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Unbelievable: Haven Falls (Book 2)

Page 16

by Sheridan Anne

  Candice’s expression hardens, clearly not liking being backed into a corner, but she’s not about to risk what would happen if she was to fight it. “So, if I’m not your target, I’m assuming Monica is?”

  I look over my shoulder, taking in the cheer skank in question, loving that she’s seen just how easily I’ve taken down the queen of Haven Falls Private and love the fear pouring out of her eyes even more. She knows without a doubt that she’s next.

  All I do is grin and Candice takes that as confirmation before realizing that whatever the hell this is between us is over and quietly slinks away as victory spreads through me. One bitch down, one to go.

  Candice Fucking McGillies, I own you.

  I walk away from my locker and meet Tully at hers with a shit eating grin. “Today is going to be awesome,” I tell her. “You know when you can just feel it in your gut?”

  “Yeah,” she agrees, raising her eyes to take in Rivers walking through the entrance of the school at the opposite end of the hallway. His eyes meet hers and I wait for the inevitable smile to light up both their faces. Tully beams at him, her cheeks even flushing, but Rivers…his eyes drop away and guilt flashes deep within them.

  Oh no. Not good.

  Tully’s whole demeanor shatters. She sinks back, her shoulders drop, she sucks in a breath and starts shaking her head. “No, no, no,” she murmurs to herself, keeping her eyes locked on him. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t break me, Rivers.”

  She drags me forward in her desperation to talk to Rivers and within the blink of an eye, she grabs his arm, slings him into the closest classroom, and slams the door behind us, locking me inside with them when whatever is about to be said clearly needs to be a private conversation.

  I go to step back out the door and Tully stops me with a simple look. “Don’t fucking move,” she yells at me before jabbing her finger into Rivers' chest. “I fucking knew it,” she seethes. “How could you do that to me? I knew it, the second I let you touch me, you were going to shred me to pieces.”

  His eyes flick to mine, clearly realizing that I know exactly what went down last night before he focuses back on Tully with nothing but guilt shining through his dark eyes. “Baby, I’m sorry,” he murmurs, wrapping his hand around hers on his chest. “I just…I can’t. You and me, it’s not a good idea. To be with you would mean to destroy you and I can’t do that.”

  “I fucking knew it,” she repeats, absolutely devastated, “but if this is how you want to play, then that’s what we’ll do,” she adds, drawing in a breath and fighting tears, but in the end, the tears more than win. “Screw you, Rivers. I’m through with you. We’re done.”

  With that, Tully pulls back her shoulders, runs a hand across her face, wiping the tears that sprung from her eyes, and storms out the door with a new resolve to make his life a living hell.

  I stare after her, unsure of what to do.

  “What did she mean?” Rivers questions with panic, watching the space she just left from. “What did I just do?”

  I let out a sigh, absolutely hating being in the middle of this. “She going to make you hurt. She’s about to make you regret it.”

  “Regret what though? Touching her or not being with her?”

  “Both,” I cringe. “She’s going to make you wish you never laid eyes on her.”

  Rivers lets out a deep breath before running his hand through his dark hair, looking absolutely shattered, though I don’t know if it’s because he can’t have what he wants most in this world or because he just hurt the woman he’s most likely in love with. Probably both. “Fuck,” he curses, “she’s never going to forgive me.”

  I shake my head knowing Tully is way too stubborn for that shit. “Sorry,” I tell him. “She’ll love you as the friend you’ve always known and that will probably take time, but you’re going to have to work your ass off to get anywhere near her heart ever again.”

  With that, I walk out the door, wondering how the hell I’d just gotten the whole ‘today is going to be awesome’ thing so freaking wrong.

  Chapter 16

  Tully has skanked around with just about every guy she can get her hands on and it’s driving Rivers insane.

  She absolutely loves it. Not the skanking around part, it’s the dramatic reactions she pulling out of her man, and I say her man because he so very clearly is. The two of them are just too idiotic to see it. Well, maybe they do see it, but Rivers is too stubborn to take her from the girl who stands beside him in our pack to the woman of his dreams.

