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Jacob's Sweet Temptation

Page 7

by Angela Franklin

  “I really like to cook, but like I said I didn’t think you would actually show up.” Chasity said with a shrug.

  “We’ll talk about that later.” Jacob said in a voice that let her know it was going to happen regardless of what she wanted.

  They ate quietly and for Chasity it was only a little awkward because of the talk she didn’t want to have. Maybe he would forget. She didn’t really believe that, but a girl could dream. She could try distraction. His kisses distracted her, maybe hers would distract him too.

  “Whatever your thinking, forget it.” Jacob told her. She didn’t even know he was watching her.

  “If you knew what I was thinking, you wouldn’t… Never mind, you would definitely tell me to forget it.” Chasity said remembering the way he walked out after their kiss.

  “You aren’t getting out of our talk.” Jacob growled at her.

  “Jacob, you don’t do talks. With you it’s only sex, I’m not as stupid as you think I am.” Chasity said glaring at him.

  “Not anymore. Are you finished?” He asked pointing at her plate.

  “Yeah. I’ll go ahead and put everything away and do the dishes. Thanks for coming by, I’ll see you around.” She knew it wouldn’t work, but she gave it a shot.

  “Not a chance sweetness. I’ll rinse while you wash, then we can sit and talk in the living room.” Jacob said standing and carrying their plates to the sink.

  Chasity went and got containers for leftovers and put everything away. She had even put some in a separate container for him to have tomorrow. When they did the dishes, he stood closer than was necessary, but the “talk” to come was going to be bad enough so she didn’t fight him. It just seemed so domestic standing here doing dishes with him.

  “Come on, we’re going to sit and talk.” At her solemn face, he laughed. “It’s just talking, not the gallows.”

  “Whatever,” She mumbled as she went to sit on the couch. Usually her couch seemed like it was plenty big enough, but with Jacob here she wished she had more than just a couch. She sat down, but Jacob walked back to the kitchen. Yay, he changed his mind! Or not, she thought as he came back carrying a glass of wine and a beer.

  “Alright, where do you wanna start?” Jacob asked draping his arm behind her.

  “Nowhere, we can just forget all of this.” She lied. She would never forget the feel of him kissing her.

  “Never happening sweetness. Let’s start with why I left the bakery after our kiss.” Jacob suggested.

  “Nope. I don’t want to talk.” Chasity told him with a raised eyebrow.

  “Too bad, we are. So, that day…” Jacob began.

  Before Jacob could bring up that hurtful day, she jumped onto his lap and fused her lips to his. He caught her, but in his surprise, he gasped. Chasity took advantage and deepened the kiss. At first he didn’t respond, but with a groan he gave in kissing her back. She ran her hands up the front of his shirt as she straddled his hips.

  Jacob’s hands started out on her knees by his hips, but he slowly moved them up the backs of her thighs. The yoga pants were no barrier against the heat of his hands. She had only meant to distract him, but now she was distracted. When they kissed, it was like dynamite going off. She sucked his lower lip in her mouth and bit it gently. Jacob grabbed her ass and pulled her down hard against him. She ground down, but as quickly as he had pulled her in he pushed her back.

  “Nice try my little minx, but we are going to talk.” Jacob husked as he held her away from him.

  “Don’t want to talk. You talk, I’ll kiss.” Chasity thought that was a great idea.

  “No. Sit here and listen.” Jacob said and sat her back down beside him.


  She was going to kill him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her and touch her, but she had to understand first. His phone was digging into his leg so he sat it on the table then turned to her. Good lord she was gorgeous. He could still see the lust glittering in her eyes.

  “Just let me explain a few things okay.” Jacob told her.

  “Fine.” Chasity huffed making him smile.

  “I’m sure that I at least confused you when I kissed you and then walked away.” Jacob began.

  “Not really, everyone knows you only do sex. Obviously, you didn’t want it with me.” Chasity shrugged as if it didn’t matter at all, but he could see it did in her eyes.

