The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 87

by JA Low

  “Hi, it’s my wedding day and this is my fiancé’s room, I have a surprise for him so would you mind if I take those towels.” She hands them over to me silently. “Oh, would you be so kind as to let me in please?” She looks over my shoulder and does what she is asked; she unlocks the door.

  “Olivia, what are you doing?” Mother whisper yells at me.

  “Just wait and see mother, all will be revealed.” I push open the doors and everything is definitely revealed.

  “What the hell?” Eddie screams, his naked body, hovering over Penny’s, who is screaming for him to get off her.

  “Oh my God,” my mother screams at finding Eddie and Penny naked together.

  “What the hell is going on here?” My father yells.

  “It’s not what it looks like, sir.” Eddie pulls the sheet up around him while Penny is hiding under the duvet refusing to show her face.

  “It looks like you are in bed with the wrong daughter, son,” my father says between clenched teeth.

  “It’s…not…” Eddie stutters.

  “If you tell me again, it’s not what it looks like, then I will bloody well clobber you with one of these vases over here. Tell me, what are you doing in bed with Penny?” he commands.

  “This is all so unsavory,” my mother pants, fanning herself.

  “Maybe you should ask Penny,” I comment, folding my arms in front of me, feeling like I am on the set of Cheaters or something.

  “Penelope, what the hell do you think you are doing?” My father moves his attention onto my sister. She slowly reveals herself from behind the duvet.

  “I love him, Father,” she bursts out crying, and I can see my father softening.

  “Penny, no, it was just supposed to be fun,” Eddie comments.

  God, he is an idiot.

  “A bit of fun, she was supposed to be a bit of fun. You thought sleeping with one sister while being engaged to the other sister was a bit of fun?” Father roars, I place my hand on his arm.

  “Calm down, Father. You just had heart surgery.”

  He takes a couple of deep breaths.

  “Sorry, sir, that’s not what I meant.” Eddie is trying to scramble for the right words.

  “You told me you loved me,” Penny cries.

  “I like you…” Eddie says, rubbing his neck uncomfortably.

  “You obviously like her enough to knock her up,” I add.

  The room falls silent and Penny’s face goes pale.

  “What did you say?” Eddie questions me.

  “I found a pregnancy test in my trash can, I know it’s not mine, definitely not Ivy’s and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my mother’s. That only leaves Penny who was there this morning for breakfast.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Father questions her.

  Penny bursts out crying and my mother runs to her side. There is a knock at the door and I rush to open it. I am surprised to see Eddie’s parents standing at the door.

  “Olivia, what are you doing here? It’s bad luck to see Eddie before the wedding,” his mother says.

  “I think you need to come in, I don’t think there is going to be a wedding.” They both look at me strangely but enter the room. That’s when they see Eddie and Penny in bed together.

  “No, no, say you didn’t, son, not her sister?” his father asks him.

  “I’m sorry, Father,” Eddie croaks.

  “Why? Why would you do that to her?” his mother questions him.

  “Because I didn’t love her, I never wanted to marry her. I felt pressured into it, you told me I had no choice.”

  His parents straighten themselves up and glare at their son.

  “But that isn’t all that has happened, is it Eddie?” I glare at him.

  “Apparently Penny is pregnant. I don’t even know if it’s my baby, she sleeps around a lot and I used a condom with her.”

  My father is ready to launch at him, except Penny beats him to the punch, so to speak, and slaps him across the face.

  “I have been sleeping with you for months and only you. You’re the one that has been screwing every single lady in London. I loved you, I wanted it to be me marrying you today. Instead I’m now knocked up with your bastard baby.”

  “You’re pregnant?” His parents look at her.

  “Yes, and it’s his. I never slept with anyone else? Unless the condom broke on all your other whores, then there might be a litter of bastard children coming along.”

  “Penny, don’t be so vulgar,” mother chastises her.

