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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

Page 14

by S. L. Walker

  I threw my hoody on my head as I leaned on the fence looking for at least one of the girls to come walking out. I noticed a young light skinned guy come walking towards me; the same cutie from Treach’s place. I immediately looked around, hoping he was here for someone else. He walked straight up to me.

  “Hey,” he said quickly. “From Treach,” he said sliding a piece of paper in my hoodie pocket and walking away. I quickly looked around and then at him as he scurried across the street. I took the note out and read:

  Pick up 876 Fenton Ave Ask for Kim before Sunday.

  Drop Off…my spot.

  I could barely swallow. Another one? Kaitlin was right.

  I looked up to Zara staring straight at me.

  “Raven!” She yelled. “I been calling your name,” she said, waving her hands across my eyes. “You cool?” She asked me. I looked at her speechless and handed her the paper.

  “He wants me to do another one,” I told her.

  “Who?” She asked, unfolding the paper and shaking her head. “You better tell your bro, man,” she folded the paper and handed it back to me.

  “Hell no,” I told her.

  “Raven, this is serious,” she said. “You can’t get caught up with Treach.”

  “You don’t think I know that?” I told her, blowing my breath into my hands trying to keep warm.

  “Wassup?” Victoria walked up. We instantly changed the subject. “Hey Zara,” she said.

  “It’s so cold out here, where are the other girls?” Zara asked.

  “Oh, are you going with us to the spot?” Victoria asked. I could tell she was a little skeptical.

  “Uh, yea I guess. Spot?” Zara asked, confused. Victoria and I looked at each other and she nodded for approval.

  “Yeah, sure, you should come,” I told her. “We have a spot out in the woods. I got something to keep us warm too,” I pointed to my backpack. I had a bottle of Vodka in my backpack the whole time I was in school. I had scored a fake ID about a year ago. I never misused it just in case but it worked every time I needed some. Pretty soon, I’d be using them to get into night clubs which was the real reason I wanted it in the first place.

  Eva and Angel finally walked up, both complaining about how cold it was.

  “Shit man, are y’all sure y’all wanna hit the shack up today? It’s gonna be freezing,” Eva said, tucking her hands inside her coat. I noticed her give Zara the, what are you doing here look and then back at me.

  “We can light a fire like we always do,” I told her.

  “Well, let’s go if we are going,” Victoria chimed in. We walked quickly to our bikes at the bike rack.

  “No car?” Angel said to Zara.

  “No, I can’t drive it until I get my permit,” Zara said, disappointed.

  “Ummmm, where are you going?” Eva asked Zara as she followed us to the bike rack.

  “She’s coming,” I answered for her.

  “Wow,” Eva laughed sarcastically. “Now, I’ve seen it all,” she said hopping on her bike and peddling off ahead of us.

  “I swear,” Zara looked at me impatient with Eva’s attitude.

  “Just ignore her,” Victoria said. “She will get over it.”


  They hadn’t been to the shack in a long time but when they pulled up it was still there, unused and waiting for them.

  “Wow, y’all be kicking it here?” Zara said, as they halted their bikes and parked them in front.

  “Yeap,” Raven told her. “We’ve been coming here for a few years now.”

  “It’s so beautiful out here,” Zara said, looking around at the tall fall trees that reached towards the light blue sky. Raven opened the door and let everyone in.

  “Hurry up and light the trash with the fire,” Raven said. Victoria quickly grabbed a bunch of old newspapers they had stashed in the corner while Angel grabbed the small lighter fluid. Eva walked over to one of the chairs, grabbing a blanket and sat down pouting. Victoria lit a match and tossed it in the, trash sending up a flare of flames. Zara looked at them in amazement, knowing that this was no new thing for them.

  “We have fireeeee!” Victoria joked and laughed. Angel grabbed a blanket too and huddled in one of the chairs. Raven dug into her backpack taking out the bottle of Vodka and some red cups.

  “Nice!” Eva said. “I didn’t know you came bearing gifts,” she smiled.

