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Alpha Mountain Man: A Billionaire Romance (Billionaire Lovers Book 2)

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by Claire Angel

  “Oh, god! You are killing me," she moaned. “Please. Don’t stop!” Spurred on by her sounds of pleasure, Kenneth pounded ceaselessly on end, bringing her to countless orgasms.


  Tia was on the phone, and they haven't spoken for a while.

  "Hey, girl."

  “Hey, yourself, are you back to Arvada already?” Chloe inquired.

  “Yeah, I’m getting a new office after the holiday season.”

  "What? What happened to your job in the UK?"

  “I quit. I told you how stressful it had been for me.” Tia responded.

  “Yeah, you did. I’m glad you’re back. That means I’ve got one lawyer at my beck and call when I’m back in Denver.”

  She laughed, “Yeah, don’t forget to come with your fat check.” They laughed before ending ended the call.

  Kenneth suggested he and Chloe take a trip outside the resort to see some places around the area. She quickly obliged and asked him to give her an hour to get ready. By midday, they headed southwest towards Presa de Allende to see the Rio Laja River. Kenneth explained that the Presa was the local word for a reservoir or dams, hence the name.

  They stopped briefly at a restaurant owned by one of Kenneth's friends. They ordered salmon and vegetables, and Kenneth told Chloe a few things about the locals while they waited for their order to be served. They had an apple tart and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

  They got to Rio Laja, and Chloe was awestruck by the breath-taking view. Rio Laja was not just scenic; it was a sanctuary to hundreds of fishes, birds, and wildlife. It was surprising that such a lake would exist in such an arid place.

  As they sat by the shore in silence, watching the birds and enjoying the tranquillity of the place, Chloe looked at the man beside her, and his stormy green eyes didn't seem to reflect a man at peace.

  "It's wonderful here and so peaceful," Chloe said.

  “Yes, I come here sometimes to clear my head and calm my nerves,” Kenneth replied.

  She touched his arm, and he looked at her with those stormy green eyes that made her melt like butter. A tender emotion overcame Chloe. Her body screamed for his touch, and her heart flowed with compassion and tenderness that kept her afloat. She wanted to take away the pain that hid beneath all that strength and authority. She wanted to know the hurt underneath his roughness.

  “What happened to you, Ken? I see the sorrow in your eyes, and I sense how hard you’ve tried to conceal them,” Chloe whined.

  Kenneth looked at her steadily, and for a fleeting second, his features crumbled and she was worried he was about to give in to tears. He regained his composure quickly and opened up.

  "I once loved a woman, my wife Belinda, who was so dear to me,” He said as his eyes stared at the water. He paused for a while and said, “She was ready to give up her dreams and ambitions to support mine. At the time, I thought it didn't make sense not to have any aspiration and just live under someone else's shadow. I found her lack of ambition unexciting, and with time, I began to question my love for her. I didn't even know she was making sacrifices.” He took a deep sigh and Chloe could clearly feel the pain he has gone through.

  “I often traveled, spending more and more time away from home; and consequently, her. Gradually she began to withdraw and I was so absorbed in my ambitions to notice, not even when my mother made me realize how much my wife was suffering because of my absence. One day I came home to find her dying from a long-hidden illness, but it was too late. I don't know if I will ever forgive myself for being such a monster."

  He faced down, and his demeanor portrayed a lonely man who had carried all his problems alone for so long. She drew him close for a hug.

  "You're not alone, Ken. Your family and everyone around you love you. I think you've punished yourself long enough." He came close to crying, but he maintained his composure.

  Chloe’s heart cried to see him in pain. She knew he had something to hide but she never imagined he had been punishing himself all those years. He had been living an ordinary life even he was rich. Nobody could tell that he was so rich because his face, his body and the body language was like a raw mountain man.

  "I love you, Ken. I don't expect you to love me back, not yet, but I do love you.” He looked at her but didn’t say anything.

  “Do you have something to share, Chloe?” Kenneth asked after a long silence.

