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Burning for Love

Page 28

by Evangeline Anderson

  Rissa found it very easy to comply with his directions. She loved the feel of his thick, silky hair between her fingers as he continued to lick her.

  He started with her outer pussy lips, healing the tender flesh where the harsh nubs had dug in as the shield pressed against her. He spent quite a long time doing it until Rissa felt completely healed and said so. She was also feeling quite restless between her legs. Though his tongue occasionally grazed the tender little bud of her clit, giving her a tiny spark of pleasure, it wasn’t his main focus at the moment.

  “James,” she whispered breathlessly, tugging lightly at his hair. “I…I think the, er, outside of me is quite better now.”

  He surveyed her pussy mound and outer lips with the critical eye of a craftsman making certain he has done a good job. Finally, he nodded.

  “Yes, I think you’re right.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you ready to let me heal the rest of you now, sweetheart? I may have to put my tongue deep inside you—inside your soft little channel—to heal you everywhere.”

  “You…you will?” Rissa bit her lip.

  “Don’t be afraid,” James murmured, stroking her inner thigh tenderly. “I know you’re hurt inside but I’m going to be very, very gentle. Just think of it as a kiss, all right? A long, deep kiss inside your soft little pussy.”

  The thought of him kissing her so deeply in such an intimate area gave Rissa a funny little quiver in her belly but she was quite certain that she could trust the big Kindred. And if he said he wanted to kiss her there in order to heal her, she believed him.

  “All right, James,” she murmured. “I trust you. Go…go ahead.”

  “Good, sweetheart.” He dropped a gentle kiss on her inner thigh. “That’s good. Just lie back and open your legs wide for me. Lie back and let me heal you.”

  A shiver of something—need? desire?—rushed through her and Rissa did as he said. Relaxing back against the pillows of the big, Kindred-sized bed, she spread her thighs even wider, baring her pussy for him completely.

  “I am ready, James,” she murmured. “Ready to let your tongue inside me. Go ahead and heal me now.”


  James thought that his heart had never felt so full. The emotions which had been tormenting him so horribly such a short time ago were now filling him with sensations too wonderful to describe.

  The sight of Ka’rissa lying there, opening herself for him so trustingly, made him ache to heal and protect her. But at the same time, the warm, feminine scent of her pussy and the salty sweet taste of her juices made his shaft so hard it felt like a solid iron pole between his thighs. He also found that he loved the feeling of her soft little fingers carding through his hair as he tasted her.

  “Touch me,” he told her, wrapping his arms around her thighs to open her even wider. “Gods, I love the feel of your hands in my hair while I taste you, sweetheart!”

  “Oh, James…” she whispered and then she was weaving her fingers through his hair again, sending shivers down his spine as he bent to lap her open pussy.

  He was extremely gentle, just as he had promised. The thick metal plug had bruised her inner walls with its dull blades. Luckily—and thanks once again to his Z’ngu DNA, James was able to extend his tongue to spread his essence thoroughly to the very end of her channel.

  At first she gasped and winced as he licked her. James understood—though he was doing his best to be gentle, she was simply too tender and bruised inside and even the lightest touch hurt. He continued to lick, spreading his Essence—which his body made in abundant quantities—to every corner of her soft, inner channel. Until, at last, Ka’rissa stopped wincing and relaxed under his mouth with a long, relieved sigh.

  “James,” she whispered, tugging lightly at his hair. “I…I think I’m better now. I really do.”

  James looked up at her. With a slow, deliberate movement, he dragged his tongue over her inner folds, making certain to pay special attention to the Goddess pearl at her center.

  “Then…do you want me to stop?” he growled softly, raising an eyebrow at her.

  “Ohhhh…” Ka’rissa’s eyes widened as she looked down at him. “You…you do not wish to stop, even though I am healed?”

  Slowly, he shook his head.

  “Hell no, sweetheart. I want to keep licking and tasting your soft little pussy until you come for me.”

