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Secret Shifters 0f Spokane Complete Series Bks 1-4

Page 40

by Selena Scott

  “You picture this?” she whispered.

  He didn’t answer. He stared her in the eyes as he let one of his thumbs line the edge of her panties. When it dipped inside, traced her wet slit, they both groaned.

  This was heaven. He was sure of it. Heaven was her soaking wet pussy. Her thighs trembling for him. Her smudgy lips, bit between her teeth.

  He traced her slit for a moment before circling her clit. AJ’s head fell back and the movement thrust her breasts toward him. He took his hands from her for just long enough to grip the hem of her dress and drag the whole thing over her head.

  And then AJ was on his fucking lap. In her bra and underwear. Panting for him. So wet he could see it through her panties. For him.

  “Anton,” she whispered, working her hips forward.

  Part of him didn’t believe this was happening, told him to get the hell out of there. This would only end badly. The other part of him beat the first part to death with a blunt object.

  He was fucking doing this.

  Tugging her bra down and popping her breasts out, Anton fell on her. She was perfumed and so plush and he’d been wrong. She was more than a handful. And so goddamn warm. Her soft skin surrounded him as he tugged her nipple in his mouth. He suckled. Worked it as intensely as he’d been working her tongue.

  “Anton,” she murmured again, arching her back as he went for the other nipple, giving it the same treatment as he worked the first between his fingers.

  “Oh, God. I’m gonna- I’m gonna-” she moaned, her hips working and working on his covered cock.

  Anton debated pulling back, dragging this out. Making her wait. But she was so sweet and desperate. She smelled so good and tasted like nectar. He couldn’t deprive this woman. So he doubled down, suckling even harder at her nipple as he slipped one of his hands between her legs.

  He wanted her to come, but he had to be inside her somehow when she did it. AJ arched even harder, her breath sucked in and held in her chest. Anton pressed his thick middle finger into her pussy and AJ fractured. She clamped down around him so hard he almost lost it in his fucking jeans. Her voice went hoarse as her head fell back and her body tensed and arched and vibrated with the force of it.

  Anton grinned into her breasts, and he couldn’t help but scrape his five-o’clock shadow against her milky soft skin there.

  “I didn’t know,” AJ murmured as she came down, relaxing. Anton looked up, and without thinking, he let that same grin loose again. She blinked, momentarily stunned, before she dropped her head to his shoulder. He sucked in his own breath when he felt her hot mouth open up on his neck.

  He pressed his finger further into her and she gasped against him.

  Shifting her weight, AJ took him with her when she fell to the side, her back on the bench seat, her legs twisted around his hips. He lay over her, looking down at her in a way they both had only ever dreamed of.

  Immediately, her hands went to the buttons of his shirt, her eyes eating up every inch of skin that was revealed in the process.

  “Autumn,” he said. “I cannot fuck you in truck on side of road.” But contrary to his words, his hand pressed forward inside her and he slipped another finger alongside the first. She was so goddamn tight.

  “Okay,” she muttered, getting the last button and pulling his shirt open. “Just. More skin.” And she leaned up and dragged her tongue over his chest. Anton growled. Falling over her even further. He pulled her chin back and took her mouth again.

  The kiss dragged out and out. Longer and longer, with less and less technique as it went on. They slid their mouths against one another and he swallowed every little satisfied noise she made. He didn’t thrust the hand he had inside her, but he refused to take it away either. He’d found his favorite place on earth.

  The light changed and twilight fell over the trees around their truck. They froze for a moment as headlights passed over them. It was the first car to pass since they’d pulled over an hour and a half ago. But it kept on going and Anton fell on her mouth again, starving for her even as he was gorging himself.

  Soon, AJ became needy again, and even though he wasn’t moving his hand, she pressed her hips into it.

  He smiled against her mouth. “You need more, little bahinia.”

  “Yes,” she moaned, trembling against him.

  Happy to oblige, Anton lifted himself up on one arm over her. He pressed his hips into her and into his own hand. So that when he thrust forward, his two thick fingers plunged into her as if they were his cock.

