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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

Page 37

by S. L. Walker

  “Listen, I know tomorrow is going to be a hard day for you and you and your mom seem like you been going through a lot with a no good dad. But there are good men in this world. Nobody is perfect, but I am here to be that good man in your life. This is just something to show I care and you should wear it tomorrow in remembrance that no matter what happens you have a good man,” he cleverly spit out like Denzel himself. Tears fell down my face. My heart melted as if someone set fire to it. The look in his eyes was sincere and I couldn’t help but be angry at myself.

  He opened the box to a shiny 14K Rose Gold heart necklace with diamonds. I covered my mouth from getting too excited and the guilt of being angry with myself disappeared. Shit, I deserved this. I was a good girlfriend and he was right, my father wasn’t shit, didn’t mean I didn’t deserve a guy that was good. He took it out and wrapped it around my neck, pulling my hair out of the way to clip it. I wiped the tears that had fell and felt for the necklace around my neck.

  “Lance, you are amazing,” I turned around to him.

  “Go see how it looks,” he smiled, satisfied. He motioned towards the guest bathroom down the hall, following me towards it. I looked in the mirror and it sat flawlessly around my neck, gracing my collar bone. I moved from side to side, letting the sparkle of the diamonds shine from the bathroom light.

  “I’m never taking this off,” I told him, kissing him like crazy.

  “Whoa baby,” he stepped back laughing. “You deserve it. Now, are you hungry?” He asked.

  “Yeah…” I stopped realizing how turned on I was and food was the last thing I was thinking about. “Where’s your bedroom?” I bit my lip, hinting what I really wanted. It took all but a split second to figure out what I was leading too and he smirked.

  “Upstairs,” he pointed to the staircase.

  “These stairs?” I walked seductively towards the long curved stairs.

  “Yeah,” he followed behind me like a love struck puppy. I kicked my boots off to the side and began walking up the stairs, never taking my eyes off of him. The way I seduced him, you would have thought I was a grown ass woman and the look in his eyes told me he was going to turn me into one tonight.


  My dad had been blowing up my pager and the house phone to talk to me ever since he told my mom about Professor Heart. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why he would think I’d want anything to do with him or his little bitch of a daughter again. I was getting dressed for school when my mom walked in.

  “Hey,” she greeted me, leaning on the ledge of my bedroom door.

  “Hey,” I greeted her back, brushing my hair in long strokes in front of the mirror.

  “Your dad left another message yesterday. Wants to know what you want for Christmas,” she said.

  “Nothing. You can tell him that,” I looked myself harder in the mirror and watched my hair fall luxuriously down the sides of my face.

  “You can’t be mad at him for being genuinely concerned about this and this little fling you have on your teacher. You can be mad at Lilly but not him,” she defended him.

  I turned around in the vanity chair I was sitting on.

  “Since when did you get so team dad all of a sudden?” I asked her. She hated him. And now all of a sudden she cared about us talking.

  She walked in and sat on my bed.

  “Because he actually is trying and I am sure he feels bad for even saying anything. I told him I had talked to you and you said it was just a crush, nothing more and he believed me right away. He loves you, so just call him back,” she ran her fingers through my brushed hair leaving strands out of place. She kissed my forehead and stood up.

  “I have to leave for work for two days, I’m going to head out when I’m off my shift. Will you be okay or should I send you to Ravens’?” She asked me. Her leaving wasn’t new anymore. I actually kind of liked having the house to myself.

  “I may go to Angel’s house,” I told her, trying to fix my hair back.

  “Okay, oh and you might want to change, it’s starting to sprinkle outside. I think it’s going to rain today,” she added before she walked out the room. I got up and looked out the window at the dark grey sky and light drops that were forming.


  I changed out of my cute sweater dress and put on some black jogger pants, red and black hoody and old black Nikes. I heard my mom leave for work and checked the time for school. My pager surprisingly buzzed and I looked at it shocked to see Professor Heart’s number. I was thankful she had left and hurried to call him back. I was eager to know what he could possibly want. We were on speaking terms, but I still wasn’t giving him the time of day.