  “Well, if you weren’t so focused on who was coming here, I would have told you,” Raven said with an attitude, pouring shots into the cups.

  “Whatever. Sorry, Zara, we don’t have a blanket for you, we only have four. The fire should keep you warm, though,” Eva said, looking at Zara who had now made herself comfortable on an old beat up coffee table.

  “You can have mine,” Victoria said, glaring at Eva and handing Zara her blanket.

  “Oh, thanks, girl. You sure?” Zara said taking the blanket.

  “Yeah. Vee, pour me a triple shot,” Victoria laughed.

  “You got it,” Raven answered, pouring more of the Vodka into her cup.

  “Speaking of gifts, we need to do our secret Santa!” Angel chimed.

  “You wanna do that now?” Eva asked, glancing over at Zara.

  “Here,” Raven said, handing over the filled cups to each of the girls.

  “Why not?” Angel said.

  “Might as well while we are here,” Victoria added. “I’ll do the names. Raven, hand me an empty cup,” she said taking paper and a pen out.

  “So, Zara, every year we do a secret Santa since we don’t have money like that. We all kind of know what each other likes so it’s cool. You should do it too! You’re part of the crew now!” Angel said.

  Eva laughed sarcastically.

  “Nah, it’s okay. That’s y’all thing. I get so many gifts for Christmas anyway, I don’t even care about presents. You guys’ friendship is enough,” Zara said.

  “Give me a break!” Eva laughed. “You know you want to do it. You’re part of the crew now, you might as well!” Eva continued with her sarcastic tone and took the whole shot of her drink.

  “Eva!” Victoria rolled her eyes at Eva’s constant annoyance. “She’s right though, I’m gonna write your name down.”

  “Yeah, if you get Eva we can just trade,” Raven laughed and drinking her drink.

  “Eva’s so bad to shop for,” Victoria added, writing the names down and ripping up the paper.

  “No, I’m not!” Eva shouted and getting up from her seat to get another shot. “I’m simple.”

  “Yeah right, last year I was her secret Santa and I got her this cute ass gold chain with a cute teddy bear pendant cus she likes bears,” Victoria said.

  “You mean you stole!” Eva interrupted.

  “What difference does it make, you were so unappreciative!” Victoria snarled.

  “I just didn’t want you stealing gifts for me!” Eva laughed.

  Zara smiled as she took the shot of her drink. She appreciated their bond and was happy she was in their circle, whether Eva liked her or not. She longed for a friendship like this. Girls she could kick it with talk to everyday.

  Raven walked over and put more Vodka in her cup.

  “Okay, well what about when Vee got you that MJ shirt, and you made that comment, oh a t-shirt,” Victoria laughed.

  “I loved that shirt!” Eva shouted. All the girls hee-hawed and laughed at Eva. Angel got up and added a little more gas to the trashcan to keep the fire going.

  “Okay, all names are in the cup and mixed in. Zara, since you are new, you go first, and you can’t tell us who you have,” Victoria said.

  “Unless you have Eva,” Raven said pointing at her for assurance.

  “Okay okay,” Zara smiled. She reached in and pulled out a name. “It’s not Eva,” she laughed. All the girls wailed with laughter. They all dug in and pulled out names.

  “We good?” Victoria asked them.

  “Yep,” they all agreed.

  “Alright,” she
held up her cup. “To our secret Santas and may we all get bomb ass gifts!” She held up her cup in cheers.

  “To bomb ass gifts!” They all cheered.


  I was pretty tipsy walking back into the house and the sun was just setting. I had so much fun joking and drinking with the girls. They were really cool to be around and I found that I had more in common with them than I thought. Eva was still a stick in my ass, but the liquor at least loosened her tight ass up.

  I was surprised my dad was home and hoped he was cooped in his office like he always was. I sprayed a little vanilla body splash on me just in case I smelled like liquor before I opened the front door. I started to head straight to my room before Molly came around the corner, stopping me.