  It’s ridiculous, but what’s even better is that Noah is so blind to it all, it’s actually quite amusing. Don’t get me wrong, he can tell that something went down and he’s assuming that it was a fight just like they always do. He would never guess that they actually went there.

  I don’t know how he’s going to react when he actually finds out, but it’s put me in a weird position. Tully told me about Rivers in confidence and what kind of friend would I be if I went blabbing to her twin brother? But on the other hand, he’s my boyfriend and he’s going to feel betrayed if…no when he finds out that I’ve known all along and didn’t say anything.

  Though, my honest opinion is that it needs to come from Rivers. He’s the one who’s going to be on his knees begging for forgiveness for defiling his sister. Tully will get a head shake from him, maybe the silent treatment too. I will get a bit of hurt and a huge wave of guilt thrust upon me, but Rivers, he will get the absolute shit beat out of him. It’s not going to be pretty.

  The silver lining here is watching Tully throw herself at all these guys, laughing and flirting but always keeping them at arm's length. She reels them in, lets them pull her into their chests so they feel like the big man she pretends they are, she laughs and throws her head back, and the second Rivers storms off in a rage, the game is over. Tully steps back from the guy, gives him a polite smile, and swiftly returns to my side where she grins, proud of her accomplishment.

  I don’t think she’s actually gone far with any of the guys, just a little flirting and maybe let them nibble on her neck a little, but as far as I’m aware, she’s kept her legs closed which certainly isn’t the Tully I know and love. Maybe after having Rivers all up in her business, she wants to keep it sacred, who the hell knows?

  All I know is that if these two keep it up, it’s eventually going to go somewhere that neither one of them can come back from and that scares the crap out of me.

  We sit on the beach, soaking up the sun, right by the waves so we can be close to Aria playing in the water as the boys did their disappearing act again this morning. I mean, there’s only so much of this being kept in the dark I can handle. The longer this not knowing crap goes on, the worse it makes my head spiral with ridiculous ideas.

  God, it’s annoying.

  I hate the unknown and the fact that it’s something he’s holding back from me just makes it that much worse. I guess it kind of makes me feel a little better about not telling him that Rivers made his sister feel all sorts of incredible with his piercing.

  I mean, a piercing. I still can’t believe it. Every time I look at the guy, it’s all I can think about. I wonder how Noah would feel about getting one of those. Nah, no way. He wouldn’t have the balls to let some random person shove a needle through the tip of his dick. I mean, he’s hard as fuck, but when it comes to his manhood, he’s extremely protective. Tully must have nailed him a few too many times as a kid.

  Aria’s high-pitched squeal steals my attention and my head whips around to the water, reminding me that I need to be doing a better job of supervising her in the water. I’m still trying to get used to this whole ‘parenting’ thing. I’m getting better, but let’s be real, I have no business looking after children.

  A sigh of relief pours out of me as I realize she only squealed because the guys a little further up the beach threw their ball a little too close to her. It was an innocent accident that they’re currently apologizing profusely for, but that doesn’t stop Aria from
letting them know exactly what she thinks about the close call.

  “Ahhh, and there’s my opening,” Tully says, grinning across at Aria talking to the group of guys who all look to be roughly our age or maybe a smidge older.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I need a date for tonight. Someone to come and pick me up from my place would be best.”

  I roll my eyes, wondering when all this bullshit will end as she gets up off the sand and dusts off her ass. I get up as well, grabbing my phone and wallet as I go. “Are you good to keep an eye on Ari?” I ask. “I’ll go and grab us some lunch.”

  “Oh, sure,” she smiles. “Looks like she’s about to invite herself to play football with the guys. You know, you should really talk to her about stranger danger.”

  “I know,” I groan. “She’s so embarrassing. She talks to everyone and doesn’t give a shit what she tells them. She told some random woman at the grocery store that I was wearing a bright pink thong and she knew that because she was hiding under my bed while I was trying to get dressed, hoping to scare me.”

