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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

Page 84

by JA Low

  “Really?” He never told me this.

  “Yeah, he was upset, pissed off. He told him all about the conversation, about how Eddie and Penny have been carrying on an affair together.”

  The group falls to a hush over this little bit of news.

  “No fucking way. That fucking slut,” Derrick pipes up. “How the hell you two came from the same vagina I will never know. You don’t deserve a sister like her, Liv. You don’t deserve people like that in your life. You are the most kind, thoughtful, beautiful, hardworking person I know and these fuck faces fuck around behind your back. Do they have any idea what an amazing gift they have just by knowing you?”

  I stand up and rush over to Derrick and wrap my arms around him, tears running down my face because no one in my family has ever supported me like that, ever. I hug him something fierce, both of us crying.

  “You are special, Olivia, and if she doesn’t want you for a sister, I do. I don’t have any family as you know, and when I see people being treated unfairly by theirs, I have to reach out to them.” He is looking at me through tear soaked lashes. “Just know that if you decide that Axel is the man for you, that you are not losing your family, you are gaining one, and one that is there for you no matter what.” I hug him tightly again. He’s right, if I decide to stay here in LA I know that my parents will shun me. They will probably take me out of the will, and maybe months ago that thought would have made me rethink my decision, but now, now I know that I have the potential to gain so much more, more than family history, more than money, more than a duty. I will gain a family that is loving and accepting of me, and to me that means more than anything else in the world.

  “Family isn’t always linked by blood, Liv.” Derrick gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Just think about that.”

  “Hey, why is my girl crying?” Axel steps out of the man cave and gives Derrick a death stare. He starts walking toward us, but I move from where I am embracing Derrick and run into Axel’s arms. I hit him hard which makes him chuckle, I tip my lips up and kiss him, I kiss him hard, pouring everything I feel into that kiss.

  “I love you, Axel Taylor.” The look that he gives me is one of wonderment, like he can’t believe someone would say that to him.

  “I don’t know what Derrick said to you, but I will thank him later.” Axel smiles, but a small part of me sinks because he didn’t say those words back to me. I know that he does because of how he is around me, I can feel that he has fallen for me too. I just have to be patient because when the time is right, he is going to say those words to me and they are going to mean so much more than they would now.



  The boys pull me away from the girls toward the man cave and I know exactly what is happening next, they are going to want to find out the gossip going on between Olivia and I. They are such a bunch of teenage girls.

  “Okay, men. What’s your poison…beers, champagne or spirits?” Evan calls out from behind his bar. He has a pretty sick set up in his backyard. He’s turned his pool house into the ultimate man cave with a fully stocked bar, big screen TV to watch football, arcade games, pool table and anything else men could possibly need. We all call out our orders to Evan as he works behind the bar.

  “How was the honeymoon?” I ask my brother, hoping to distract them from the topic of Olivia.

  “Man, that place is amazing, bungalows over the crystal clear water and no one around. It was sheer paradise.” I nod in agreement, because it sounds like the paradise I just left.

  “I’m happy for you.” I slap my brother on the back.

  “Yeah, well I’m happy for you too.” He gives me a big smile. “So are you fully pussy whipped yet?” he goads me.

  “Fuck you, it’s been pretty awesome with you gone, maybe you should have stayed there.”

  Christian flips me off as Evan hands us our beers.

  “So, Olivia, hey?” Finn questions me.

  “Yeah, and?” I reply, not liking his tone.

  “Just never thought I’d see the day, that’s all.” He takes a sip of his drink.

  Oscar punches him in the arm. “Ignore him, he’s been a little bitch since the wedding. I think Finn’s a little jealous of everyone’s happy endings.”

  We all burst out laughing at Oscar’s choice of words.

  “You know what I mean.” He grumpily takes a sip of his beer.

  “So you really taking a chance on her?” Christian asks.

  “Yeah, man, I am.” He holds up his beer to clink against mine in acceptance.