  “Oh sweetness, you have no idea. Before I came to the bakery that day, me and Luke had a talk. Until I talked to him, I didn’t even know I had a reputation. When I came to the bakery I only wanted to talk to you, but seeing you dancing, your hips swaying, I couldn’t keep myself from going to you. When I realized how close I was to taking you in your bakery, I panicked and left before I could do something I knew I would regret.” Jacob stopped trying to gage her reaction.

  “So you stopped before you slept with me because you knew you would regret it.” Chasity was mad enough to spit bullets. He wasn’t explaining this well. He was afraid he had already lost her.

  “Oh no. I figured if Luke knew my reputation you did too, and I didn’t want you to think that’s what you were.” Jacob tried to explain quickly.

  “Okay listen jerk, I may not be one of your skinny minis, but I am beautiful. I am good enough for a one night stand!” Chasity told him indignantly.

  “I’m really messing this up. You’re too good to even think of in such a way. Your gorgeous. I don’t want just one night; I want as many as you will give me.” Jacob said hoping he was saying it right.

  “Oh.” She said looking at him wide eyed.

  “I want to take it slow and show you how much you mean to me, but every time we kiss my good intentions go out the window.” Jacob confessed taking her hand. Even that touch sent sweet shock waves through his body.

  “What about all the others?” Chasity asked in a quiet voice.

  “I deleted all of the numbers that first day I saw you at Chase’s.” Jacob told her honestly. Some of them still texted, but he never responded.

  “So, what is it you are wanting? If it’s not just sex, I’m not sure I understand.” Chasity told him. She looked confused.

  “I want you Chasity. I want to have a real relationship and see where it can go. I know we will be great, but I want it to only be us. I won’t be seeing anyone else.” Jacob wanted to say he wanted everything, a family, and a wife; it all revolved around her, but he didn’t think she was ready yet.

  “Are you asking me to go steady?” Chasity asked fluttering her lashes at him. He couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yeah, I guess I am.” Jacob told her seriously.

  “Don’t you know when you ask I’m supposed to get something?” Chasity asked, she was having a good time picking on him, so he was happy to keep it up.

  “I seem to be a little rusty, what am I supposed to give you?” Jacob asked scooting closer to her.

  “Most girls get a class ring, or a letter jacket, or something to show who they belong to.” Chasity told him. “Maybe you aren’t ready for this yet.” She joked.

  “Just give me a day or two. It has to be something special and perfect for my sweetness.” Jacob said kissing the top of her head. “Now pick us out a movie while I use the restroom.”

  “Fine Mr. Bossy.” Chasity grumbled. He kissed her quickly and left. He was only gone a minute, but she met him half way as he walked back with his phone in her hand.

  “What, miss me already?” He joked.

  “Haha. No, your phone went off. I wasn’t trying to snoop, but the message popped up and said something about a fire.” Chasity said holding the phone out to him.

  Jacob took his phone and unlocked it. If there was a fire it should have come across his pager. He clicked the message and read it: I’m on fire, everything burns, I need you to come put it out. He looked at the number but didn’t know it. Probably one he deleted. He looked at her afraid she would be upset, but there was mischief in her eyes.

  “See if we were going steady this woul
dn’t happen.” She told him, and took off for the living room. He caught her before she reached the couch and pulled her into his lap.

  “You’re right.” He said pulling his phone in front of her. Then he texted the number back: Going steady with my own fire, find someone else. I’m taken. Then he hit send.

  “Jacob you shouldn’t have done that.” Chasity said shaking her head.

  “Why not, it’s true. What movie did you pick?” He asked as he threw his phone back on the table.

  “Since you need to learn about going steady, I picked Pleasantville so get comfortable. Do you need paper to take notes?” She asked innocently.

  “Just start the movie sassy pants.” Jacob said pulling her to lean against him so she would be comfortable.

  “Jacob, I wanna sit beside you. I can’t get comfortable here.” Chasity told him as she got up.