  “Shit,” Tully laughs. “I freaking love that kid. Lily used to do all sorts of stupid shit like that. It used to drive Noah crazy.”

  “I bet,” I tell her with a fond smile. “Alright, I’m out of here. I’ll be back in a bit. Oh, and please don’t let my sister drown while you’re busily flirting with Mr. Steroids over there.”

  “Got it, boss.”

  I take off up the beach knowing that my little Squirt is as safe as can be with Tully. Hell, she’s probably safer with her than what she is with me.

  I head up to the good burger place that sits right near the beach. It’s the best burger place in Haven Falls, but that title means that on weekends and afternoons, it’s absolutely packed. So, I’m not surprised that for a Saturday lunch, the place has a line that shoots straight out the door.

  I let out a frustrated groan while trying not to be too bratty about it. It’s not the store’s fault that they’re so damn popular, and it’s not their fault that they’re the only place that sells a good burger in all of Haven Falls. If you want to avoid the queues, you have to make the drive into Broken Hill and get an ordinary burger, but naturally, they add fancy ass fries instead of the good, normal kind that the people of Haven Falls crave.

  I pull my phone out and text Noah as I wait, wondering where the hell he is. Usually, the boys don’t disappear in the middle of the day, especially on a Saturday.

  Henley – What’s going on?

  He texts back almost instantly and I find myself grinning down at my phone like a moron.

  Noah – How do you feel about ditching Rivers and Tully for the night? They’re fucking downers lately and I wouldn’t mind getting you alone.

  Henley – You’re on.

  Noah – Where are you guys? We just got home.

  Henley – Ari dragged us to the beach again. She doesn’t like coming here as much without you guys though.

  Noah – Point out the obvious, why don’t you?!

  Henley – Dick.

  Noah - Don’t go anywhere. We’re coming down.

  Henley – K. I’m getting lunch. Are you guys hungry? You better warn Rivers – Tully’s been making new friends again.

  Noah – Shit. He bailed.

  Noah – Fucking starving. But not for food.

  Henley – Manwhore!

  Noah – See you in a bit.

  I can’t help but smile as the usual butterflies start fluttering around in my tummy every time I know Noah’s making an effort just to be around me. I’ll never get bored of it. To me, Noah Cage is larger than life. He’s the pack leader and the man that is quickly stealing every part of my heart, body, soul, and mind. I’m all his and I’m pretty damn certain that he’s feeling the same thing.

  After another fifteen minute wait, I get to the front of the queue and finally put in my order, making sure to get exactly what Noah likes, just to be a kick ass girlfriend, cause I’m awesome like that.

  I’m handed a number and I shuffle off to the side and mind my own business as I wait for our food to be prepared. I can’t help but watch the busy kitchen. Burger patties are being flipped like pancakes, hot stoves occasionally shoot up with impressive flames before the cooks get it under control, but the noise coming from that kitchen is ridiculous and is enough to tell me that I don’t want to be a chef. I don’t think I could handle that.

  I stare off into space, waiting for my number to be called when the phone of the big guy standing beside me goes off obnoxiously loud. I can’t help but glance up at him as he pulls the phone from his pocket.

  First, I notice the gold chains and big ass rings hanging off his wrist and fingers. I follow the arm up and take in the silk shirt which is way out of place for Haven Falls and as my eyes roam over the guy’s face and take in the unapologetic porn star mustache, I finally realize who the hell I’m standing next to.

  Anton Mathers, the one guy in Haven Falls you don’t want anything to do with. I mean, my mortality rate drops by shitloads just standing next to the guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if a car drives past and opened fire just to take the fucker out, not giving a shit who they have to sacrifice on the way.

  This guy is the prime example of dodgy. No one actually knows what he’s involved in, but my guess is drugs. The cops do raids on his properties all the time but can never get him for anything, meaning the rest of us are left out in the dark, not really knowing what’s going down in our town. There are whispers of all sorts though. Money laundering, gun smuggling, drug labs. It’s ridiculous.