  “She’s a cool girl,” he adds. The fact my brother approves means a lot to me. I won’t ever tell him that though, he would gloat about it and I would never hear the end of it.

  “So what happened with her fiancé?” Evan asks, looking concerned.

  “That’s over…” I start and launch into the long winded story about the phone call to Penny, and how Eddie was there and all the stuff that she spilt about them, all while Olivia was there with me on the phone.

  “Fuck, what a bitch,” Blake adds.

  “That’s kind of messed up,” Parker agrees.

  “Yeah, it is. She’s given up everything for her family and they repay her like this.” I feel the anger bubble to the surface every time I think about Olivia’s family.

  “You see a future with her?” Christian asks.

  “Yeah, I do. We need to work out where to live and stuff seeing as we live on the opposite sides of the world, but I think we will work it out.”

  “So you starting up that London office then?” Evan questions me as he reminds me of the talk we had together.

  “Maybe,” I say, giving him a knowing smile. My eyes travel outside to see how Olivia is going with her integrating and I see her in tears, hugging Derrick. What the hell is going on? “Excuse me guys.” I put my beer down and rush out the door.

  “Hey, why is my girl crying?” I call out to them. Olivia looks up at me through her tears and quickly let’s go of Derrick, who I notice has been crying as well. What the hell is going on here? Then she starts for me, her feet moving quickly through the grass, my body automatically gravitating toward her, my legs moving fast. She doesn’t stop and runs straight into me, knocking the air out of me which makes me laugh. I love her enthusiasm. She kisses me passionately, stunning me for a moment with her public display of affection.

  “I love you, Axel Taylor.”

  I’m in shock, so I just stare at this beautiful creature before me as she looks at me as if I am her world. I am too stunned to answer. Those three little words are on the tip of my tongue, but again I can’t get them to come out.

  “I don’t know what Derrick said to you, but I will thank him later,” is the only thing I can think of in reply. I can see her disappointment at me not returning those words to her, but she quickly hides it.

  “Aww, you guys are so cute,” Derrick coos from behind us.

  “Ugh, come on, stop with all this love fest, I’m starved,” Christian calls out from behind me, nudging me with his shoulder as he passes and giving me a secret smile.

  “Yep, the food won’t grill itself,” Evan adds as the boys join the ladies again.

  I love having Olivia here. We’re laughing and chatting with my friends as we hang around the fire pit, all full from the amazing barbecue we just had. Her hand is resting on my thigh as she talks about something, our connection never apart even for a moment. Now I get what Christian and Evan went through when they finally fell for their women. I know I have fallen for her, I just need to tell her. I’ve already lost her twice now, I won’t let it happen a third time.

  “Where are we going?” Olivia asks me as we make our way along the coast following the roads curves. I decided to take out my vintage mustang in hopes that it would impress Olivia. It did. Especially the way her small hands moved over my crotch as we made our way along the coast. My dick has been in a permanent state of arousal. The naughty temptress knows exactly what she is doing even though she is fei
gning innocence. I’ve booked us into a beach house in Carmel where we will stay for a couple of nights to get out of the city. This week is going by so quickly that I need to have her all to myself, without our friends dropping in on us every two seconds. Vanessa always wants to hang out, Derrick wants to go shopping and Sienna popping over with the baby. This is all good for any other normal time, but not when our time is limited. I’m hoping that after this little getaway she doesn’t go back to England, but I know that is wishful thinking. Her business and life is all there and at some point she has to go back.

  “This is so beautiful.” She’s repeated that same statement pretty much every couple of miles, but I love it, she is so excited by everything. For someone who is so cultured and well-traveled she really hasn’t experienced much, I guess she is more sheltered than I thought. “Do you know how to surf?” she asks me.

  “Um, no. I leave that stuff to Evan’s brother.” Jake has tried to teach us a couple of times while we visited him in Malibu, but we all sucked. I think we are better rock stars than surfers.