  “Whatever, I don’t care. I am now going to be a single parent, and my sister is going to marry my baby’s daddy. My life is messed up.” She bursts out crying.

  I can’t believe she is playing the victim here, she needs an Oscar, this performance is top shelf. “Actually, no. I won’t be marrying anyone today, I think this is enough Jerry Springer for me. I have put this family first all my life, I gave up on the man that I love to be here today to honor some misguided sense of family loyalty; and what do I get in return, nothing but people who are all about themselves. I wanted to make you happy, Father. I thought by marrying Eddie today I could make you happy, but I can’t marry him, I don’t love him. I don't even like him, I can’t even stand to be in the same room as him, but I was willing to do that for you because I wanted to give you this one thing that you wanted, to see me walk down the aisle.”

  My father moves away from the bed. “I thought you liked him?”

  I shake my head; tears litter my cheeks. “He told me the night we became engaged that he was never going to stay faithful to me, that he was never going to try. He was just doing his duty.”

  My father turns to where Eddie is sitting looking very sheepish. “I don’t know who you are anymore,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Olivia, I thought I was doing the right thing. I knew you were lonely, and I wanted to help. I wanted to fix things before I ran out of time. I just wanted you to be happy.” He looks ashamed of himself. “But I see I guilted you into something you were not comfortable with.”

  I give him a weak smile.

  “I failed you, sweetheart.”

  “No, you didn’t.” I wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug.

  “I should have trusted you, I should have let you find your way. You have transformed the estate around and I should have trusted you enough to find your own happiness.”

  I hug him tighter.

  “Did you really meet someone?” he questions me.

  I nod. “He is probably not at all who you thought I should be with, but he loves me, Father, with all his heart and I broke it. I told him there was no future for us…that I had to marry Eddie.” I burst out crying.

  “Oh my, sweetheart, I seem to have ruined things for you. I thought I was doing the right thing but it looks like I just messed up everything.”

  My father has a pained expression on his face.

  “I should have stood up for myself more, I should have told you. I was scared, and then you had your turn and I didn’t want to lose you.”

  He hugs me tighter.

  “So where is this young man then?” He gives me a smile.

  “Um, LA.”

  “The rock star?” He frowns.

  “Yes, the rock star, but he’s a good man, Father.” He looks down at me and smiles.

  “I trust you, sweetheart.”

  “But what about the wedding?” my mother asks, her arm wrapped around a sobbing Penny.

  “Oh, there will definitely be a wedding. No grandchild of mine is going to be born out of wedlock, wouldn’t you agree, William?” My father turns to Eddie’s father.

  “Most certainly do agree on that.”

  “What?” Eddie exclaims. “You want me to swap brides?”

  “You had no problem jumping into her bed every chance you got, and I’m sure you would have continued if I hadn’t have found out.” I add.

  “Olivia, watch your mouth.”

  “How can you defend her after everything s
he has done to me?” I question my mother. I knew Penny was her favorite but this, this is too much. Sticking up for her when the evidence is all before her.

  “She’s carrying my grand baby.”

  “How do I know it’s mine? I want a paternity test,” Eddie adds.

  “I think you have done enough here, son, sit down and shut up. I’m pretty sure after the way you have behaved the last thing Penelope wants to own up to is you being the father to her unborn baby,” Eddie’s father chastises him. “You will be marrying that young lady today, you will no longer be allowed to cavort in London and you will no longer have an allowance. You will have to work for a living. I think we have been way too soft on you.”

  “I’m a thirty-year-old man, you can’t ground me,” Eddie argues.

  “But I can certainly take you out of the will, I can certainly take away all your privileges,” his father argues, which shuts him up.

  “Maybe Richard here might take pity on you and offer you a job to support your upcoming family commitments.”

  “Olivia’s the boss of the estate, it’s up to her.” My father turns to me.

  “I’m sure I can find work for him to do on the estate.” I give Eddie a smirk. “As long as he knows who the boss is, then there shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Eddie nods, looking like a scolded child.