  AJ’s eyes flew open and she whipped her head from one side to the other. “Yes! Oh God. More. More.”

  He did it again and this time she reared up, tearing his shirt off over his head and dragging him back down with her so that his weight pressed her into the seat.

  “More,” she pleaded into his ear and moaned when he thrust forward again, curling his fingers up. He knew what she was asking for. What she was asking for with both her body and her words. She wanted him. She wanted his cock inside her. And, oh God, he didn’t know if he could resist. He had a condom in his wallet. But she deserved so much more than fucking in a car like teenagers.

  Even so, he thrust forward again. He found himself digging the condom out of his wallet and palming it onto the seat beside her ear. Just in case, he told himself. But he wasn’t going to. He was just going to make her come again. She was so close.

  And so tight and so wet.

  “Anton, please,” she begged, wrapping her legs around his waist and trying to drag him toward her.

  He sucked in a breath. He needed air. He was losing his mind with her.

  “I cannot fuck you in truck on side of road, bahinia.” He was vaguely aware that he was repeating himself. And that it wasn’t working.

  “Yes, you can. Oh, please. Anton, please. Give me everything.” The blue evening light painted her the loveliest shade of violet he’d ever seen, her hair spread out over the seat and for once, he could see both of her eyes. And they were staring right at him. Into him. She was wrecking him. Tearing down his carefully constructed walls, brick by brick.

  “I can’t. I can’t,” he chanted. But his forehead had fallen to hers and one of his hands was pulling at the button of his jeans, pushing them down to his knees. “I can’t.”

  “Please, Anton,” AJ pleaded again. “Give me everything. Give it to me.”

  And then he was slipping the condom onto himself and her eyes fell to his cock. She opened her eyes and mouth lazily, her tongue came out to trace her lip. She quickly whipped off her panties, tossed them to the floor.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered. “You’re so big.”

  “That’s right. Too big,” he murmured, falling forward again and nuzzling at her neck. His cock nestled between her legs, sliding along her slick wetness. “That is part of why I cannot fuck you here. You are too tight right now.”

  “I can take you,” she whispered back, thrusting her hips down and trying to catch him inside her. “I don’t care if you hurt me. I need you, Anton. I need you inside me.”

  Ten years of self-control snapped like a fishing line. There was no past. There was no future. There was only now. There was only AJ. Wet and begging him to fuck her. He couldn’t turn away from this and keep his soul. He would die if he said no. He knew it.

  “I can’t,” he whispered again, hoping his heart would hear his words. And whether he meant that he couldn’t do it or that he couldn’t stop, even he wasn’t sure. But he found himself wrapping one of her legs around his waist. Poising himself at her entrance.

  “I need you,” she repeated, her breath at his ear, her lips on his neck. “I need you.”

  “I can’t,” he said once more. And then he thrust inside of her, seating himself to the hilt and tearing through her virginity in one stroke.

  Both of them froze, she in pain and he in shock.

  “No,” he whispered to the air. It couldn’t be. She was 25. She had friends and went to parties and no. She couldn’t b
e a virgin.

  “It’s okay,” she said, pressing into him. “I should have told you, but I’m not sorry. It’s okay.”

  “This is not okay,” he groaned, unable to move. He couldn’t believe he slammed through her virginity in the front seat of a truck an hour after their first kiss. After she’d held onto her virginity for 25 years.

  “Yes, Anton, it is.” She gripped his chin and brought up his face so he could see her in the dimming light. “It was yours, Anton. It was always yours.”

  Her words fell onto him one by one, as if they were the first tentative raindrops in a coming storm. Understanding dawned within him.

  “You saved this for me.” There was fire in his chest and it was spreading through his veins, hot and quick. What was she saying to him? What could this mean? There was no way. There was no way.

  “I would never have given it to anyone else,” she murmured. “Somehow, I always knew you’d take it. Please.” She tossed her head to one side and then the other. “Show me. Show me the rest.”

