Rescued by a Highlander

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Rescued by a Highlander Page 5

by Susan Payne

  He did not disappoint. He brushed over the soft hair-covered mound and continued on to the next breast with his mouth leaving the first glistening with moisture that cooled in the night air causing the rigid peak to ache with want. Gawain stopped thinking about lessons and followed his own wants and needs, not understanding his desire to get closer, become more than her lover and instructor, become her very reason for taking breath.

  Jillian stiffened as his warm breath blew across her most private part as he leaned over her prone body. He slid his wet tongue between her nether lips and stroked the budding pearl to greater degrees. This was new to Gawain, he had never spent this kind of time with a woman, never wanted to, but Jillian was different. He wanted her to be so besotted with him and with lovemaking she would never think of leaving him, of going to England, of returning to her father’s home.

  Gawain nestled his body between her legs, letting them hang over his shoulders as he reached up with both hands to fondle her breasts. He rolled the erect nipples between his thumbs and forefingers before paying more homage to the delights he found between her legs.

  His wife’s breathing became labored and she covered his hands over her breasts and stroked his arms, pulling his head closer to her as he felt then tasted her arousal, first salty and turning sweet as she began to move her hips in contrast to his mouth.

  He smiled and gave one last kiss upon her cunny before getting to his knees, leaning in, and penetrating the moist passage he had been honoring. She pulled his hips to her, circling his buttocks with her ankles, holding him as if she feared he would leave her like this, hot and in need of release.

  Gawain would never, could never…not even if he had been trying to punish her. He was too far into passionate desire, too far into Jillian to give her up now. He pumped into her with controlled passion until he felt her muscles grasp hungrily at his manhood and then milk it dry as he allowed himself the luxury of calling out his ecstasy.

  Collapsing to the side of his wife, Gawain’s last rational thought was that he was no longer sure who had been the teacher and who the pupil during those last few moments of lovemaking.

  Jillian couldn’t believe the incredible sensations her husband could elicit from her body. The body she thought so average, less than average if she compared it to other young women her own age. She was thin and flat chested, or at least all the men she held combat with had told her. That she lacked the curves that made other women interesting and desirable. Yet, here was a man who seemed to enjoy her body, flat chest and all.

  His licking and then suckling her modest sized breasts drove all other thoughts from her mind. The tug on her nipples reverberated through her body making her yearn for his touch between her legs as he had the night before. She had been unsure how to ease that deep ache.

  Once he placed his mouth over her private female part, she wanted to climb right onto him. She couldn’t get close enough to him and desired that same release she experienced the night before when he brought her to completion. That almost unfathomable feeling of tightening that exploded into a release of sparkling light and sensation of flying.

  Jillian spent her time feeling and enjoying and trying to memorize all the various things her husband had done to her. She felt herself blush merely remembering what he did and how much she enjoyed him doing it. She never heard of some of those, or at least if she had she had not understood the act as spoken. The men in the bailey became used to her being there and often forgot she was not only a woman, but the daughter of their lord as well.

  Now she had a better idea of what occurred between a man and a woman although she also thought she should have been doing more. She should not merely have enjoyed her husband’s attentions although he didn’t seem to act as if she had not fulfilled her duties.

  Jillian would do more next time. She was curious about her husband’s body and his response to having her near him in bed. She found the whole lovemaking act one of great interest. She was beginning to understand why the men in the bailey focused so much of their talk and attention on it. If she had known what a pleasant past time it was, she might have chosen some muscular knight and had her way with him sooner.

  She giggled silently knowing she would not have done any such thing. The men were not available to her in that way and they would have driven out any man who even thought to bed her. She spoke the truth when she said they were comrades in arms even though the men acknowledged she was female. They had never restrained themselves when they fought with her in hand-to-hand combat. Knowing at some time she might come up against an enemy who would not hold back, she needed to be ready to protect herself.

  But for now, she had a man she had access to and the right to study and investigate her own sexuality as well as his. She finally snuggled down to sleep as her husband was doing. She had time to become more familiar with him before she left.

  Jillian quickly pulled her hand back when her husband’s eye, the only one showing with his face buried in a pillow, snapped open followed swiftly by a smile as he seemingly remembered the evening before.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you. I was just touching your ear - it’s so, so perfect. The right size and smooth and…,” she told him as she returned gently to rub a finger over the sensitive shell shaped skin.

  “I don’t believe that for a moment. You became bored waiting for me to awaken so you thought you would investigate my body parts. Actually, if you’re interested, there are a lot of my parts that would more than welcome your investigation.” He rolled onto his side exposing an already rigid staff.

  Jillian flushed but did not stop herself from reaching toward him and with gentle, tentative strokes traced his erection. From soft velvety tip to the more massive girth where it joined to his body, near the curl covered sac that seemed to undulate with each touch of her hand.

  She followed a vein down and around and another back up the side, watching so intently she almost missed her husband biting the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning and frightening her away from her interest.