  Anton answers his call and I try my hardest not to listen. Usually, I wouldn’t mind listening in on a conversation of the people around me. Call me nosey, I don’t care, but listening in on one of Anton’s conversations means you could end up overhearing something that you really wished you hadn’t.

  My only issue is that the guy is obnoxiously loud and I don’t doubt the guys in the busy kitchen could probably hear his phone call, word for word.

  “I don’t give a shit,” Anton roars down the line, balling his hands into fists and slamming them down on the counter before him. “Get it done. You have one hour. Miss your deadline and I’ll start going back on my word.”

  Oh shit. Someone’s in trouble. That’s definitely not a place I’d want to find myself.

  “I don’t care how you get it done, just do it,” he says. “I’ll even give you my boys, but it’ll cost you.”

  He goes quiet as he listens to whatever the guy on the other end is saying and I thank my lucky stars when the guy behind the counter calls my number. I rush forward and give him a grateful smile for giving me a reason to move away from Anton.

  I’m just slipping my hand through the handle of the bag when Anton’s voice rings arrogantly loud through the store once again. “I’ll text you their numbers. Pay ‘em good and they’ll do just about anything.”

  Silence as I walk to the doors to leave.

  “Yeah, the kid with the tatts and his friend,” Anton confirms to the guy on the phone, unknowingly making my world crumble.

  He couldn’t mean Noah and Rivers, right? Noah’s the only kid in Haven Falls covered in tatts. I mean, others have tattoos, but none of them are ‘covered’. It’s too coincidental and everything starts falling into place.

  ‘Pay ‘em good and they’ll do just about anything’

  The reason they keep disappearing.

  The reason Noah can afford a car that no one else in Haven Falls could even dream about.

  The reason he refuses to open up about what it is he does.

  He works for Anton Fucking Mathers.

  I suck in a breath as the realization hits me.

  I rush back down to the beach, my mind a mess of twisted theories mixing around with what I’m silently begging not to be true. What does he do for Anton? Run drugs? Steal cars and sell them for parts? Money laundering? Fraud? Fuck, the list goes on and on.

  Anton has his toes dipped in
every fucked up pool around. Hell, I’m pretty sure the last raid on one of his warehouses was because the cops were tipped off about a gun smuggling ring. I’m even sure I heard he was running some underground fighting clubs.

  I fucking hope Noah isn’t involved in that shit. Underground fighting sounds like something he’d be involved in, but there’d be more evidence if that were it. He’d be coming home in the middle of the night cut up and bruised. I mean, he’s a good fighter, but no one is that good.

  This is so much worse than I could have ever imagined.

  Noah stands beside Tully, watching Ari, in some kind of heated argument, probably after he dragged her skank ass away from that group of guys. I don’t know if I let out some sort of battle cry or the rage coming off me is enough to alert him of my presence, but he turns and gives me one of the heartbreaking smiles that usually would have my knees weak, but not now.

  Noah’s face falls and he hardly has a chance to register the look on my face before I storm into him, throwing the bag of food down at Tully’s feet, and slamming my hands into his chest, forcing him back a step. “Is it true?” I demand. “Do you work for Anton?”

  Surprise overtakes his features as he sucks in a breath, his eyes focused heavily on me, which is enough to tell me exactly what I need to know. “How fucking stupid could you be?” I all but scream at him. “Anton Fucking Mathers? You realize who he is right? What he’s involved in?”

  “Spitfire,” Noah says, reaching out to me.

  “Don’t ‘Spitfire’ me. I can’t fucking believe you. Are you trying to get your ass thrown in jail?” I look across at Tully who’s watching us with bated breath and it hits me that she knew this all along. I mean, I know that she knew, but she really knew. She knew exactly what these idiots were up to and that makes her just as bad, especially as she would continuously tell me to trust them, saying it wasn’t ‘that bad.’ “What do you do for him?” I demand, slamming my hands into his chest once again. “Steal cars? Run drugs? Hired fucking muscle?”


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