  “Good morning beautiful,” his voice gave me goosebumps when he answered. My heart beat fast, letting me know that no matter how hard I tried, I would always feel for him.

  “Hey, Professor Heart. What’s going on? It’s 7 am,” I rushed him.

  “Whoa. Steve, Eva. What did I tell you about calling me that? Do you need a ride, it’s raining pretty hard out now?” He offered.

  “You know I can’t be seen with you at school,” I chuckled, amazed at the attempt. We’d both be shot dead if anyone found out about us let alone me getting out of his car.

  “I’ll drop you around by the gym,” he insisted.

  “And how am I gonna get home?” I half gave in.

  “I’ll take you home too,” he laughed. “So, what’s it going to be pretty lady?”

  “Fine,” I told him, giving him my address and rushing to put on some eyeliner and lip gloss. I usually would freshen my face before his class, but I wouldn’t dare let him see me with my morning look. I scolded myself in the mirror for once again giving into his temptation, but the rain was getting louder outside and my mom had already gone to work. I had made some toast and fruit, before I knew it, he was honking outside.

  I grabbed my umbrella and backpack and jogged the few steps to his car. He opened the door from the inside making it easier for me to get in.

  His car smelled like fresh lemons and the leather was warm from the heater blasting. I threw my backpack in the backseat and put my seatbelt on.

  “Thanks for picking me up,” I huffed as I finally got settled. He leaned over to me and kissed my neck.

  “My pleasure,” he said. His cologne left a mark in my face as he moved back over to his side. He wore a black beanie and black peacoat once again showing me that he can be handsome in anything he put on. He put the car in gear as I laid my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes wishing that this was something we could do openly; but I knew it would always be a secret.


  I was happy the rain had stopped momentarily since it had been pouring all day. Luckily, my mom was able to drop me and pick me up from school. We turned into the driveway to find my dad’s car sitting there. We both looked at each other at the same time.

  “Oh hell no,” she said softly with her nose flared. She put the car in park hard. My heart raced and I could feel a lump forming in my throat. Out of all the days, he would return on the gloomiest one. I grabbed my backpack and followed my mom into the house. All of the lights were on and I could hear the shower running in the bedroom. It didn’t seem he had been there that long either. I skimmed the hallway for bags, thinking that maybe he was coming to get more of his things as I walked to my room. My mom went straight towards the kitchen and I could hear her fiddling around, probably preparing to make dinner.

  What was he doing back? Should I say anything? Was she going to say anything? God please don’t let them fight.

  I closed my door to my room and changed out of my school clothes. The bottom of my jeans were wet from sliding on the ground and my jacket was fairly damp from the rain. I changed into some old grey sweatpants and a grey thermal long sleeve, slipping on some thick grey house socks.

  I turned towards the door once I heard the muffle of voices. Their bedroom door slammed shut and I instantly opened mine. I looked towards the kitchen, re
alizing she was in the bedroom. I heard more muffled voices now more clearly. I put my ear up to their door and I could hear my dad saying please.

  “You must think I’m a fool? You put your hands on me, Robert! And walked away and I haven’t heard from you in weeks! You haven’t even called our daughter!” She wept at the top of her lungs. I felt tears forming in my own eyes. I could imagine the look on her face. The same look she gave me when she found out I knew about the other woman.

  “I am sorry, Kim! I was hurt, too! And I should have never laid a finger on you! Please, please forgive me,” my dad sounded as if he was crying. “I just want to come home and start over. Please don’t do this,” he whined.

  “Get off of me!” She yelled. I wished I could see what they were doing, but I could only guess he was probably on his knees or trying to hold her.

  “Kim, we both made mistakes. Both of us!” His voice quivered. She was silent. “We could do counseling, but don’t divorce me.” I took my ear from the door and I covered my mouth to keep from letting out my own cry.

