Pool Problem
Page 5
by Brann Garvey
ISBN 978-1-4342-1577-2 (library binding)
ISBN 978-1-4342-1758-5 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-4965-0440-1 (eBook)
[1. Swimming pools—Fiction. 2. Decision making—Fiction. 3. Hispanic Americans—Fiction.] I. Garvey, Brann, ill. II. Title.
PZ7.G13543Po 2010
Summary: Claudia is super excited because her family is getting a pool! But her tree house tree needs to be cut down to make room for the new pool. Claudia has so many happy memories in the tree house. How can she leave it behind? Stuck between the past and a pool, what’s a girl to do?
Creative Director: Heather Kindseth
Graphic Designer: Carla Zetina-Yglesias
Photo Credits
Delaney Photography, cover