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Temper Him: A Dark High School Romance (Rebels at Sterling Prep Book 6)

Page 4

by Caitlyn Dare

  “I heard she came crawling back.” The girls behind me don’t even bother trying to be discreet. “Warren told Kevin she cheated on him.”

  “Is that why she left?”

  “I don’t know. But I can’t believe he’s taken her back. She’s not even that pretty.”

  My head whips around, staring down the ringleader. Tamsin Becker, junior and wannabe Queen Bee smirks at me. “Oh hey, Kennedy, didn’t see you there.”

  Like fuck she didn’t.

  Her friends all stifle their giggles.

  I dig my nails into my palm, forcing myself to calm down. Heights High and Sterling Prep might be worlds apart, but their brand of bitch is still the same.

  “Relax, Kenny, she’s not worth it,” Shelbie whispers in my ear as I continue to glare at Tamsin.

  “Something you want to say to me?” I grit out.

  She thinks she knows me. She thinks I’m just some girl who dared hurt a guy like Warren. She doesn’t know. Even though she’s seen me around school countless times sporting a bruise or two, wearing a ball cap pulled down low over my face, it’s easier to label me the bad guy than accept what’s staring her in the face.

  The way women put other women down sometimes is sickening.

  My body trembles as Tamsin and her friends continue gawking at me.

  “Kennedy,” Shelbie says again, and I finally jolt out of the standoff.

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” I roll my shoulders and let out a small breath.

  The girls move on to their next target while Shelbie casts me a concerned glance. “You know how she can be.”

  “She’s a fucking bitch,” I snap a little louder than intended.

  Shelbie snickers at that. “You’re not wrong there. I heard you got pulled into Henderson’s office?”

  “I guess it was silly to think I could just slip back into class unnoticed.”

  We move down the line, helping ourselves to the least offending looking items.

  “FIGHT!” someone yells, and all hell breaks loose over by the tables.

  Shelbie rolls her eyes, completely unaffected. “Just another day in paradise.”

  Eventually a teacher wades in and tears two guys off each other.

  “Mr. Kulick is a brave guy,” she snorts. “Miller is watching you.”

  “Ugh,” I grumble. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “Don’t you?”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  Her expression softens. “He’s worried. We both are.”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  “You have your cell phone?”

  “I...” I hesitate and she sees it.

  “That asshole took your cell?”

  My shoulders lift in a small shrug as I try to avoid her gaze.

  “Kenny, that’s messed up.”

  “I know what I’m doing, Shelb. You don’t have to worry about me.” But as I say the words, pain coils around my heart.

  I thought I knew... the second I saw Warren’s text message—his threat—I thought I knew. But now I’m here, and Conner’s not, and everything feels wrong.

  Tears sting the backs of my eyes, but I lock down the emotion rising inside me. You can’t show weakness in a place like Heights High.

  “Come on,” Shelbie says, paying for my lunch. She doesn’t even ask, she just does it.

  “I’ll pay you back,” I whisper as we weave through the crammed tables.

  We manage to find an empty one near the back. It’s quieter over here.

  “You don’t have to sit with me, you know.”

  She scoffs. “Like I’m going to leave you to the wolves.” Her eyes flick to the girls watching us.

  “Is it crazy I’d forgotten how much it sucks here?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” She smirks, something over my shoulder catching her attention. “It’s not all bad.”

  I glance back to find Levi and Jayden stalking toward us. Without a word, they sit down.

  And just like that our two becomes four, and I realize that maybe I’m not alone after all.

  Chapter Six


  I stretch my legs out before me as Mr. Triskin chats away about... fuck knows what he's talking about. My head pounds, reminding me just how much I drank yesterday. I probably should have stopped earlier, but fuck that. I'd left both Ace and Cole deep in their girls when there was a chance another guy had his hands on mine.

  Only the knowledge that I'd probably have killed myself if I got behind the wheel last night stopped me from driving straight to the Heights and doing what needs to be done.

  My patience is being tested in a way I've never experienced before, and I don't fucking like it. I want to believe that Dad is doing the right thing, that he knows what he's doing. But without any information, I'm finding it harder and harder to trust him.

  I don't even really fucking know him.

  It didn't really bother me before, but after how cagey he was yesterday, I'm starting to wonder who our father really is. On the face of it, he appears to be the perfect businessman. He has the money, the swagger, the power. But is it that simple? The fact that he's currently being blackmailed by a teenager sure points to it not being quite so black and white.

  Ignoring what's going on around me, I stare out of the window, wishing that all of this is one really bad fucked-up nightmare and that she's going to walk past any minute, teasing me with her curvy, inked legs poking out from under her pleated skirt. I close my eyes, picturing her crawling up my body with her shirt wide open and her cleavage on display for me.

  My cock swells as the memory of her hands running up my body hits me.

  Fuck, I need her.

  My head hangs back as I fight the groan that threatens to erupt.

  "Mr. Jagger, are you with us this morning?"

  I drag my head forward and stare daggers at Triskin. Am I here? No, no I'm fucking not.