  “Hey honey, your dad told me to tell you to go see him when you get in. Oh, and I made pasta,” she said before she walked back around the corner. I quickly walked in my room and changed into some sweatpants and an old grey Chevy t-shirt. I slipped into my cookie monster slippers and went down to my dad’s office. The door was fully shut, so I knocked before I let myself in.

  “Come on in!” He yelled from the other side. I opened the door to the smell of fresh Cigar smoke. The room was a bit foggy and he was leaning in his brown leather chair that made him look like the boss he was.

  “Hey hon! Glad you are here. Take a seat,” he pointed to his matching leather couch that faced his desk.

  “Hey daddy,” I said. He got up out of his chair and walked over and kissed me on the forehead.

  “Listen, sweety, we need to talk,” he eased beside me on the couch. I never liked the “we need to talk” conversations. More than likely it was something I either didn’t want to do or didn’t want to hear.

  “I know I told you…I would never use you in my business after the last incident, but it’s looking like I am going to need you,” he told me, rubbing my back. My throat instantly locked up and I looked at him with fear.

  “I need you to complete a drop off for me on Friday. That’s it.” He said.

  “But daddy-” I began.

  “I know, sweety. I know. But Tito got into it with one of Treach’s boys and it was this whole big mess and I can’t control Tito’s anger,” he told me lighting another cigar.

  “What about Casey? Can’t he do it?” I practically pleaded. Casey had been making runs for my dad for years. He was a younger, white guy in his 20’s. He almost reminded me of a younger Johnny Depp.

  “He’s in Peru on business for me,” he said. “How about this? Remember when I said you couldn’t drive your new car without a permit? If you do this, you can drive whenever you please, just promise me you won’t do anything stupid in it and get your permit ASAP,” he told me.

  He knew how much I wanted to drive my car. And it was a hell of a deal, but I was terrified. The last pick up I did went south really quick.

  “Okay,” I said doubtfully.

  “That’s my girl!” He hopped up and kissed me again on the forehead. “So, right after school you’ll be meeting here,” he said, writing an address on a piece of paper. “You will be meeting one of Treach’s people so be in and out. It’s someone new, so keep a good look out,” he handed me the piece of paper. He walked to his locked cabinet and pulled out a shiny stainless steel Wilson Combat. He handed it to me along with two cases of bullets.

  “Hopefully, you won’t need this, but I will never let you go out without it. It’s yours,” he told me. My eyes gleamed at the new gun. I let the shine from the ceiling light glisten over the gun as I awed at how beautiful it was. I ran my hands over the ridged grip. I squeezed the trigger and aimed for the door, like I was aiming to shoot.

  “You like it?” He asked.

  “It’s light. I love it,” I told him. He kissed me again on the forehead and put his cigar out.

  “That’s why you’re my daughter,” he said.


  I was in the middle of doing homework when my mom entered my room with a plate of Lasagna.

  “Hey baby, thought I’d bring your dinner since I know you’re busy,” she said, closing the door behind her. She had two plates in her hand. “Your dad is going to be late so I thought I’d just eat in here with you.”

  “Thanks, mom,” I got up, closing my math book and grabbing my plate from her.

  “What you working on?” She asked me sitting on the floor next to me.

  “Just some math problems. I’m almost done,” I told her biting into my lasagna.

  “So,” she hesitated. “We aren’t going to be having Thanksgiving together this year.” I almost choked on my first bite.

  “Why?” I asked her. I really wasn’t surprised but I guess I was unprepared for the conversation. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and no one had talked about what we were doing. Every year we would either go up to my grandmothers’ or just have a home cooked meal here. My mom and dad would invite friends and coworkers over and sometimes I would stop by one of the girls’ house if they were in town.

  “Your dad is going to your grandmothers’ and I want to stay here. We are giving you the choice on if you want to go to your grandmothers’ or stay here with me,” she told me.

  “Well, of course I want to stay here with you,” I told her with no hesitation. I still wanted nothing to do with my dad.