  “I’m sure the same goes for your sister as well.” My father looks at my mother who looks shocked, but keeps her mouth shut.

  “It’s probably about time she takes pride in the family, seeing as she is producing the next generation.” I give Penny a smirk.

  “Glad that’s all settled.” Father claps his hands together. “Now, Olivia, I think there is a plane for you to catch.” My father gives me a smile. “And we have a wedding to rearrange.” He pushes me out the door, Ivy following right behind me.

  “What the hell just happened?” Ivy asks me.

  “I think I might be in the twilight zone.”

  “Well don’t knock it, you have a rock star’s heart to win back.”

  Yes, that I do.



  “What? What’s happened?” I yell down the phone at my brother.

  “Olivia never married Eddie.” Everything stops around me.

  “What did you say?”

  “She never married him, in fact the tabloids say she wasn’t even at the wedding.”

  “Where the hell is she?” My heart is racing, has something happened to her?

  “I don’t know, they don’t say.”

  “Shit, has something happened to her?” I rake my hands through my hair and pace around my living room. “How long ago was the wedding?”

  “It happened while we were sleeping, it’s late evening there now. I’m not even sure if the reception is finished or not.”

  “Who got married then?” I’m confused about why there was still a wedding.

  “Penny married Eddie.”


  “Yeah, that’s what the internet says. Says that they have been long time sweethearts and didn’t realize they loved each other until his parents arranged his marriage to Olivia.”

  “Such fucking bullshit.”

  “Well, at least she isn’t married to him.”

  Yeah, Christian was right, but where the hell is she?

  “Ask Ness to call Ivy and find out where she is? She’s been missing all day. I need to find her.”

  “On it, brother. Hang tight, we are going to find your woman.” Then he hangs up. I pick up my phone and call Derrick because he is close to Olivia, but it just rings out. Come on, D, pick up the phone? I scroll through my phone and try Stacey, she picks up after a couple of rings.


  “Where’s Olivia?” I question her.

  “She’s in Scotland getting married. Are you okay?” she asks.

  “She didn’t marry him, her sister did. But no one has heard from her, I need to find her Stace.”

  “Shit, okay. I’ll make some calls and let you know.”

  I hang up and pace. Where would she go? Maybe I should get the jet ready and fly over there and search for her? No, it takes half a day to get there. What happens if she is somewhere else? I can’t go on some cross continent search for her. Yes, I can. I love her, I will fly to the ends of the earth to find her. I rush around and pack some stuff into an overnight bag. I am rushing out the door when I see movement on the security camera, the bottom gate is opening and one of our SUV’s is driving through. It must be someone I know; they must have news. I drop the bag and swing open the door, but the last person I thought I would see steps out.


  Fuck, she looks beautiful. I don’t care why she is here; I am just so relieved that she isn’t lost, that nothing happened to her. So much so that I launch myself at her, grabbing her face and kissing her. She lets out a tiny, surprised squeal but then her hands are on me. I barely register Sammy dropping off a bag and then the car driving away. I am absorbed in kissing Olivia, feeling her soft lips against mine, her warm hands on my skin, those tiny little whimpers that she does when she is excited. My heart is racing a million miles a minute, but everything feels right. Having her here in my arms feels right, and I never ever want to let her go, never again. Like Derrick said, our stubbornness kept us apart, and I am not going to do that again.

  “I need you, Liv. Fuck, I need you. We can talk later, okay?” I say holding her face in my palms.

  “Okay.” She smiles at me.

