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The Venerate Order

Page 4

by Troy Dukart

  “Listen, if the Professor is okay with this, so am I. Still, it would be nice if there were some local oversight involved.”

  Those in the room exchanged glances, then the Mayor responded to my comment,

  “Strafe, the police have been contemplating putting you in jail for reckless endangerment while operating a project under government funding. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. People across the globe search their whole lives for a find like this. Your charges will be lightened considerably for aiding our city. The choice is up to you.”

  I thought about this to myself for a few moments, until I realized I didn’t have much of a choice. I wasn’t going to sit in jail for being a daredevil.

  “Well, this is like choosing to kiss a girl or an ox. As long as the Professor is in charge, I will guide an expedition to the cave site,” I told the Mayor.

  I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the orb of the sword had began to glow red. I was holding it inside my jacket. Glowing red? They said it glowed that color when there was dangerous people around.

  They agreed and we decided to return to the cave the following day. There was some discussion regarding what to do about the sword. It would have incalculable value – but apparently, I was the only one who could pick it up. It was decided it should be photographed and returned to the cave. No one worried about it being stolen.


  The next morning I woke up to find a few Federation Mag-Trucks parked outside my house. On the side of the Mag-Truck was their logo; a picture of a person with a pick-ax in one hand and the world in the other. Professor Sighter arrived in his archeological overalls, which made him stand out among the Federation’s people wearing black and blue suits. I saw someone leaning against one of the trucks, and did a double-take. I was surprised to see Gain, “Hey! Gain? Making history with the rest of us? I’m gonna have to start calling you Big-Timer.”

  “You’re gonna be history if you keep that up!” he ribbed back, “They have me doing community service for my part in the fiasco a few days ago. Yessa is coming too.”

  “Really? Well, you two are gonna be in for a show!” I said.

  Soon afterwards we headed towards the site. The Mag-Trucks were faster than I expected them to be. They were hulking conveyances, but could hold lots of equipment and people in a quick fashion. After an hour we finally made it to the site. The view from the mountains looking down at New Santa Barbara always took my breath away. Approaching the same area I escaped from I instructed the others, “Stand back everyone.”

  I pulled out the sword and waited for it to transform, but it didn’t. I shook it, waved it around, and tapped it on the mountainside, but nothing happened.

  “Is there a problem, Strafe?” Professor Sighter asked.

  “It was right here, I know it was.”

  I kept trying, but it was no use. Professor Sighter approached me and noticed some scribbled writing at my feet. It looked fresh, as if recently written into the mountain side.

  “Hey Strafe, did you notice this before? I’ve studied many ancient languages and I have never seen anything like this.”

  “That looks like the text from inside, I might be able to read it for you,” I said while looking at the inscription. I began to get a headache again but I managed to see,

  This sacred site remains for the eyes who do not seek it.

  “Well, ain’t that a crapshoot,” Gain blurted out.

  “This could be. . .” the Professor pondered.

  “Could be what Professor?” I asked.

  “In the ancient empires of Rome, Egypt and Mongolia there are writings in all of their texts of secret doors scattered around the world. These doors are the real reason those empires expanded the way they did. They are portals, where to, nobody knows. If this is what I think it is, you may have discovered what Julius Caesar never could!” Professor Sighter told us, his manner incredibly enthusiastic.

  “I want everything documented,” Tiras called out. A couple of members of his team shot photographs of the ground where we stood looking down at the writing.

  “Damn. . . this is amazing!” I said as my jaw dropped.

  Clapping his hands, Tiras approached and patted me on the shoulder and then looked at the Professor, “I am happy about this discovery Professor, but we were very much hoping to find a way inside.”

  “What do you intend to do? Blast a hole in this mountain? That is completely out of the question! This is going to be a World Heritage Site!” the Professor snapped back at him.

  “While we did give you complete control of the site and what goes on in it, we never said anything about getting inside. We will be careful, but the door needs to come down.” Tiras replied.

  “You have no jurisdiction here Mr. Strand! What you are planning to do is unlawful!” the Professor told Tiras.

  “Mayor Chiller has given me lawful access to the site. We are going in,” Tiras replied.

  I found Yessa hanging out by the trucks, she didn’t look happy,

  “Hey, what’s up? Something bothering you?” I asked.

  “I’ve been overhearing what some of these suits have been saying; I don’t like it. This whole thing stinks,” she told me. I grabbed her shoulder.

  “Like what? As the inscription said, they won’t be able to get in if they haven’t been honest with their intentions!”

  By the time I finished speaking, they already had someone suited up in their Laser-Mech, opening the door. This Mech was huge and it could change its four arms into different tools. These machines were designed originally for military use but had come to be used in other fields such as search and rescue. People could climb into the suits and pilot them or operate them via remote control. Still, I felt concerned at the thought of such a bulky machine being used in such a delicate area. The pilot cut a hole into the mountain, and pulled the door off, handling it with extreme respect.