  “You said I was to learn from you. That I should touch you as you touch me. Does that include tasting you?” she asked not looking into his eyes, but seriously studying his aroused body part.

  “I think that would be best left for a different time. I’m most vulnerable in the morning to touch and most often wake wanting a woman. That seems to be something more we have in common, our timing seems to be very much in tune with one another’s. That isn’t always the case and I think it just one more reason for you to stay with me.”

  Jillian’s gaze jumped abruptly to meet his. How did he know she had been thinking about leaving him? Leaving this house, his clan and taking her father now he was getting stronger. Going somewhere else so they could fight Dennis’s attempt to steal her heritage, her children’s heritage.

  “I’m not planning on leaving here. I have no way of defeating Dennis, yet, if my father will not ask for help from the King,” she told him honestly, no longer interested in his body or its reaction to her touch.

  He seemed to know the game was over as well. “I know, that’s why you asked about getting a child, but you may have conceived already and I am pointing out we are very compatible. I would hate to have to chase you across Scotland simply to retrieve my wife.”

  Jillian dropped her hand, but that hadn’t dissuaded Gawain from a morning lovemaking session, not after having been stroked to almost breaking point. He pushed her onto her back and entered her without any further comments. She shoved her hips up to meet his and he grunted with contentment as he became completely sheathed within her warmth. Then began his thrusts in earnest, reaching his pinnacle quickly, Jillian right with him, proving once again they were more than compatible in bed. If Jillian weren’t already with child, it wouldn’t take too much time before she was.

  Gawain got up and slapped his wife on her bottom in play, saying, “Stay abed, as a reward. I must go and meet with some crofters who live farthest from the keep.”

  “I could go with you. I’m not used to being so lazy and my horse will need exercising if nothing more.” She sat up naked on the mattress, hope evident on her face.

  “I have made plans to go out with Sir Jason and Sir Torrey.” He named the two men who were on the hunt with him. Both about the same age as Gawain and all three physically fit so she assumed they practiced as well as rode to the hunt together.

  “Find Agatha and she should make time to show you around the keep, introduce you to the servants. Cook said she is the only one to meet you and that was when she brought you food to break your fast.”

  “Yes, and I met Lady Edith, and Ann. I’m not totally without knowledge,” she sounded defensive without meaning to. It wasn’t her fault Agatha was staying as far from Jillian as she could get. As if hiding from her for some unknown reason.

  Gawain left, having other things on his mind. Jillian waited and was not disappointed when Ann came in with a clean underdress and some gossip, which seemed to be what the girl thrived on. Letting little tidbits slip out as she tried once more to convince Jillian to change her hair. Jillian let the talk float around her as she dressed and left Ann to pick up after Gawain.


  No one was in the hall and Jillian decided to miss the meal and go in search of her father. She should have made more of an effort to find his room yesterday, but to be honest with herself, she had been distracted. Knowing Agatha could show up at any time, Jillian had not thought about making arrangements to speak with him again. One of the things her husband told her was to familiarize herself with his home and she would. If along the way, she found her father’s chambers then all the better.

  Climbing the main stairs to the top floor, she began her reconnaissance. Finding most of the doors closed, it did not take too long before she was done on that floor not wishing to walk into a private chamber. Besides, she knew her father wasn’t on the floor since he separated from her before she was taken to the floor with her husband’s bed chambers on it.

  She did find a room which contained shelves filled with books and ledgers, a large partner style desk with an open knee-hole on both sides for two people to use at a time. There were various glass ink jars as well as nibs on the desktop. She didn’t investigate this room further at this time and would ask Gawain before she borrowed any of the books.

  The last floor up from the hall and public rooms of the keep was the most active. But again, most of the doors were closed. Those that were open were sleeping chambers but nothing to indicate whose, no sign of her father anywhere. Jillian decided to go to the basement area, passing through the kitchens and the laundry that opened out to the bailey.

  She heard murmuring indicating one of the rooms along the passage was occupied. She was surprised when she ran into her father as well as Lady Edith. Her father appeared to be happy to see her and stood for her kiss then sat back down turning toward the older lady who was using a pestle to crunch seeds in the bottom of a stone cup.

  Jillian was glad to see her father look so much better and dressed in a fine coat with several gold buttons down the front and on the wide cuffs. The shirt beneath immaculate with a lace cravat and sleeves. The breeches were loose but of expensive material. His hair was pulled back in a black ribbon at the base of his neck. Over all, he appeared as he had months ago before they rode from their home.

  “I need to make a poultice for the butcher,” Lady Edith explained to Jillian. “A boar cut his leg as he was going to slaughter it and now the wound has festered. He should have come to me sooner, but men rarely want to admit they are in pain or in need of a woman’s help. Once this is done, things should get better quickly. I warned him next time he ignored something like this he could lose his leg.” She was speaking to no one in particular, simply venting in female exasperation.