  He gulped. He cursed. He made his peace with going to hell.

  Experimentally, Anton pulled out a little ways, and her tight pussy had his eyes damn near crossing. He’d never felt a more perfect person in his entire life. When he pressed back into her they both groaned, AJ tossing her head back.

  Normally, he had a pretty refined technique. A series of hard won expertise designed to make a woman forget her name. But with AJ, there was no past. He wasn’t thinking about any other woman or any other moment. All he could do was tangle his hands in her hair, put his mouth at her ear and tell her everything he’d ever wanted to say. In Belarusian, of course. He let every longing feeling, every inescapable moment of lust and love, tumble out of him and into her. Into her ears and into her pussy. He pounded his love right into her. He wanted it so far inside her it would live in there from now on.

  His love was made to be inside her.

  Anton fucked her into the seat of the car. He fucked her right through her screaming, tensing orgasm and into another. He started twisting his hips into her this time, wanting to prolong it. Wanting to drag it out and out and out for her. He wanted her to come for an hour. All over him.

  He planted the flat of his foot against the car door behind him and used it for leverage. He wanted her to feel him there. He needed to mix with her in every way possible.

  Cinching his hand around her waist, Anton flipped them so that she was on top. Her eyes popped open but she wasted no time at all before she lifted up on him. Taking little, gentle strokes just like he knew she would. But he couldn’t take it.

  Sitting up so that their mouths met again, Anton slammed her hips down onto him, fucking himself with her body. She screamed and clamped.


  His name was the final straw. The thing that broke the dam inside him. Never in his life did he think she’d scream his name this way. Grinding her down on his cock, Anton buried his face in her neck, let go, and came with a deep, guttural roar.

  He came and came and came into her. And with each ecstatic spasm, he knew he was saying goodbye to life as he knew it.


  AJ watched the sun come up through the windshield of her car. Her back was aching from sleeping on the bench seat. There was a seat belt digging into her hip. Her feet were freezing cold and the rest of her was burning hot.

  She’d never been happier in her life. In her entire life. She had never felt more fulfilled or excited or content before. Ever.

  Because Anton was fast asleep, mostly on top of her. His head cradled in between her breasts and her legs wrapped around his waist.

  They’d rolled and sucked and kissed and fucked for half the night before they’d fallen into an exhausted heap.

  Until it was gone, AJ hadn’t realized how heavy her chronic melancholy had been. Living without Anton had been a cloud over her life for as long as she could remember. She’d started to think it was part of who she was. But now, with his heavy body on top of hers, she realized that it was merely a symptom. Not a part of her personality.

  Her mind skittered back over the sex they’d had.

  First of all, she had SEX.

  Second of all, she had SEX WITH ANTON.

  Third, and perhaps most importantly, she’d had SEX WITH ANTON AND IT WAS SO GOOD SHE WAS PRETTY SURE SHE’D SEEN SATURN.

  She’d given up hope on him a long time ago. But part of her had known, always known, that this thing would be good if they just gave it a shot.

  AJ shook her head slightly and ran a hand over her eyes. If he hadn’t been lying on top of her, she might have had trouble even believing it had happened. She’d been waiting for it for so long that it was almost strange to have it be real.

  “Why are you awake?” Anton grumbled into one of her breasts. Coming awake enough to realize where he was, he nuzzled into her, making her giggle.

  “Because I’m an early bird. And I don’t think this truck was designed for a solid nine hours anyways.”

  Anton grunted, rubbed his stubble against her and rolled to one side. “I sleep on top of you,” he frowned, his eyes still half closed. “That is no good.”

  “You kept me warm,” she said, stretching her body like a cat. She was very obliged to watch his face heat as he let his eyes laze over her. The light was still dim in the truck, but it was light enough to see plenty of details.

  “You need more sleep in your bed,” Anton said, sitting up and fishing around for their underwear. “And I need more sleep. In your bed.”