  “Umm… Not too much. But yeah, I've had my share of pain too. But it is nothing as compared to the pain you are carrying within your heart.” Chloe said. “The first guy I loved preferred my sister instead. After him, I have never loved again. I've been in another relationship but they were just casual, and nothing serious came of it. I'm not putting any pressure on you or anything. I still have a few weeks left to spend here, and I'm happy I'm spending it with you." Kenneth looked at her with so much affection and they hugged each other and remained in each other’s embrace for a long time.


  Kenneth and Chloe began to grow into each other over the weeks. Chloe told him everything about her life, her school days when she was bullied by students, about her Dad and about her mother getting married to her uncle.

  Sometimes, she would spend a few days at his place. Other times, he spent a few days at her cottage. Most of his staff also noticed. At one point, two of them complained to Chloe about gender discriminative tendencies in the staffing duties. When she asked them to contact Marques or Carlton, they said,

  'You're a woman like us, and you would understand our plight more than the male administrators."

  She eventually got Kenneth to hear them out.

  It was Christmas morning. The weather had been moderately cold at some point. Kenneth and Chloe had plans to go shopping for gifts for themselves and some of the staff who were not on leave. Gift exchange has been a tradition since the inception of the resort every Christmas.

  Chloe’s phone had been buzzing since 5 in the morning. Her family had missed her, and she thought they might just be calling to wish her a happy holiday.

  Kelly was on the line as she answered the call, “Hi, sis.”


  "Did you hear what happened to us? How would you know, though? You don't even check your messages anymore."

  Kelly's tone sounded tearful. Chloe was worried, "How do you mean? What happened, Kelly?"

  “The Alder’s have sold their family house. They decided to move to Beverly Hills in LA. Mom and I have been living in a motel. Mom didn’t want me to bother you with the news, but I’ve been sending messages.”

  “What? What about Jacob? Is he aware of this?”

  "Fuck Jacob," Kelly cursed, "He's the main reason why we are out in the first place. Can you believe that son-of-a-bitch tried to rape me? I'll tell you more when you get back. Tia is back in town, by the way, I hope she calls you."

  "Yeah, she told me. Sorry to hear about losing the house. Tell mom she doesn't have to spend her life savings in a motel. I'll be back in a week, and you 'all can move in with me at Stapleton… I hope that's okay with you."

  She was relieved by the news of moving in with Chloe. The opportunity to leave the motel for good excited her, but she was happier about our reunion in a week.

  Another person she had missed so much was Mrs. Kings. It was sheer luck to get her directly on the phone. Chloe redialled her line, but it went straight to her voicemail.

  "Hi, Mrs. Kings, I've missed you. I have a lot to share with you about my stay at San Miguel. You were right all along; I think I've found love once again. I'm so glad Jacob and I didn't happen. I'm sure you've heard about what he did to my family after our history together.

  "Well… I'll tell you about the new guy. He's better than my last three dates. Oh, and before I forget, I'll be returning on the second of January. Call me when you get this.”

  Chapter 11

  Chloe’s vacation in Mexico was finally over. She and Kenneth had spent her last week in his place. They made their last few days toge
ther very memorable.

  Chloe brought a surprise gift for Kenneth from her cottage. She had thought hard about what to get him and finally settled for a pet. She found Kenneth in his study, trying to respond to an email.

  “Hey babe, I have something for you. Please close your eyes.”

  Kenneth smiled and did as he obeyed. She guided Kenneth as they walked down the stairs to the living room. She kept checking if he would open his eyes. She led him to the center of the living room, where a big box covered in gift wrap was kept.

  “You can open it now,” she said with a smile “Eureka!”

  Kenneth was curious to know what was in the box. He quickly untied the wrap to find a beautiful cage with a red-head parrot inside. There was a nest beside it, and six eggs tucked safely inside.

  “Please take good care of Audrey. Before you, she was my first gift when I got to this resort.”