  “Are you sure, baby? You haven’t seen your grandma since last Christmas,” she told me.

  “Yep,” I told her, taking another bite of my lasagna.

  “Look, I know this is weird-” she started to say.

  “I said I want to stay here with you, mom,” I said, irritated. I didn’t want to deal with the thought of them separating. With the image of my dad cheating and probably cheating right now. “Can we drop it now and eat?”

  “Of course,” she smiled, satisfied, but I knew she was concerned. I was concerned, too, but I was also over it.


  I sat in my room fiddling with the gun Treach had given me, contemplating on walking straight into Deon’s room and telling him everything. I only had a couple hours before it was time to do the drop for Treach and I was conflicted. I played around pretending to shoot the gun. I looked back at the piece of paper with the pickup address, and then played back with the gun again. My pager went off, startling me; it was Tori. I tucked the gun under my mattress and grabbed the house phone and called her back.

  “Hey, T, wassup?” I asked when she answered.

  “Hey! What time you wanna hit the mall? I saw this cute little leather jacket I know I can snatch-” she asked eagerly.

  “Oh shit, I completely forgot, I can’t,” I cut her off.

  “What you mean you can’t? What’s more important than the mall?” She said, disappointed.

  “I’m helping my dad with something,” I lied.

  “Man, I was ready! I had some old shopping bags and everything,” she said now, irritated.

  “Let’s go tomorrow,” I told her.

  “You know Saturdays is the worst days to lift, Vee. Man. I’ll see what Eve is doing, then,” I could hear her pouting through the phone.

  “Alright,” I said, rushing her off the phone. She hung up without saying goodbye. I had completely forgot I told her we could ransack a few stores today and I never turned down a good pinch, but this was more important.

  “What do you have to do for dad?” Deon asked, startling me.

  “Ugh, how long have you been standing there?” I frowned.

  “Long enough,” he said, passing by me into the kitchen.

  “Nothing, I just didn’t feel like going to the mall with Tori today,” I lied.

  “Since when do you pass up the mall?” He laughed, opening up the kitchen cabinet and grabbing a bag of chips.

  “I just have a lot on my mind,” I told him.

  “I thought shopping was every girls therapy,” he bugged, opening his chips. I hesitated to tell him what was going on. I really wanted to, but I couldn’t bare the look on his face.

; “Yeah, well, not with no money,” I told him, turning and walking back to my room as quickly as I could. I decided I wasn’t going to tell him and handle this on my own. I grabbed the gun from under my bed and quickly left the house, heading to the pickup spot.

  I took a puff of my joint that I had rolled when I got to Fenton Avenue to calm my nerves. The neighborhood was quiet with a bunch of residential houses. None of the houses looked abandoned or torn down like the other pickup spot. I took a deep breath and road up to the correct address. The house had a for sale sign in the front lawn and there were no lights nor any cars parked in the front. I looked around and even walked to the side of the house to see if maybe there was another house in the back like Lo’s spot. I opened the gate to see a large backyard with nothing but bright green grass. I walked back to the front and looked back at the piece of paper I was given for the pick up.

  I was at the right address.

  “Raven?” A familiar voice called behind me. I turned around.



  “What the hell are you doing here?” Zara walked up to Raven, who nervously looked around. “I thought I saw your bike back there, but-” she started to say. “What are you doing here, Raven?” She asked again.

  Raven looked behind Zara at her new Mercedes and then at the black duffle bag she was holding.

  “You’re the pick up?” Raven asked, staring hard at Zara. Zara looked down at her bag.

  “You’re the drop off?” Zara asked her back. Raven’s face grew red.

  “You’re the fucking pick up?!” Raven shouted.

  “Shhhhhhh!” Zara grabbed Raven’s arm and pulled her towards the backside of the house. “You wanna cause a scene in that suspicious ass hoody you’re wearing, walking around this neighborhood?”

  Raven looked down at her black hoodie and noticed that Zara wasn’t covered at all. She had on a white puff coat with white gloves and jeans with boots.


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