  “You…you want to make me come with your tongue the way you do with your fingers?” She seemed shocked at the idea—shocked but intrigued, too, James thought.

  He nodded.

  “Exactly. An orgasm should seal your healing. And it should hopefully back down your Heat Cycle as well,” he added.

  “Oh yes, it always helps to control my Cycle when you…when you make me come,” she murmured shyly. “But if you would rather use your fingers as you usually do—”

  “No.” James shook his head. “No, sweetheart—I want to use my tongue.” He looked into her eyes as he spoke. “I want to taste your sweet juices as you come and feel your whole body quivering just for me.”

  Her eyes grew wider and then went half-lidded with desire.

  “Yes, James,” she whispered, giving that provocative little wiggle with her hips again. “Please—make me come with your tongue.”

  The soft, naughty plea coming from her sweet lips was almost more than James could stand. Feeling like his shaft was hard enough to fuck through solid steel, he dived in again, lapping and sucking her inner folds and tracing her Goddess Pearl with his tongue over and over until she moaned and gasped and tugged his hair as though she was trying to get him even closer.

  Gods, he was drowning in her, James thought to himself, as he threw himself completely into tasting a woman he loved for the first time. And he was more than happy to be drowned.

  Her delicious scent…her slippery inner folds, opening just for him like the petals of a delicate, beautiful flower…the soft helpless little cries and moans that fell from her lips…the feel of her fingers tightening in his hair…the taste of her honey on his tongue…all of it was a sensory feast that caused emotions stronger than he had yet felt. Passion, lust, desire, love, protectiveness, caring, possessiveness…They all washed over him as he sought to bring her pleasure and lapped her sweet juices while she moaned and cried for him.

  James felt almost overwhelmed by the whole experience—but in a good way—a fucking wonderful way, he admitted to himself. The way Ka’rissa was panting and gasping, her thighs pressing against the sides of his head as she rode his face shamelessly, was almost more than he could bear. And when she started to tug his hair and call out his name and he tasted fresh honey on his tongue, James nearly came himself, just from giving her pleasure.

  “James!” she cried breathlessly, bucking against him and arching her back. “Oh James…James!”

  Gods, he loved to hear her call for him like that! Loved to hear…

  Suddenly he became aware that her cries had changed from passionate to panicked. And her skin was suddenly blisteringly hot.

  “James!” she gasped and her eyes were wide with fear. “Oh James, I’m so frightened. I feel so…so hot inside. Almost like I’m boiling. My Heat…it’s rising too fast! I can’t…can’t control it! What am I going to do?”


  The change happened so fast and Rissa hadn’t been expecting it at all! Every other time James had helped her to have an orgasm, it had backed her Heat Cycle down and she was safe again. But this time, the intense pleasure he had given her seemed to have had the opposite effect.

  “James,” she whispered. “I…I feel almost as though there was a fireball growing inside me. I fear I am going to burst into flames at any moment!”

  He looked at her anxiously, his mouth still shiny with her juices.

  “Your Heat needs to be slaked,” he said. “Princess, do you wish me to slake it?”

  Rissa bit her lip. She knew what was involved now—knew she would have to take his shaft deep in her pussy and allow him to fi
ll her with his seed. It was an act that only her husband should perform and yet, she had no husband to help her. The marriage she had just gone through had been a sham—a lie. And besides, she wanted no man besides James to take her in that way—to make love to her.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, James—I…I want you to slake my Heat.”

  He frowned.

  “You must know that the act of spilling my seed deep in your soft little pussy will bond us together forever. We will never be able to be apart again.”

  “Truly?” Rissa felt her heart give a little leap. “Then yes—yes, James, I want it more than ever!” She held out her arms to him. “But please—you must hurry. I am burning inside.”

  “I will cool my body as low as I can,” he promised. “But there is one more thing, Ka’rissa—I have never bonded with a female before, and I’m not certain how my body will react.”