  Tiras seemed happy and signaled his team to get their equipment ready. He and the Professor had a discussion but we were out of earshot. It was apparent that Tiras, the Professor and members of Tiras’ group were trying to negotiate something. I noticed that all the while, various security guards were keeping an eye on me. The success of the expedition, if it were to be success, depended on me being able to activate the sword.

  I couldn’t quite tell what the other Federation members were saying. They were talking in French. Yessa said from what she could make out, they had a strict schedule of digs they were going to.

  “I don’t think these people who they say they are Strafe,” Yessa said.

  “Shit, grrrr, are you sure about what you heard?” I asked her.

  “I only took three years of French in college, I’m not fluent Strafe,” she told me.

  “Damn it!” I shrugged my shoulders, “What choice do I have after the canyon debacle but to cooperate with them?”

  “There is always a choice. Please come with me to talk to the Professor,” there was a small quiver in her lip like she was holding something back.

  I agreed. Federation members were already entering the ruins with all of their equipment on floating blue and black Mag-lift tables. It looked like they were hunkering down for the winter. We found the Professor with Tiras and his people near where I found the sword. The orb on the sword started to pulse white and red again; the others noticed. After the professor and Tiras parted from their conversation, I approached him.

  “Hmm, the sword, it must be reacting to the ruins.,” Tiras said.

  “Mr. Strand, I don’t mean to ruffle any feathers, but I was curious why there aren’t any other Americans here with us in this exploration?”

  He came over and touched my shoulder, “Please, call me Tiras. I understand how you feel. Professor Sighter felt the same way. Like we agreed, you and the Professor have ultimate authority on this dig. If you would like, I can call Mayor Chiller and have him send down some police.”

  I nodded yes and he called the Mayor on his telecrom. Tiras had the type
that was surgically implanted near in his head near his temple, like me. Mayor Chiller agreed to send a few officers down and we waited for them to arrive. Once they got to the site, the atmosphere changed.

  The cave was dark and quiet, just like it was when I found it. The Laser-Mech stayed near the door and powered down. I went down and flicked on the torches; everyone gasped. The Federation team and Professor Sighter began to catalogue all the artifacts and the photographers took shots from every angle. I noticed Tiras just standing near the statues where I found the sword, looking at the insignia. Fixated on them, he touched the statues lightly with the tips of his black gloves, grinning from ear-to-ear.

  I began to help the Professor, who I’d never seen so happy; he was cataloguing the ancient pottery, all the while mumbling things like “extraordinary” and “beyond antiquity.” Gain’s body language as he leaned against the wall told me he was very bored. Yessa was with us because she was in trouble, like Gain, for being involved with my stunt over the canyon. She was helping with the cataloging.

  Professor looked up and seemed to come out of a trance, becoming extremely animated.

  “Strafe, this is absolutely incredible! You have discovered one of the most important finds in all of history! This place will completely alter our understanding of everything ancient!” Professor Sighter almost shouted with joy.

  “Are you able to date these Professor?” Yessa asked.

  “These ruins are so much older than anything else discovered. The unique waved and smooth style is found in only a few places, but seems to pre-date anything I know. These are so well preserved. They seem to be masterworks, meaning they were here long before any of the other styles before it.”

  Professor Sighter took a pen-sized carbon dating laser out of his belt and waved it over a pot and looked at the read-out.

  “Right now, I would have to say that these are off the scale as far as dating them. Off the charts! They are at least 100,000 years old, possibly older. But we have nothing found in the fossil layers to indicate civilized man existed with a sophisticated society that far back.”

  As we were talking I noticed that Tiras had begun to reach behind the statues nearest the insignia. He ran both of his hands along its circular rim, the orb began to pulse again much more rapidly. I couldn’t tell if it was an invitation or warning. I got the impression that Tiras knew more about this place than he was letting on.

  The other officers continued their own cataloguing, taking pictures and scanning the artifacts into their personal databases. I could see them talking amongst themselves in various European languages. They began moving their equipment farther away from where the Professor, Tiras and I were standing.

  Tiras called over. He had discovered ancient text carved into a wall. He asked me to read it. I still didn’t know why I could understand it. Maybe it had to do with the power of the sword. As I started to read, again my head began to throb in pain but I pushed through.

  Here lies a key to the promised land. It is one of many. Only a Guardian may unlock the way.

  As soon as I finished reading it, the insignia began to unlock, turning in a swirling motion and sprung open. A rush of sharp wind blew powerfully into the room from the opening and I held my arms up to defend myself against it. The blue and white markings on the insignia lit up, then faded to the color of stone. The insignia disintegrated, crumbling into dust, revealing what was inside. Inside, a breathtaking ornament made of multicolored facets within the crystal was held. It reminded me of the beasts on the battlefield.

  It stood about three feet high and had two ornamental wings extending upwards from its base. Between the wings there was an angel-like figure, also winged, with its arms reaching toward a twirling crystal ball that hovered, unsupported, in the air above it. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  Several members of the Federation team were drawn, almost magnetically to the glow created by the multi-colored crystal until one by one, they all came forward, entranced. The figure itself pulsed with a full spectrum of colors coming from the crystal’s facets like diamonds. There was no way to know what its value was. Beyond its gem-like quality, there was something mystical that commanded everyone’s gaze.