  “Well, I am glad you noticed my father’s symptoms and could help him regain his strength. I saw him getting weaker and weaker, but did not realize it was due to my cousin more than his attack on our home.” She reached over to pat her father’s hand, which appeared less frail already.

  Her father added. “Now that we think about it, bringing his own guard and even squires would have been normal, but he brought household servants, as well as, cooks. That should have made us more uncomfortable.” He shook his head at his own naïveté.

  “You are not to take the blame for this, Father. Dennis came as a familiar visitor even though we had not seen him for over ten years. Why would we question his motives? He never appeared to covet your property before. I never would have contemplated that he felt himself worthy enough to claim himself as your heir, not with me there and you still vigorous with life.”

  Jillian smiled and continued, “But we may win our home back. It will take a little planning, but I realized Dennis is in a much worse position now than when we were still in our castle. After all, unless he has the ear of the King, he has nothing else.”

  “Daughter, I want you to confer with your husband before you make any plans. He has some ideas of how to remove Dennis without causing a war between those who support him and those who still support me. I do not wish us to jeopardize our future by acting impulsively now.”

  Jillian knew he was trying not to offend her knowing what she gave up for them to remain in Gawain’s home. The surprise of Gawain already being handfasted with Jillian was only one of the surprises the two men planned to throw Dennis’ plans off, she was sure. To have her husband’s strength behind them when Dennis comes for them is a God-send. And Lord Riley seemed sure Dennis would come for them.

  Lady Edith, trying to defuse what she comprehended was a sore point festering between the child and parent, asked, “Have you seen the dungeons then, Jillian? They are not used for prisoners any longer, but they are interesting if you like old cellars. This keep goes back several hundred years and used to have a moat as well.”

  Jillian welcomed the distraction. She hated being at odds with her father. It had been the two of them for so many years, she wasn’t sure if she could add another’s voice into the mix before settling on a plan. Gawain did not even know Castle Crawford. How could he have good ideas on how to protect it and win it back for her father? She smiled and told the couple she would take a tour of the dungeons, after all, and went the direction Lady Edith pointed out.

  A large key hanging on the wall as she approached the steps heralded the private entrance to the unused portion of the labyrinth. She went down the two steps to stand in front of the sturdy wooden door, large iron hinges holding it up with a leather strap as an opener. She lit the candle sitting there with her flint before opening the door.

  Leaving it open allowed some light from the high windows in the passageway to shine across the rough stonewalls and well-worn steps leading even further into the earth. Jillian noticed the lowering of temperature after a few yards into the dungeon and just as she thought she had seen enough, the door crashed closed and she heard the key turn in the lock.

  Spinning quickly, she caused the candle to extinguish. She thought she could go directly to the door and bang on it loudly enough to draw the attention of whoever shut the door, probably thinking it had been left open in error. Her thumping did not retrieve anyone to unlock the door, but did make Jillian’s hand hurt. She would have hit it with her boot but since being there, she only wore house shoes, which were soft like slippers without a hard heel to make any kind of noise.

  “Damnation!” Jillian said as she tried to find the flint in her pocket again and hold the candle at the same time. It was a little difficult until she put the candle in her mouth and soon, she had light again. It wasn’t much help for her in her quest to escape. She would eventually be missed, but probably not until supper. By then her father or Lady Edith might remember mentioning the dungeon and Jillian saying she would search it out. Until then she could see how comfortable she could make herself.

  As she walked past the old metal cages, many with the doors removed, Jillian realized what th
e area was used for now. She could see there were casks of wine and oil and other stored provisions, using the natural coolness of the underground sanctum to preserve these items.

  She placed the candle on a drop of wax to keep it in place and tried by smell to find something edible. After several tries, she found only the wine and several small kegs of hard cider. Pulling the cork from the wine, she searched the area for something to use as a cup.

  There was a large wooden scoop on top of one of the grain barrels and filled that with the red wine. Keeping it on an angle enabled her to drink without spilling a drop while waiting until someone came to find her. The fact that this had once been a working dungeon, Jillian figured there wouldn’t be any trap doors or ways out besides the large plank door, which was now securely locked.

  The only problem was she wasn’t the only living thing down there. Jillian noticed and smelled the old drain system where excrement had been moved out of the cells by way of shallow open half-pipes made of stone. These once carried soiled water out, probably to the moat area. But now rats and other rodents came up through these openings of the walls and into the storage area where they feasted on whatever dropped on the floor or they could chew through. Jillian noticed that most items were stored in covered barrels and not left in the open to entice even more four legged visitors to the dungeon.

  Spotting one just outside the circle of light made by the candle, Jillian wished she had her bow and arrows. Not that it was unheard of to eat rats, but she didn’t think she would be down there long enough to find out. She missed the feel of the tautness of the string between her fingers and the burn of her arm muscles after sending several arrows toward a moving target quickly, one right after another.


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