  “What?” She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “I have told you that I have a mixture of Kindred DNA in my heritage,” he said. “And that the Beast Kindred DNA would allow me to make compounds that would help you stretch to accept my shaft, just as my Blood Kindred DNA allowed me to grow fangs and make Essence for you when you needed to be healed.”

  “Yes? And?” she asked.

  “Well, I’m just not certain what will happen when we start making love. I might grow a Mating Fist to tie the two of us together for a very long time, like a Beast Kindred would. Or my fangs may grow again and I might have the urge to bite you and inject my Essence directly into your bloodstream at the moment of orgasm, to tie the two of us together. Or neither might happen, or both might happen.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “I simply do not know.”

  “Well, I know one thing for certain,” Rissa said breathlessly. “And that is if you do not slake my Heat, I will self-immolate! Whatever happens between us, James, it doesn’t matter to me as long as you are the man to take me. Please…” She held out her arms for him urgently. “I need you!”

  “Of course, sweetheart,” he murmured hoarsely. “I need you, too.”

  He quickly slipped off his tight leather trousers and then he was naked in the bed beside her, his big, muscular body deliciously cool against her own heated flesh.

  “Oh, James…” she moaned breathlessly as he got between her legs and fit the broad head of his shaft to the mouth of her pussy. “Oh yes, please! I need you in me so badly!” she begged.

  “Slowly, sweetheart,” he told her. He was rubbing the broad head against her heated folds, teasing her almost unbearably. “Have to be certain my precum is spread all over your soft little pussy so you can open up for me,” he told her.

  “Yes, James…” Despite her impatience, Rissa tried to lie still beneath the big Kindred. But she couldn’t help bucking her hips a little when he rubbed over her tender, throbbing clit. Gods, how she wanted him inside her! She could feel his hard, cool length getting ready to open her and that was exactly what she needed—she was burning up inside—there was fire at her core and she needed James to put it out.

  “Gently, sweetheart,” he cautioned her and then she felt just the tip of his shaft nudging inside her, entering her pussy mouth.

  “Yes, James,” she whispered, but it came out as more of a whimper. “But please,” she begged him. “I need you so badly.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he protested. “You had that huge metal plug in you and—”

  “And you healed me from it,” Rissa reminded him. “Truly, James, I do not feel any pain at all from it anymore. The only pain I feel now is a deep emptiness inside me—the need to be filled by your shaft!”

  “Well, you seem to be stretching well to receive me.” He pushed a little deeper inside her and Rissa moaned and lifted her hips, begging for more. “Very well, actually,” James murmured, his eyes going half-lidded with lust.

  “More!” Rissa begged shamelessly. “I need more of you inside me, James. I need all of you!”

  “Well, if I’m really not hurting you…”

  “You’re not! Please, James!” She gave a desperate little wiggle, trying to capture more of him, wishing that she was on top instead. But was such a thing even possible? “James,” she whispered. “Do…do ladies ever sit on top of gentlemen when they make love? Or is it always the man who must be on top?”

  He smiled.

  “Females can be on top as well as men. Why—would you like to try it that way?”

  “I think so.” Rissa nodded. “If you do not mind switching positions?”

  “Not at all, sweetheart. Here…”

  He made a sudden movement and, with a little gasp, Rissa found that she was sitting astride him with her knees on either side of his hips. Best of all, the head of his shaft was still somehow lodged inside her.

  Taking advantage of her new, more powerful position, Rissa lowered herself down, taking more and more of his thickness deep into her pussy.

  “Careful now, Ka’rissa!” James sounded anxious for her—which wasn’t surprising, considering that he was even bigger than the metal plug that had been inside her before. But the precum he had spread over her slippery folds seemed to have worked. Rissa found she had no problems taking him at all. She could feel her inner walls stretching to take the massive Kindred shaft, but it was a good feeling

  Better than good, Rissa soon realized. For James was apparently able to cool his shaft just like the rest of his body. As he sank into her, she could almost feel the delicious coolness spreading to her core, helping to ease the unbearable Heat that was still building inside her.