  A divorce?

  “Just sign the papers, Robert, and take your ass back to whatever hoar house you came from!” She yelled.

  “I was at my mother’s house! I told you that!” He defended. The door flew open and caught me off guard. I stood face to face with my mom, her eyes blood shot red and mascara running down her pale white face. She wiped her face with her hands and moved past me as if I wasn’t even there. I looked over to my dad who was standing in his heavy black robe with blood shot eyes, also. His tears dried up quickly when he saw me.

  “Angie,” the guilt over his face said enough for me. I no longer was mad at him. I pitied him. He looked like he had lost everything. My mom had every right to be mad at him, but to divorce him without even trying made me angry.

  “You gonna leave me, too?” He sounded pathetic. But I loved my dad and I knew at this point he was at an all time low.

  “Daddy,” I managed to give a half smile and walked over to him and hugged him. The relief on his face drew tears down my own and he hugged me back as if he would never let me go.

  “I’m so sorry, baby girl, I promise I will make this up to you every single day of my life,” he cried. My dad was tall so when he let me go, he got down on his knees so he was almost face to face with me. “I messed up really bad. And I never want you to think that is the kind of man I am. You will never see that side of me again. Will you forgive me?” His lips curled as if he was going to cry again, but the man in him wanted me to know he was serious about changing and he looked in my eyes sternly.

  I shook my head. “I forgive you, daddy,” I told him, grabbing him and hugging him as if I was five years old again.

  I looked over to the doorway still with my head on my dad’s shoulders and saw my mom there, arms folded and the horns on her head formed, and the steam shot out of her nose. She wasn’t ready to forgive him.


  I watched my papa get into the back of his black Navigator and the driver hop in the driver seat and drive off. He would be gone for a week to help go over the new touches of the barbershop; that and working out his connects out there. He had met a few new business partners but he took KC and Bandit to watch his back. Molly was folding the laundry in the living room, but I knew she’d soon be leaving to be with her family for Christmas season like she did every holiday. My dad would be back in time for Christmas, so I wasn’t worried about that. I already knew the game. What they were doing didn’t care about no Holiday. Money never stopped flowing no matter what kind of day it was.

  I skipped over to the house phone and paged Raven. They had a drop they were doing tomorrow and she actually agreed to let me drive them. She didn’t like the idea but I told her I’d take my plates off and I was super tinted so no one would know it was me.

  My papa said I couldn’t get anything distinctive on my car with the business that we were in. He didn’t want anyone to be able to identify me; especially as his daughter.

  Raven instantly called back.

  “Sup?” She asked.

  “What you up to? We good for tomorrow? My dad just left and Molly is leaving in the morning,” I told her, peaking around the corner of the kitchen to make sure she didn’t hear me.

  “I’m trying to do this stupid ass Math homework. Our teacher gave us mad homework this week knowing we about to go on break like a bitch,” she fussed. “But yeah it’s all good. You sure you want to do this?” She asked me. I knew this would be her last time asking me if I wanted to stick my neck out for them after I told my papa I wasn’t even talking to them. Let alone help them.

  “Hell yeah, girl,” I told her. They needed all the help they could get.

  “Okay, bet. After school, we headed straight there,” she told me. We hung up and Molly turned the corner just as I got off the phone, startling me.

  “What’s your problem?” She frowned. “Who were you talking to?” She passed me and headed for the refrigerator.

  “Oh, Lisa. She wants to see about going to the movies tomorrow to see that new Leonardo DiCaprio movie. She loves him,” I lied, leaning on the kitchen counter.

  “He is a cutie,” she laughed, pulling out a fruit bowl. “Hopefully Tito will give you a little space while you’re here alone,” she poured the fruit in a small bowl. “You want some?”

  “Tito? Why would he need to give me space?” I asked, confused.

  “Your father didn’t tell you? Tito is going to be watching over you while he’s gone,” she looked at me as if this was something I should know.

  What the hell? Of course he didn’t tell me, he didn’t want me to know.