  Yessa leaned over, gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I knew she felt what I was feeling. Something like a sense of joy. Professor Sighter had to hold back his tears but came over and grabbed me around the shoulder, but our celebration was short-lived. We heard the sound of clapping and weapons being cocked.

  “This is exactly what we were hoping for ladies and gentlemen; one of the ancient Keys to Heaven, a Guardian Key. We give you our warmest regards but we will be using it to make our way to the Promised Land,” a sinister voice sounded.

  “I should’ve known, but I was too impatient. The Federation has always been made up of a bunch of thieves. Did Chiller put you up to this? He was always good at finding people to do his dirty work for him,” Professor Sighter called-out.

  Without a second thought Tiras drew out a sharp metal weapon. It didn’t look of this world. Fitted on the end was something that looked like two emerald daggers pointing out, then he shot a crystal projectile at the Professor, piercing through the Professor’s chest. He was shot a few feet and laid motion-less. I ran to him.

  “Professor!!!” I screamed. He was still alive but the projectile had barely missed his heart. Ignoring the damage he’d inflicted on the Professor, Tiras sneered.

  “I have to give you all the credit Strafe. We have been looking for this cave for years and a dumb kid like you just stumbled onto it! We’d already been keeping an eye on you for some time. When our spies got wind of your project, we convinced Chiller to fund it.”

  “Wait! The Federation was funding my project?!” I blurted out.

  “Hah! Do you really think anyone else gave a damn about that little catapult you were making? We did it in order to disguise our true intention, to find the cave. You will also be the one who will be blamed for murdering all these people,” Tiras smirked.

  He sheathed his weapon and was brought the Guardian Key by one of the Federation officers. The other members had their weapons raised and pointed them toward us.

  “Tiras, are you crazy?! You need to stop this!” I screamed.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that Strafe. This world has gotten soft and it is ours for the taking. The key to that is on the other side. This is the beginning of a revolution, and when I return they will look at me as a God.”

  Mayor Chiller had entered the cave overhearing everything Tiras had been saying to me, “Tiras! You said that you were going to take me with you! That was our deal!”

  “Oh really?” Tiras said before he punched him in the gut, “The deal’s changed.”

  Just as he had with the Professor, Tiras shot him with a crystal dagger. Unlike with the Professor, this time, it killed Chiller instantly. It seemed like their partnership was over.

  “You can’t outrun me you bastard!” I said.

  One of the Federation members hit me with a tazer-shot and I fell to the floor.

  Tiras had let the Key to Heaven slip from his hand and it dropped to the floor. The moment the Key fell to the floor, white lines of ancient text began to appear everywhere, glowing brightly and the statues moved to the sides of the staircase as if they were real people. A white portal began to glow and form where the insignia had been. Before walking through the portal with his Federation members, Tiras looked back at me, “This world will be ours after we return. You have served your purpose.”

  I noticed that the police officers that we requested as a neutral presence joined Tiras and walked at his side. It’d become clear that Tiras and the police had a special interest in this artifact. Chief Sense had entered the room and stood with them. Only Yessa was at my side. Gain was nowhere to be seen. There were fifteen Federation lackeys against just the two of us. We were very much outnumbered.

  “We need the girl. Grab her!” Tiras commanded.

A Federation member shocked her with a taster. I watched, helpless, as she collapsed. He threw her over his shoulder and joined the group with Tiras.

  “YESSA!!! NOOO!” I shouted out through my pain, still paralyzed by the tazer-shot I received earlier.

  “Try not to be too messy. If people come to investigate, we can’t have them think there was a massacre down here,” Tiras instructed the policemen.

  Tiras and his Federation members turned and walked through the portal with Yessa, disappearing from sight.

  Police Chief Sense signaled for the police to draw their weapons. They all stood ready, clicking off their safety switch on their guns. Before I could react, I felt myself getting warm again. Then I suddenly felt sharp jolts of pain all over my body. Looking down at my arms, the red tattoos began to appear! My whole body felt a surge of strength and the pain from being tazered vanished. The orb was pulsing a red and white light. Slowly, I rose.

  I heard Chief Sense instruct them. “FIRE!!!” but when they did shoot, I touched the orb and a burst of light shot out, and threw the policemen across the room. I held the sword in front of me and in my reflection I noticed my hair had changed color to the same bright glowing red like on the battlefield!

  I felt so strong but I couldn’t quite control this new power. The tattoos felt as though they were constricting me, causing me to fall to my knees. I looked up to see Chief Sense snap his fingers before he went unconscious.

  One of the statues near the insignia began to glow. It started to crack all over until all of the marble stone on it had fallen off. It grew to almost twice the size it had been and walked in front of me. The beast was dark blue and menacing. It looked at me with red glowing eyes. It stood up to about nine feet and had grown huge claws.

  Before I could react, it pounced and tried to slash me. I blocked it with my sword and pushed it away. It had a huge, sharp-looking tongue that it twirled around in the air. Seemingly, the sword was only available in times of danger. Either way, I was ready to fight.


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