  The sensation was a comforting one—it made her feel less like a bomb that was about to blow and possibly take the man she loved with her. It gave Rissa permission to take her time and enjoy the new and sensual experience to the fullest. And all the while he kept his hands on her hips and looked up at her with love and devotion in his blue eyes.

  “Oh, James…” she moaned softly when at last he bottomed out inside her. “I feel you so deep in me now—as deep as you can go.”

  “Not quite, sweetheart.” His deep voice was slightly hoarse. “Look down,” he directed her. “I, er, seem to have grown a Mating Fist, just as I thought might happen.”

  “Oh, my!” Rissa looked between her legs and saw that—sure enough—a thick ridge of flesh was now encircling the bottom of his shaft. “How…how is that going to fit in me?” she asked anxiously.

  “The same way the rest of me fit,” James told her reassuringly. “Just let yourself down a little more, sweetheart. You should be able to stretch enough to take me.”

  To Rissa’s relief, he was right. But even though the thick ridge of flesh slipped fairly easily into her pussy, she couldn’t help thinking that she had never felt so full before. Even the cruel metal plug seemed like nothing compared to the big Kindred’s Mating Fist.

  But again, it wasn’t a painful sensation at all. In fact, Rissa thought, it was quite amazingly pleasurable to be so filled with his shaft. It made her feel completely opened and owned—as though he was claiming her for his own.

  And Rissa wanted to be claimed. She couldn’t believe how naughty and yet how empowered she felt, riding astride the big Kindred this way. She had discarded the white peignoir and was completely naked, her breasts and points on display and her pussy completely enveloping his shaft.

  “Now what?” she asked breathlessly, wiggling her hips a bit, to feel the way he was finally all the way inside her. “Do…do you just fill me with your seed?”

  “I need to make love to you first,” James growled softly. “Need to move inside you, Princess. Do you think you can let me do that? Do you think you can open your soft little pussy and let me thrust my shaft in and out of your tight channel?”

  Rissa’s heart seemed to skip at beat at his naughty words and the half-lidded, lustful way he was looking at her.

  “Yes, James,” she whispered, moaning a little as she wiggled some more. “I…I think I can.”

, because I want to watch your breasts bounce while I thrust inside you,” he growled softy. “Want to make love to you for a good long time before I spill my seed inside you.”

  “Yes, James,” she moaned again. “Please…I want that too!”

  “Then hold on, Princess—here we go,” he growled. Gripping her hips in his big hands, he pulled out a little, then thrust back in with a long, deep motion that raised Rissa up and made her cry out with pleasure at the same time.

  “Oh, James, yes!” she begged, her back arching as she leaned into the deep thrust. “Do…do it again—please!”

  James did, pulling out and thrusting in again and again until he had set up a steady rhythm inside her, making Rissa moan every time he thrust home and the head of his cock kissed the mouth of her womb.

  The sensations inside her were amazing, but she soon found it was even better when she bent forward. That way, James’s pelvis rubbed against her aching clit and the big Kindred could capture her glowing points in his cool mouth, sucking and nipping her throbbing nipples and sending sparks of pure delight through her entire body.

  Rissa didn’t know how long it lasted—it seemed like forever—but she began to feel her pleasure growing once more. Though James had given her an incredible orgasm with his tongue, she felt a new one building deep inside her and somehow she knew it would be more intense than anything she’d ever felt before.

  “James,” she moaned, as he thrust up into her. “James, I feel…feel so close! So very close to coming again!”

  “That’s good, sweetheart,” he growled encouragingly. “Really good. Work for it—you deserve it. Gods, you feel so good around me! So tight and hot and wet.”

  “I…I want you to come inside me, want to feel your seed filling me,” Rissa moaned, and suddenly she felt her building orgasm reaching a fever pitch. “I feel so hot inside, James!” she panted. “I…I need you to put me out—to slake my Heat!”

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to do, sweetheart,” he growled hoarsely, still thrusting up into her. “But first I want you to come for me—come all over my cock. Can you do that, Ka’rissa?”


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