  “He was hot.” She mentions in passing.

  “Um, excuse me.” I turn and look at her.

  “Oh, sorry. Was I not supposed to say that?” She gives me a little smile. “Are you jealous of Evan’s brother?” She squeezes my leg playfully.

  “Um, no.” I try and fail at pulling off not being jealous.

  “Oh my God, you are.” She bursts out laughing at me, which makes me pout and keep my eyes on the road.

  “Axel, really? After everything?” I can feel her looking at me and I know my little tantrum is over with. “I don’t care if you say a woman is hot, as long as you remember which side your bread is buttered.” She squeezes my thigh again; this time it makes me laugh.

  “You’re a slice of bread now?”

  “What, you don’t use that expression?”

  “Um, nope.”

  “Well then, look but don’t touch.” She points at me.

  “I promise, I promise. Same goes for you, remember I’m your slice of bread,” I tease her.



  We continue on for a couple more hours. We did stop off for some lunch at a cute little village. The conversation flowed easily; I guess being stuck in a car for nearly five hours will do that. I think sub consciously I must have thought it would be a great way to test if we were compatible. We talked about our favorite music and even though she has awful taste in music, she’s hot so that equals it all out.

  “Here we are.” I pull the car in front of the house.

  “Oh my goodness, this place is beautiful.” Her statement amuses me, I grab her hand and enter in the code at the front door. The house hangs over the cliffs, and as far as you can see there is nothing but Pacific Ocean. “This is heaven, Axel.” She looks in awe at the natural beauty before her.

  “I think heaven is right here.” I nuzzle her neck. Yeah, it’s kind of corny, but that’s the kind of guy I’ve become. Olivia is wearing a white and black spotted sundress, and after the way she has mercilessly teased me for hours, I need to relieve this ache inside of my pants. “Hands on the railing, Liv,” I command her. Her body stops moving, but she does what I tell her. “You didn’t think I was going to let you get away with teasing me all day, did you?” My hands pull off her jacket, throwing it to the floor.

  “Axel,” she says my name breathlessly, turning to look over her shoulder.

  “Liv, eyes on the ocean, sweetheart.” I turn her head to look ahead. “You are not allowed to move; do you hear me?” Olivia nods in agreement, her face still looking ahead. “Good girl.” I kneel and let my hands stroke up her legs. An audible gasp falls from her lips as my fingers climb against her soft thighs and pull down her panties. I bring them to my nose and smell her sweetness, I stand up again. “Do not turn around, hands behind your back.” She removes them from the edge and places them behind her back. “Perfect.” I tie her wrists together with her underwear. “Remember, face forward.” I notice her head turning to see what I am doing then she quickly turns it ahead again. I lift up her dress and expose her naked bottom, she tenses for a moment, but relaxes as my hand runs over her soft ass. I give it a tight squeeze which makes her whimper. “Now, I am going to need you to move for me.” Olivia nods. As soon as we walk into the living room the huge sofa that dominates the room catches my eye. “I want you to walk to the sofa, but before you do, hold your dress up for me, darlin’.” I give Olivia the hem of her dress to hold between her fingers and watch as she walks before me, half naked. He creamy, white ass is mesmerizing me as she struts across the room. I thought this might push her, but I never expected her to push back. I watch the swing in her steps as she slowly and seductively walks toward the sofa. Her hips moving side to side, my teeth want to dig into that glorious flesh. She makes it to the sofa, those doe eyes turn to me and she raises her eyebrow as if to say what now, sir? “Bend over that sofa, Olivia and wait for me.” She gives me the tiniest of frowns, but does what she is told and folds her tiny body over the curve of the chair and waits there for me. Now it’s my turn to take my time. I shed my jacket onto the floor, I kick off my boots and socks as I move hungrily closer to her, I even throw off my T-shirt, discarding it onto the floor like some kind of sexy breadcrumbs. I move to where our bags are and open the one that has some toys in it. I pull out the riding crop, which I noticed she liked when Oscar used it on her. I slap the leather against my palm, the crack echoes through the room and I notice Olivia shiver, I do it again and she clenches her thighs together. “Legs apart, sweetheart. No matter how turned on you are, legs apart.” She moves slowly, opening her legs for me. I inspect her to make sure she is how I want her and then I bring the leather down on her delicate ass. “One,” I start to count. “That is for teasing me in the car, my dick was rock hard for five hours.” A small whimper falls from her lips. “Two.” I don’t hit her hard, just enough to put the perfect pink stain on her ass. “That is for touching yourself while I was driving.” Another whimper. “Three. That was for your bad taste in music. The Spice Girls is not acceptable music to be played in my mustang.” This makes her giggle so I put a little bit more bite into my swing, this makes her moan. “And four.” I pause, thinking about what I am going to say, but decide to go with it. “And four, four is for making me fall in love with you.” Olivia’s head turns as the crop comes down on her ass, making her hiss.