  "Yeah, please continue." I smirk at him and wait for him to turn back to his board and resume whatever it was he was talking about as my cell buzzes in my pocket.

  The second he does, I pull it out and unlock the screen.

  Levi: She's at school.

  My teeth grind. Does he really think he can take her back and act like everything is fucking normal? Nothing about this situation is fucking normal.

  Conner: How is she?

  Levi immediately starts typing and my stomach churns. If he replies that she's covered in bruises, I'm going to lose my shit right here.

  Levi: I don't know. She seems okay, I guess. Quiet. Unsure.

  What the fuck does that mean?

  Conner: HAS HE HURT HER?

  Levi: Not as far as I can see.

  I blow out a long breath. That's good... I think. But Warren's not stupid. He wouldn't let her walk back into Heights High sporting a black eye and a cut lip.

  Just as I'm putting my cell back into my pocket, it buzzes again.

  Levi: What are you going to do?

  Isn't that the million-dollar question.

  "Mr. Jagger, what are you doing?" Triskin barks across the classroom seconds after my chair legs scrape across the floor and I begin marching toward the door.

  Fuck this.

  I never should have turned up this morning.

  "I'm out."

  I don't hang around for his response. Instead, I just blow through the classroom door and storm down the hallway.

  Levi's seen her and I fucking haven't. I don't give a shit that he doesn't think she's hurt. I need to see it with my own eyes, and I know exactly where she is.

  Unlike this morning, when I drop down into my driver's seat I don't question whether I should be driving or not. Instead, I rev the engine and wheelspin out of the parking lot, the gravel flying out behind me.

  I don't bother putting any music on, instead driving to the Heights in silence with only my depressing thoughts rattling around my head, letting my anger consume me.

  The last time I was at Heights High was whe
n we were looking for Cole when he vanished all those months ago, but just like that night, it's still as fucking depressing as I remember.

  The buildings are dark and covered in years worth of graffiti. The parking lot is full of beat-up old bangers like the one Cole and I used to drive, making my Skyline stand out like a sore fucking thumb.

  I find a spot at the very back of the lot under the cover of some low hanging branches and kill the engine. I have no idea if I'll see her from here, but other than sneaking my way inside, it's the best chance I've got right now.

  There’s still thirty minutes before kids start emerging, so I sit back and pull my cell out.

  Cole: Where the fuck are you?

  Ace: Where are you?

  Hadley: Please don't do anything stupid.

  I shake my head at the three of them and close down my messages. My brothers are a pair of fucking hypocrites. If Remi or Hadley were being treated like this, they’d rain hell down on whoever was responsible. Shit, they both did after Hadley was taken. They killed Donny fucking Lopez without so much as breaking a sweat. Yet here I am, missing my girl, and Warren Kraven is still fucking breathing.

  How is that fair?

  Is it because, like always, I'm the forgotten one? Don't they like Kenny as much as they do Hadley? What the fuck am I missing here?

  I just hope that I fucking find out whatever it is soon, because I'm already beginning to lose my fucking mind.

  As the minutes pass, a few kids start to spill out of the buildings. But it's not until a very familiar car pulls to a stop out the front of the main reception that I really sit up and pay attention.

  His door opens before the motherfucker who's eluded me all these weeks steps out like he owns the fucking place.

  What was wrong with his hiding place? Couldn't he have fucking stayed there? Or died there? Whatever.

  Warren looks around and I sink down in my seat a little, although I have no idea why. If he so much as lays eyes on the car then he's going to know I'm here. No other fucker would be likely to park a two-hundred-thousand-dollar car in Heights High parking lot.

  Seemingly happy with his surroundings, he walks around to the hood and rests his ass back as he waits with his arms crossed over his wide chest.

  My fists curl with my need to go over there and wipe the smug look off Warren’s face. I might not be able to actually see his face right now, but I know the cunt is smiling. He thinks he's won. He's got the girl, and as far as he can tell I've done fuck all about it.

  I have done fuck all about it, I tell myself.

  My nails dig into my palms until I draw blood.

  A huge part of me wants to storm over there and take matters into my own hands, but I know I need to do as Dad says and wait. Warren might have piled on a few pounds since I last saw him, but I know I could still take him. He was always a slow fighter, something I'm not sure he'll ever shake.

  I've got my hand on the door when Cole's face pops into my head.

  "Fuuuuck," I scream, my palm slamming down on the wheel.

  The last thing I want is him going down for killing Charlie, but my fucking girl shouldn't be paying the price right now.

  A door opening catches my eye and I squint to see if she's there as a stream of kids spill out.

  My breathing is shallow as I wait for her to emerge, but the second I lock my eyes on her blonde hair, all the air rushes from my lungs and I swear the world around me stops turning.

  She's so fucking beautiful.

  Kennedy is wearing a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized sweater. It's not her style at all; it covers up all her gorgeous curves and her ink. It hides who she really is, how incredible she is.

  Fury swirls around in my chest, my need for vengeance once again almost getting the better of me.

  Her face is hard, her expression neutral as she gets closer to Warren. He on the other hand pushes from the hood and pulls her into his arms as if he hasn’t seen her in weeks, not merely a few fucking hours.