  “Why, I want to hold you.” Jacob pouted as she sat on the couch beside him.

  “That pipe in your pants makes it a little difficult to be comfortable.” Chasity said as she pulled his arm over her and snuggled close to his side with her head on his chest.

  “I guess you have a point.” He conceded. He liked that she was comfortable enough to curl up to him and move him how she wanted him.

  By the end of the movie he had a better understanding of her joke. She was sound asleep when the credits rolled, so he held her a while. Her tank top wasn’t very low cut, but from his angle he could see enough of her creamy cleavage to tempt him. He had to be at the station at seven in the morning so he was gonna have to go.

  “Chasity, time to wake up.” Jacob whispered. She moved, but only enough to wrap an arm around him.

  “Sweetness, it’s time for bed.” Jacob tried as he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip.

  Jacob would have kissed her awake, but he couldn’t with the way they were sitting. He called her name again and applied the slightest pressure to her bottom lip. She flicked her tongue out and sucked his thumb in her mouth and he almost lost his mind.

  “Baby, you have to stop. We both have to work tomorrow.” Jacob pleaded with her, but she shook her head and sucked harder.

  He was at the end of his control. He pulled his thumb away, but pulled her around his lap. When she looked into his eyes, he grabbed her neck and pulled her in for a soul stealing kiss. Her kisses drugged him, and it took him a minute to realize he was helping her grind down against him. From the sounds she was making, she was close. He couldn’t stop her now, that would be cruel.

  He continued to help her move as he kissed down her cheek and to her neck. She was tense in his arms searching for that something that would push her over the edge. He bit down on her neck and thrust up hard at the same time sending her into oblivion. As she came down, he kissed anything he could reach and rubbed her back.

  “Thank you.” She whispered against his neck.

  “Anytime sweetness, anytime.” He told her honestly. She started moving back and put her hand over his zipper.

  “No, we both need our rest.” He said catching her hands.

  “But how will you sleep with a kickstand?” She asked seriously.

  “You are one of a kind.” He told her laughing. He never knew what she might say next.

  “I’m serious. It’s not fair to you.” She told him scrunching her nose up at the injustice.

  “I will be fine sweetness. I want you to rest. You have to get up earlier than me.” He reminded her.

  “Then you should stay with me.” Chasity said nodding as if to reassure herself that’s what she wanted.

  “I will come see you tomorrow, I promise.” Jacob told her, he didn’t want her offering what she wasn’t ready for.

  “I want to wake up with you.” She whispered against his ear.

  “Are you sure?” He wanted to stay more than anything, but only if she really wanted it. She nodded and he tipped her face up to look at him. “If I stay, we only sleep.” She pouted at him. “I mean it. I will hold you all night, but that’s all. Is that what you want?”

  “I want more, but I can live with that for now.” She glared at him.

  “Good, let’s go to bed, sweetness.” He picked her up and carried her to her room, sitting her down on her bed.

  “Um, Jacob?” She said shyly.

  “Yeah?” He couldn’t wait to be able to wake up with her.

  “I usually only sleep in my tank top and panties.” She bit her lip looking up at him. She was going to kill him.

  “Do what makes you feel comfortable.” He said pretending it didn’t matter.

  “What about you?” She asked him.

  “I will be fine.” Jacob insisted.

  “You don’t sleep in jeans and a t-shirt.” Chasity glared at him.

  “No, I usually sleep in my underwear, but I will be okay.” He was going to stick with honesty, that seemed best.

  “So strip down then.” She told him as she got up and took her pants off.

  “That’s probably not a good idea.” He murmured as he watched her slide the yoga pants over her legs.

  “If you are going to stay dressed, you might as well go home.” She sighed. Hell no, he wasn’t going home.

  “Fine, you win.” He mumbled and began to remove his shirt.

  Chasity crawled into the bed, but was watching him with an avid gaze. She was chewing her lip as she watched him reach for the button on his jeans. He knew she would see his erection, but it wasn’t going away anytime soon. Quickly he jerked his jeans off and crawled in beside her. She looked up at him shyly.