  “You’re coming to my bed?” she asked, a thrilled humming working its way through her blood. Anton in her bed? It was something she’d only daydreamed about. And here he was, casually suggesting it like it was no big deal. She felt like the truck was a cozy little cocoon and for the first time in either of their lives, they were safe together.

  “Da,” he answered. “I come to your bed. And then you come in your bed. Over and over.” He gave her a wicked grin before he grabbed her sweater and started to drag it over her head. He froze halfway through.

  “Anton?” Her voice was muffled by the sweater over her face but she felt his finger trace a sensitive little part of her skin along her collar bone. And then another over her breast. At her hip. She tried to pull the sweater the rest of the way down, but instead he yanked it off.

  And not in a sexy way. When she caught sight of his face he looked crazed. Heated and furious and… in pain.

  “Anton, what is it?”

  He just looked down at her again, his fingers tracing patterns on her. She followed his gaze to where she saw a series of bite marks across her breasts and collar bone, one on her hip.

  “I,” he cleared his throat. “I bit you.”

  “Yes,” she said carefully. Something was happening and she wasn’t sure what. “I liked it. It felt good.”

  “AJ,” he scoffed, and it didn’t pass her notice that he used her nickname. “I leave bruises on you.”

  He rolled her to one side and touched a few more places on her ass, the inside of her legs. Each new mark he found he let out a small, unhappy noise.

  “It’s okay, Anton, really. It felt good. Tight. You were holding me so close and-”

  “I hurt you!” he burst out. “With my hands. With my mouth.” He made a sound of disgust. “With my teeth.”

  She scrambled to sit up and pulled the sweater on, hiding the offending marks. This was getting out of hand fast. She had the terrifying feeling that he was sliding away from her, like a wineglass on the deck of a ship, and if she didn’t catch him now, there was no catching him.

  “Anton, it wasn’t like that. Don’t make it sound so bad.”

  “AJ, it is bad. I fuck you on side of road. I steal your virginity. I lose control. Hurt you.” He dropped his head in his hands, his breath coming quickly. “This is nightmare.”

  “Having sex with me was a nightmare?” She could barely choke out the words. They tasted like poison in her mouth. This coul
d not be happening. She felt the walls of the cocoon they’d created becoming thinner and thinner. Pretty soon, they’d just be two people again, who either were glad they’d done what they did. Or not.

  “That is not what I say,” Anton snapped, his head coming up out of his hands. “You are beautiful girl. My bahinia. You deserve better than this. Better than me.”

  Panic grabbed at AJ’s throat like a boa constrictor. She could barely speak past it. “No, Anton, don’t say that. You’re everything to me. You act like you’re bad but-”

  “I am no good for you,” he cut her off. And in the next moment he’d kicked open the driver’s side door. The cocoon was gone forever as the cold morning air seeped into the cab of the truck.

  “Anton, don’t do this,” she pleaded, reaching one hand out for him.

  “I am no good for you,” he repeated. To his credit, he held her eyes as he shifted into his grizzly form with a grunt. He towered over the truck for a second before he fell forward to all fours and set off into the forest. He didn’t look back.



  “So?” AJ started as she scrambled eggs hard enough to have her three friends wincing. “Any word from Selfish McDickface?”

  “Who?” Glory asked, putting some peanut butter on a piece of cauliflower. Pregnancy cravings were weird. “Oh! Right. Anton. I forgot we were calling him that.”

  “You don’t have to call him that,” AJ replied easily, slamming a pan onto one of the burners. “I do it because it soothes me.”

  She still couldn’t believe that he’d completely abandoned her after their night together. Just SNAP gone. Now you see me? He’d ambled off into the woods and hadn’t been back. For six fucking weeks.

  He hadn’t just left her. He’d left behind his entire family. Calling only twice this whole time to let them know he was okay. He was off doing some ‘thinking’, whatever the fuck that meant, up in Canada somewhere.

  The morning that he’d left her, once AJ had gotten over her shock well enough to put some clothes on and drive herself home, she’d actually felt bad for the guy. He’d been through so much and intimacy was hard and blah blah fucking blah.


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