Page 28
“Nothing special. Just classes and a walk with Antonio in the afternoon.”
“Where is he now?”
“At home.” I thought back to the walk and the short conversation with Ben before I’d raced back to pick her up. The concert was still an option. Maybe all the stress of the past few days was showing its effect on both our mental strength. Jenna’s upcoming performance would be the perfect change for us. “What do you want to do tonight? You said normal was good,” I put the words in her mouth. “Let’s do something normal.”
She made a sound of agreement, which lacked enthusiasm as much as her emotions did. “That would be nice. Any suggestions?” As she worded her concurrence, her feelings flipped up a bit, too, as if she was suddenly thinking of a better future together—at least the next couple of hours. It helped me forget I was actually upset with her. One smile from her and I wouldn’t stand a chance of holding a grudge.
“To be honest,” I announced, “I already have something in mind.”
“What would that be?” Curiosity flew through the car, and the excitement grew. Feeling her like this, all positive anticipation, I couldn’t help but want to pique her curiosity by making it a little mystery.
“Surprise.” I sealed my lips with a motion of my hand. I almost gave away my secret when she finally gave me that smile I didn’t stand a chance against.
“Unfair,” she complained, not at all serious this time. She observed me from the side, emotions fanning out in a different direction as her eyes lingered on my shoulders.
I ignored the urge to face her and kiss the bewildered expression off her lips, steering us through the afternoon traffic of Aurora. As I pulled into her driveway, Nigel was waiting to be let in and fed. I waited patiently until Claire was done, using the time to grab the dress and box from the trunk. Before she could notice, I was back and watched her clean up the cat food and wash her hands. On the way to her bedroom, I debated if there was a minute for a kiss or not, but a glance at my watch told me there wasn’t.
“Time to get changed, beautiful,” I used my seductive tone, the one I knew she would not resist, and pulled her to my side.
“What exactly is that?” She eyed the bag on my arm as if it was alive and dangerous.
“What does it look like?” With a swift movement, I placed Claire in front of the big mirror, enjoying the image of us side by side for a moment before I continued my thought. “I think you need something more dressy for tonight.”
As she looked at our reflection, her jaw slowly dropped as she fully appreciated my own outfit.
“Oh my God—Adam…”
“Do I look that bad?” I joked, feeling how she was already imagining unbuttoning the white shirt.
“On the contrary. You look—good.” She forced an innocent expression and I almost burst out with laughter, not because she was funny but because her emotions made it so difficult for me to even think of putting a dress on her after she took off her school clothes.
“Well, thanks. Thought I might dress up a little for this normal evening with my girlfriend.”
“Where are we going?” She was regaining control over her desires, curiosity getting the best of her again.
“Still a surprise.” I opened the zipper of the suit bag, ready to be laughed at or taunted, but she marveled at Ben’s creation, fingers wandering over layers of purple chiffon.
“For me?”
With a nod, I saved all the words I wanted to say. That she deserved the best of everything, and this was only the beginning. If we survived the demons, I would give her the world.
“Will you please put it on without asking?” I hoped she wouldn’t want to know where I got it.
Wordlessly, she stripped out of her sweater before she took the dress from my hand and headed for the bathroom, saving me from the temptation of seeing her change.
“Back in a minute,” she called through the half-open door. “How much time do I have to become presentable?”
I resisted the urge to peek through the gap, forcing myself to sit on the edge of the bed. “You always are. But if you mean, when do we have to go, that’s half an hour—maybe more.” I chuckled to myself. In less than an hour, Claire would get to know the other world my family had to deal with on a regular basis. Charity events and small talk with society.
When she reappeared, Claire was a vision in dusty purple. The fabric was like gentle waves, breaking against her slender shape, contrasting with her skin, and leaving just enough to the imagination to still be appropriate for an event like the one I was planning to take her. She had put on just a hint of make-up. Just enough to make her eyes stand out with excitement. I got to my feet.