  “What is it?” He could see the question in her eyes.

  “I’ve never spent the night with a man.” She confessed softly.

  “This will be a first for me too.” Jacob smiled at her. “Now, get comfortable and ignore him.”

  “I could…” Chasity began.

  “No. I told you, sleep.” Jacob interrupted her.

  “Fine, your loss.” She mumbled and turned away from him.

  “Yes, it is. Goodnight.” Jacob whispered in her ear, pulling her close.

  “Goodnight.” She sighed as she found her comfy spot and dozed off.

  He was holding heaven in his arms he thought before he drifted off too.

  Chapter 7

  Chasity was having the best dream. She had the solid body of the man she wanted most under her. She could feel his muscles flex as she touched them. Wiggling she felt the steel hard length of him. Such a delicious sensation. She did it again and again. He groaned and she pushed against him harder.

  “Sweetness, you have to stop.” His sweet voice told her. That wasn’t right. This was her dream and she got what she wanted. She nipped his chest and he jerked under her and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Chasity, baby, please wake up.” He grabbed her hips and pushed them up off his. “Look at me.” He commanded her, and her dream dissolved. She looked around noticing she was laying on him.

  “I’m so sorry.” Chasity tried to roll off him, but he stopped her.

  “I’m not. It’s a great way to wake up.” Jacob smiled up at her.

  “Then why did you stop me?” She would have been happy to finish what she started.

  “Our first time isn’t going to be when your still asleep and we are rushed. I want to take my time and savor every part of you, then I will love you slow and deep so that you will feel me for days after.” He told her with his eyes locked on hers.

  “Oh mercy.” She whimpered her heart beating so hard she thought he could feel it. “Will this be happening soon? I’m sure I could pencil you in.” She sassed trying to lighten the mood.

  “Not soon enough. I have a lot to prove to you first.” Jacob told her seriously.

  “You have nothing to prove to me.” She had no idea where he had gotten that idea.

  “Baby, I need to do this for both of us.” Jacob’s eyes held a determined light and she knew he needed this for whatever reason.

  “Fine, looks like B.O.B. isn’t retired aft
er all.” She joked, it was only a half joke. If they were going to be spending time together, she would need relief.

  “That ‘thing’ has no place here.” He said like it was a dirty word. “I will take care of you, but I won’t make love to you yet.”

  “Oh good, we can have sex then.” That she could handle.

  “No. With us it would never be sex.” Jacob told her, his voice as hard as his body.

  “I have to get ready for work.” Chasity said as she pushed up.

  “I am not rejecting you. I will take care of you other ways, and when the time comes, I know we will be explosive.” Jacob told her.

  “Yeah, cause I’m going to spontaneously combust.” She said going into the bathroom and shutting the door. She could hear him laughing on the other side.

  Chasity jumped in the shower, she was trying to be quick, but her mind kept wondering to what it would be like if Jacob joined her in the shower. She was very annoyed with him, but after seeing his delicious abs when she got up, her mind wondering back to how much she wanted to touch them. The water hadn’t helped, but she was clean so she got out and dried her hair. She wrapped a towel around her and walked out to get some clothes. Jacob was laying on the bed when she came in. He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her down on top of him. He reached for the towel, but she stopped him.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Chasity told him as she pushed off him, sliding a hand on those abs as she moved.

  “I just want a peek.” Jacob said pouting at her.

  “If I can’t have you, you can’t see me.” She moved to the dresser and grabbed her favorite pair of jeans and a tank top, then her panties and bra.

  “Sweetness, you have me.” Jacob said as he came up behind her and pulled her close.

  “Great, you changed your mind. Let’s get started.” Chasity spun around and put her arms around his neck.

  “No, I haven’t changed my mind and I wont, but I’m still yours.” Jacob kissed her gently, but she turned away.

  “You’re just pissing me off. I don’t think this is going to work after all.” Chasity told him, and she was serious, but he laughed.


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