  “What the hell did you say?” Those hazel eyes glare at me.

  “Turn around Olivia and let me love you.” She begrudgingly turns around in a huff. I drop the crop on the floor because I’ve had enough of the games, I just need to be inside of her. My hands soothe her pink ass, and my fingers dip between her wet folds. “I think someone enjoyed the crop a little too much.” My fingers slide easily through her wetness.

  “I think it was your declaration that made me wet,” she mumbles back at me. I unzip my fly and pull down my jeans and underwear and kick them to the side. I then line myself up, my hands gripping her hips and I let my aching dick slide between her ready folds, back and forth, making her hiss with each stroke. “What did you say?”

  “I said. Your declaration. Made. Me. Wet.” She annunciates each word, and I thrust in hard on the last word, making her scream out at the sudden intrusion.

  “What…?” Thrust.

  “That I…” Thrust.

  “Have fallen…” Thrust.

  “In love…” Thrust.

  “With you…” Thrust.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Olivia screams at my punctuated thrusts.

  “That’s because it’s true.” Thrust.

  “Yes, oh, yes,” Olivia moans as her screams are muffled by the sofa.

  “I’m crazy about you.” I hold onto her cuffed hands as I press into her, the sofa squeaking with each hard thrust along the tiled floor.

  “I’m…oh, yes, there…” Olivia moans. “I’m crazy…please don’t stop,” she pants. “I’m crazy about you…too…oh my God,”
Olivia groans as I continue my pounding. We are slowing moving the sofa around the room. “Yes, that’s it, yes, yes, yes…” She lets out a guttural moan as her pussy clamps tight around me, squeezing my dick. The tingling starts up my legs, through my balls and before I know it, I am coming right behind her. She is slumped underneath me, panting, while my legs are about to crumple underneath me from the force of my orgasm. I slowly pull out of her and grab my T-shirt. She doesn’t move and I gently wipe myself from between her legs and untie her wrists from her panties. I take a step back as she gets up off the sofa.

  “You bastard, how dare you, how dare you tell me you love me while you are spanking me.” She slaps my bare chest playfully. I grab her two wrists and smirk at her.

  “Because I felt it at that moment.” I let go of her hands. “Looking at you so vulnerable, so willing, so trusting. I knew it. I know that I am crazy about you.” She glares at me before launching herself into my arms, nearly bowling us over.

  “You’re lucky I’m crazy about you otherwise I’d be pissed about how you told me.” She’s clinging to me like a koala, my dick is still semi hard and getting harder being pushed up against her stomach.

  “I know I’m a lucky man,” I say, giving her a kiss. She wraps her arms higher around my neck.

  “As long as you know that,” she giggles.

  “Yes ma’am, I do. And I’m never letting you go, as long as you know that.”

  “Yeah, I guess that would be okay,” she giggles again, kissing my cheek.

  “Hey, don’t be cheeky. I have a bag full of toys I want to use on you.”

  She shivers. “I can’t wait.”




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