  I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder like a damn caveman. I feel like a caveman that has finally found his woman. This caveman is taking her back to his cave. I rush through my house and run up the stairs, kicking over various things on my way as I go, making her giggle. God, that laugh, how I have missed it. I make it up the stairs, kick open my bedroom door and throw her onto the bed. I kick off my jeans, briefs and T-shirt as I stalk toward her on the bed. She is dressed in leggings, a long grey top and she lost her flip flops at some point during her journey to the bedroom. The hunger in her eyes matches mine and she quickly takes her top off and throws it to the side, followed by her bra. I watch as she shimmies her leggings off along with her underwear. She lays back against my bed and crooks her finger for me to come closer, which I do. Her eyes watch me as I stalk her, my dick bobbing against my stomach, he is so hard, and desperate for her. She gives me a smirk as I reach the bed, she opens her legs for me, and fuck, that perfect pussy.

  I place one knee on the bed and then another, I kneel on the bed before her, taking her in, she licks her lips in anticipation. I lean forward, placing my hands on either side of her creamy thighs, my head dipping down between her legs, I’m home. I let her intoxicating scent surround me before I taste her. It’s been too long, way too long. I let my tongue come out and lick her sweetness.

  “Yes,” she hisses, her fingers burying themselves into my hair. I do it again, those fingers tightening against my roots. God, I have missed her. I lap at her sweetness, over and over again. My tongue swirling around her bud, teasing her, loving the way she whimpers beneath me. I suck her clit into my mouth and she arches her back with a purr. “I’ve missed your tongue,” She murmurs breathlessly, wriggling underneath me as I increase the suction. I could stay between her legs all night. But I know my dick would revolt if I did. My tongue continues tasting her, licking her, sucking her until she arches her back, those fingers dig into my scalp again and her thighs begin to shudder.

  “Axel,” she calls my name as she comes on my tongue. I lick until she can’t take it anymore. I wipe my face on the bed sheet and move up between her legs, sucking on a nipple as I pass. She looks exhausted, but sated. Her cheeks are pink, her eyes are wide and her brown hair is a disheveled mess and she looks beautiful. I take a moment to admire her, the moments after her orgasms when she is relaxed and free is when she is perfect. She catches me staring at her, which I know embarrasses her, but I don’t care, it has been too long.

nbsp; “I’ve missed you, Axel.” Her fingers brush over my prickly skin.

  “I never thought you were coming back,” I confess, moving my body against hers, my aching cock pressing against her belly. One of her hands moves down her body and finds my shaft, she wraps her tiny hand around its girth and starts sliding along it. It feels so good, I can hardly concentrate.

  “I’m so sorry, Axel. So very sorry,” she apologizes while jerking me off. I shake my head, the words unable to form in my head due to the sheer delight of her touching me. Then she moves me so that my dick is sliding between her, over her sensitive clit, through her wet folds, hypnotizing it, back and forth.

  “I should have stayed; I should have tried harder,” I tell her.

  Back and forth, back and forth I slide.

  “No, this is all on me. This was my fault and I plan on making it up to you.” And on the word you, she slides my dick into her and I swear I see stars, or maybe it was heaven. Fuck, it feels like heaven. Sinking deep into Olivia is heaven and if I die now I would be happy. Because what a way to go!

  “I plan on…” Her fingers dig into my ass, urging me deeper. “I…plan on…never letting you go.” Fuck me, I am so deep, so connected to her, I don’t know if I can possibly move, I might come right now just from being inside of her bare. Nothing between us, not anymore, not ever again. Just her and me, loving each other, the way it should have always been.

  We spend the rest of the night in bed together, catching up on huge amounts of sex we have been missing since splitting up. Finally falling asleep sated and happy for the first time in months.

  I roll over in the morning and her side is empty, mild panic grips me. I jump up out of my bed and grab my briefs off the floor and run out the door. The smell of bacon cooking stops me, I look down from the upper level and there she is, dressed in my T-shirt cooking me breakfast. There is bacon cooking on the grill, eggs and hash browns in the fry pan with tomato, mushrooms and spinach leaves. She is squeezing fresh orange juice into a cup and is humming away to herself. That moment transports me to years from now, the image slightly different, maybe a couple of kids running around, a belly swollen with a baby inside, still looking as beautiful as the moment I met her.


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