  I should’ve known that’s why Tito didn’t go with my papa and KC did. Tito was like a damn pit bull and if my papa told him to watch me then that’s exactly what he would do. How was I supposed to help them now with his ass on my back?

  “No, he didn’t tell me. When is he coming?” I tried not to sound disappointed. Even though I knew Molly would have my back, she would never go against my papa’s orders. He would lose all respect for her and I didn’t want her to get caught in between what I wanted to do; I was going to do it regardless.

  “He will be here when you get home from school. He has a day job, so I’m sure he will be gone during the day. I’ll leave a note you are going to the movies with Lisa, so he won’t be worried, okay?” She assured me. The look on my face must’ve shown how I really felt. I was thankful for Molly. She had my back and didn’t even know it.

  “Thanks, Molly,” I smiled at her, took one of her strawberries and kissed her on the cheek.

  “No problem. Go have fun with your friend!” She blushed. I walked out turning my grin into a smirk. Nobody was going to mess up my friendship with the girls anymore; not even Tito.


  Professor Heart had taken me home just like he promised. We were so smooth at hiding me getting into his car and creeping past all the other students and teachers to leave. The rain had started to come down again when he stopped the car in front of my house. I hadn’t said much to him in the car. He had done most of the talking. Asking about my other classes, if I was ready for Christmas break, and then the usual talk about the weather when you run out of shit to talk about. My mom’s car was gone as expected. I grabbed my umbrella from the backseat to use.

  “Eve, I’m sorry for everything. I hate that you don’t look at me the same,” he told me, his eyes begging me for forgiveness. Real forgiveness. But, what he didn’t know was that I did look at him and felt the same. I missed his soft lips and the smell of his cologne on me after we hugged. I couldn’t find any words to come out of my mouth.

  “Well, I guess your mom will be coming home soon, let me leave. I don’t want her wondering why your teacher is dropping you off,” he smiled at me.

  “Actually, she’s out of town,” I looked down at my faded red nail polish. He looked at me as if he didn’t hear me right.

  “What?” He asked.

y mom’s gone for a couple of days,” I told him more clearly. I wasn’t sure where I was getting at by telling him. A part of me wanted him to come in, but the other part knew that was the worst thing I could do.

  “You want me to come in?” He asked forwardly. I looked at the front of my house as if it was going to give me the answer to his question. “We can go back to my place if you want to talk,” he sensed my uneasiness. “I make a really good white hot chocolate,” he tried to lure me with his sexy smirk and puppy eyes. Just like that, all of the scenarios popped in my head. Sipping hot chocolate with him on his couch, watching a movie, kissing, spending the night, waking up to breakfast and him dropping me at school and us walking away from each other as if we were nothing more than teacher and student. The thought of it excited me. Besides, I’d much rather be with him than him be here at my house, my mother could come home at any moment.

  I bit my lip and looked at him.

  “So what’s it going to be Eve?” He leaned back in his seat.

  What’s it gonna be Eva?

  “Okay. Stay here, let me grab some things,” I told him and exited the car, running inside. I quickly grabbed my black Bebe sweatsuit, which was one of the first items I bought with our run money, and my plain black rain boots. I grabbed some underwear, then thought about Professor Heart, and tussled through the panty drawer for the sexiest panty I could find. I didn’t own much, but found a cute, black laced boy short with a shiny glitter bow on the back. I stuffed that in my bag and rushed to grab my toothbrush and hair essentials. My heart was beating faster every minute knowing he was out there waiting for me and hoping that my mom wasn’t going to pull up just because I was doing the very thing I wasn’t supposed to.

  I headed for the door before I remembered our run tomorrow.


  I ran back into my room and dug into the shoe box in my closet and grabbed my gun wrapped in a black bag with my money. I checked for bullets and put it on safety. I stuck the whole small bag in my night bag and raced out the door back to Professor Heart. The rain had started pouring harder but I was now in the safety of his car and soon his arms.


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