  Kenneth beamed at the heart-warming gesture. He quickly dashed out to race to his room, taking the stairs without saying a word. Chloe looked on in surprise, wondering about the meaning of the sudden reaction from Kenneth. Her mouth was still open in shock when Kenneth reappeared with his left hand behind him.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  Chloe smiled, doing as she was told.

  Kenneth opened a small wooden box. He brought out a beautiful necklace with a medallion that had a pearl crested on the face. He slipped it around Chloe's neck. The jewelry rested on her cleavage.

  “You can open your eyes now,” he said.

  Chloe opened her eyes, lifting the medallion with her hand. She admired the piece of jewelry.

  "It was a gift from my grandmom when I was getting married."

  "Oh my God. Are you sure about this? It means so much to you."

  "Yes, it does, and I want you to have it. And don't worry about Audrey, I'll take good care of her."

  “And her chicks,” Chloe retorted.

  “Sure, and her chicks,” Kenneth said, nodding and smiling. Both were happy but there was little sadness too because Chloe had flight next morning back to her home.

  They spent whole day together. Preparing food, singing songs and dancing while sipping their drinks. Then they made love afterward, devouring each other passionately. By the time they were exhausted from countless orgasms, they fell asleep in each-other’s arms.

  The following morning, drove Chloe to the airport. He found a place to park his car and helped Chloe with her bags. He waited for her at the visitor entry terminal as she went to confirm her flight ticket. When she returned, they chatted about their memories together and what they intend to do with their lives in the nearest future.

  “Right now, I’m seriously bothered about Kelly. She doesn’t deserve what Jacob had done to her.”

  Kenneth patted her on the back and said, “Things would get better soon Chloe. You can handle anything.”

  She kissed Kenneth so deeply that Kenneth became worried she might miss her flight. "You better send me postcards!" She yelled at the top of her voice as she disappeared into the crowd of departing passengers.

  Now, it was the time to separate. Both tried not to express their pain and wished each other goodbye. Future was uncertain. They didn’t know if they would really meet again or not.


  Chloe and her family eventually settled in at her apartment. Even though she was very excited to see her daughter, Chloe’s mom was a bit reluctant to move in because her husband didn’t like the idea at first.

  Chloe was working on a project on her laptop when a call came in. She hasn't had time to see Tia or Mrs. Kings at Arvada. She had been sorting through a load of files.

  “Hi Chloe,” Mrs. Kings’ voice sounded elated on the other end of the call.

  “Hi, Mrs. Kings, I haven’t come to see you. Work has tied me down since I came home.”

  "It's okay, honey. You can come whenever you're free. But please keep in mind that I'll be throwing a party on Saturday," her voice was so lively on the phone. She added, "I wish you could come with your boyfriend."

  Chloe smiled, ‘I wish that was possible,’ she thought to herself. "I'll be there, Mrs. Kings.” They talked for another hour at length, discussing topics that ranged from The Alders’, Tia’s new office, and Jacob.

  When Mrs. Kings left, Kenneth and Chloe had been on the phone for about an hour. Both were missing each other badly.

  It was the weekend, and she was driving to her former hometown, Arvada. Her Bluetooth speaker reverberated in the car as Kenneth spoke on the other end of the phone. “The house feels empty without you here. Well, somewhat empty… Your friend wants to say hi.” A squawking sound came through the phone. Chloe laughed out loud.

  “Hi to you too, darling,” Chloe answered in an undertone that showed emotions.

  "Don't worry, girl. She’s in good hands."

  “I know. I’ve missed you guys so much. I miss your touch, your witty jokes, your love…” she cried.

  "Babe, the resort will always be here. You can always come during your next vacation. Or, I could come to see you as soon as I clear my schedules for the month." His words sounded so comforting when he mentioned about seeing her.

  Chloe and her friend Tia were in her car, driving to Mrs. Kings’ house. Chloe had stayed the night at Tia's place. Tia's home was just a few blocks from Mrs. Kings', but they chose to drive instead of walking.