“You’re anything but normal. You’re beautiful, perfect, Claire… I’m running out of words—I’m speechless.”
Claire rewarded me with a cloud of affection. If she had been able to feel my emotions, she would have been showered in awe and adoration.
With a quick motion, not to miss a second of her beauty, I pulled the shoes from the box and placed them at her feet, kneeling there and waiting for her to slip into them before I stood up again.
“Where did you get this dress? Whose is it?” There came the questions.
“It’s yours,” I avoided giving a more specific answer.
“What? You can’t buy me a dress.” Her eyes bulged and I had to laugh. There was a lot I could do that she still didn’t know about. Being part of my family came with the benefits of wealth, and a dress was nothing…
“You wearing it is the living proof that I can. And I didn’t buy it, technically—I had it made for you.”
“You what? Are you insane?” Her tone was even more shocked than what I’d expected. She wasn’t used to being spoiled.
“No—” I took her hands into mine, forcing her to hold still and look at me instead of saying something was impossible when it wasn’t, “—just in love with the most amazing woman—who hasn’t got a fitting dress for this occasion, so I thought I might help.”
I shoved one hand into m pocket, fishing out my mother’s necklace and teleported behind Claire so I could clasp it behind her neck. She jumped as I switched location without warning and I brushed my fingers along her neck, pulling her hair aside. “Shhh… Just me.” And then I let the necklace glide around her throat and fastened it gently, my fingertips kissing her skin along her collarbones and then her spine and inhaling her scent as I bent down enough to reach around her throat.
I took a moment to marvel at her before I let her admire herself in the mirror. She stared at herself, torn between excitement and disapproval.
“Why are you giving me this?” She shook her head.
“Because I want to—and because I couldn’t find anything occasion-fitting in your closet,” I smiled. I hadn’t roamed her closet, but I could imagine there was nothing like this in there. A bold assumption.
“I cannot accept it. I’m sorry,” she surprised me as she reached up to take off the necklace in a flash of false pride. There was sadness in her voice and it hurt to watch her forbid herself to enjoy being treated like a queen.
“Please, for me—” I tried a smoldering look, unsure whether or not it would work, but Claire melted without delay.
“Alright,” she sighed. “I’ll wear it. But you take the necklace back afterward—promise?”
“Not a chance.” I brushed my lips against her neck and her jaw, hoping she would let it go if I just distracted her enough. “It’s yours.”
“I don’t really think it would suit you anyway,” she joked as she pulled out of my arms and searched the closet for a jacket. Unsatisfied with her findings, she headed downstairs. I followed suit, ready to offer my coat when we got to the door.
“What tailor can make a dress in one day?” she asked on the way down.
“Well, I know someone.”
“And how does that someone make a dress for a person without measuring them?”
“I looked at the tags in your clothes to e
stimate a size, and then—” Well, I had caught a glimpse at the tag in her nightie the other day…the rest was just a very accurate sense of dimensions, “—since my abilities are more distinct, all my senses work better than before the transformation. I can smell better, hear better, see better, and let’s say I can estimate the dimensions of an object I look at, and I’ve looked at your body a lot the past two days. I got an impression of the proportions that someone needed to know.”
“That’s weird,” she said and eyed me as if trying to figure out if I was satisfied with my measurements.
“Yeah—I think so. I’m glad you like it. I really put some effort into it.” At least in making sure she got it in time. She didn’t need to know it was Ben who’d done the actual work or she might not wear it at all.
“And so did the tailor,” she mocked and grinned, finally ready to accept my gifts. “Yes, I love it.”
“And I love you.” I followed her to the door, shrugging out of my coat and holding it up for her to slip on. “Shall we?”
Grateful rather than offended by my consideration, she snuggled into the pre-heated fabric and took my arm. While she locked up, my eyes searched the darkening streets, ready to throw myself between her and any attacker, ready to die for her.
