.

  We also look at the power it holds; the nature of the power that is evident to exist in money. Some people say that money is power, and that money is the GOD of this world. This is how much power is believed to exist within money. We explore this and break it down into the simplest terms about exactly what the power of money is. You will have a whole new ground-breaking understanding of money, in its simplest form, before all the complications attached to it. The book explains money in its purest form, and shows you how money is just a simple thing to create and accumulate in your life.

  Money is created; it is both the tool of exchange and represents VALUE at the same time. The book explains how VALUE is created. We explore the relationship between money and value; we define them and show you what comes first, and what needs more of your attention between the two. There is a market where we exchange values; you must have some value to exchange in order to receive anyone’s value, which will come in the form of money for value tendered to other people by your new trade partner. We discuss the marketplace and the exchange of values, as well as the creation of wealth and its definition. The book also explores everything that is vital to the creation of wealth and having success in living your dreams.

  Looking at the role money plays in our lives today, they say money makes the world go round. People need to know and understand how to create money, as it plays a big role in our lives. Money has taken over our lives – this came with civilisation, industrialisation and urbanisation, when people lost track of what was going on. These days we almost can’t do anything worth mentioning without money being involved. Just to breathe fresh air costs money these days.

  I know you might say ‘yeah right’ in disbelief to that, but take a moment and think about people who stay in slums next to polluted areas. The wealthy might move and buy houses somewhere else if the air is said to be bad for their health, but the poor will look to the government and hope that they can do something about it. They have absolutely no power to take matters into their hands but depend on other people; it costs money to live in environments with fresh air.

  We use money; it is as important as the air we breathe. The lack of it makes us very vulnerable and dependent on those who have it. Money is the new power, it is more powerful than a gun; it controls the guns. You won’t be surprised by the extreme things people do for money.

  The book covers all the different aspects of money, its creation and the attitude, the mindset, and the belief system needed to have success in creating money and accumulating wealth for yourself, to turn your dreams into reality. It is a good book, written in the simplest English, written like I talk. It is easy to understand and gives applicable advice on how to achieve financial independence and successfully create the life you dream of. I hope you enjoy it, and most of all, take ownership of all the advice given in this book, and apply it to your life.


  Here I want to outline what I think is very important to consider before going any further with this book. Make sure you read and understand the aim of this book. My intention with this book is as follows: to provoke thought; you don’t have to agree with everything written in this book but if I can get you to think about the topic, I would have achieved my goal as a writer.

  It is in your thinking that you will make new financial beliefs. You will consider your financial life, your goals and dreams, and then your thinking will lead you to taking actions, so it is my aim to provoke your thought.

  As I said, you don’t have to agree with everything written in this book. You must form your own opinion, or the right word to use here would be ‘discover’. You will discover your opinion about the topic and that will be the key to your success. There must be something wrong with you if you agree with every word written here and the same if you disagree with every word. You don’t have to agree with every word, however you must be open-minded and take from this book what you agree with and what you think you can use in your life; own it, take ownership of the advice and apply it to your actions. />
  Lastly and most importantly is your intention. What is your intention when you start reading this book? What do you expect to gain from it? This is very important because your intention will determine how you read this book. Your attention to words, and your concentration level, will influence the results you get after reading it. If you are just bored and wanted to while away time, that’s what you will get from the book; if you want to judge my writing, that is what you will get, a judgement after reading the book; if you want to gain an opinion and expand your knowledge on the topic that is what you will get; if you want to gain the knowledge to use in your life, that is also what you will get.

  Your intention plays a big role when it comes to the results you get from doing anything; it determines the actions you take and how you take those actions. It prepares your mental state and this dictates how you choose to read the book, and your setting – where you think the best place is to read it. Depending on your intention, where you read it will determine your level of concentration. You won’t read it in a disruptive environment when you want to understand it on a deeper level. Maybe because you want to get usable advice from the book, this will require a high level of concentration, which will determine where you choose to read it.

  The same applies for taking notes, and underlining parts of this book that resonate with you. That will be determined by your intention with this book, and also your pace of reading this book. You must read it slowly and take it in; think about what you read before you go on to get the most from the book. All this will help you mostly with your concentration level, which will determine your understanding and the results you get from reading this book.


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