  They pulled up by her house some moments later. Chloe rang the doorbell with a smile on her face and with her eyes peering through Mrs. Kings’ windows, as usual. The main house sat on a vast plot of land, with a low corrugated iron fence. There was a rambling old farmhouse by the side which was a sturdy two-story building. It looked like a house that had been occupied by a large family in the past and despite how old it seemed to be, the lawns were neatly cut.

  A woman came to answer the door eventually. It was the first time Chloe and her friend were making their way into the building. The walls had beautiful architectural designs that suited the age of the home. There were beautiful medieval paintings scattered over the walls. Chloe was surprised that Mrs. Kings lived in such a vast mansion.

  "Hello, sweeties," Mrs. Kings' voice came from the kitchen. "Please make yourselves comfortable. I'll be with you any minute." The ladies sat down on the brown plaid sofa that felt soothing as their weight came on them.

  Chloe had come to assist Mrs. Kings in planning the party that was set to happen in less than two hours. Mrs. Kings’ eventually stepped into the living room to meet Chloe. While they greeted, her eyes quickly identified something on Chloe.

  “What’s that you’re wearing?” she said, pointing at the medallion.

  "Oh, it's a gift from my boyfriend," Chloe responded.

  “It looks familiar,” she came closer to have a closer look. “You said it was given to you by-”

  “My boyfriend” Chloe was surprised by her interest in the piece of jewelry around her neck.

  “What’s his name?”


  “Your boyfriend… his name?”

  "Oh, Kenneth," Chloe responded.

  Mrs. Kings cupped her mouth in complete shock. Her eyes squinted, with a blurred grin underneath her fingers. For a moment, she didn’t say anything. Her reaction kept both Chloe and Tia wondering.

  The doorbell rang. Another staff member, a male this time, went to answer the door. Three more visitors had come in to assist Mrs. Kings in getting set for the party.

  She was still trying to understand how Mrs. Kings could be so rich and yet so humble. Chloe was still confused about why Mrs. Kings reacted the way she did. But Chloe would get to learn the truth later. She and Tia joined the rest of the group in making the arrangements for the party.

  Some hours later, Mrs. Kings' house was busy with activities since the party had started. More than thirty guests graced the occasion. Chloe eventually got to learn that it was a birthday celebration for Mrs. Kings' son.

  Chloe's mom, Mrs. Coleman, still wor
ked as a housekeeper. The Alder family house was sold, but the new owners were making a move to reinstate some of the workers. A lot of renovations were being done on the building. So many things were replaced.

  Chloe had gone to take one good look at the place she had grown up as a kid. She was admiring Mrs. Alder's beautiful paintings. She checked the time and discovered that it was already 10 in the morning.

  She had left Tia earlier after doing some chores. She could hear someone making toast. She was still walking towards the stairs that led to the living room full of guests when someone held her on her waist and carried her to a room.

  Kenneth looked a bit different with his beard gone in his jet blue jacket. He kissed her deeply, and her body yielded so willingly. She wanted him so badly.

  After removing her clothes, Kenneth locked his mouth over one nipple, then moved to another. She moaned softly as his mouth traveled slowly down to her panties. She tried to say something, but soon swallowed her words in noises of the ecstasy.

  With one hand, he got her out of her panties. With the other, he fondled with her breasts. Chloe was wet with need for him. He buried his face between her legs and began to flicker his tongue on her warm wetness. The stimulation sent shock waves through the body, driving her nuts.

  “No, don’t make me wait.” She wasn’t begging this time.

  She sat up, began to unzip his pants. In a few seconds, they were stark naked. Kenneth began to pump into her with slow and steady motion.

  The noise from the party downstairs echoed occasionally. They heard footsteps behind the door but didn't care. Kenneth began to pound her faster.

  "Oh my god! Yes!" She cried as his shaft went deeper and deeper. Her breasts bounced as each thrust went in and out of her. Chloe's legs were up in the air, providing more access for his huge cock.


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