“Good evening, Master Adam, Miss Gabriel,” Geoffrey greeted us and let us in.
I guided Claire over the threshold, getting a bit nervous at the thought of Ben. Was he going to behave tonight, or would he try to make Claire feel unwelcome the way he’d perfected over the past months?
“You can leave the coat on. We’re just changing cars. The others should be here any minute.” I hid every sign of distress, determined to be her anchor in our rocky ocean.
“What others?” She was just about to verbalize her impatience with my secrecy when they arrived in a stretch limousine from our favorite rental service.
Brian, our usual driver, got out and opened the door, waiting patiently for us to get in.
“Have a nice evening, Sir,” Geoffrey said as we passed him.
“Thanks, Geoffrey. We’ll be home late.”
Claire’s expression was priceless. Her eyes got wider with every step we took closer to our ride.
“This?” She was hyperventilating and I wasn’t exactly sure if it was excitement or panic. I had to take a good look at her to see that it was a little bit of both.
“Keep calm,” I whispered into her ear, ready to catch her if she fainted. “It’s only a car.”
“Right.” She squeezed past the driver, a bit lost with how or if to address him at all and climbed into the backseat. I followed suit, nodding at Brian, indicating we were ready to go. He closed the door behind us and the engine purred to life a couple of seconds later.
Claire grabbed my hand for support as she realized we weren’t alone. Dad was smiling and Ben was being Ben. He had put on a reserved face and his emotions were jumping between curiosity, excitement, and the obligatory anger as if she had done him harm.
“Er, hello.” She waved at them. “How are you?”
“Hello, Claire. Nice to see you again,” Dad made sure she’d feel welcome, while Ben raised an eyebrow and snorted quietly beside him, eyes scorning her.
“Where are we going?” she turned to me instead of the others, uncomfortable under Ben’s cold gaze.
I figured I couldn’t keep her in the dark much longer. The dress, the car, my father and brother all dressed up…
“My mother’s giving one of her rare concerts,” I filled her in. “It’s a charity thing, but the whole family’s supposed to show up. So, I thought I might bring you.”
“Really? Jenna’s playing? Great!” There was sudden excitement in her eyes and in her emotions but there wasn’t the deep resonating of our bond that I had expected.
I wondered if she’d heard every detail in my words. Had she understood I had just declared her part of my family? Ben most certainly had. His eyes were narrowed and he was directing his anger at me now instead of her.
Dad on the other hand, oblivious to our silent exchange, chuckled. “Yes, my wife very seldom gives us the pleasure of letting us hear her play these days. She has better things to do—or so she says.”
I grinned at him, just to avoid Ben’s accusing gaze.
By the time we arrived at the event hall, Claire had bonded with my father and Ben had won a staring contest with the blackened windows. When Brian opened the door for us, I was relieved to breathe some fresh air. I inhaled deeply and offered my hand to Claire who grabbed it and followed my lead up the stairs and into the building. Dad and Ben’s footsteps were right behind us, and despite all the gratitude I felt toward Ben, I wished I could take Claire and run from him, just to ensure she wouldn’t be exposed to any further unfriendliness. Hadn’t she been through enough?
The uniformed staff of the concert hall was attentive as always, ready to take our coats. Claire was faster than me when I wanted to help her out of mine. I let my hands sink at Ben’s expression as he gawked at her from behind. Claire turned as he sucked in a quick breath, astonished by his artwork—and unfortunately, as much by my girlfriend. A wave of jealousy drove me to give Ben a glare, which he noticed and fell back into his cold mask from before.
Claire intuitively shrank back from him, stumbling into my chest as I straightened. I was ready to pick a fight with my brother if necessary but I was so much more ready to see Claire relax in an atmosphere of beauty and art.
“Come with me,” I whispered in her ear, letting her scent calm me down.
She followed my request and as we wound our way between formally set tables and groups of people in suits and cocktail-dresses, some of which I knew and nodded at. Jenna came up to us with her violin in her hand and a wide smile on her face.