  She doesn't relax in his hold at all, and it tells me everything I need to know about her willingness to be here right now.

  My teeth grind so hard I swear I'm about to crack enamel as he leans down to capture her lips with his. My stomach twists and I turn to the side to heave, but I'm unable to rip my eyes away from the car crash that's happening before me as he runs his hands down her back and grips onto her ass, pulling her body flush with his.

  Bile burns up my throat, but even as he releases her and opens his passenger door so she can climb in, I don't stop staring at them.

  He looks around once more as he walks to his side of the car, but once again, he misses me. Fuck knows how with the hate stare I'm drilling into him.

  With one final glance around, he drops down and starts the car. The thing splutters a bit before he puts his foot down and disappears from the lot.

  I'm just about to start my engine to follow when a hand knocks against my window, scaring the ever-loving shit out of me. "Motherfucker," I mutter through heaving breaths as Jay pulls the back door open and Levi drops into my passenger seat.

  "Well, well, well, fancy seeing you here."

  "Fuck you, Levi. You damn near gave me a heart attack."

  "For a stalker, you're a really shit one, you know that?"

  "I needed to know she was okay."

  "I told you she was."

  "No offense, but I still needed to see it with my own eyes."

  Levi stares at me, but if he's offended he doesn't show it. "Let's get out of here. You remember where I live, right?"

  "You gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?" I ask, pulling out of the space I was hiding in.

  "Don't know fuck all. One day he’s in hiding, the next he’s parading your girl around the place. Fuck knows what he's playing at."

  "Helpful," I mutter, taking the next left toward Levi's house.

  I've been to his place a few times, but I haven’t been inside for years. After the accident he was involved in, his house became out of bounds. I got it; things were seriously tough for him after that. Makes me wonder why he's okay with it now, though.

  The second we pull up outside, he turns to me.

  "If you see my mom, it's probably best you just ignore her."

  He doesn't give me a chance to respond. Instead, he just climbs from the car, quickly followed by Jay, leaving me wondering what the fuck is going on.

  Chapter Seven


  “Fucking waste of space,” Warren grits out as we enter the trailer to find Mitch passed out on the couch.

  “Maybe you should check on him.”

  “Nah, let him rot for all I care.”

  “Warren!” I know things are bad between them, but it’s still his dad.

  “If you want to play nurse, by all means...” He glances over at the couch with disdain. “Be my guest.”

  With a little huff of frustration, I go and check on Mitch. He’s facedown, half hanging off the threadbare couch. But his chest is moving, and I can hear the liquor sloshing around in his stomach every time he breathes.

  Fetching the bucket I know they keep under the basin, I place it down beside him.

  “You know it’d do us a favor if he choked on his own tongue.” Warren stalks toward me, wrapping an arm around my waist. “Then we’d have this place to ourselves. Just you and me.” His eyes darken with lust, and I fight the wave of fear rising inside me.

  I knew this would happen.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful, Ken.” He brushes his knuckles over my cheek.

  “What did you do today?” I ask, trying to distract him.

  “You really want to talk now? If I didn’t know better, baby,” his brow rises, “I might think you’re trying to avoid me.”

  “What?” I frown, shaking my head. “Of course I’m not. I just... I have cramps.”

  “It’s shark week?”

  “Seriously?” I hiss.

  “What?” Warren chuckles, and it makes his eyes crinkle. It al
most makes him look like the boy who asked me to be his last year. The boy before all... all this.

  Warren has always been intense. Possessive with a quick temper. But it wasn’t always bad. I didn’t always have this giant pit in my stomach, waiting for the next time he loses it.

  When I think back, things deteriorated right around the time Conner’s mom died and we found out they were moving to Sterling Bay with James. Warren started to explode at the smallest thing. He’d be fine one minute and the next he’d lash out. It only got worse as time went on. He’d love me one second and then punish me the next. Fists, teeth, hands, Warren knew all the ways to make it hurt.

  “PMS is the worst,” I say, hoping to God my period comes soon.

  “Aww, you need me to look after you?” Warren smirks. “I know just the thing.”

  “Later, yeah?” I muster the best smile I can. “I need to start preparing dinner.” Moving around him, I inhale a shaky breath, but Warren snags my wrist, yanking me back to him.

  “Did Jagger hurt you, baby? Is that why you’re stalling?”

  Oh God.

  My stomach twists.

  “Warren, I’m not—"

  “It’s been weeks, baby. I need you, Ken. Don’t you want me?” He leans down, ghosting his lips over mine.

  “You know I do.” The words splinter my already fractured soul.

  I don’t want Warren.

  I never did.

  But I was hurting and confused, and I wanted to make Conner jealous. And then it was too late and I couldn’t find a way out.

  It’s a fucking mess.

  Me and Conner. Me and Warren. Conner and Warren. Three lives inexplicably tied together. Three lives that should never have crossed.

  We let Warren into our friendship. We did that. And once his claws were in, he only dug deeper and deeper until his hands were wrapped around my throat and his barbed threats were under my skin.


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