“You look so pretty.” She pulled Claire into a hug, a sweep of motherly feelings going through the space between us, and she grinned at me over Claire’s shoulder, her expression letting me know how happy she was I’d brought her.
“You too—gorgeous. I can’t believe I finally get to hear you play.”
“Adam told me he’d bring you. Very nice of you to join the family for this occasion. It’s pretty boring, and so at least Adam has a little fun.”
This wasn’t exactly true. I had mentioned I might bring Claire, but that had been before I’d spread my wings and tried to stay away from her. Also, it was never boring when Jenna played.
“I’m sure it’s going to be great.” Claire objected with a smile. “Good luck.” They both laughed and as Jenna disappeared backstage, I couldn’t help but think what it would be like if Claire really became part of this family.
I led Claire to our table and helped her into her chair, ignoring her flash of disapproval at my gentlemanly manners. She would get used to it. Even if she’d never been treated like a lady, I would make sure she felt like one in my presence. This was the old Adam speaking. The one with the rational core, and the good upbringing. But the new Adam was there, too. He wanted to make Claire feel his love on every level, with every way he knew.
Dad and Ben joined us after a while. Claire was observing the spectators and I was watching her, reading every little change in her mood, every twinkle in her eye, every crease on her forehead. Tonight—this normal, human night—should become part of my Claire-collection, an image I could hold onto if she lived a long, human life and I would stay behind with those images all I’d have left of her.
“So, what’s the schedule for tonight?” she asked, the soft glow of anticipation decorating her features.
“First the concert—approximately one hour, and then dinner,” Dad informed her.
Normally, I would frown and try to skip the dinner part, but tonight I was looking forward to it. It was worth going through the whole charity thing just to be with Claire and make memories for eternity.
“Thanks for bringing me here,” she said to all of us and my heart leapt at her approval, giving me the
serenity to ignore Ben’s upsurge of indignation.
“It’s my pleasure.” I indicated a bow and leaned over to give her a quick kiss. It felt wonderful, but for the wrong reasons. At that moment, I was marking my territory rather than enjoying her company. While Claire didn’t notice, Ben smirked with a knowing look. Embarrassed, I reined in my rebellious side and leaned back in my chair.
Distress claimed my attention, pulling me from my moment of lost self-control. Claire was fighting discomfort about something and hid it well by playing with one of the chiffon ribbons on her dress.
“What’s wrong?” I asked and glanced around, ready to teleport us out. I leaned closer and took her hand. “I perceive your unease and worry, and it’s plain on your face. What’s wrong, Claire?”
She looked in the corner and cringed, then hid her face in the dimming light, relieved that the concert was about to start. “Later,” she whispered and focused on Jenna and her violin.
My eyes, unbothered by the darkness, kept searching the room until they found Sporty’s face at the back of the room. He was staring back at me, resentment floating toward me from where he was sitting. And while Claire was drifting into Jenna’s music, calming next to me, Sporty seemed to be wanting to split my head open with his butter knife.
Ben had noticed my tense posture and there was concern streaming toward me. For a moment, I wasn’t sure who to focus on, Claire and her mental absence, Sporty and his evil eye, or Ben’s sudden change of heart.
While Mrs. Miller from the charity foundation thanked all artists and the audience for attending tonight, Claire slowly returned to the present. I saw it in her eyes and I perceived how the calm mood dissolved. When the buffet was opened, I hoped she would go with me, but she shook her head, preferring to re-adapt to this world after Jenna’s heavenly violin playing.
I understood. I’d had such moments. And so it was Ben and me who joined the crowd in line for dinner.
“Thanks again for bringing me. This evening is anything but normal, and I love it,” she reassured me before I kissed her briefly and headed off after Ben, always staying within line of sight, so I could react if she needed me. She was talking to Dad, smiling and nodding.